The Challenge: Cast Member Rankings

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Queen Ashley showing up next. Boring *** Emily better be on the next list too lol

DEAD at how you dragged jay. loving it

Awww I thought Devyn deserved higher than this, but maybe that's me being biased to Brooklyn.

Jessica is kind of lulzy for me, but I never really got all the hate for her. Some of the arguments between her and Jordan were so ridiculous that I couldn't even take them seriously. Portland is dropping like flies in this ranking lol

Awww I thought Devyn deserved higher than this, but maybe that's me being biased to Brooklyn.Jessica is kind of lulzy for me, but I never really got all the hate for her. Some of the arguments between her and Jordan were so ridiculous that I couldn't even take them seriously. Portland is dropping like flies in this ranking lol

They are lol.

Not surprising though. That cast was unlikable for the most part.

Anonymous's picture

question, is nola2 even worth watching? I haven't seen it but I heard it mainly just about knight/jemmeye

& I just don't want to see Preston on my screen. hated him on the challenge 

question, is nola2 even worth watching? I haven't seen it but I heard it mainly just about knight/jemmeye& I just don't want to see Preston on my screen. hated him on the challenge 

Nola 2 was all about ryan leslie and his rivalry with Preston lol You wpuld watch it, it was a good season.

55. Ashley M (Ex-Plosion)

Look, Ashley was pretty entertaining during her short stay on RW, but it didn't feel right ranking her any better because she spent so little time on the show. And quite frankly, I think Ashley is everything that is wrong about the current RW seasons. Everything about her screamed manufactured and producer plant from her appearance to her arguments to her confessionals to her leaving the show or getting kicked off or whatever, I honestly don't remember. She acted like she was way better than this show, tried hooking up with Ashley, and fought with Jamie and everyone. It was all just too much too soon and something felt very fake about it all to me. But still, it was entertaining while it lasted, I won't lie.


54. Sam (San Diego)

On the surface, Sam should've been a great casting choice and interesting cast member, but she really didn't pan out that way IMO. She was the first "butch" lesbian on the show and it was interesting to see a girl try to hookup so regularly, especially a lesbian. It was something new for RW but then it got kind of dropped. Most of Sam's storyline involved the homophobia from Zach, such as when he told her he would "beat the gay out of her" around the same time her friends were injured back home, as well as her drag queen persona on stage. Sam was a very sympathetic cast member, but she wasn't particularly memorable. She is our 4th and final San Diego girl to be ranked on this list, in what was truly the most boring cast of girls ever assembled for a RW season (despite all being mostly likable)


53. Latoya (St. Thomas)

Let me preface this by saying I love Latoya. I think she is hilarious and was on her season, as well as being sweet and bubbly and she was a bit of a spitfire. However, most of her most memorable moments came from the St. Thomas reunion and her challenge appearance. She had a few arguments on her season, mostly dealing with Swift and the "did they/didn't they" have sex argument, and that ******* sea urchin, but the fact is that she was saddled in a storyline with Swift all season, and Swift is so boring. Latoya was at her best when she was doling out advice and playing around with her gal pal Marie. The two of them made a fantastic duo and truly one of the all-time RW friendships, especially girl/girl friendships.


52. Violetta (Skeletons)

I feel like a lot of people on this board love Violetta and think she was really interesting? But like, she wasn't? So it's confusing. Violetta started the season as entertaining (see also: crazy) in that she was macking on Bruno and Sylvia and starting fights with Madison on the reg and just generally complaining about everything, but by the midway point she just faded to the background. She had some stuff about her eating disorder but I think a lot of people had lost so much sympathy for her at that point that it never really registered. She's kind of like Emilee in that she started her season as a major player and ended it as a background character. I actually think Violetta would be a lot more interesting on a season without a twist. I think the Skeletons twist sort of hindered some storyline potential because it was so focused on one cast member each time, and I think Violetta would be more interesting with more time to tell her story.


51. Marlon (Portland)

Marlon was a cool guy, but he was just kind of there for most of his season. The most interesting thing to really happen with him all season was that he said he had sex with a man but that doesn't make him gay and he had concerns about hooking up on camera because his dad was a pastor but like dude you just admitted you had sex with a man on TV, your dad will see that too. Anyways, he was the only person who ever tried to talk even a semblance of sense into human Tazmanian Devil Nia, but quite frankly he never tried hard enough. He always talked about how he disagreed with how she went about things, but he never did anything about it. I always sort of thought he wanted to do more but just didn't. He also had a longstanding feud with Jordan that actually led to a few heated arguments, but it almost always had more to do with Jordan's treatment of Nia. I think Marlon took more of a backseat than he needed to, but he was a good guy.


