The Challenge: Favorite/Fantasy Casts

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Battle of the Seasons 3: Challenges This will consist of 8 teams of 4 each representing a challenge season instead of RW seasons. The Cast. Exes 2-Wes/Sarah/Nia/Thomas Free Agents-Jordan/Laurel/Latoya/Zach Rivals 2-Frank/Emily/Camilla/CT Seasons 2-Robb/Ashley/Nany/CJ Cutthroat-Abram/Cara Maria/Tori/Brad Fresh Meat 2-Landon/Jenn/Theresa/Pete Battle of the Sexes 2-Theo/Rachel/Coral/Mark The Guantlet 1-Alton/Tina/Elka/Adam

The Challenge: Free Agents 2










Cara Maria











Johnny R










The Challenge: Free Agents 2










Cara Maria











Johnny R










With that cast Nicole instead of Madison. There is no way Madi would survive with those girls. 

Episode 1:

Winners: Team Nany (Nany,Evelyn,Jodi,Leroy,Johnny R,Bananas,Abram,Jordan,Aneesa,Cara Maria,Laurel,Cooke,Derrick,Cohutta)

Voted in: Madison and Tony

Kill Card: Darrell and Susie

Elimination: Balls in

Eliminated: Madison and Tony


Episode 2:

Winners: Brad and Tori

Voted in: Nany and Johnny R

Kill Card: Cara Maria and Bananas

Elimination: Wrecking Wall

Eliminated: Nany and Johnny R


Episode 3:

Winners: Team Kellyanne (Kellyanne,Derrick,Rachel,Cohutta)

Voted in: Theresa and Jordan 

Kill Card: Leroy and Susie

Elimination: Looper

Eliminated: Susie and Jordan


Episode 4:

Winners: Team Abram ( Abram,Evelyn,Zach,Emily,Mark,Rachel,Leroy,Jodi,Bananas,Kellyanne,Dunbar)

Voted in: Theresa and Cohutta

Kill Card: Cooke and Derrick

Elimination: Oppenheimer

Eliminated: Theresa and Cohutta


Episode 5:

Winners: Team Kellyanne (Kellyanne,Zach,Evelyn,Leroy,Laurel,Mark,Cooke,Brad,Tori,Dunbar)

Voted in: Jodi and Bananas

Kill Card: Derrick and Cara Maria

Elimination: Balls in

Eliminated: Bananas and Cara Maria


Episode 6:

Winners: Rachel and Zach

Voted in: Brad and Cooke

Kill Card: Laurel and Derrick

Elimination: Looper

Eliminated: Brad and Cooke


Episode 7:

Winners: Zach and Evelyn

Voted in: Dunbar and Jodi

Kill Card: Laurel and Darrell

Elimination: Wrecking Wall

Eliminated: Dunbar and Jodi


Episode 8:

Winners: Team Landon (Landon,Evelyn,Derrick,Rachel,Zach,Kellyanne,Darrell)

Voted in: Emily and Leroy

Kill Card: Mark and Tori

Elimination: Oppenheimer

Eliminated: Tori and Mark


Episode 9:

Winners: Landon and Darrell/ Laurel and Emily

Voted in: Kellyanne and Leroy

Kill Card: Rachel and Abram

Elimination: Balls In

Eliminated: Abram and Kellyanne


Episode 10:

Winners: Rachel and Landon

Voted in: Laurel and Leroy

Kill Card: Emily and Zach

Eliminated: Zach and Emily


Episode 11:

Kill Card: Laurel/Rachel and Darrell/Derrick

Elimination: Puzzle Pyramid

Eliminated: Derrick and Rachel


Episode 12

Phase 1:

Laurel and Leroy:3

Evelyn and Darrell:2

Aneesa and Landon:1


Phase 2:

Aneesa and Leroy:3

Laurel and Darrell:2

Evelyn and Landon:1


Phase 3:

Evelyn and Leroy:3

Aneesa and Darrell:2

Laurel and Landon:1


Phase 4:








Phase 5:








3rd: Leroy and Aneesa

2nd: Darrell and Laurel

1st: Landon and Evelyn

Episode 1:

Winners: Team Nany (Nany,Evelyn,Jodi,Leroy,Johnny R,Bananas,Abram,Jordan,Aneesa,Cara Maria,Laurel,Cooke,Derrick,Cohutta)

