The Challenge: Rivals 3 (SPOILERS DISCUSSION)

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It's probably the scene where Leroy's folding Bananas clothes.

PinkRose wrote:

It's probably the scene where Leroy's folding Bananas clothes.

yeahhhhh ****...... 

So... I was listening to Susie's recent podcast and Sarah pretty much spoiled that Wes' demise was a product of Sarah's need to get ahed of the game so I'm assuming she sends him in or she sends in a strong team against him (Vince/Jenna).

Also... Wes sort of hinted at there being "votes" so I'm thinking that maybe the entire house gets to vote similar to Fresh Meat or Rivals.

So... I was listening to Susie's recent podcast and Sarah pretty much spoiled that Wes' demise was a product of Sarah's need to get ahed of the game so I'm assuming she sends him in or she sends in a strong team against him (Vince/Jenna).

Do you really think Bananas is going to send his cousin in? By what I heard that wasn't the case, but who knows.

I am actually believing luker that it was probably Nicole/Dario the ones that eliminated Nany/Wes. I can see those two girls going crazy on them, supposedley Nicole doeant like Sarah at all. Blood vs blood elimination would cause a lot of drama in my opinion.

If its house votes , I can see Nicole/Dario getting last .

While sarah/bananas and vince/Jenna convincing chey/devin to vote in Wes/Nany.

Nicole doesn't like Sarah. HA GOOD.

Really don't wanna see Nany/Nicole go against each other : (

We better get a ******* trailer in 2-3 weeks

hardbitten wrote:

It's probably the scene where Leroy's folding Bananas clothes.

yeahhhhh ****...... 

Forgot.. He's vaccuming Bananas' bed.

Anonymous's picture

bet we're probably not going to get a trailer until the end of april

the.trillest wrote:

gamer73 wrote:Call in Brian and Jason. 

no Jason please. Brian I can******* up and deal with him.

Omg.. Do you dislike him too?!

yes lol but if I had to choose I would rather see him over Jason.

I'm still sad that Wes/Nany got eliminated before the final. I REALLY wanted them, Cory/Ashley or Jamie/KellyAnne to win )= that would have been my dream final three. I hope the political game is great like Exes II. I don't want Bananas and Vince to run the entire game from beginning to end. 

Hearing that KellyAnne is in a blindfold soccer type of elimination is disappointing. I was hoping she got physical with someone in a jungle. Does anyone know if she got into some type of drama this season? 

And I feel like Jon Murrary could be saying that just to promote the show lol he's probably bluffing. 

I'm just ready for Jenna's elimination stats to go through the roof Smile

I'm still sad that Wes/Nany got eliminated before the final. I REALLY wanted them, Cory/Ashley or Jamie/KellyAnne to win )= that would have been my dream final three. I hope the political game is great like Exes II. I don't want Bananas and Vince to run the entire game from beginning to end. Hearing that KellyAnne is in a blindfold soccer type of elimination is disappointing. I was hoping she got physical with someone in a jungle. Does anyone know if she got into some type of drama this season? And I feel like Jon Murrary could be saying that just to promote the show lol he's probably bluffing.

I feel like there has to be some kind of epic moment that they are hyping up and based on Sarah comment I think it has to do with Wes.

I am trying to not dig about anything because I feel like that ruined free agents/exes 2/bloodlines for me.

Hopefully somone asks when we're getting the trailer or an official premiere date while Murray is answering questions.

justintime wrote:

I'm still sad that Wes/Nany got eliminated before the final. I REALLY wanted them, Cory/Ashley or Jamie/KellyAnne to win )= that would have been my dream final three. I hope the political game is great like Exes II. I don't want Bananas and Vince to run the entire game from beginning to end. Hearing that KellyAnne is in a blindfold soccer type of elimination is disappointing. I was hoping she got physical with someone in a jungle. Does anyone know if she got into some type of drama this season? And I feel like Jon Murrary could be saying that just to promote the show lol he's probably bluffing.

I feel like there has to be some kind of epic moment that they are hyping up and based on Sarah comment I think it has to do with Wes.I am trying to not dig about anything because I feel like that ruined free agents/exes 2/bloodlines for me.

I don't remember if you said this but I remember someone posting that Dario/Nicole beat Wes/Nany in an elimination. If that is true, I am guessing that Dario/Nicole get last place in a mission and Bananas/Sarah vote Wes/Nany to face off against them in the jungle. That's just me guessing lol but damn if this happens, this would be the second time in a row that Sarah has masterminded Nany's elimination. 

hardbitten wrote:

the.trillest wrote:

gamer73 wrote:Call in Brian and Jason. 

no Jason please. Brian I can******* up and deal with him.

Omg.. Do you dislike him too?!

yes lol but if I had to choose I would rather see him over Jason.

OMFG. Marry me.

I'm different. I'd prefer Jason, anyday, over the likes of Brian.

King Wes!

I love Wes!