Hints for next update: a sorority sister and a bunch of bros

Done at Emily being ranked higher than LaToya and Violetta. Bye @ the Ashley hate. 

Queen V should be way higher especially over someone like Marlon/Nate lol

I actually think you're selling Violetta really short and one great thing I loved is seeing her and Madison come full circle at the end of the season. I found the storyline of the bullied becoming the bully and realizing this and wanting/trying to change as some good stuff too. I think it made her complex rather than just a flatout *****. She's one of my favorites, granted I've only seen maybe 5-6 RW seasons. I curious where Sylvia will rank now and hoping Madison makes a decent run!

Sam was ridiculously boring so I'm fine with this.

I always wished that Marlon was more..well adjusted with his sexuality? Like I always got that feeling that he was ashamed that he was bi and then him moaning and groaning when he ****** that girl was just..ew. Like I get that he was worried about what his father is going to see but shit. Live it up and own your shit because at the end of thhe day your father will still love you.

Aw I think Anastasia should've been higher

I agree. Loved her on Real World!

Also agree about Alexandra! I too have her song Beggar on my iTunes hahaha. And her song White Swans, that one is fiyahhh

"Also, remember when she like put up picture frames of her and that guy she went on 1 date with?" DEAD!!! THAT'S WHAT I THINK OF EVERY TIME I THINK OF JESSICA. AND WHEN SHE WROTE THAT ANGSTY POETRY LMAO

"But still, her drunkenly stomping all over Bronne’s zombie magazines was kinda hilarious in a really stupid “why do I think this is funny?” kind of way." Emilee's only entertaining moment in her entire reality TV career

Erika was a psychopath on her season and I do remember the faking cancer stories lmao but she was still my favorite from DC. I have a couple of her songs on my iPod too. Alexandra has a good voice but IMO Erika is the best "singer" in recent seasons.

LaToya is too low tbh. Her and Marie were the stars of St. Thomas.

"This ******* dweeb". That is the best possible way to describe Jay. I remember during his season I was listening to the Right Reasons on Grantland and they used to make fun of him so hard...particularly for how he just used to collect numbers for his personal roledex. It's like he just wanted to be a human phonebook. 

Latoya should be higher 

Yeah..Jay was a **** on his season. He got better on the challenge though.

Yeah..Jay was a **** on his season. He got better on the challenge though.

No , he didnt in my opinion he was even more pathetic

Debut Album wrote:

Yeah..Jay was a **** on his season. He got better on the challenge though.

No , he didnt in my opinion he was even more pathetic

I don't think he did. The only thing he really did on the challenge that could be deemed as pathetic IMO is hooking up with Jonna to make Jenna jealous(like why waste the time? You never gave a shit about her anyways plus she's dumb and basic anyways) Other than that he was as harmless as a kitten IMO.

He was just there to me. But he's a major keyboard warrior. I recall him saying that he had the athletic ability of CT Kenny and Johnny combined. He should have expected the backlash he got given the way he talked himself up even if he wasn't that horrible on the show itself. 

How tall is Jay? Like compared to Cohutta??

50. Jasmine (Cancun)

Honestly, I couldn't decide where to place Jasmine because for the first half of her season, she's incredibly boring and contributes next to nothing to the show. Then, the second half she is arguably given the most screentime but unfortunately for Jasmine, it's one of the worst RW story arcs of all time. And that's not Jasmine's fault! This Jasmine was not the crazy/say whatever she wants Jasmine we know now from her (endless) challenge appearances. She was a very sweet girl who got her heart broken by some stupid dj and her ******* roommate. I genuinely felt bad for Jasmine during that whole ordeal with Jonna and Pat while still thinking "Jasmine you ******* idiot! This guy sucks WTF do you want with him?" then she started dating his cousin, and it was LITERALLY what the last 5 episodes were about of that season. It was a very uneven season.


49. McKenzie (New Orleans 2)

I feel like some people will think McKenzie should be ranked a little lower than this, but I honestly think she is underrated as a character. She actually had quite a few storylines and I think she only seems uninteresting when you compare her to the main 4 of her season (Ryan/Preston/Jemmye/Knight). I feel like they started a lot of storylines with McKenzie but then for some reason never finished them, such as her black out problem. Getting hammered was nothing new for RW but it was one of the first times in a long time where there was an actual conversation about the safety of  a cast member due to her drinking. She wasn't an alcoholic by any means, just a college kid who liked to take shots, but the problem was McKenzie was so naïve and sweet looking, that she was basically asking to get advantaged of. She also had a brief moment where it looked like she was gonna hook up with Ryan but THANKFULLY that never happened. In fact, McKenzie was one of the most vocal about getting Ryan kicked out of the house, and they had quite the heated argument on the reunion. Quite frankly, I also appreciated the fact that McKenzie was kind of...weird. Like, she was a total space cadet and completely out of it much of the season. Remember when she said she was a gypsy and when asked if she had ever killed somebody, she said "What do you mean by someone?" Anyways, I have a bias with Kenzie, I'll admit, but I thought she was more interesting than given credit for.