Voted in: Madison and Tony

Kill Card: Darrell and Susie

Elimination: Balls in

Eliminated: Madison and Tony


Episode 2:

Winners: Brad and Tori

Voted in: Nany and Johnny R

Kill Card: Cara Maria and Bananas

Elimination: Wrecking Wall

Eliminated: Nany and Johnny R


Episode 3:

Winners: Team Kellyanne (Kellyanne,Derrick,Rachel,Cohutta)

Voted in: Theresa and Jordan 

Kill Card: Leroy and Susie

Elimination: Looper

Eliminated: Susie and Jordan


Episode 4:

Winners: Team Abram ( Abram,Evelyn,Zach,Emily,Mark,Rachel,Leroy,Jodi,Bananas,Kellyanne,Dunbar)

Voted in: Theresa and Cohutta

Kill Card: Cooke and Derrick

Elimination: Oppenheimer

Eliminated: Theresa and Cohutta


Episode 5:

Winners: Team Kellyanne (Kellyanne,Zach,Evelyn,Leroy,Laurel,Mark,Cooke,Brad,Tori,Dunbar)

Voted in: Jodi and Bananas

Kill Card: Derrick and Cara Maria

Elimination: Balls in

Eliminated: Bananas and Cara Maria


Episode 6:

Winners: Rachel and Zach

Voted in: Brad and Cooke

Kill Card: Laurel and Derrick

Elimination: Looper

Eliminated: Brad and Cooke


Episode 7:

Winners: Zach and Evelyn

Voted in: Dunbar and Jodi

Kill Card: Laurel and Darrell

Elimination: Wrecking Wall

Eliminated: Dunbar and Jodi


Episode 8:

Winners: Team Landon (Landon,Evelyn,Derrick,Rachel,Zach,Kellyanne,Darrell)

Voted in: Emily and Leroy

Kill Card: Mark and Tori

Elimination: Oppenheimer

Eliminated: Tori and Mark


Episode 9:

Winners: Landon and Darrell/ Laurel and Emily

Voted in: Kellyanne and Leroy

Kill Card: Rachel and Abram

Elimination: Balls In

Eliminated: Abram and Kellyanne


Episode 10:

Winners: Rachel and Landon

Voted in: Laurel and Leroy

Kill Card: Emily and Zach

Eliminated: Zach and Emily


Episode 11:

Kill Card: Laurel/Rachel and Darrell/Derrick

Elimination: Puzzle Pyramid

Eliminated: Derrick and Rachel


Episode 12

Phase 1:

Laurel and Leroy:3

Evelyn and Darrell:2

Aneesa and Landon:1


Phase 2:

Aneesa and Leroy:3

Laurel and Darrell:2

Evelyn and Landon:1


Phase 3:

Evelyn and Leroy:3

Aneesa and Darrell:2

Laurel and Landon:1


Phase 4:








Phase 5:








3rd: Leroy and Aneesa

2nd: Darrell and Laurel

1st: Landon and Evelyn

Jodi taking out Cara Maria in Balls In? HA. And I doubt Tony and Madison would be thrown in first. They'd keep the lambs.

Jodi would demolish Cara Maria IMO, Cara Maria barely beat Jessica HAHAHA and in Free Agents, its not always the smartest to keep the weak around

You could add Wes & Emily (Cara Maria)

The Challenge: Battle of the Ages

Old School Team

Abram (RR: South Pacific)

Ace (RW: Paris)

CT (RW: Paris)

Danny (RW: New Orleans)

Darrell (RR: Campus Crawl)

Frank R. (RW: Las Vegas)

Mark (RR: First Adventure) 

Theo (RR: Maximum Velocity Tour)

Beth (RW: Los Angeles)

Coral (RW: Back to New York)

Julie (RW: New Orleans)

Katie (RR: The Quest)

Rachel (RR: Campus Crawl)

Ruthie (RW: Hawaii)

Susie (RR: Down Under)

Tina (RR: South Pacific)

New School Team

Brian (RW: Ex-Plosion)

Cory (RW: Ex-Plosion)

Greg (RW: Hollywood)

Marlon (RW: Portland)

Mike (RW: D.C.) 

