The Challenge: Battle of the Bloodlines (Trailer)

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I'm so freaking excited. I literally can't wait.

I'm so happy this is the first time I see the cast. Big shock!

i know everyone complains about zach, but i rather see him on another challenge competing then some weak *** competitor like tom, tony or jay. he is not the first person to be a bully or say some hurtful things. people need to chill out!!

Tony is most likely going to be a pretty good competitor. Jay did pretty well too until he flopped in the final. Zach isn't that great. I prefer seeing "smaller" people like Tony, Thomas, Jay, Johnny R, Jordan, Cohutta, CJ than someone huge like Zach anyway.

Why is Tony likely to be a good competitor.... what reason do you have behind that.

i know everyone complains about zach, but i rather see him on another challenge competing then some weak *** competitor like tom, tony or jay. he is not the first person to be a bully or say some hurtful things. people need to chill out!!

Tony is most likely going to be a pretty good competitor. Jay did pretty well too until he flopped in the final. Zach isn't that great. I prefer seeing "smaller" people like Tony, Thomas, Jay, Johnny R, Jordan, Cohutta, CJ than someone huge like Zach anyway.

Especially if small guys like Jordan and CJ beat big Zach

CJ wasn't small and still lost. Zach is a great competitor.

i know everyone complains about zach, but i rather see him on another challenge competing then some weak *** competitor like tom, tony or jay. he is not the first person to be a bully or say some hurtful things. people need to chill out!!

Guy saying women are inferior to men is not hurtful, its disgusting and wrong and I am never gonna think Zach is okay guy. 

Kolli you do know Jordan (who you stan for so much) was in the room agreeing with Zach when he was saying those things.

Tbh I'm over shit talking the bloodlines. They are on the show, They are part of the franchise and we have no control. We don't know how any of them perform or act so I'm going to at least wait until the season airs to give them a chance. (Even tho most of them don't look promising on first glace)

Tbh I'm over shit talking the bloodlines. They are on the show, They are part of the franchise and we have no control. We don't know how any of them perform or act so I'm going to at least wait until the season airs to give them a chance. (Even tho most of them don't look promising on first glace)

Nany looks like she had work done in her cast photo. Jamie looks hot (no surprise)

Also I hope each person gets their own confessionals. Like I hope they don't do how bgc does with their twins how each set of family members do a combined confessional. I want Jamie to have his own confessional from Cara, raphy from Dario, etc. (if this makes sense)


Also I hope each person gets their own confessionals. Like I hope they don't do how bgc does with their twins how each set of family members do a combined confessional. I want Jamie to have his own confessional from Cara, raphy from Dario, etc. (if this makes sense)

I'd be cool with a combination of both lke Explosion. Maybe just in the beggining when they are introduced. 

i'm predicting the final four teams will consist of Leroy, Cara, Johnny, and Camilla (maybe Abram)

Jamie, Jill, and Nicole are definitely the most attractive rookies this season

Who were the other Alternates? I know Abe was one but who would have come if a girl/girl or girl/boy team went home?

Who were the other Alternates? I know Abe was one but who would have come if a girl/girl or girl/boy team went home?

I thought the trailer was pretty good myself....if they have to be 1 min. then they should strive to emulate the Bloodlines trailer from now on.

Nicole looks way better in this picture than her own.

Tbh I'm over shit talking the bloodlines. They are on the show, They are part of the franchise and we have no control. We don't know how any of them perform or act so I'm going to at least wait until the season airs to give them a chance. (Even tho most of them don't look promising on first glace)

Noone really was. Are you sure you're not talking about AYTO?

Tbh I'm over shit talking the bloodlines. They are on the show, They are part of the franchise and we have no control. We don't know how any of them perform or act so I'm going to at least wait until the season airs to give them a chance. (Even tho most of them don't look promising on first glace)

Noone really was. Are you sure you're not talking about AYTO?

I was wondering this too, but then I stopped giving a ****.

This season bout to be hype!!

I hope not! I hope its legit good and as good as Exes 2 and some of the old school ones.

Found half of the cast photo on Kelly Anne's Facebook

st8 up ******

I so thought initially Cory had Challenge hair but he doesn't.

If CT and Diem's sister make a cameo on this challenge as a tribute to Diem, maybe Zach is there in memory of Knight?? 

You're quick!

I thought the trailer was pretty good myself....if they have to be 1 min. then they should strive to emulate the Bloodlines trailer from now on.

Except for that recycled *** Rivals-Exes logo line-up

Who were the other Alternates? I know Abe was one but who would have come if a girl/girl or girl/boy team went home?

I wanna know this too. And why we stll have no more Trey?

MTV just played a different trailer, it showed nicole getting in tony's face

They just a showed a promo before ayto didnt saw the whole thing , but kellyanne was throwing a drink at another girl face and Nicole was pushing someone

OMG you guys see the Bloodlines commerical?? Was so much better than the trialer. Cory arguing with someone

Was shane punching Tony in the face? LMAO and Who was cory yelling at in the bar? And Dario was in someone face too

I saw it too!! It showed bananas getting in either dario or raphys face, kellyanne getting a drink thrown on her and shane and tony fighting still.. It looked pretty serious

Aneesa pushed Kellyanne and I saw someone throw a drink at her too

Dario and his twin were getting Banana's face

Shane was the one who screamed "this is a game" to tony.