48. Emily (DC)

You know, I originally had Emily ranked a little higher but then I brought her down because aside from her relationship with Ty, she didn't have much to do during her season. Their tumultuous relationship was pretty much her defining storylne, because she kept a mostly cool head throughout the season. She was kind of like the "cool girl" in a season with two drama queens (Ashley/Erika) and a more goodie two shoes (Callie). I think she had pretty interesting commentary on the rest of her roommates but man her and Ty's relationship could get pretty insufferable to watch IMO. She also had an interesting backstory about growing up in a cult but they never explored that too much. Honestly, this show has a history of casting people with interesting backstories but then never doing anything with them.


47. Thomas (Ex-Plosion)

Oh, Tom. Ya know, I kind of liked Thomas during the beginning of his season. He was a pretty laidback guy who seemed like he'd be fun to hang out with. Sure, he was kinda ******* in the way RW guys tend to be, but he was harmless. Plus, he would pass out before all the crazy happened in the house and it was pretty funny to me. And then, he started hooking up with Jamie and became an enormous tool IMO. I'm not even saying it's Jamie's fault (although she's the worst as far as I'm concerned). He just became one of those obnoxious, jealous types and suddenly he thought his shit didn't stink. And of course, when Hailey moved into the house was truly when his worst came out. He belittled her and tried to get her kicked out of the house and of course there was the whole fight in which he said HE was cast on the show, NOT her. When the reality was that he was ONLY cast because of his relationship with Hailey, which she rightfully pointed out. Whatever, I actually like Tom a lot more now but man did he become unbearable by the end of his season.


46. Trey (St. Thomas)

Trey is so strange. Like, he has the looks of a jock but the personality of a nerd. I can't quite explain it. He was just so whiny on his season as if everybody (okay, not everybody, just Marie) was out to get him. He was always *****ing about people (Marie) not cleaning up after themselves. Basically, he did himself no favors by choosing Marie as his "enemy" in the house, because she was destined to be a fan favorite from day one. Also, his relationship with Laura was one of the most boring, frustrating relationships in RW history as far as I'm concerned. He treated her like shit, then gets jealous when she flirts with other guys, but had a kind of girlfriend back home. It was a whole thing. Trey is one of those people who does something shitty and "apologizes" but really uses his apology to get people to feel bad for him. There's always some excuse. Also, before he was on the show, he had some crazy racist/homophobic tweets so he had an uphill battle with fans to begin with.


Please ignore my hints from last time, I made some changes. Hints for next update posted later tonight: our first Vegas 2 cast members, but which ones?

45. Cooke (Vegas 2)

Look, honestly, Cooke to me was never that interesting or entertaining. She was actually kinda meh to me on her season. With that said, I can recognize that she did bring something to her season. Right off the bat, she was public enemy #1 with the girls because she was a "guy's girl" in a house full of girl's girls, and of course she pretty much instantly decided to stir up shit by talking about how she wants Dustin and talking some shit about Heather in the process. This of course led to an epic and ridiculous smackdown by Naomi and Nany, waking Cooke up at like 3am to fight her (in her first episode!!). Then, she of course ended up kissing Dustin after his mini-breakup with Heather which caused even more issue. Cooke was the kind of girl that girls hate, point blank. Honestly, she should probably be ranked lower than other people now that I'm thinking about it...


44. Naomi (Vegas 2)

So here's the thing about Naomi: I feel like she doesn't get much love nowadays because of her mostly pathetic challenge appearances (athleticism wise) but Naomi was often times the funniest cast member in a season full of funny cast members. Watching her attempt to do any type of athletic activity was actually funny because it wasn't the Challenge and everyone doesn't take that shit seriously on the RW. Her friendship with Nany (and Heather) is one of the best female friendships on the RW ever, and she honestly just seemed cool as hell...until you pissed her off. She went OFF on Cooke on Cooke's first night and while it was kind of absurd, you sort of got it at the same time. There was something very rootable about Naomi, and her relationship with Leroy. While we all knew it was going to end with her catching feelings despite her claiming otherwise, it was still a fun ride. And her fake marriage to Mike Mike in the finale was a hilarious moment and a great moment to watch an entire cast genuinely enjoying each other. I think Naomi is awesome.