Ryan C. (RW: Brooklyn)

Scott (RW: Brooklyn)

Tony (RW: Skeletons)

Ashley M. (RW: Ex-Plosion)

Averey (RW: Portland)

Brittini (RW: Hollywood)

Cooke (RW: Back to Las Vegas)

Heather (RW: Back to Las Vegas)

LaToya (RW: St. Thomas)

Marie (RW: St. Thomas)

Violetta (RW: Skeletons)

The Challenge: Cutthroat II

*- team captain

Red Team:

Bananas (RW: Key West)*

Brittany (AYTO: Hawaii)

Cohutta (RW: Sydney)

Emily (RW: D.C.)

Johnny (RW: Portland)

Madison (RW: Skeletons)

Marie (RW: St. Thomas

Marlon (RW: Portland)

Nany (RW: Las Vegas 2011)

Swift (RW: St. Thomas)

Gray Team:

Ashley M (RW: Ex-Plosion)

Cooke (RW: Las Las Vegas (2011)

Dustin (RW: Las Vegas 2011)

KellyAnne (RW: Sydney)

Nia (RW: Portland)

Sam (RW: San Diego 2011)

Thomas (RW: Ex-Plosion)

Tony (RW: Skeletons)

Trey (RW: St. Thomas)

Tyler (RW: Key West)*

Blue Team:

Adam (AYTO: Hawaii)

Averey (RW: Portland)

Camila (Spring Break Challenge)

Cara Maria (Fresh Meat II)

Cory (RW: Ex-Plosion)

LaToya (RW: St. Thomas)

Preston (RW: New Orleans 2010)

Robb (RW: St. Thomas)

Violetta (RW: Skeletons)

Wes (RW: Austin)*


Order of Elimination:
Episode 1- Marlon (by Preston), LaToya (by Madison)- Bridge Builder both the big elimination upsets to start the season

Episode 2- Ashley (by Violetta), Preston (by Dustin)- Knock Off

Episode 3- Madison (by Sam), Thomas (by Cohutta)- Balls to the Wall

Episode 4- Swift (by Trey), Sam (by Brittany)- Pass Me

Episode 5- Brittany (by KellyAnne), Dustin (by Cohutta)- Skyscraper

Episode 6- Violetta (by Marie), Adam (by Johnny)- Tangled

Episode 7- Trey (by Cory), Camila (by Nia)- Under and Over

Episode 8- Robb (by Tony), Cooke (by Cara Maria)- Break Out

Episode 9- Marie (by KellyAnne), Tyler (by Bananas)- Ringer

Episode 10- Nany (by Nia), Johnny (by Tony)- Labyrinth


WINNERS- Blue Team- Averey, Cara Maria, Cory, and Wes ($250,000 to split)

2ND PLACE- Red Team- Bananas, Cohutta, and Emily ($60,000 to split)

3RD PLACE- Gray Team- KellyAnne, Nia, and Tony ($30,000 to split)


Challenge 1: Here's the Catch- this challenge is ran in two heats; guys and girls. All 15 players line up 30 years from ball cannons that fire rugby balls into the air once they are fired from the cannon players must retreive on and make it to the end zone. Only catch is, there is always one less ball than player, so someone will be left out. One person will be eliminated after each round until one person is left standing. If a guy from one team and girl from another win, a tie breaker will commence where the strongest guy frome each team will duke it out to bring home the win.

Challenge 2: Drop It Like It's Hot- this is pretty much X Marks the Spot from The Inferno II. Team with most points wins.

Challenge 3: Floater- male and female pairs within teams pair up to work their way up and over a climbing wall structure hanging 20 feet over the water. Fastest team time wins.

Challenge 4: Hungry Hustle- teams compete relay style to run up three flights of stairs eat the required food at the top run down and tag the next person in line. First team to finish all the foods wins.

Challenge 5: Plunge- teams compete relay to run from the beach to the water, retrieve the correct colored peg. Once the peg is retrieved, the player inserts it into a the pole. First team to retrieve all the pegs and advance up the pole first wins.

Challenge 6: Shocker- basically a trivia challenge where if you get the question wrong, your electrocuted and eliminated from the challenge. Last surviving team wins.

Challenge 7: Triple Threat- Riot Act from Cutthroat but with no riot shields. Males vs. Males and Females vs. Females. Only three players compete per heat from each team, so each heat will be 1 red vs. 1 blue vs. 1 gray. So the winner advances and it run tournament style until there a guy winner and girl winner. If the winners are from opposing teams, the best girl from each team faces off in a tie breaker.

