The Challenge: Cast Member Rankings

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Joey Kovar and Brianna Taylor definitely need to be at the top for Seasons 11-20 B) 


65. Lacey (Austin)

Lacey was an interesting cast member in that she was the only sane one in a house full of absolute nutjob attention ******. I loved watching her constantly giving everybody side-eye because she was so above it all (well actually at the time I thought she kinda sucked, but I was like 15). But that's the thing, because she was so above it all she never really got to shine. Like, what memorable Lacey storyline was there? Her BF was in a wheelchair I think? But other than that, she didn't contribute much more than judging the others.


64. MJ (Philadelphia)

I feel like MJ was cast to be the stud of his season, but like they also cast Landon so I'm not sure why they needed 2? This was kind of the San Diego/Road Rules X-Treme era where they were basically just casting people who looked like they belonged in an Abercrombie ad (clothing and all). The difference is that SD and X-Treme had interesting hot people, and Philly had...MJ. His whole storyline was his kinda sorta relationship with Sarah that we knew would never work out because it was clear he and Landon belonged together. Also, his "alter ego" Muja Star was a very very poor man's version of the Miz. Something nobody wanted.


63. Karamo (Philadelphia)

Speaking of more boring Philly people, here's Karamo! Look, Karamo wasn't COMPLETELY boring but they set him up to have this great storyline and it just didn't take. Like, his whole thing was OMG he's gay but he's super masculine and plays sport and is black!! (Okay be honest. We ALL thought Landon was the 2nd gay guy though right?!?!) But Karamo never really allowed himself to open up. He tried hard to fit in with MJ and Landon but that never worked out and he never quite fit in with Willie either, so he was stuck in this weird in-between space. It shouldve been more interesting but it never really was.


62. Dave (Hollywood)

Look, Hollywood is the red-headed stepchild of RW, but it's actually not bad. Mostly everyone added something to the cast (except the replacements) but of all the original cast mates, Dave is probably the most boring. Like, don't get me wrong, he had his moments but he was sort of a rehash of a million other guys we had seen on TRW. He was like sometimes kinda nice but sometimes kind of an *******, specifically when dealing with his relationship with Kim. And he just had sex with EVERYBODY. I still remember a RW retrospective where the camera crew said that Dave would bring girls all the time and would brag about how he "finished" in the girls' faces. So, yeah he's kind of a *******. There was that whole foursome with boring Nick. But, Dave had his moments. Like, he genuinely cared about Joey and understood he needed to get help. He was kind of a ***** to Greg (who was a huge ***** so whatev) and he got into that brawl and got dropped by some dude (who Brianna then tore up). Overall, Dave just sort of falls to the wayside compared to his other roommates.


61. Cohutta (Sydney)

I like Cohutta. I do, but he's not all that entertaining. His season basically consisted of nobody knowing what the hell he was saying and starting a relationship with batshit crazy Kellyanne. They thought she was pregnant at one point and it was a whole thing. But of course the best Cohutta moment is his love for grilled cheeses and the fight that broke out with Shauvon because of it. Who could forget Shauvon throwing glasses at Cohutta and him screaming "DON'T THROW A ******* BOTTLE AT ME!" or something to that extent? Still, Cohutta was refreshing because he was a genuine guy. So seriously, Shauvon, throw glass at someone more deserving of it, like Dunbar. 

Lacey was queen on her season. She was like a shining beacon in an awful season. I recall her realtionship with her boyfriend sweet as hell.

MJ was such a dork. Didn't like Karamo especially when he called all the other castmembers white what kind of shit is that?

Dave was alright and Cohutta was great too. 

Joey Kovar and Brianna Taylor definitely need to be at the top for Seasons 11-20 B) 

No doubt about that.

I thought Dave and Will were the ones in the foorsome. Or I am remembering incorrectly?

I thought Dave and Will were the ones in the foorsome. Or I am remembering incorrectly?

Yeah, it was Will and Dave. LMAO.

Dave's attractive af. I miss him.

64. MJ (Philadelphia)I feel like MJ was cast to be the stud of his season, but like they also cast Landon so I’m not sure why they needed 2? This was kind of the San Diego/Road Rules X-Treme era where they were basically just casting people who looked like they belonged in an Abercrombie ad (clothing and all). The difference is that SD and X-Treme had interesting hot people, and Philly had…MJ. His whole storyline was his kinda sorta relationship with Sarah that we knew would never work out because it was clear he and Landon belonged together. Also, his “alter ego” Muja Star was a very very poor man’s version of the Miz. Something nobody wanted. 