PinkRose wrote:

justintime wrote:I'm still sad that Wes/Nany got eliminated before the final. I REALLY wanted them, Cory/Ashley or Jamie/KellyAnne to win )= that would have been my dream final three. I hope the political game is great like Exes II. I don't want Bananas and Vince to run the entire game from beginning to end. Hearing that KellyAnne is in a blindfold soccer type of elimination is disappointing. I was hoping she got physical with someone in a jungle. Does anyone know if she got into some type of drama this season? And I feel like Jon Murrary could be saying that just to promote the show lol he's probably bluffing.

I feel like there has to be some kind of epic moment that they are hyping up and based on Sarah comment I think it has to do with Wes.I am trying to not dig about anything because I feel like that ruined free agents/exes 2/bloodlines for me.

I don't remember if you said this but I remember someone posting that Dario/Nicole beat Wes/Nany in an elimination. If that is true, I am guessing that Dario/Nicole get last place in a mission and Bananas/Sarah vote Wes/Nany to face off against them in the jungle. That's just me guessing lol but damn if this happens, this would be the second time in a row that Sarah has masterminded Nany's elimination. 

Luker was the one that wrote about Nicole and Nany matchup elimination. 

Blue wrote here that wes made it seem on Sarah podcast that rivals 3 had every team voting like rivals 1/2. Assumming Luker is for real it makes me think Nicole/dario get last then cheyenne/Devin are the swing vote and ends voting for Nany/Wes because sarah that is good friends with Devin convince them?

King Wes!

YES to Queen Sarah continuing to make enemies to make it to the end and carrying Bananas to the final Blum 3 She's the only reason why I'm watching this season! #NewElite

YES to Queen Sarah continuing to make enemies to make it to the end and carrying Bananas to the final Blum 3 She's the only reason why I'm watching this season! #NewElite

justintime wrote:

PinkRose wrote:

justintime wrote:I'm still sad that Wes/Nany got eliminated before the final. I REALLY wanted them, Cory/Ashley or Jamie/KellyAnne to win )= that would have been my dream final three. I hope the political game is great like Exes II. I don't want Bananas and Vince to run the entire game from beginning to end. Hearing that KellyAnne is in a blindfold soccer type of elimination is disappointing. I was hoping she got physical with someone in a jungle. Does anyone know if she got into some type of drama this season? And I feel like Jon Murrary could be saying that just to promote the show lol he's probably bluffing.

I feel like there has to be some kind of epic moment that they are hyping up and based on Sarah comment I think it has to do with Wes.I am trying to not dig about anything because I feel like that ruined free agents/exes 2/bloodlines for me.

I don't remember if you said this but I remember someone posting that Dario/Nicole beat Wes/Nany in an elimination. If that is true, I am guessing that Dario/Nicole get last place in a mission and Bananas/Sarah vote Wes/Nany to face off against them in the jungle. That's just me guessing lol but damn if this happens, this would be the second time in a row that Sarah has masterminded Nany's elimination. 

Luker was the one that wrote about Nicole and Nany matchup elimination. Blue wrote here that wes made it seem on Sarah podcast that rivals 3 had every team voting like rivals 1/2. Assumming Luker is for real it makes me think Nicole/dario get last then cheyenne/Devin are the swing vote and ends voting for Nany/Wes because sarah that is good friends with Devin convince them?

Oh I was thinking they were going to do the same format from the Exes seasons. But I think the Rivals voting is much better! Those rules are more fun because every team will interract with each other when it comes to voting. We could see some new potential masterminds this season. I don't care for Sarah but props to her if she's the reason why Wes/Nany get sent into the elimination. She's actually playing the game and not being a follower so I give her credit for that. 

Wes, KellyAnne, Ashley, Cory and Averey (even in her one episode lol) will be my saviors for this season. I'm excited to see Wes and KellyAnne interact with each other for the first time since The Ruins! 

Wes, KellyAnne, Ashley, Cory and Averey (even in her one episode lol) will be my saviors for this season. I'm excited to see Wes and KellyAnne interact with each other for the first time since The Ruins! 

Watch them not be shown, lmaoo.

Wes, KellyAnne, Cory, Ashley M., Sarah & Devin/Cheyenne are really the reasons I'd watch. The rest can dip left.

Everything will most likely be overshadowed by the tired theme of Wes vs Bananas.

Salty asf what happened to Averey. So unfair and production ****** up because it would've shown her vs Nany/Nicole. Kellyanne lost to some BS elimination. Can't wait to see what shit Ashely does though!

As much as I hate AYTO, I'm lowkey excited about Devin/ Chey. I love Chey and will tolerate Devin on my screen for sexual purposes. Haha

I really dont like Sarah

I'm done with this "KellyAnne losing in a BS elimination"... UM NO! KellyAnne is losing her eliminations fair and square! Jenna beat her on bloodlines and XTina finna drag her *** on Rivals 3. Stop ***uming her elimination is BS just because it's not a wrestling match...which she'd get her shit rocked in either way.