Challenge 8: Trail Mix- watch Logged Out from Battle of the Seasons or Don't Forget About Me from Exes II will give you a basic idea of what this challenge is.

Challenge 9: Crosshair- a remixed version of Dug Out from Free Agents. 

Challenge 10: Ball & Chain- teams compete as pairs where they are chained together by the wrists with a heavy ball in the middle. They start from one platform and must get across a beam without letting the ball touch the beam or falling off. If there are uneven players, some people will have to go twice. Fastest team time wins.

Episode 11: Final Challenge- your typical Rivals/Seasons/Exes II two day final challenge with checkpoints, tasks, challenges, and mountains to climb. First team to reach the finish line wins.

Elimination Rounds:

Bridge Builder- remix of Bridge It from The Island. Each competitor has a pile of planks different shapes and sizes and they must find the correct piece that fits into the gap on the bridge to advance to the bell.

Knock Off- a good old fashion physical elimination where there is a platform raised in the air and you must knock your opponet off in a best of 3.

Balls to the Wall- same as Balls Out from Battle of the Seasons with a different name.

Pass Me- a remix version of Oppenheimer/Hall Brawl/Hall Pass from Free Agents, Seasons, Exes, respectively. Comepetitors must run from one side of the track retreive a ball and run back and ring the bell. This is also a best of 3.

Skyscraper- a remix of Breaking on Through from Rivals II just with different tasks at each floor.

Tangled- a remix of Looper from Free Agents with a different name.

Under and Over- a new elimination round similar to Spool from The Ruins without the rope and instead of bamboo struts, competitors must manuever with a cluster **** of walls and openings, some high some low. Player to get to the end first wins.

Break Out- another new elimination that submerges competitors in a water tank. There is a unbreakable sheet of plexy glass that is locked into the frame of the tank with four locks holding into place. Near the top of the tank where players come up for air there are four keys that unlock the locks, but it is not known which key opens which lock. Once a player unlocks all four locks they must use the hand holds at the bottom of the plexy glass and slide up and out of the tank and use a metal ring to smash their way out of the tank.

Ringer- same as Ring Wrestle from The Island with a different name.

Labyrinth- competitors start at opposet ends of a small-medium sized maze (just big enough to fit in an elimination area for a challenge). They must work their way through the maze to get to the other side solve a puzzle and work their way back to where they started. 

Battle of the Seasons 3:

Skeletons: Tony, Bruno, Violetta, Nicole

ExPlosion: Brian, Cory, Jenny, Ashley M.

Portland: Marlon, Johnny, Averey, Nia

St. Thomas: Robb, Swift, Marie, LaToya

Vegas: Adam, Dustin, Cooke, Nany

D.C.: Mike, Josh, Emily, Ashley L.

Hollywood: Will, Greg, Brianna, Kimberly

Sydney: Cohutta, Dunbar, KellyAnne, Trisha

Key West: Bananas, Zach, Svetlana, Janelle

WINNERS- Blue Team- Averey, Cara Maria, Cory, and Wes ($250,000 to split)

Hell to the yes.

WINNERS- Blue Team- Averey, Cara Maria, Cory, and Wes ($250,000 to split)

Hell to the yes.


The Challenge: Velocity-- Individual... Last place goes into elimination.. Winners choose opponents.