This is a great description. And the Abercrombie batch of ppl you just described really were some of the hottest on rw/rr, imo

During Inferno II, I still thought Landon was Gay #2 damn! the he speaks is so weird to me.

Cohutta was good, but not enough if you have Isaac, Parisa, Trisha and KellyAnne in a house to deal with them.

60. Christina (Paris)

I really liked Christina. She was this kind of tough as nails, hot, normal, exotic dancer. She had a kind of Marisa Tomei vibe to her (but Asian) that made her super hot. But really, she didn't make too much of an impression. I actually really love the Paris season BECAUSE it's kind of boring and ho-hum, but at the same time it felt like everything that happened was very natural. Like, these people fought about things you actually fight about. Christina is probably best remembered for her relationship with CT, which consisted of some casual flirting and a lot of tense arguments, where CT would inevitably apologize because of all the girls, I think he respected Christina the most. But, do NOT steal her eggs!!


59. Stephen (Denver)

In a house full of crazies, Stephen was probably the most sane one, but that also means he was pretty boring. Stephen was cast as the devout religious guy of the season, so much of his screentime had to do with attempting to understand Davis' sexuality and coming to terms with living with someone who is gay. He is probably best remembered for telling Davis "I don't like the fact that you're gay" and Davis responding "What if I told you I didn't like the fact that youre black?" and getting all pissed about it. Not to mention his relationship with his GF Mercii, who he cheated on causing a rift between him and Jenn, but then I feel like they had sex by the end of the season? (Seriously, did jenn have sex with everyone that season?)


58. Adam (Paris)

I'm just gonna flat out say it. I ******* HATED Adam during his RW season. He was so ******* corny with his stupid RW raps and trying to rap in order to impress girls. Like, I just can't. Plus, he was so creepy with every girl that season and desperate to have sex that it was really kind of sad to watch. Sure, he was mostly nice and harmless, but he was mostly really ******* annoying. Of course, his season also started the rocky relationship between him and CT, with their first fight outside the Paris streets in which CT pushes Adam around. Even with that, Adam was boring.


57. Melanie (Philadelphia)

Melanie spent most of her entire season whining and judging everyone around her. Honestly, she was this era's Erika from DC. She complained about how the girls were mean to her or didn't like her or whatever, but it was obviously due to the fact that she spent her entire time there judging everybody around her. Like Sarah wanted to buy an absurdly expensive pair of pants and Melanie was all "OMG I WOULD NEVER! SUCH A WASTE" like **** and live your own life. She eventually confronted Shavonda and Sarah about talking about her in Fiji but of course she did it all cynically and obnoxiously. But of course Melanie is most remembered because she got ******* SCABIES. Messed up stuff.


56. Alex (Denver)

Honestly, the Denver practically revolved around Alex but he was actually super super boring. Like, he was this weirdly cocky kind of hipster kind of skater kind of jock guy, and the entire season revolved around the fact that Jenn and Colie both wanted him. But seriously, did this guy have like a magic ***** or something? Because I never quite understood it. I remember Colie and Jenn pretty regularly discussing his ***** but maybe he did. But honestly, Alex wasn't much to write home about. I don't remember much about him besides having sex with Jenn in the shower and leading Colie on all season.

I remember Mealnie. Her and Sarah used to go at it and it would be funny. Christina was kinda annoying, Alex was boring and I don't know what the casting people saw in him, Adam's song(that's a good Blink-182 song btw) remains stuck in my head till this day "Will I be-afraid to try?" so ******* lame. Can't compare to the classic "come on be my baby tonight". Stephen was Eh.

Nehemiah, Mallory, Tyrie, Rachel Moyal, Sarah (Hollywood) Shauvon and Ashli are next.

Who the **** is Rachel M?

Who the **** is Rachel M?

irrelevant from Austin

hardbitten wrote:

Who the **** is Rachel M?

irrelevant from Austin

I forgot about her. She won The Gauntlet 3 as well, right? I know Nehemiah and Johanna did.

MTV Junky wrote:

hardbitten wrote:Who the **** is Rachel M?

irrelevant from Austin

I forgot about her. She won The Gauntlet 3 as well, right? I know Nehemiah and Johanna did.

Yeah she did. She was also on Inferno 3 prior to that and called Jenn a "Chubby Civilian" when she eliminated her(biggest case of pot calling the kettle back ever).

hardbitten wrote:

MTV Junky wrote:

hardbitten wrote:Who the **** is Rachel M?

irrelevant from Austin

I forgot about her. She won The Gauntlet 3 as well, right? I know Nehemiah and Johanna did.

