Survivor: Generic Thread (No Spoilers)

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i love sandra, but she isn't strong. still the queen though <3

You know, back when HvV first aired I was still a casual viewer. I started actually watching during Samoa. (I watched the 1st two episodes of China, because I was an Ashley Massaro fan, kinda) I honestly believed Russell was the greatest thing ever. But I've gone back and own about 4 of the early seasons on DVD, and I own seasons 11-19 on iTunes. And I've seen all but 2 seasons since then and have a better understanding of the game now. Sandra has an impeccable social game, and deserved both wins. Homegirl knows her shit. Her gameplay ain't flashy, but she Queen. Parvati is my fave tho.

i feel the same way. tbh boston rob, russell, and parvati are all overrated, flashy players that aren't nearly as good as people mae them out to be.


Hey, don't get it twisted now, Parvati is Bae.

Can't stand Sandra. Lol at her being strong. That's like saying Courtney is fat.

I like her, but she is definitely overrated.

I always thought Kim Spradlin was a baddie..

Survivor: Guatemala has my favorite cast by far.

Sandra is not strong. That man ozzy dated is stronger than her. Parvati is the strongest most likely.

I always thought Kim Spradlin was a baddie..

Best winner imo

I always thought Kim Spradlin was a baddie..

I always forget about Kim. Definitely flawless gameplay.

I always thought Kim Spradlin was a baddie..

Best winner imo

Not to discredit Kim, because she played extremely well... but her cast was full of idiots.

Parvati. I'd wife her up.

But answer this tough question....Who is the prettier winner Parv or Fabio?

I always thought Kim Spradlin was a baddie..

Best winner imo

Not to discredit Kim, because she played extremely well... but her cast was full of idiots.

Tarzan, Kat and Christina idiots? What are you talking about? But for real, if you combine all of their IQs it still doesn't reach a 100

She's not necessarily the best winner, but my favorite is Sophie hands down. Plus I think she's criminally underrated, like the way she controlled Albert was incredible. Seriously, she's my spirit animal. 

The only good things about One World are Kim winning and Alicia vs Kat on ponderosa.

Parvati. I'd wife her up.

But answer this tough question....Who is the prettier winner Parv or Fabio?


Parv no contest.

Tbh I found Kat vs. Alicia uncomfortable and too trashy for the show. My top 5 winners are: Tom, JT, Denise, Tina, Danni/Chris. I also love Sophie, so underrated and snarky <3

Tbh I found Kat vs. Alicia uncomfortable and too trashy for the show. My top 5 winners are: Tom, JT, Denise, Tina, Danni/Chris. I also love Sophie, so underrated and snarky <3

I found it absolutely hilarious, especially when Kat screamed "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR ******* MIND". And please the show had it fair share of trashy people.

A family emergency quit?! No!!! I was hoping nothing like that would happen. Was it pretty early in the game or late?

Around the time of the 7th boot.

Tbh I found Kat vs. Alicia uncomfortable and too trashy for the show. My top 5 winners are: Tom, JT, Denise, Tina, Danni/Chris. I also love Sophie, so underrated and snarky <3

I found it absolutely hilarious, especially when Kat screamed "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR ******* MIND". And please the show had it fair share of trashy people.

Definitely, but it doesn't come across as awful as that did when they were in each other's face. It worked with people like Rodney and so on. I also couldn't find anything involving Alicia entertaining, such a gross human being.

I always thought Kim Spradlin was a baddie..

Best winner imo

Not to discredit Kim, because she played extremely well... but her cast was full of idiots.


I'm starting to appreciate how generous of a person you really are.

She's not necessarily the best winner, but my favorite is Sophie hands down. Plus I think she's criminally underrated, like the way she controlled Albert was incredible. Seriously, she's my spirit animal. 


Physically, Stephanie is definitely one of the strongest, not parv and definitely not sandra


Love them and loved how Natalie, Nadiya, Drew, Alec, Reed, Josh, Val, and Jeremy were at the wedding!


Love them and loved how Natalie, Nadiya, Drew, Alec, Reed, Josh, Val, and Jeremy were at the wedding!


I heard on an RHAP interview with Natalie that the only ones that didn't get invites were Missy + Baylor, Dale + Kelley and John + Julie. Wonde where Keith + Wes were.

Not surprising about Missy and Baylor, apparently there was a falling out there and they never seemed close with the others so no surprise. Idk, Jaclyn even mentioned Keith was supposed to be attending? Guess something came up

I need Kat back on my screen

Do you agree with the Brains being "the worst tribe in history"? For me Ulong was much worse.

Physically, Stephanie is definitely one of the strongest, not parv and definitely not sandra

I was so impressed with her in Palau and Guatemala. She was the MVP in Ulong for sure.

Do you agree with the Brains being "the worst tribe in history"? For me Ulong was much worse.

Matsing and Foa Foa were pretty bad too, but the Brains are up there too. When the other tribe tries throing a challenge and you still lose you know you suck. 

Do you agree with the Brains being "the worst tribe in history"? For me Ulong was much worse.

id say Ulong was worse just because the brains tribe was more entertaining to watch.