Cara Maria

















Johnny R









Challenge 1: Ring Wrestle

Winners: Marie and Scott

Losers: Melinda and Noor

Voted in: Sahar and Isaac

Elimination: Puzzle Pyramid

Eliminated: Isaac and Melinda


Challenge 2: Upside Downer

Winners: Zach and Cara Maria

Losers:Johnny R and Parisa

Voted in: Noor and Joi

Elimination: X Battle

Eliminated: Parisa and Noor


Challenge 3:Wall Walker

Winners: Zach and Nia

Losers: Johnny R and Latoya

Voted in: Cohutta and Mandi

Elimination: Hanging by a thread

Eliminated: Johnny R and Latoya


Challenge 4: Obstacle

Winners: Scott and Marie

Losers: Cohutta and Sahar

Voted in: Dustin and Veronica

Elimination: Hall Brawl

Eliminated: Cohutta and Sahar


Challenge 5: Riot Act

Winners: Scott and Marie

Losers: Jordan and Jonna

Voted in: Dustin and Joi

Elimination: X knocks the spot

Eliminated: Joi and Dustin


Challenge 6: Hammock Crawl

Winners: CJ and Nia

Losers: Jordan and Jonna

Voted in: Marlon and Mandi

Elimination: Blast off

Eliminated: Jordan and Jonna


Challenge 6: Mental Connection

Winners: Cara Maria and Zach

Losers: Averey and Leroy

Voted in: Veronica and Scott

Elimination: Die Hard

Eliminated: Averey and Leroy


Challenge 7: Logged out

Winners: Cara Maria and Abram

Losers: Mandi and Marlon

Voted in: Veronica and Scott

Elimination: Hog Tie

Eliminated: Mandi and Marlon


Challenge 8: Color Correction

Winners: Cara Maria and Zach

Losers: Marie and CJ

Voted in: Veronica and Scott

Elimination: Push Over

Eliminated: Veronica and CJ


Challenge 10: Sausage Party

Winners: Nia and Zach

Losers: Marie and Bananas

Voted in: Cara Maria and Scott

Elimination: Sliders

Eliminated: Marie and Scott


Challenge 11: Wrecking Ball

Winners: Cara Maria and Zach

Losers: Nany and Bananas

Voted in: Nia and Abram

Elimination: Smash House

Eliminated: Nany and Bananas



2nd: Nia and Zach

1st: Cara Maria and Abram

The Challenge: Bloodlines

1. Tony Raines ( RW : Skeletons )
2. Thomas Buell ( RW : Ex-Plosion )
3. Dustin Zito ( RW : Las Vegas 2 )
4. Frank Sweeney ( RW : San Diego 2 )
5. Johnny Devananzio ( RW : Key West )
6. Cory Wharton ( RW : Ex-Plosion )
7. Chris Tambruello ( RW : Paris )
8. Robb Schreiber ( RW : St. Thomas )
9. Sylvia Elsrode ( RW : Skeletons )
10. Madison Walls ( RW : Skeletons )
11. Jenna Compono ( RW : Ex-Plosion )
12. Marie Roda ( RW : St. Thomas )
13. Heather Cooke ( RW : Las Vegas 2 )
14. Nany Gonzalez ( RW : Las Vegas 2 )
15. Nia Moore ( RW : Portland )
16. Emily Schromm ( RW : D.C. )

1. Frank Elsrode ( Sylvia's Brother )
2. Shane Raines ( Tony's Brother )
3. Stephan Buell ( Thomas' Brother )
4. Josh Quayhagen ( Dustin's Brother )
5. Joseph Cooke ( Cooke's Brother )
6. Trent Atkinson ( Frank's Boyfriend )
7. Ashud ( Cory's Brother )
8. Jack Schmidt ( Robb's Cousin )
9. Rachel Shapshak ( Madison's Sister )
10. Tori Anne Compono ( Jenna's Sister )
11. Hannah Teter ( Johnny's Girlfriend )
12. Victoria Roda ( Marie's Sister )
13. Nicole Gonzalez ( Nany's Cousin )
14. Makeda Moore ( Nia's Sister )
15. Michelle Kinney ( Emily's Girlfriend )
16. Faith Brown ( Diem's Sister )

Battle of The Seasons 3

1. Jason Hill ( RW : Skeletons )
2. Tony Raines ( RW : Skeletons )
3. Madison Walls ( RW : Skeletons )
3. Sylvia Elsrode ( RW : Skeletons )

1. Cory Wharton ( RW : Ex-Plosion )
2. Thomas Buell ( RW : Ex-Plosion )
3. Jamie Larson ( RW : Ex-Plosion )
4. Jenna Compono ( RW : Ex-Plosion )

1. Johnny Reilly ( RW : Portland )
2. Jordan Wiseley ( RW : Portland )
3. Averey Tressler ( RW : Portland )
4. Jessica McCain ( RW : Portland )

Road Rules:
1. Abram Boise ( RR : South Pacific )
2. Darrell Taylor ( RR : Campus Crawl )
3. Veronica Portillo ( RR : Semester at Sea )
4. Rachel Robinson ( RR : Campus Crawl )

