Real World Seattle: Bad Blood - Spoilers Discussion

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They could do a family thing given Bloodlines went over well.

I can see them doing that, too.

They could do a family thing given Bloodlines went over well.

If they were to do a family season I wish they would announce it during casting to get the best relatives to apply.

Debut Album wrote:

They could do a family thing given Bloodlines went over well.

If they were to do a family season I wish they would announce it during casting to get the best relatives to apply.

I think they would have done it like they did for bgc twisted sister if it was a sibling season

I think they would have done it like they did for bgc twisted sister if it was a sibling season

Me too. I'm thinking it's Explosion 2 or some sort of form of Rivals. 

With the GBGH ratings they definitely have to do a twist that involves typical drama people like to see.

Skeletons was basically Bloodlines mixed with Frenenemies and Exes 

It would make the most sense to do rivals and make it like Ex-Plosion , pre-existing drama in the house than 6 weeks later there rivals move in making new enemies and forging new alliances in the house also it adds new love traingles i.e Jenna Vs CeeJai going on in the house then wam Jenna's rival come , that would be lit tbh. The main reason Ex-Plosion failed was there was way to many girls in the house. Out of 13 castmates  4 were guys and like most of exes girls brought nothing tbh , If it's 7 they should try to bring another 7 opposite of what they have in the house. Maybe they could also incorpate what they did for Skeletons and for like 1 week (7 days) have a new rival enter the house to stay the reminder of the time in the house  , I remeber feeling bombareded with all the exes showing up at once.


Skeletons was basically Bloodlines mixed with Frenenemies and Exes 

It would make the most sense to do rivals and make it like Ex-Plosion , pre-existing drama in the house than 6 weeks later there rivals move in making new enemies and forging new alliances in the house also it adds new love traingles i.e Jenna Vs CeeJai going on in the house then wam Jenna's rival come , that would be lit tbh. The main reason Ex-Plosion failed was there was way to many girls in the house. Out of 13 castmates  4 were guys and like most of exes girls brought nothing tbh , If it's 7 they should try to bring another 7 opposite of what they have in the house. Maybe they could also incorpate what they did for Skeletons and for like 1 week (7 days) have a new rival enter the house to stay the reminder of the time in the house  , I remeber feeling bombareded with all the exes showing up at once. 

I disagree with your reasoning for why Explosion failed. It wasn't the fact that there were too many girls but more of the fact that the Exes aside from Brian were weak and allowed the OGs to run the house. Skeletons was good because of the drama between the OGs but they also suffered from the same thing by allowing the OGs to run the house especially when it came to Sylvia and Violetta's Skeletons. If you want to bring people in they need to be bad *** and not be scared of the original cast.

Npresh24 wrote:

Skeletons was basically Bloodlines mixed with Frenenemies and Exes It would make the most sense to do rivals and make it like Ex-Plosion , pre-existing drama in the house than 6 weeks later there rivals move in making new enemies and forging new alliances in the house also it adds new love traingles i.e Jenna Vs CeeJai going on in the house then wam Jenna's rival come , that would be lit tbh. The main reason Ex-Plosion failed was there was way to many girls in the house. Out of 13 castmates  4 were guys and like most of exes girls brought nothing tbh , If it's 7 they should try to bring another 7 opposite of what they have in the house. Maybe they could also incorpate what they did for Skeletons and for like 1 week (7 days) have a new rival enter the house to stay the reminder of the time in the house  , I remeber feeling bombareded with all the exes showing up at once. 

I disagree with your reasoning for why Explosion failed. It wasn't the fact that there were too many girls but more of the fact that the Exes aside from Brian were weak and allowed the OGs to run the house. Skeletons was good because of the drama between the OGs but they also suffered from the same thing by allowing the OGs to run the house especially when it came to Sylvia and Violetta's Skeletons. If you want to bring people in they need to be bad *** and not be scared of the original cast.

I feel like things would have been diferent if it was like explosion that they came together, its easier to be run when its 7 ogs and only 1 or 2 "skeletons"

Also how hard are you going to go when you know you only have 7 random days off filming  in the house lol

Also how hard are you going to go when you know you only have 7 random days off filming  in the house lol

Exactly! In the sense I like explosion more with stronger exes it would have been better since they were there for 6 weeks, even though I like skeleton more.

Npresh24 wrote:

Also how hard are you going to go when you know you only have 7 random days off filming  in the house lol

Exactly! In the sense I like explosion more with stronger exes it would have been better aince they were there for 6 weeks, even though I like skeleton more.

Ashley's ex and Jamie's ex instead of Arielle and Jay's lmao

PinkRose wrote:

Npresh24 wrote:Also how hard are you going to go when you know you only have 7 random days off filming  in the house lol

Exactly! In the sense I like explosion more with stronger exes it would have been better aince they were there for 6 weeks, even though I like skeleton more.

Ashley's ex and Jamie's ex instead of Arielle and Jay's lmao

Jay/Jenna actually had a good storylined for that specific theme in my opinion. 

gamer73 wrote:

PinkRose wrote:

Npresh24 wrote:Also how hard are you going to go when you know you only have 7 random days off filming  in the house lol

Exactly! In the sense I like explosion more with stronger exes it would have been better aince they were there for 6 weeks, even though I like skeleton more.

Ashley's ex and Jamie's ex instead of Arielle and Jay's lmao

Jay/Jenna actually had a good storylined for that specific theme in my opinion. 

So love to see a new ExPlosion..worst part is it would be expected this time around.

