Survivor: Generic Thread (No Spoilers)

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I can see them getting rid of Spencer just based off the fact that he's the youngest out of a much older cast and he's the most popular player on this cast. I can see people being envious and also wanting him out just so he doesn't get all the airtime.

How do you think they will split the tribes? 

Pre determined, schoolyard pick, gender, or through a challenge 

im hoping it's predetermined so we beak up some possible pregame alliances.

I think Spencer will go far, hopefully they send shirin packing asap.

As much as I love Spencer, I don't see him making the merge....


This just popped up on my Tinder:


Poor Colton. It breaks my heart thinking about Caleb.

YALL I'M DEAD. This just popped up on my Tinder: IMAGE( Poor Colton. It breaks my heart thinking about Caleb.


:O Why is Colton on Tinder? (RIP Caleb)

I see you not stating if you swiped left or right


This just popped up on my Tinder:


Poor Colton. It breaks my heart thinking about Caleb.

That's sad but it doesn't change the fact colton was one of the most vile people ever on the show.

I see you not stating if you swiped left or right

I knew you'd be the one to say something...

Not even going to lie. I swiped right. Minus his voice and quirks, Colton is attractive.

WTF is Tinder?

WTF is Tinder?

Gay hookup site.

WTF is Tinder?

Gay hookup site.

That's Grindr *********.

Tinder is a lot classier. And it is for people of all sexual orientations. You adjust the settings to your interests.

Mmhmm...*side eye* lol.

So if you swipe right does that mean you like the person?

Mmhmm...*side eye* lol.

So if you swipe right does that mean you like the person?

Yeah haven't you ever seen that anti smoking commercial about left swiping


This just popped up on my Tinder:


Poor Colton. It breaks my heart thinking about Caleb.

I laughed so hard at this.

What if Lindsey and Julie never quit? How do you guys think the games would have changed?

Cagayan I got no idea, but for SJDS, Jeremy gets voted out and doesn't even make jury. A significant difference there

Yeah mostly sjds would change the most, Lindsey said if she didn't quit she would have attacked Trish lol.
I'm glad Julie quit then because if she didn't josh would have more power in the game.

I get hating Reed but Josh rrally isn't that bad or bad at all lol, unless you just think he's boring.

I get hating Reed but Josh rrally isn't that bad or bad at all lol, unless you just think he's boring.

I don't have much against him, but if he had more power Reed would be around longer lol.

I wish Julie didn't quit, because then Jeremy would get voted our and become irrelevant. Keith would be in the majority and be even more irrelevant, and I wouldn't have to see either of these two on Second Chances. Wasted 2 spots on these 2. 

I think Keith would still get a big edit, his personality won't change lol. I would rather not see Jeremy and his condescending attitude tho so I agree.

I didn't mind Jeremy so I'm cool with him being on Second Chance

The Winner of Season 31..... JEREMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I already know I'm going to want to see half of this cast back a 3rd time lol.

I think you mean Kass McQuillen. Ok the chances of that happening are like 0.0001%

Just wait, this season's cast is great for the most part, but we'll get the most basic *** winner. 

I really hope Jeff Varner wins if I'm being honest.

I really hope Jeff Varner wins if I'm being honest.

I dont know who I want to win, I just know who I DONT want to win Wink ... well want less to win Smile

Kass or Shirin are first boot IMO.
I love Keith but I don't see him getting to the merge. Same with Joe and maybe Terry, they will probably get rid of the individual immunity threats after the weakest links

I'm rooting for Ciera to win by far. I think this cast has quite a few great competitors so it's hard to say who'll be targeted. Also, with how returnee Seasons turn out, maybe they'll target those UTR smart females like an Amber, etc.

I'm rooting for Ciera to win by far. I think this cast has quite a few great competitors so it's hard to say who'll be targeted. Also, with how returnee Seasons turn out, maybe they'll target those UTR smart females like an Amber, etc.

There are a lot of strong guys but girls not so much besides Kelly & Tasha