Old School:
1. Jamie Murray ( RW : New Orleans )
2. Frank Roessler ( RW : Las Vegas 2 )
3. Beth Stolarczyk ( RW : Los Angeles )
4. Coral Smith ( RW : Back to New York )

1. Ty Ruff ( RW : D.C. )
2. Mike Manning ( RW : D.C. )
3. Emily Schromm ( RW : D.C. )
4. Ashley Lindley ( RW : D.C. )

1. CJ Koegel ( RW : Cancun )
2. Chris Tambruello ( RW : Paris )
3. Ruthie Alcaide ( RW : Hawaii )
4. Marie Roda ( RW : St. Thomas )

1. Cohutta Grindstaff ( RW : Sydney )
2. Isaac Stout ( RW : Sydney )
3. KellyAnne Judd ( RW : Sydney )
4. Ashli Robson ( RW : Sydney )

1. Ryan Conklin ( RW : Brooklyn )
2. Scott Herman ( RW : Brooklyn )
3. Sarah Rice ( RW : Brooklyn )
4. Baya Voce ( RW : Brooklyn )

Eskimo Brothers

Bananas/Reily (Nany)

Adam/Pete (Jenn)

Dunbar/Ty (Paula)

Jordan/CT  (Laurel)

Wes/Cohutta (Kellyanne)

Zach/Jay (Jenna)

Cory/Brian (Jenny)


Kellyanne/Nany (Cohutta)

Ashley/Jonna (Zach)

Mandi/Laurel (CT)

Johanna/Theresa (Wes)

Tori/Cameran (Brad)

Ashli/Paula (Dunbar)

Coral/Caramaria (Abe)


Battle of The Seasons 3 Skeletons: 1. Jason Hill ( RW : Skeletons ) 2. Tony Raines ( RW : Skeletons ) 3. Madison Walls ( RW : Skeletons ) 3. Sylvia Elsrode ( RW : Skeletons ) Ex-Plosion: 1. Cory Wharton ( RW : Ex-Plosion ) 2. Thomas Buell ( RW : Ex-Plosion ) 3. Jamie Larson ( RW : Ex-Plosion ) 4. Jenna Compono ( RW : Ex-Plosion ) Portland: 1. Johnny Reilly ( RW : Portland ) 2. Jordan Wiseley ( RW : Portland ) 3. Averey Tressler ( RW : Portland ) 4. Jessica McCain ( RW : Portland ) Road Rules: 1. Abram Boise ( RR : South Pacific ) 2. Darrell Taylor ( RR : Campus Crawl ) 3. Veronica Portillo ( RR : Semester at Sea ) 4. Rachel Robinson ( RR : Campus Crawl ) Old School: 1. Jamie Murray ( RW : New Orleans ) 2. Frank Roessler ( RW : Las Vegas 2 ) 3. Beth Stolarczyk ( RW : Los Angeles ) 4. Coral Smith ( RW : Back to New York ) D.C.: 1. Ty Ruff ( RW : D.C. ) 2. Mike Manning ( RW : D.C. ) 3. Emily Schromm ( RW : D.C. ) 4. Ashley Lindley ( RW : D.C. ) International: 1. CJ Koegel ( RW : Cancun ) 2. Chris Tambruello ( RW : Paris ) 3. Ruthie Alcaide ( RW : Hawaii ) 4. Marie Roda ( RW : St. Thomas ) Sydney: 1. Cohutta Grindstaff ( RW : Sydney ) 2. Isaac Stout ( RW : Sydney ) 3. KellyAnne Judd ( RW : Sydney ) 4. Ashli Robson ( RW : Sydney ) Brooklyn: 1. Ryan Conklin ( RW : Brooklyn ) 2. Scott Herman ( RW : Brooklyn ) 3. Sarah Rice ( RW : Brooklyn ) 4. Baya Voce ( RW : Brooklyn )

I'd still prefer Andrew instead of Mike, but I like this!

I was going to do Andrew and Mike but if they did a Team D.C. Ty & Emily would automatically be on it.