New guy here.

Any rumours on what the theme for this season might be? or if there is gonna be a theme this season?

I love that it is Seattle! It never crossed my mind of going back there again. The upper west coast is EVERYTHING. Love it!

I really want to see New York again tbh. However, I agree with some of you guys wanting Atlanta and Miami.

They need to cast people with interesting stories & or backgrounds again if they want them ratings back.. Although tv ratings in general will never be the same considering everyone uses DVR or on demand or has Hulu n that stuff.. I mean I wanna hear about the lives of people who have & or are struggling.. The people overcoming diversity or poverty.. The people that are just now coming out.. The people who are finding themselves.. Idk MTV is being lame casting all these people that just wanna be loud and famous.. Smh whatever 

No offense but we have enough coming out and homosexuals on the show Besides Chris/Pedro/Genesis they've all been the ******* same. 

New guy here.Any rumours on what the theme for this season might be? or if there is gonna be a theme this season?

No ideas yet but if you he something about the theme already its most likely a li.e Also welcome to vevmo.

I didn't mean that word for word in verbatim.. Just in general they should cast people with compelling stories that'll make you coming back to hear/see more lol. Like Kailah this year.. No story Jenna this year.. No story other than the racist.. 

I mean I guess we'll find out lol

I didn't mean that word for word in verbatim.. Just in general they should cast people with compelling stories that'll make you coming back to hear/see more lol. Like Kailah this year.. No story Jenna this year.. No story other than the racist.. I mean I guess we'll find out lol

I agree. I had such HIGH hopes for GBGH but it was overhyped and underused

The Real World isn't even The Real World anymore lol it's almost like they're casting people how they cast them for Bad Girls Club.. Also, is Real World ever going to cast people with disabilities? Are they just ignoring that people with lives like that don't exist? Unless there aren't any people auditiong with lives like that.. Seriously would be cool to have maybe like a hot girl amputee with a prosthetic leg and how that happened to her and then the whole self image & sex life & what not.. Idk if it's just me or what but the main reason I enjoyed skeletons was because of a hot girl (Madison) who had been a heroin addict & her story.. That was so real & raw & more importantly it's relevant to the heroin epidemic in America right now. 

The Real World isn't even The Real World anymore lol it's almost like they're casting people how they cast them for Bad Girls Club.. Also, is Real World ever going to cast people with disabilities? Are they just ignoring that people with lives like that don't exist? Unless there aren't any people auditiong with lives like that.. Seriously would be cool to have maybe like a hot girl amputee with a prosthetic leg and how that happened to her and then the whole self image & sex life & what not.. Idk if it's just me or what but the main reason I enjoyed skeletons was because of a hot girl (Madison) who had been a heroin addict & her story.. That was so real & raw & more importantly it's relevant to the heroin epidemic in America right now. 

Would Jordan be considered disabled? 

LoveRyan wrote:

The Real World isn't even The Real World anymore lol it's almost like they're casting people how they cast them for Bad Girls Club.. Also, is Real World ever going to cast people with disabilities? Are they just ignoring that people with lives like that don't exist? Unless there aren't any people auditiong with lives like that.. Seriously would be cool to have maybe like a hot girl amputee with a prosthetic leg and how that happened to her and then the whole self image & sex life & what not.. Idk if it's just me or what but the main reason I enjoyed skeletons was because of a hot girl (Madison) who had been a heroin addict & her story.. That was so real & raw & more importantly it's relevant to the heroin epidemic in America right now. 

Would Jordan be considered disabled? 

Not for his hand..

I think they talked about it at first like Jordan was but him missing half a hand didn't disable him from doing anything. Actually on The Challenge he dominated which was ******* sick. Lol maybe I'm just making up scenarios for people like that because we've literally never had someone on the real world who had a disability where it impacted their daily life.. Or it's because that's my friend who tried out for the show. Ive been a fan forever now and I was going to go to a casting call and bring her but she couldn't make it so I told her to send one in but I think she sent it in like two weeks ago after their casting calls were over. She did though get an email today about advancing on which is why I'm shitting a brick because if my ***** is on Real World I'll be so damn proud. Haha seeing that it's in Seattle though I might tell her to wait lmao that rainy weather doesn't look fun at all. 


i wonder what the theme for real world seattle 2 will be

i wonder what the theme for real world seattle 2 will be

i surely hope not.. As long as they have a solid cast then they won't need to 

The likelihood of something like this happening is probably about 0%, but I would enjoy a casting twist where we having 7 roommates from 7 different countries

The likelihood of something like this happening is probably about 0%, but I would enjoy a casting twist where we having 7 roommates from 7 different countries

THIS^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I've used to ask this ALL the time on TS/SR they thought I was crazy especially Dougylz

The Real World isn't even The Real World anymore lol it's almost like they're casting people how they cast them for Bad Girls Club.. Also, is Real World ever going to cast people with disabilities? Are they just ignoring that people with lives like that don't exist? Unless there aren't any people auditiong with lives like that.. Seriously would be cool to have maybe like a hot girl amputee with a prosthetic leg and how that happened to her and then the whole self image & sex life & what not.. Idk if it's just me or what but the main reason I enjoyed skeletons was because of a hot girl (Madison) who had been a heroin addict & her story.. That was so real & raw & more importantly it's relevant to the heroin epidemic in America right now. 

I would want this too Ryan. And Madison was awful. Horrible shape, voice and tits.

I hope they cast 8 from the start. 4 guys and 4 girls.
