The Challenge: Cast Member Rankings

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Off Topic: Hey MPH In your Kina write up you mentioned you were on Speakreality..Did you have the same username? Because I was on there too and I remember a name similar to yours.


I was Mikeeey. You may remember me as the psycho Kina defender, but I was more fun back then too Wink

Off Topic: Hey MPH In your Kina write up you mentioned you were on Speakreality..Did you have the same username? Because I was on there too and I remember a name similar to yours.


I was Mikeeey. You may remember me as the psycho Kina defender, but I was more fun back then too Wink

Oh yeah! I remember you now. You were fun and I remember you defending Kina too.

I was Pepsican24 and later Jersey Domino. I was cool and nice but then people started to HATE me on there for some odd reason.(part of it was because I hated Britney Spears and I did like to troll so..)

Off Topic: Hey MPH In your Kina write up you mentioned you were on Speakreality..Did you have the same username? Because I was on there too and I remember a name similar to yours.


I was Mikeeey. You may remember me as the psycho Kina defender, but I was more fun back then too Wink

Oh yeah! I remember you now. You were fun and I remember you defending Kina too.

I was Pepsican24 and later Jersey Domino. I was cool and nice but then people started to HATE me on there for some odd reason.(part of it was because I hated Britney Spears and I did like to troll so..)

Off Topic: Hey MPH In your Kina write up you mentioned you were on Speakreality..Did you have the same username? Because I was on there too and I remember a name similar to yours.


I was Mikeeey. You may remember me as the psycho Kina defender, but I was more fun back then too Wink

Oh yeah! I remember you now. You were fun and I remember you defending Kina too.

I was Pepsican24 and later Jersey Domino. I was cool and nice but then people started to HATE me on there for some odd reason.(part of it was because I hated Britney Spears and I did like to troll so..)

I remember the both of yall lol I was a lurker on there.

Off Topic: Hey MPH In your Kina write up you mentioned you were on Speakreality..Did you have the same username? Because I was on there too and I remember a name similar to yours.


I was Mikeeey. You may remember me as the psycho Kina defender, but I was more fun back then too Wink

Oh yeah! I remember you now. You were fun and I remember you defending Kina too.

I was Pepsican24 and later Jersey Domino. I was cool and nice but then people started to HATE me on there for some odd reason.(part of it was because I hated Britney Spears and I did like to troll so..)

I remember the both of yall lol I was a lurker on there.

I was on SpeakReality as well & Reality Zone! Were any of you guys on any of the RW/RR Seasons? There's so many people from SR that I wish I could still find. 

Off Topic: Hey MPH In your Kina write up you mentioned you were on Speakreality..Did you have the same username? Because I was on there too and I remember a name similar to yours.


I was Mikeeey. You may remember me as the psycho Kina defender, but I was more fun back then too Wink

Oh yeah! I remember you now. You were fun and I remember you defending Kina too.

I was Pepsican24 and later Jersey Domino. I was cool and nice but then people started to HATE me on there for some odd reason.(part of it was because I hated Britney Spears and I did like to troll so..)

I remember the both of yall lol I was a lurker on there.

I was on SpeakReality as well & Reality Zone! Were any of you guys on any of the RW/RR Seasons? There's so many people from SR that I wish I could still find. 

I didn't know about Reality Zone. I lurked on Speakreality, Tubescanboard & RW/RR ********.

Some of the people from Television Without Pity, Entertaining Reality & SurvivorSucks need to come on here, especially TWOP. Those people were HILARIOUS.

Some of the people from entertaining reality are on here :o

But yeah wish there were archives to check out these forums to see the live reactions to castmembers and seasons and such. Sounds fun


Cara Maria destroys all these ho's 


Cara Maria destroys all these ho's 

That's Funny. You should be a comedian.


*Spoilers* you shithead

*Spoilers* you shithead

 Funny and ironic , you don't want to see spoilers but your own a spoiler site 

*Spoilers* you shithead

*Spoilers* you shithead

 Funny and ironic , you don't want to see spoilers but your own a spoiler site 

The only thing funny and ironic is your own stupidity and lack of reasoning.

*Spoilers* you shithead

 Funny and ironic , you don't want to see spoilers but your own a spoiler site 

The only thing funny and ironic is your own stupidity and lack of reasoning.