The Challenge: Bloodlines Alumni: 1. Tony Raines ( RW : Skeletons ) 2. Thomas Buell ( RW : Ex-Plosion ) 3. Dustin Zito ( RW : Las Vegas 2 ) 4. Frank Sweeney ( RW : San Diego 2 ) 5. Johnny Devananzio ( RW : Key West ) 6. Cory Wharton ( RW : Ex-Plosion ) 7. Chris Tambruello ( RW : Paris ) 8. Robb Schreiber ( RW : St. Thomas ) 9. Sylvia Elsrode ( RW : Skeletons ) 10. Madison Walls ( RW : Skeletons ) 11. Jenna Compono ( RW : Ex-Plosion ) 12. Marie Roda ( RW : St. Thomas ) 13. Heather Cooke ( RW : Las Vegas 2 ) 14. Nany Gonzalez ( RW : Las Vegas 2 ) 15. Nia Moore ( RW : Portland ) 16. Emily Schromm ( RW : D.C. ) Blood: 1. Frank Elsrode ( Sylvia's Brother ) 2. Shane Raines ( Tony's Brother ) 3. Stephan Buell ( Thomas' Brother ) 4. Josh Quayhagen ( Dustin's Brother ) 5. Joseph Cooke ( Cooke's Brother ) 6. Trent Atkinson ( Frank's Boyfriend ) 7. Ashud ( Cory's Brother ) 8. Jack Schmidt ( Robb's Cousin ) 9. Rachel Shapshak ( Madison's Sister ) 10. Tori Anne Compono ( Jenna's Sister ) 11. Hannah Teter ( Johnny's Girlfriend ) 12. Victoria Roda ( Marie's Sister ) 13. Nicole Gonzalez ( Nany's Cousin ) 14. Makeda Moore ( Nia's Sister ) 15. Michelle Kinney ( Emily's Girlfriend ) 16. Faith Brown ( Diem's Sister )

I like this because I can see this actually being the cast , except replace Robb and Frank with AYTO people

The Challenge: Bloodlines Alumni: 1. Tony Raines ( RW : Skeletons ) 2. Thomas Buell ( RW : Ex-Plosion ) 3. Dustin Zito ( RW : Las Vegas 2 ) 4. Frank Sweeney ( RW : San Diego 2 ) 5. Johnny Devananzio ( RW : Key West ) 6. Cory Wharton ( RW : Ex-Plosion ) 7. Chris Tambruello ( RW : Paris ) 8. Robb Schreiber ( RW : St. Thomas ) 9. Sylvia Elsrode ( RW : Skeletons ) 10. Madison Walls ( RW : Skeletons ) 11. Jenna Compono ( RW : Ex-Plosion ) 12. Marie Roda ( RW : St. Thomas ) 13. Heather Cooke ( RW : Las Vegas 2 ) 14. Nany Gonzalez ( RW : Las Vegas 2 ) 15. Nia Moore ( RW : Portland ) 16. Emily Schromm ( RW : D.C. ) Blood: 1. Frank Elsrode ( Sylvia's Brother ) 2. Shane Raines ( Tony's Brother ) 3. Stephan Buell ( Thomas' Brother ) 4. Josh Quayhagen ( Dustin's Brother ) 5. Joseph Cooke ( Cooke's Brother ) 6. Trent Atkinson ( Frank's Boyfriend ) 7. Ashud ( Cory's Brother ) 8. Jack Schmidt ( Robb's Cousin ) 9. Rachel Shapshak ( Madison's Sister ) 10. Tori Anne Compono ( Jenna's Sister ) 11. Hannah Teter ( Johnny's Girlfriend ) 12. Victoria Roda ( Marie's Sister ) 13. Nicole Gonzalez ( Nany's Cousin ) 14. Makeda Moore ( Nia's Sister ) 15. Michelle Kinney ( Emily's Girlfriend ) 16. Faith Brown ( Diem's Sister )

I like this because I can see this actually being the cast , except replace Robb and Frank with AYTO people


LOL this looks pretty accurate base don what's floating around right now, give or take a few people

Rivals: Old Enemies. This challenge consist of all old-schoolers paired up with their arch nemeisis. Alton/Theo(The Gauntlet) Steven/Shane(Battle of the Sexes 2) David/Puck(Battle of the Sexes) Syrus/James(Extreme Challenge) Mike/Brad(The Inferno 2) Landon/Derrick(The Inferno 2) Abram/Darrell(The Inferno 2) CT/Dan(The Inferno 2) Katie/Veronica(The Inferno) Coral/Julie(The Inferno) Kina/Cara(The Gauntlet 2) Tonya/Beth(The Inferno 2) Emily/Rachel(Battle of the Sexes) Ayanna/Aneesa(Battle of the Sexes 2) Belou/Holly(Battle of the Seasons) Tina/Jodi(The Inferno 2)