Yeah she did. She was also on Inferno 3 prior to that and called Jenn a "Chubby Civilian" when she eliminated her(biggest case of pot calling the kettle back ever).

That was quite ironic. 

55. Nehemiah (Austin)

So, I feel like everybody thinks of Nehemiah as this really calm, zen, like chill dude because that's how he was on the challenges (for the most part), but man he was kind of huge ********* on his RW season. He spent the entire season either arguing with Rachel, being up Wes' *** or trying desperately to get girls to hook up with him. Remember the groupie drawer? He was just kind of annoying and ******* the whole season, and didn't add much in the way of interesting storyline. With all that said, his best moment actually came on the reunion when he told Danny he's not Brad Pitt so he needs to get over himself. (Seriously, the Austin reunion was 100x better than the entire season).


54. Rachel (Austin)

Ahh, Rachel, who spent most of her season arguing with Nehemiah. Mostly about being in the army. Like, seriously did you guys know Rachel was in the army? I'm not sure if you heard, but she was in the army, so she knows everything and can't be blamed for any of her behavior because she was in the army. Rachel was actually involved in a fair amount of drama during her season and yet is somehow still incredibly forgettable. But, her epic fight in the finale against Wes and Nehemiah about Wes hooking up with Wren off camera WAS pretty epic, I will say. Say Army again. Army.


53. Janelle (Key West)

Honestly, I hardly remember anything about Janelle except that Johnny pulled her top off at some point and she got into a few stupid fights with Jose. What I DO remember about her is that she was a complete follower and was essentially Tyler's lackey and the ONLY reason she didn't get called out more for her shit was because Tyler looked SO much worse in comparison. I mean, we all know she was involved in the Burn Book. But, really. She was just kind of a snobby "above it all" personality who acted like she was this independent chick but was really just a sheep. I didn't even hate her, just like...meh.


52. Ashli (Sydney)

Replacements are pretty hit or miss on RW (usually miss) but Ashli was actually a pretty good addition to her house. However, it really did seem like the producers just wanted to keep up their "Parisa vs. Mean Girls" edit because they could've easily given Parisa an ally in the house but instead gave her somebody who pretty much followed whatever Trisha and Kellyanne told her and spent time spitting on the gl*** as Parisa was talking on the phone because she got Trisha kicked off. It was all very childish and disgusting, but then Ashli sort of turned it around and the 3 girls became pretty close. Ashli's biggest mistake was giving Dunbar the ole BJ though because he was in that terrible relationship with what'sherface and because Dunbar very clearly had SEVERE anger management issues. I mean, she spent like 5 of her 8 episodes crying about Dunbar of all people, but I will give Ashli credit that she stood her ground quite a bit when it came to him. But seriously, does anybody else remember when Dunbar was basically like "I hope you get hit by a ******* bus!" to Ashli? What a loon.


51. Tyrie (Denver)

Tyrie was kind of interesting in that he seemed to be cast as 2 different stereotypes: the "angry black guy" and the "corny black guy", but he was just kind of whiny and needy. His biggest moment came during his big fight with Davis after Davis said the N word over the phone when describing Tyrie. It was certainly worth being angry over, and Tyrie handled it better than most (especially since Davis was a very emotional drunk), but other than there wasn't much to Tyrie. Like, I kinda felt bad for him because it seemed like everybody around him was having sex like all the time with everybody and he wasn't getting any that we really saw. Remember the scene where he pleaded to get Jenn and Brooke to make out with him in the hottub after they made out in front of him? And of course there was the fight in the bus with Jenn, "This is the Real World! This isnt Tyrie's world!!" Cl***ic line, but not by him. Like, Tyrie was harmless but not exactly memorable.

I remember not caring for Nehemiah and I hated Rachel but I LIVED for that fight in the finale due to her spilling the tea about Wes.

Tyrie was alright. Could've been a better character I feel like.

Janelle was kind of a ***** on Key West. Her and Svetlana would've made a good Rivlas team though.

Liked Ashili.

It was Ben Affleck, not Brad Pitt lol.

And the Austin Reunion was better than the actual season lol. Nehemiah calling out Danny was everything.

It was Ben Affleck, not Brad Pitt lol.


LOL whoops it totally was! That makes it so much better because Ben Affleck is so much worse.

I always thought Neihmah was wack, and so was Tyrie. I was so glad when they stopped being on the challenges. Tyrie added nothing to the show, he was barely a decent competitor. I didnt understand why he kept getting calls tbh

Austin was the first season I watched when I was like maybe 11?? My older brothers watched RW/RR/the challenge and got me hooked at a young age even though it isn't the most appropriate thing to watch. Oops lol.