    That's even funnier because your basically stating what I'm staying just changing the ending. I guess your suppose to be so smart. Anyways ..................... on to more relevant things such as why Cara Maria's name Brings up the worst in people 

This has nothing to do with Cara Maria.  It has everything to do with you discussing off-topic spoilers in a non-spoiler thread.

Hey guys! I'm back to do some more rankings, but this time I am going to be ranking Real World cast members! Just as with the Challenge ranking, I will try my best to be as objective and unbiased as I can. I want to rank cast members based on how much they brought to their seasons, how entertaining they were, if they were a good casting choice, etc. NOTE: This is SOLELY based on their RW seasons, not any of their subsequent challenge appearances.


Also, because there are so many RW cast members, and the show has changed so drastically, I will be ranking them in 3 parts. I will rank cast members from season 1-10 in one ranking, 11-20 in another, and 21-30. I am not including Go Big or Go Home because it is too recent. 


I am starting with ERA 3: Season 21-30 (Brooklyn, Cancun, DC, NOLA 2, Vegas 2, San Diego 2, St. Thomas, Portland, Ex-Plosion, Skeletons)


Without further ado, here's 81-76:

81. Joi (Portland)

I mean, was there any doubt? Joi is one of the rare examples where the replacement cast member is 100x more memorable and entertaining. Honestly, when I think of this cast I only think of 7 people and let's just say Joi isn't one of them. She wasn't on long enough to form much of an impression, but quite frankly I'm not sure she would have even if she did stay. Hell, even her exit is the least dramatic exit of all time. Beautiful girl and seemed sweet, but she's this era's San Diego Charlie.


80. Ashley C (Ex-Plosion)

Ashley might honestly be one of the most naturally beautiful girls to ever appear on TRW, and also one of the coolest and "normal". Like, literally, she was way too good for this show! She had a great relationship with Arielle that I truly enjoyed watching, those brief moments they would actually show them. While she was a personal favorite of mine on her season, I can't sit here and say she was anything especially memorable.


79. Lauren (Ex-Plosion)

Lauren might hold the distinction of appearing in the least amount of RW episodes ever. I feel like she was only on like 2? But either way, that's why she is this low. She literally only ranks above Ashley because she got pregnant on the show and had to leave. That was a first for the RW. But can we please talk about her voice? The horror! I'm from the Midwest but never have I heard something so horrible sounding. Poor girl.


78. Derek (Cancun)

Okay, maybe I'm being hard on Derek, but nothing he did really stood out on his season. He played both sides way too damn much, especially when it came to the Ayiiia vs. Joey situation. His best scenes were his friendship with Bronne, but ultimately Derek was pretty boring. He got a little more entertaining on the Challenge (I mean, barely, but still)


77. Baya (Brooklyn)

If this were a list of my favorite Real Worlders, Baya would be near the top of this list. She was just effortlessly sweet, normal, cool, down to earth. Plus, she's cute as heck and not in the "unattainable" way that these casting directors seem to go for! Sadly, this is a list of most memorable RWers and thus Baya finds herself at the bottom of the list. She's the poster child for "forgotten roommate". It didn't help that her season was the first to implement the 8 roommate rule instead of 7, so somebody was going to get shafted. But still, Baya rocks and I wish she and Ryan were still together tbh.


76. Ashlee (NOLA 2)

Look, I liked Ashlee. She seemed cool and pretty level-headed, plus she had some good one-liners. She was probably the closest thing to a voice of reason in her crazy NOLA house, but nothing she did stands out compared to the rest of her cast. Her major storylines were mostly either commenting on others, or revolved around others (like the Percocet ordeal, or the radio show with Preston.) She might seem like a more major player nowadays since she dated Zach for a brief time, but I'd put her here. Still would love to see her kick *** on a challenge though.


75-71 coming soon! Hints: Sea urchins, a comedian, and somebody who made out with a mom.


Also, anybody know how to make the pictures smaller on this? Last time I thought I just had to choose the "preview" option when uploading, but now that barely makes it smaller, or cuts out the heads..any help would be appreciated!

Dead @ Ashley C and Baya making the list.

Dead @ Ashley C and Baya making the list.

Well to be fair, it's a ranking of all Real World cast members from seasons 21-30, which they were. But clearly not very memorable Wink

I loved Baya so much!!!!!

