The Challenge: Battle of the Bloodlines (Trailer)

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OMG @ Bananas being the one filming Cara Maria flirting with Thomas. I can't even.. I know she's gonna be pissed at him. 

Replace SHUT UP ANEESA! with Bananas.

Who cares. She is the one who outed Camila losing her vcard to him so he can out her for cheating.

that was like ages ago. Bananas needs to change his diaper and quit holding a grudge.

I don't think he holds a grudge about that anymore just saying if she can out his personal buisness then he can do the same to her.

OMG @ Bananas being the one filming Cara Maria flirting with Thomas. I can't even.. I know she's gonna be pissed at him. 

Replace SHUT UP ANEESA! with Bananas.

Who cares. She is the one who outed Camila losing her vcard to him so he can out her for cheating.

that was like ages ago. Bananas needs to change his diaper and quit holding a grudge.

I don't think he holds a grudge about that anymore just saying if she can out his personal buisness then he can do the same to her.

lmao and why would she expect privacy on the bus anyway? for seasons they've shown them on the bus, i seriously doubt the go pro was the only camera there

i don't get why all these people sign up to do a reality show and then hide from the cameras. people hooking up in the bathroom and shit, smh. 

OMG TJ's maniacal laugh!


OMG TJ's maniacal laugh!


TJ seems happy. Hopefully the trivia answers are as stupid as ever.

So I saw the preview special.


Dario/Ralphy seem like Idiots.

I though Cory crying what so cute after Mitch said that he looked up to him. That made me like them more.

Nany seems focused. Good thing.

Interesting to know that Tony was the first person Shane came out to. And it ended up making their bond stronger. I really like those two's relationship. It's gonna suck seeing these two fussing at each other but's what siblings do.

Why is Christina asking everyone who is their top 3 girls and such? Methinks that she's thirsty and coming in this house LOOKING for **** much like Theresa did on Fresh Meat 2.

Oh and that is totally the Seasons 2 house. Wish they went to another house but oh well. Probably cheaper anyways. It looks totally different too honestly so it's bascially like they're somewhere new.

I'm oddly attracted to Jamie for some reason. Like I feel like I should find him unattractive but I don't. Something about him is just sexy as hell to me.

lmao although I disagree with the D/R comment everything else was mostly true. And shame on the guys trying to give Christina ****. And you left out how Trisha/Shauvon were asking for rankings.

OMG @ Bananas being the one filming Cara Maria flirting with Thomas. I can't even.. I know she's gonna be pissed at him. 

Replace SHUT UP ANEESA! with Bananas.

Who cares. She is the one who outed Camila losing her vcard to him so he can out her for cheating.

that was like ages ago. Bananas needs to change his diaper and quit holding a grudge.

I don't think he holds a grudge about that anymore just saying if she can out his personal buisness then he can do the same to her.

lmao and why would she expect privacy on the bus anyway? for seasons they've shown them on the bus, i seriously doubt the go pro was the only camera there

i don't get why all these people sign up to do a reality show and then hide from the cameras. people hooking up in the bathroom and shit, smh. 

Again because not everybody wants to look like a ********** or ****** (liek Averey, Theresa, Trisha, etc). Like for real for real

So I saw the preview special.


Dario/Ralphy seem like Idiots.

I though Cory crying what so cute after Mitch said that he looked up to him. That made me like them more.

Nany seems focused. Good thing.

Interesting to know that Tony was the first person Shane came out to. And it ended up making their bond stronger. I really like those two's relationship. It's gonna suck seeing these two fussing at each other but's what siblings do.

Why is Christina asking everyone who is their top 3 girls and such? Methinks that she's thirsty and coming in this house LOOKING for **** much like Theresa did on Fresh Meat 2.

Oh and that is totally the Seasons 2 house. Wish they went to another house but oh well. Probably cheaper anyways. It looks totally different too honestly so it's bascially like they're somewhere new.

I'm oddly attracted to Jamie for some reason. Like I feel like I should find him unattractive but I don't. Something about him is just sexy as hell to me.

lmao although I disagree with the D/R comment everything else was mostly true. And shame on the guys trying to give Christina ****. And you left out how Trisha/Shauvon were asking for rankings.

He called me a six!!!

So I saw the preview special.


Dario/Ralphy seem like Idiots.

I though Cory crying what so cute after Mitch said that he looked up to him. That made me like them more.

Nany seems focused. Good thing.

Interesting to know that Tony was the first person Shane came out to. And it ended up making their bond stronger. I really like those two's relationship. It's gonna suck seeing these two fussing at each other but's what siblings do.

Why is Christina asking everyone who is their top 3 girls and such? Methinks that she's thirsty and coming in this house LOOKING for **** much like Theresa did on Fresh Meat 2.

Oh and that is totally the Seasons 2 house. Wish they went to another house but oh well. Probably cheaper anyways. It looks totally different too honestly so it's bascially like they're somewhere new.

I'm oddly attracted to Jamie for some reason. Like I feel like I should find him unattractive but I don't. Something about him is just sexy as hell to me.

lmao although I disagree with the D/R comment everything else was mostly true. And shame on the guys trying to give Christina ****. And you left out how Trisha/Shauvon were asking for rankings.

I forgot about that. But now that you metioned it I remember that too. Shavoun was pissed that someone said she was a five or a six I think.

Where is this new promo everyone is talking about ?

Not a fan of Dario/Ralphy, I hope they don't last long.

MTV commercials are calling it The Challenge: Bloodlines. 

And again, snippets at the bottom of other MTV shows is saying it's airing at 10pm. I don't think the website is correct. 

MTV commercials are calling it The Challenge: Bloodlines. 