Rivals: Old Enemies. This challenge consist of all old-schoolers paired up with their arch nemeisis. Alton/Theo(The Gauntlet) Steven/Shane(Battle of the Sexes 2) David/Puck(Battle of the Sexes) Syrus/James(Extreme Challenge) Mike/Brad(The Inferno 2) Landon/Derrick(The Inferno 2) Abram/Darrell(The Inferno 2) CT/Dan(The Inferno 2) Katie/Veronica(The Inferno) Coral/Julie(The Inferno) Kina/Cara(The Gauntlet 2) Tonya/Beth(The Inferno 2) Emily/Rachel(Battle of the Sexes) Ayanna/Aneesa(Battle of the Sexes 2) Belou/Holly(Battle of the Seasons) Tina/Jodi(The Inferno 2)

This would've been EVERYTHING in the golden era. 

The Challenge: BloodLines ( Try to used different ones from my other Bloodlines fantasy)

Zach & Daniel (Brothers)

Tony & Shane (Brothers)

Jay & Charlee (Brothers)

Dario & Ralphy (Twin Brothers)

Adam & Mike (Friends or cousins)

Violetta & Irena (Cousins/raised like sisters, she is the one with gray or baby blue bathing suit)

Nia & Makeeda (Sisters)

Nany & Nicole (Cousins)

Averey & jenna (Sisters)

Marie & Kristie (Sisters, I decide to use her other sister I think she looks like Paula)

Emily & Mitchell (Couple)

Ashlee & Ryan (Siblings)

Dustin & Victoria (Siblings)

Sylvia & Tommy (Siblings)

Bananas & Hannah (Couple)

32 competitors teams of 16, 11 eliminations only 10 competitors make the final. With banks accounts like the ruins, if your bloodlines gets eliminated theyvget their money. If their bloodline is eliminated and then they get eliminated the person who eliminate them get their bank account. I think it can be interesting since most of the bloddlines are young and single while the alumni have some past history and be dramatic. A team of hannah/Averey with Nany and another one with Jay/Bananas Ashlee/Zach would be drama wet dream

Team 1
Team 2


I think either team can win, since both on paper look strong and balance.

Ashlee & Ryan. **** yes.

International: 1. CJ Koegel ( RW : Cancun ) 2. Chris Tambruello ( RW : Paris ) 3. Ruthie Alcaide ( RW : Hawaii ) 4. Marie Roda ( RW : St. Thomas )  )

nice cast but why is Hawaii under international? That team and the road rules team would dominate

Battle of The Seasons III

Location: Langkawi, Malaysia with the final located near Fuji, Japan.

Format: Same as Seasons II, 11 eliminations, with an ideal final of 3 teams of 2 and 2 teams of 4. Feel free to guess the final ;D.


  • Lauren
  • Jenny
  • Haliey
  • Thomas
  • Cory
  • Brian


  • Madison
  • Violetta
  • Alyssa
  • Tony
  • Briah
  • Bruno

San Diego

  • Alex
  • Robin
  • Ashley
  • Zach
  • Frank
  • Brad

Las Vegas

  • Nany
  • Cooke
  • Trishelle
  • Leroy
  • Alton
  • Dustin

Fresh Meat

  • Laurel (II)
  • Cara (II)
  • Theresa (II)
  • Brandon (II)
  • Evan (I)
  • Kenny (I)

International (Suprise Alternative Team)

  • KellyAnne (Australia)
  • Jonna (Mexico)
  • Marie (Virgin Islands)
  • Issac (Australia)
  • Trey (Virgin Islands)
  • CT (France)

Ashlee & Ryan. **** yes.

My thoughts exactly. Also Ryan used to be close to Zach so I wonder if he hates him now after what he did to Ashlee

I wanted to get Marie on but didn't want to repeat St. Thomas so I put her and Ruthie in "International" because they both take place outside the US

BMP and MTV need to make note of the past 2 challenges Pink Rose has made. If they're wanting next season to be successful, that is. 