Sad that Neihmah was the last black winner of the challenge in 2008.

Austin was the first season I watched when I was like maybe 11?? My older brothers watched RW/RR/the challenge and got me hooked at a young age even though it isn't the most appropriate thing to watch. Oops lol.Sad that Neihmah was the last black winner of the challenge in 2008.

Austin was my first season as well.  I was 13/14 at the time and thought Melinda was a goddess.

I was 17/18 at the time of Austin and honestly I thought that season sucked ***. At times I skiped episodes to watch Nip/Tuck instead because it was so boring and draged on alot.

50. Shauvon (Sydney)

Look, let's just say it: when Shauvon entered the house with her fake tan, fake hair, and fake ***** we all thought "white trash". But pretty quickly, she showed us not to judge a book by its cover. She was immediately not into the mean girl routine that Trisha and Kellyanne had shown they were privy to. She was also like a sex columnist or something? I don't know, but she was honestly surprising. She won points for befriending Parisa in the beginning, but then lost points for eventually devolving into what everyone was sort of expecting. She began casually hooking up (allegedly) with Isaac in the confessional and starting drunk *** fights with sweet, country Cohutta (over grilled cheese!!!) and throwing shot gl***es at him, and then eventually left because she couldn't be with her boyfriend (pretty sure it was her ex, too.) For a period, Shauvon truly did feel like a breath of fresh air. Let's ignore her challenge appearances completely.


49. Frank (Las Vegas)

Look, the bottom person for Vegas was always going to be between Brynn and Frank, and it really came down to a threesome and a fork as to who wins that. Welp, Frank didn't. Look, Frank was the quintessential dork in a cast full of *****, ***** people. I mean, Frank was probably the ******** but the difference is he wasn't getting any. At least at first. It basically became his goal to******** while in the house, and hey he eventually did (in the confessional! Cl***ic.) Arissa was NOT happy about it. Anyways, Frank also had a huge crush on Trishelle who was banging his BFF Steven. Remember when they reunited the Vegas cast and Frank was a giant *********? I kind of hate him now but he was aight on the original season.


48. Johanna (Austin)

I know Johanna is considered a popular, well-known cast member, and I don't dislike her really, but she wasn't actually all that interesting on her season. Really, her season consisted of her getting belligerent drunk and not being able to speak in complete sentences (not helped by her accent), and pining for Wes but then try to make Wes jealous but then go back to Wes, then get pissed at Wes (while drunk), then hook up with Leo, then go back to Wes. It was a whole thing. And she also stole a rose and incomprehensibly tried to defend herself as she was being handcuffed. That pretty much sums up Johanna's time on TRW.


47. Colie (Denver)

Man, full disclosure but I HATED Colie on her season. Like, a lot. I was like 18 at the time and I just found her to be so pathetic in her attempts to get to Alex, who seemed like such a tool!! I just didn't understand it because she's a cute girl and she was just so obnoxious about him. Like super desperate. And it lasted the whole season!! And that was legit like a 30 episode season. Plus, she also had a boyfriend and was making out with dudes on the reg to the point where she actually got mono!! Like, girl. She just seemed so sex-obsessed or something. And like, she was lowkey kind of a b to Brooke. However, with time comes perspective and I realize now that Colie was just super young. Like, she wasn't doing anything different than any other college aged girl but she just had the misfortune of being on TV. I also think Colie is pretty self-aware and self-deprecating so since her season I have grown to appreciate her a lot more. But man, 9 years ago I was NOT about that life.


46. Kellyanne (Sydney)

Look guys, I love Kellyanne as much as the next person now, but is it just me or was she lowkey kind of boring on her original season? She started off the season guns ablazing. I mean, right off the bat she was picking rooms with Trisha because she didn't know if she would like the other girls, she was talking shit about Parisa, she was getting HAMMERED and hitting on Dunbar, and then *****ing about Parisa *****ing about it. And then...she kind of fizzled. As soon as she and Cohutta became like TRUE LOVE Kellyanne got kind of boring. I might be biased because typically the romances don't do much for me because I prefer the group dynamics on RW, but I don't know. Of course, when Ashli came around and they started spitting on the gl*** at Parisa, it was as if she never changed. In the end though, I think Kellyanne showed more growth than most on her season (of course she kind of washed that away as soon she got on her first challenge). 

I honestly though the brought Shavoun from the Playboy Manison when the cast for that season revealed lol.

I remember being Neutral to Frank during Vegas. He was extra trashy on the reunited special.

Johanna was just so uninteresting on her season. Is she really that popular? I don't really hear or see people online talk about her all that much.