And again, snippets at the bottom of other MTV shows is saying it's airing at 10pm. I don't think the website is correct. 

Such conflicting information, especially the time. That'st he most important aspect. Good thing they have the same dates. They need to get their shit together.

Not a fan of Dario/Ralphy, I hope they don't last long.


I'm confused, when is the Meet the Bloodlines special coming out, next week the 25th?

I'm confused, when is the Meet the Bloodlines special coming out, next week the 25th?

At 12 today after ayto lmao

MTV commercials are calling it The Challenge: Bloodlines. 

And again, snippets at the bottom of other MTV shows is saying it's airing at 10pm. I don't think the website is correct. 

Such conflicting information, especially the time. That'st he most important aspect. Good thing they have the same dates. They need to get their shit together.

The fact that they cannot even get the namestraight is annoying and show us that MTV is a complete mess

MTV commercials are calling it The Challenge: Bloodlines. 

And again, snippets at the bottom of other MTV shows is saying it's airing at 10pm. I don't think the website is correct. 

Such conflicting information, especially the time. That'st he most important aspect. Good thing they have the same dates. They need to get their shit together.

The fact that they cannot even get the namestraight is annoying and show us that MTV is a complete mess

didnt even know it premiered today though.. oops

MTV commercials are calling it The Challenge: Bloodlines. 

And again, snippets at the bottom of other MTV shows is saying it's airing at 10pm. I don't think the website is correct. 

Either they are ******* Lazy or just don't care.

MTV commercials are calling it The Challenge: Bloodlines. 

And again, snippets at the bottom of other MTV shows is saying it's airing at 10pm. I don't think the website is correct. 

Either they are ******* Lazy or just don't care.

Both of these + sheer stupidity.

From the guide it comes on at 9 and ends at 11. Do they want the first hour to flop and have their views scattered from 9-10 or what?

Why is nobody talking about the Meet the New Blood special on right now!?!?!

So far the bloodlines are as awkward as i'd thought they be, but hopefully they will grow in time... Nicole and Tony's bro seem to be the most natural in front of the camera.. and the most drama fueled ones haha

Why is nobody talking about the Meet the New Blood special on right now!?!?!

Because we all watched it last week.

Why is nobody talking about the Meet the New Blood special on right now!?!?!

Because we all watched it last week.

what??? they are just premiering it on mtv canada right now Sad you mean to tell me I couldve watched this last week??? the **** haha oops

edit: wow it premiered nov 9? where have i been lmao

what??? they are just premiering it on mtv canada right now Sad you mean to tell me I couldve watched this last week??? the **** haha oops

edit: wow it premiered nov 9? where have i been lmao


It's been over two weeks?! Time has really gotten away from me. JFC...

what??? they are just premiering it on mtv canada right now Sad you mean to tell me I couldve watched this last week??? the **** haha oops

edit: wow it premiered nov 9? where have i been lmao

PAUSE. It's been over two weeks?! Time has really gotten away from me. JFC...

lol don't worry, you're fine. It premiered on the MTV app Nov 9... and then on tv last week. 

lol don't worry, you're fine. It premiered on the MTV app Nov 9... and then on tv last week. 

I watched it on the app. XD

lol don't worry, you're fine. It premiered on the MTV app Nov 9... and then on tv last week. 

I watched it on the app. XD

Same downloaded the stupid app just for them to put it on the website the same day.

Do you know when Mtv usually releases the sneak peeks for the premieres?

havnt looked at spoilers, just tying to have some fun as we are under a week away...


CERSEI BANANAS - The ****** villian has been calling all the shots since day 1 ... after years of uninterrupted domiance, last season the true shot caller was humbled by undeserving jabronis...this season a return, with a promise to "regain the crown"

CARA MARIE TYRELL - The feisty female thorn in the side of Cersei Bananas ... last time we saw CM Tyrell she was injured and still being shown no mercy by her chief enemy (Free Agents/GoT 5) ... do not underestimate her ability to inflict revenge this winter

THE MOUNTAIN LEEROY - Big Roylee aka the Mountain aka LeeRoy aka Gregor Clegane ... call him what you wanna call him but this guy is a physical beast and a loyal supporter of Cersei Bananas ... despite that loyalty not always being reciporicated (Exs 2 comes to mind) expect Mountain Leeroy to be a critical ally this winter for Cersei Bananas

KELLYARI STARK - This longtime rival of Cersei Bananas was always a scrappy underdog with no real chance of upheaving the established order but still fought against tyranny, balls to the wall as a shirmp ....after a long self discorvering journey this undersized scrapper is returning for another chance to play in the Game of Thrones

SANSABE STARK - This dynamic character has outlived many of their comptempories since season 1 despite a self destructive streak....seeminly out of the picture in recent years, they are poised to finally make a splashy return and have no fear about bringing the fight right to Cersei Bananas .... interesting subplot is previous trust in Cara Maria Tyrell has been compromised

PRINCE TONY "RED VIPER" MARTELL - Brash, fearless, wildly unpredictable and either the future star or a crash and burn candidate....either way, in an ever growing cast of characters this is one who demands attention

CAMILLancel LANNISTER - A former sexual plaything of Cersei Bannas who has shown in recent seasons that underestimating them was a bad idea....psychotic unpredictability is very much in play here

MELISANDRNANY - Ratchet ***** alert

CT SNOW - Persumed dead and gone...recent promos though seem to imply a glorious instant power player who returns with massive fan support and no doubt looking for nothing more than "to cause havoc" ... a serious wildcard threat to the established monarchy

As I said, I have chosen to avoid spoilers, so this is probably wildly off track, just a fan having fun. Cheers


^The ****?
