Survivor: Generic Thread (No Spoilers)

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Those speeches are always garbage and so condescending to the jurors. Like, people can vote however the **** they want: more aggressive, better socially, liked better, did better at challenges, whatever the reasoning is a valid reason. They started in Redemption Island and we've seen them with Spencer and Jeremy recently too.

Rewatching Cagayan and it's honestly my favorite season of all time.

1. Cagayan
2. The Australian Outback
3. Heroes vs Villains
4. Gabon
5. Borneo

Those speeches are always garbage and so condescending to the jurors. Like, people can vote however the **** they want: more aggressive, better socially, liked better, did better at challenges, whatever the reasoning is a valid reason. They started in Redemption Island and we've seen them with Spencer and Jeremy recently too.

The one I hate about Spencer. Those speeches are always the worst.

Rewatching Cagayan and it's honestly my favorite season of all time. 1. Cagayan 2. The Australian Outback 3. Heroes vs Villains 4. Gabon 5. Borneo

The merge tribal council is probably my favorite of all time. My list looks like this

1. Marquesas - so underrated

2. Tocantins

3. Cagayan

4. Gabon

5. Vanuatu

I always forget to post this in this thread..

Jenn's speech to the Jury last season pissed me off. I felt like she was telling people whom to vote for and you know what? She doesn't get to do that. Everyone on that Jury has their own vote and they can vote for anyone they want for any reasons they want. It's not her place to lecture anyone and tell them how they should feel and vote. I was hoping someone would tell her to shut the hell up and sit down during that.

She gets to do whatever she wants. That was her time to speak to the final 3 and she took the time to talk to the jury instead explaning to them about who played the better game and not to be bitter about it. They don't have to listen to her, but she can say whatever she wants.

I honestly think Cagayan is kinda overrated. Still love it, but the postmerge editing is pretty poor with how it becomes all Tony/Spencer with some Kass and a lot of it very gamebot-ish content. Jefra, Trish, Tasha all deserved so much more time than they got. It's insane how easy it would have been to give Jefra a bigger story with her being a cancer survivor and wanting to win the money to start a rehab center with her dad being a former drug addict. It still ranks high for me, but not top and is flawed.

My list:

1. Vanuatu (oh my god soooo good! Eliza, Twila, Ami, Chris, Scout, Rory, Julie such a great cast and has so much depth to it.)

2. Palau (loved the story of watching one tribe get destroyed and the dynamics of Koror. Loved everyone on Koror (minus Coby) and Stephenie, James (hilarious), Bobby Jon, and Angie.

3. Borneo (Iconic and a season that still holds up strongly to this day.)

4. Australia (Same as Borneo and introduces so many great characters and players)

5. Gabon/Cagayan

Oh and watched Panama recently and it'd rank higher if like La Mina wasn't so ******* boring. Casaya though <3

If Terry doesn't win second chances I will self evict from this site.

If Terry doesn't win second chances I will self evict from this site.

I'm still surprised he's so liked, he was either ok or just super ******* condescending. I'm so glad we didn't end with him as a winner.

Rewatching Cagayan and it's honestly my favorite season of all time. 1. Cagayan 2. The Australian Outback 3. Heroes vs Villains 4. Gabon 5. Borneo

Where can I watch it?!? Your list looks somewhat close to mine. I still haven't seen Australian Outback or Borneo tho. Micronesia is def top 3 IMO. 

If Terry doesn't win second chances I will self evict from this site.

I'm still surprised he's so liked, he was either ok or just super ******* condescending. I'm so glad we didn't end with him as a winner.

His concietedness (not sure if that's a word *****) was well deserved in my opinion. He won every individual immuity until the final 3. 

Abi-Maria and Terry for Second Chances <3

Rewatching Cagayan and it's honestly my favorite season of all time. 1. Cagayan 2. The Australian Outback 3. Heroes vs Villains 4. Gabon 5. Borneo

Where can I watch it?!? Your list looks somewhat close to mine. I still haven't seen Australian Outback or Borneo tho. Micronesia is def top 3 IMO. 

Micronesia is really weak to me. It's flashy with little substance (no very strong characters to me). Also the ending just blows to me :/

If Terry doesn't win second chances I will self evict from this site.

I'm still surprised he's so liked, he was either ok or just super ******* condescending. I'm so glad we didn't end with him as a winner.

His concietedness (not sure if that's a word *****) was well deserved in my opinion. He won every individual immuity until the final 3. 

Abi-Maria and Terry for Second Chances <3

Aras won at the final 4 though, but eh maybe I would have liked it if it was funny or something but it wasn't at all to me.

I haven't see most of seasons, but I really like Guatemala and China. Cook Islands have great personalities too imo.