Shawho better be next tbh.

wow how have i never seen this thread??? loved the challenge competitor rankings!!! excited for the new list of RW castmembers Biggrin

I can tell who's next from 2/3 of those hints.

I can tell who's next from 2/3 of those hints.

swift (sea urchin mishap), eric (comedian where?), and bronne (mom makeout) lol

hardbitten wrote:

I can tell who's next from 2/3 of those hints.

swift (sea urchin mishap), eric (comedian where?), and bronne (mom makeout) lol

Yup! I had no idea where the sea urchin part came from loool.

hardbitten wrote:

I can tell who's next from 2/3 of those hints.

swift (sea urchin mishap), eric (comedian where?), and bronne (mom makeout) lol

Thought the mom makeout was Priscilla haha

75. Priscilla (San Diego 2)

So when I said one cast member made out with a mom, did I forget to mention it was THEIR mom? That’s right, in one of the more bizarre RW moments, Priscilla had a three-way (!!!) kiss with her mom (and Nate? I honestly forget.) And honestly guys, Priscilla COULD have been interesting. She showed signs of being fun and relatively wise beyond her years. Sadly, she was cast as an 18 or 19 year old and was thus not allowed to go out with the rest of the cast. I don’t think it’s surprising that her most memorable moment was in the episode went to visit her family and she was able to let loose (which apparently means macking with your mom). I liked Priscilla, I wish she could have had a chance to shine more. But she didn’t.


74. Eric (New Orleans 2)

I’ll forgive anybody who might not have known that Eric was the comedian in the hints, because let’s face it: you wouldn’t really know from watching his season. Eric was a nice, good guy, but he was never gonna stand out in a season with Knight (the real comedian), Jemmye, Ryan, and Preston. You’ll notice a trend that the nice “normal” cast members are at the bottom of this list. Eric honestly ranks above Ashlee because he at the very least had a kinda-sorta romance with Sahar and had a pretty epic takedown of Ryan. To be honest, Eric getting out of bed to scream at Ryan was one of the top and most fulfilling moments in a very entertaining, fulfilling season. Sadly, nothing he did the rest of the season matched that.


73. Swift (St. Thomas)

Swift is kind of weird. Like, I can’t explain it. He had a decent amount of screentime on his season, but nothing really stands out. Guys, there was an ENTIRE EPISODE dedicated to this dude stepping on a sea-urchin. That’s about the most entertaining thing he did all season. It was literally just an episode of a day unfolding and whether or not it was his or Latoya’s fault he stepped on a sea-urchin. I can’t make this shit up. Speaking of Latoya, Swift claims he slept with her; she denies it. It was kind of a storyline during the season but really it was the reunion that this all came to a head, and I only remember Latoya. Also, Swift was weirdly braggy about being good at public speaking (cool, brah) but I’m sorry, he kind of had a stutter thing where he tripped up on his words constantly. Nothing against people with stutters of course, but it felt like a weird thing to brag about when he wasn’t good at it from what I could tell.


72. Jenna (Ex-Plosion)

Sorry Jenna fans, but this girl was a SNOOOOOOZE on her season. She has since somehow been on every challenge since her season, but she really didn’t show much of a personality on her season. She spent the season letting Jay walk all over her and eating chicken nuggets. I felt bad for Jenna, truly, and I loved watching the episode where she (kind of) told Jay off, but on some level she did that all to herself. Jenna’s gotten better now (she’s pretty funny in her confessionals) but she didn’t add much to her season.


71. Scott (Brooklyn)

Scott was a model. Scott wanted to be on a challenge. Scott should’ve been on a challenge. Scott hasn’t been on a challenge, probably because he was too boring. That pretty much sums it up. Just kidding, but really. Scott was another nice guy who didn’t leave much of an impression. This season was kind of boys vs. girls and I vaguely remember something about Katelynn stealing money from Scott? And he getting pissed at her. There was also Devyn’s crush on him that led nowhere, but yeah. Scott’s cool, but boring.


I'm going to try to do 70-66 later tonight! Some hints: One cast member said she wanted to be in Playboy, a cheater, and a challenge champion.

I am here for this ranking! 

Scott really should've been on a challenge.

Scott is another one of my faves, but of course I'm obsessed with Real World Brooklyn. 

I had no idea Priscilla made out with a mom too. LMAO. I wouldn't mind that either, if I'm being honest.