43. Heather (Vegas 2)

When it rains, it pours... Here's the thing,: I actually feel like Naomi was probably more interesting than Heather but Heather was a major component in the more major storylines. Her relationship with Dustin is one of the most popular RW romances of all time and certainly in recent years. For whatever reason, we sort of rooted them to be together even if Heather could probably do better (let's be honest, Dustin is kind of crazy-pants). Heather just seemed like a normal girl thrust into all these weird situations, and when it was revealed that Dustin did gay **** it was truly hard to watch Heather have to deal with it because you felt for her. Not to mention the fact that Heather is a large reason why Mike and Dustin did not get along, and of course her lesbian hookup with Nany and subsequent regret. But I think mostly Heather was cool because she wasn't afraid to tell it like it is. She was one of the few people who would call Adam out on his BS (although, I can't remember if she ever actually did to his face now that I think about it)


42. Johnny (Portland)

Johnny on his own is not all that interesting. But the Johnny/Averey relationship was one of the more fun ones to watch in recent years. Not everybody will agree with that, but I liked watching those crazy kids get together. The thing about Johnny is that he's just a goofy dude who somehow got this girl who was WAY out of his league, and then this girl turned out to be a sexual freak and into some real kinky shit that he was NOT ready for. Johnny also found a way to clash with most of his roommates, namely Jessica and of course Nia. Johnny was the catalyst for one of (if not THE) most epic fights in the show's history, when he wiped that tissue on Nia and she just WAILED on him and of course eventually smacked him with a hair-dryer. It was honestly shocking/disturbing. Johnny also has the distinction of being the only RW man to have his ***** shown on TV uncensored, so there's that.


41. Jonna (Cancun)

I really didn't like Jonna on her season at all. She spent most of the beginning of the season flip flopping between the guys and girls and sitting back while everyone around her was fighting, or flirting with CJ but then never actually doing anything about it. And then of course there was her cheating on her boyfriend with Pat, the ************ dj of Canada. As if that was bad enough, she knew that Jasmine was interested in him (for some reason). And as I said in Jasmine's write-up, that storyline pretty much took over the entire second half of this season. It was brutal, and Jonna was one of the worst parts about it because she did this thing where she never understood why anybody would be mad at her when in reality it was really obvious why everyone was. In the meantime, she had a threesome with Pat and Ayiiia and then claimed that she wanted no part in it (and was proven very wrong on the reunion). Jonna, like Cooke, was a girl that couldn't get along with girls but Jonna didn't understand why. She was boy-crazy and she was young, but man was she infuriating. Also, I will never forget the stories about her ******* in laundry baskets and leaving her crusty panties everywhere, not to mention her gross weave with food in it. Ugh, I forgot how much I hated Jonna on her season until right now. She got better on the challenges, mostly.

There are 40 people left, and for those keeping track, here's a breakdown of who is left:


Brooklyn: Chet, JD, Katelynn, Ryan, Sarah

Cancun: Ayiiia, Bronne, Joey

DC: Andrew, Ashley, Mike, Ty

New Orleans 2: Jemmye, Knight, Preston, Ryan

Las Vegas 2: Adam, Dustin, Leroy, Mike, Nany

San Diego 2: Frank, Nate, Zach

St. Thomas: Brandon, Marie, Robb

Portland: Averey, Jordan, Nia

Ex-Plosion: Arielle, Brian, Cory, Hailey, Jamie, Jenny

Skeletons: Bruno, Madison, Sylvia, Tony


Who do you think will be in the next group? Who should be??

Hailey, Nate, Robb, Arielle, Chet/Bronne/Andrew next. Nate should've been wayyyy back IMO

Nate should've been right before Ashley M. IMO I honestly can't remember anything about him except flopping on the first Exes challenge lol

Trey Should be Higher.

No..just kidding. He's fine where he's at.

Love Cooke, Didn't like Johnny, Thomas was horrid, Mckenzie was Ehhh,  Emily was boring as shit and still kinda don't get how she got on the challenges before Ashley/Erika.

Like Heather and Naomi as well.

Hoping SD2 and STT are cut down fast except for Marie. I hope to see Nia, Ryan (BBrooklyn), JD, Madison, Nany, Dustin, Mike all go really far.

Tbh I'm kind of surprised you still have Sylvia in this while eliminating Violetta already.

How is Emilee so high ***** she was irrelevant asf. And Mckenzie?...tuh

I like SD2 Nate, I thought he was hilarious. He is someone I wish would come back to the show.

To say Nia attacking johnny was "disgusting" BS lol, he put dirty tissue on her AND poured a drink on her after she warned him...he deserved EVERYTHING she gave him, he tried the WRONG one lmao.

I think he should be ranked lower tbh, nothing special.

Sorry I may have worded it poorly. I thought the whole fight was shocking/disgusting. Including Johnny's part in it. But yes I think Nia took it too far.