Colie was weak as shit. Just plain weak.

I remember not liking Kellyanne back then at the beginning turing around.

Bye at that Brynn shade! I loved her and she still needs her Challenge debut.

45. Brynn (Las Vegas)

Look, I love Brynn. I'm still upset she never made a challenge appearance. And quite frankly, Brynn did exactly 2 things that automatically cement her status in the top 50 of this list: she threw a fork at Steven and was involved in THE threesome. Brynn's hottub threesome with Trishelle and Steven wasn't the first threesome on the RW, but it was the first one we really, REALLY saw. It might be the moment that changed Real World forever (for better or worse). Aside from that, Brynn was a pretty feisty personality who threw a fork at Steven (off-camera) and was nearly kicked off for it. It's easy to remember those 2 moments but other than that, Brynn was pretty much a non-entity on her season. She met a man in Vegas and spent a lot of time with him off camera, and so she didn't get to make as much of a splash as she could have, but hey she ended up marrying that man and having a couple kids so good for her. But we will always have the threesome and the fork. Anybody who throws a fork at Steven is good in my book.


44. Melinda (Austin)

Let's be honest, Melinda's entire storyline involved around Danny. She pined for Danny, she hooked up with Danny in the shower with Danny, she hooked up in the confessional with Danny, she stood by Danny when his mom died and was worried he wouldn't come back. Danny, Danny, Danny. And here's the thing: it kind of worked for her. For whatever reason, watching Danny and Melinda get together was actually kind of...cute. They weren't always likable (hell, sometimes they were downright unlikeable) but there was something oddly captivating about their relationship. It really DID seem like a love at first sight kind of thing, which is rare for a show like this. They even got married! Of course, it didn't work out, but alas. It's also easy to forget that Melinda was kind of a wildchild on her season. I think she probably could've been more interesting if she wasn't so attached to Danny, but still it wasn't as bad as some other showmances.


43. Shavonda (Philadelphia)

Hey, speaking of showmances! Shavonda was part of the power couple of Philly alongside Landon. Like Danny/Melinda, they were a very popular pairing, but unlike those two, this never became more than just a showmance. Like many showmances, Shavonda started out with a boyfriend (white boy Shaun) but had her eyes set on Landon (and he certainly had his set on her). There was a whole back and forth and then they FINALLY got together towards the end of the season. It was kind of cute, kind of annoying, but hey they were both hot so you do you. I mostly remember Shavonda for yelling at Shaun on the phone about being an *******, and calling Mel out on her shit (okay, so she mostly did it behind Mel's back but still). But really, the biggest thing I remember about Shavonda is that she was AFRAID of mentally handicapped people. Like WTF, that's so strange and oddly offensive? And of course they had to work with them (see also: Frankie and boats)


42. Keri (Chicago)

I LOVED Keri, like a lot. I think it's probably because I was 11 or 12 when her season aired and the other options were Cara who I thought seemed mean and kind of scary, Aneesa who was also scary because she was naked all the time, and Tonya who was well...Tonya. Keri just seemed so normal, and she was so fricking cute. She had these cute chipmunk teeth and not the busted kind of chipmunk teeth that GBGH Jenna has (there's a difference). But sadly she also got trapped in a showmance, this time with *********** Kyle. She spent her time pining over him and kind of dating him, but he really just strung her along. He liked her when he decided to like her and then he would go back to his ex-gf and talk shit about Keri and it was all very *******. But Keri automatically gets points for FINALLY calling Kyle out on all of his bullshit. She told him that he was being fake as **** because he wants to be a "politician" and called him out for trying to hide his true self and put on a façade to make himself look better, but the kicker was when she called him out for scratching his balls all day.


41. Mallory (Paris)

Man, I loved Mallory. Still do. She was so young, sweet, and beautiful. I think people give the Paris season a lot of shit for being boring, but honestly I love it for how relatable and real the people and storylines are. One of the biggest ones was the relationship between Mallory and Ace which was genuinely really sweet to watch. Of course, there wasn't always much to watch because Mallory was so shy/prude that she didn't want anything to really be on camera, even a kiss. It's crazy to think that nowadays it's pretty much a requirement to have sex on camera, but back then people were trying to hide a kiss (okay so the season before Paris was the most sexual and the season after had several steamy hookups but still). Mallory was just very friendly. She was clearly cast as the season 1 Julie or the Elka of this cast and that's a great character to be. Plus, while she and Leah were very close, they fought like any friends do, including at a restaurant where of course Leah made a disruption and Mallory was so embarrassed. But, it was good to see Mallory stick up for herself a little bit because she rarely did. I miss her.