Rewatching Cagayan and it's honestly my favorite season of all time. 1. Cagayan 2. The Australian Outback 3. Heroes vs Villains 4. Gabon 5. Borneo

Where can I watch it?!? Your list looks somewhat close to mine. I still haven't seen Australian Outback or Borneo tho. Micronesia is def top 3 IMO. 

Micronesia is really weak to me. It's flashy with little substance (no very strong characters to me). Also the ending just blows to me :/

Totally agree, it only started getting good when Ozzy was voted out, and even then it wasn't all that. I also think Heroes vs. Villains is super overrated. The pre-merge is really good but the post-merge was pretty meh. 

I haven't see most of seasons, but I really like Guatemala and China. Cook Islands have great personalities too imo.

I reallyyyyy like Guatemala and China. Cook Islands though....

Rewatching Cagayan and it's honestly my favorite season of all time. 1. Cagayan 2. The Australian Outback 3. Heroes vs Villains 4. Gabon 5. Borneo

Where can I watch it?!? Your list looks somewhat close to mine. I still haven't seen Australian Outback or Borneo tho. Micronesia is def top 3 IMO. 

Micronesia is really weak to me. It's flashy with little substance (no very strong characters to me). Also the ending just blows to me :/

Totally agree, it only started getting good when Ozzy was voted out, and even then it wasn't all that. I also think Heroes vs. Villains is super overrated. The pre-merge is really good but the post-merge was pretty meh. 

Yeah this exactly. And looks like we agree on Cook Islands too, such a boring season. You never would have been able to guess it gave us 4 3-time players.

Rewatching Cagayan and it's honestly my favorite season of all time. 1. Cagayan 2. The Australian Outback 3. Heroes vs Villains 4. Gabon 5. Borneo

Where can I watch it?!? Your list looks somewhat close to mine. I still haven't seen Australian Outback or Borneo tho. Micronesia is def top 3 IMO. 

Micronesia is really weak to me. It's flashy with little substance (no very strong characters to me). Also the ending just blows to me :/

Totally agree, it only started getting good when Ozzy was voted out, and even then it wasn't all that. I also think Heroes vs. Villains is super overrated. The pre-merge is really good but the post-merge was pretty meh. 

Yeah this exactly. And looks like we agree on Cook Islands too, such a boring season. You never would have been able to guess it gave us 4 3-time players.

I do like Penner, Candice and Parvati (even though she was a dud on this season) but gosh that cast was either so unlikeable or just plain boring. 

Ugh I liked Ozzy, Yul, Sundra and Becky's "underdog" story on Cook Islands. And I'm not into Asians, but Becky was super cute. Jessica, Candice and Jonathan were my faves. Even Parvati was cool back then.

I haven't see most of seasons, but I really like Guatemala and China. Cook Islands have great personalities too imo.

I reallyyyyy like Guatemala and China. Cook Islands though....

I too liked Guatemala. Rafe was my fav that season but I began to dislike him after he got Cindy voted out because she wasn't willing to give up the car she won so the others can get cars, thus continuing the car curse.

I haven't see most of seasons, but I really like Guatemala and China. Cook Islands have great personalities too imo.

I reallyyyyy like Guatemala and China. Cook Islands though....

I too liked Guatemala. Rafe was my fav that season but I began to dislike him after he got Cindy voted out because she wasn't willing to give up the car she won so the others can get cars, thus continuing the car curse.

It's a shame no one from that season has been brought back, I would like to see Cindy, Brian, Danni and even Rafe and Judd back. 

Rewatching Cagayan and it's honestly my favorite season of all time. 1. Cagayan 2. The Australian Outback 3. Heroes vs Villains 4. Gabon 5. Borneo

Where can I watch it?!? Your list looks somewhat close to mine. I still haven't seen Australian Outback or Borneo tho. Micronesia is def top 3 IMO. 

Micronesia is really weak to me. It's flashy with little substance (no very strong characters to me). Also the ending just blows to me :/

Totally agree, it only started getting good when Ozzy was voted out, and even then it wasn't all that. I also think Heroes vs. Villains is super overrated. The pre-merge is really good but the post-merge was pretty meh. 

Post-Merge HvV = How to Destroy Your Game with Ease by Russell Hantz

I always forget to post this in this thread..

Jenn's speech to the Jury last season pissed me off. I felt like she was telling people whom to vote for and you know what? She doesn't get to do that. Everyone on that Jury has their own vote and they can vote for anyone they want for any reasons they want. It's not her place to lecture anyone and tell them how they should feel and vote. I was hoping someone would tell her to shut the hell up and sit down during that.

She gets to do whatever she wants. That was her time to speak to the final 3 and she took the time to talk to the jury instead explaning to them about who played the better game and not to be bitter about it. They don't have to listen to her, but she can say whatever she wants.

**** that. She needs to adress the damn final 3 and that's it. She has no right to sit there and tell people who they're supposed to vote for and how to feel because guess what? She has her vote and they have theirs and they can vote however they want. It's not her job to make sure the right person in her mind wins.

I'm a huge fan of the Panama Season.

I also like Cook Islands, China, Pearl Islands, Cagayan, Vanuatu, Africa, Gabon, Marquases, Amazon as well.

I always forget to post this in this thread..

Jenn's speech to the Jury last season pissed me off. I felt like she was telling people whom to vote for and you know what? She doesn't get to do that. Everyone on that Jury has their own vote and they can vote for anyone they want for any reasons they want. It's not her place to lecture anyone and tell them how they should feel and vote. I was hoping someone would tell her to shut the hell up and sit down during that.

She gets to do whatever she wants. That was her time to speak to the final 3 and she took the time to talk to the jury instead explaning to them about who played the better game and not to be bitter about it. They don't have to listen to her, but she can say whatever she wants.

**** that. She needs to adress the damn final 3 and that's it. She has no right to sit there and tell people who they're supposed to vote for and how to feel because guess what? She has her vote and they have theirs and they can vote however they want. It's not her job to make sure the right person in her mind wins.

Yet she should take the time to ask pointless questions to three jury members when she already knows who she's voting for? She can do whatever the hell she wants, cause guess what, it's not your job to tell her what she can or can not do. If she wants to take the opportunity to tell the jury to get their head out of their ***, stop being bitter, and vote for the person who actually played the best game, she can. Whether they listen or not is up to them. It's not like she changed the outcome of the game by doing that, and if she did, then good because Mike deserved it the most. If she couldn't do that, they wouldn't have allowed it.  Plust, it's way more entertaining than most of the questions people ask.

It's a shame no one from that season has been brought back, I would like to see Cindy, Brian, Danni and even Rafe and Judd back. 

I'm still bitter that Cindy and Mindy weren't on Blood vs Water.

I always forget to post this in this thread..

Jenn's speech to the Jury last season pissed me off. I felt like she was telling people whom to vote for and you know what? She doesn't get to do that. Everyone on that Jury has their own vote and they can vote for anyone they want for any reasons they want. It's not her place to lecture anyone and tell them how they should feel and vote. I was hoping someone would tell her to shut the hell up and sit down during that.

She gets to do whatever she wants. That was her time to speak to the final 3 and she took the time to talk to the jury instead explaning to them about who played the better game and not to be bitter about it. They don't have to listen to her, but she can say whatever she wants.

**** that. She needs to adress the damn final 3 and that's it. She has no right to sit there and tell people who they're supposed to vote for and how to feel because guess what? She has her vote and they have theirs and they can vote however they want. It's not her job to make sure the right person in her mind wins.

Yet she should take the time to ask pointless questions to three jury members when she already knows who she's voting for? She can do whatever the hell she wants, cause guess what, it's not your job to tell her what she can or can not do. If she wants to take the opportunity to tell the jury to get their head out of their ***, stop being bitter, and vote for the person who actually played the best game, she can. Whether they listen or not is up to them. It's not like she changed the outcome of the game by doing that, and if she did, then good because Mike deserved it the most. If she couldn't do that, they wouldn't have allowed it.  Plust, it's way more entertaining than most of the questions people ask.

Yes because THAT'S THE POINT! she's there to adress the jury and say whatever the hell she needs to them and sit back down. Not to tell the jury how to vote. She can say whatever the hell she wants but she needs to say it TO THE FINAL 3 AND THE FINAL 3 ONLY and whether it changed the outcome or not doesn't matter because THAT'S NOT THE POINT! The point is she has no right to address the jury and tell them what to do. I don't care if they allow it or not. It doesn't make it right. And it doesn't make it her place.

And no. It's not entertaining at all. It's pointless as hell and rude.

Yeah, no telling the jury members how to vote is awful and while they are allowed to do it (Spencer even said production encourage him to do it), it still sucks. People don't need to be told who to vote for and if someone doesn't vote for who you think they should have, that's on the finalist, not the jury member.

Funny story is that Kass almost voted Woo, because she found Spencer's speech that awful and wanted to just spite him and how condescending the speech was. Kass <3

Yeah, no telling the jury members how to vote is awful and while they are allowed to do it (Spencer even said production encourage him to do it), it still sucks. People don't need to be told who to vote for and if someone doesn't vote for who you think they should have, that's on the finalist, not the jury member. Funny story is that Kass almost voted Woo, because she found Spencer's speech that awful and wanted to just spite him and how condescending the speech was. Kass <3



On a brighter note, favorite jury speeches? Mine are probably:

1. Sue (Borneo)
2. Trish (Cagayan)
3. Eliza (Vanuatu)
4. Helen (Thailand)
5. Erik (Samoa)

It's a shame no one from that season has been brought back, I would like to see Cindy, Brian, Danni and even Rafe and Judd back. 

