I look at their story from the context of when they first met in the Duel....if you get a chance go back and watch those old episodes and listen to them talking about one another, they were such kids......now fast forward 9 years to last night......it really is an incredible journey played out on TV for the viewing public......last night highlights to me CT's comments where he stated "they never gave up on one another".
I was also very touched by CT speaking to Diem late that night via cell phone from the hospital, her calling him Chris and calming him down, she returned shortly afterwards and they crawled into the bunkbed.......when you watch this episode you need to really grasp the fact that these are their last fleeting moments together (after a 9 year journey) before she departs for NYC and the world takes over with "sources", "tabloids" and leaked information speaking on their behalf.
CT was absolutely devoted to Diem.....she certainly brought out the best in him.
I agree. They really did come such a long way and you could tell this time it was an adult relationship that they were having. I'm still thinking about last night's show. It certainly made an impact. On a show filled with so many petty fights, meaningless hookups and just so many things that are not truly reality, even though it's called reality TV, lol....last night what we got in the first 10 minutes was as real as real can get...almost a little too real for some I'm sure. Not too often that you get such rawness and realness on these types of shows....might have been the case in the very early days of reality TV but not so much now.
I am so glad, Hammer62, that you joined this thread. I appreciate your fresh eyes and marvel at how on target your assessments have been regarding their relationship. There are loves and then, if we are lucky, there are great loves in our lives. Theirs was a great love as reflected in the passion and affection we caught a glipmse of while watching the Challenges in which they participated. They both had other relationships (some serious, some silly) over those years between The Duel and Battle of the Exes 2 but they continued to be drawn back to one another like, as Diem said, some weird force. Her Chris gave her comfort and made her feel full. His Diem drew out his sweetness and made him want to be a better man. They were each other's True North.
I look at their story from the context of when they first met in the Duel....if you get a chance go back and watch those old episodes and listen to them talking about one another, they were such kids......now fast forward 9 years to last night......it really is an incredible journey played out on TV for the viewing public......last night highlights to me CT's comments where he stated "they never gave up on one another".
I was also very touched by CT speaking to Diem late that night via cell phone from the hospital, her calling him Chris and calming him down, she returned shortly afterwards and they crawled into the bunkbed.......when you watch this episode you need to really grasp the fact that these are their last fleeting moments together (after a 9 year journey) before she departs for NYC and the world takes over with "sources", "tabloids" and leaked information speaking on their behalf.
CT was absolutely devoted to Diem.....she certainly brought out the best in him.
Yesterday was hard to watch, but I thought they edited it well and tastefully. The part that really got me was the scene of diem talking about commitment and marriage. How see had been afraid of commitment, it sort of put into perspective her long term relationship with her ex and also her relationship with CT, that she tended to shut people out sometimes ( I think she also mentioned it in her people blog). At the end of the day all that matters is diem knew she was loved. Prayers to her family, friends and CT
That episode was tough to watch. It's still so surreal. But I guess I felt better knowing that Diem was surrounded by the love of her family and friends in her last months. She loved and was loved. The ending was sad but hopeful. No, Diem is no longer in the physical world but the kind of spirit she had just doesn't fade away because of death.
And as far as Veronica? Oh please. That girl doesn't know a damn thing. Diem was surrounded by a number of incredible people in her final months and she wasn't one of them so BYE! I really don't understand those people who don't belive that prior to Diem's hospitalization she. Was. With. CT. I mean, what more proof do you really need? A picture of them in bed? Seriously? People need to stop playing DUMB because it's really annoying at this point and it's so disrespectful to keep bringing it up. If you have your own idea then fine. But go somewhere with it because Diem fans are not here for your conspiracy theories and speculation. Who do you know hangs out with there ex almost every weekend for a year? Goes to the gym with them? Dinner? Movies? Why would Diem be in some random Massachusetts suburb all the time if not for CT? Do ya'll know what this part of Mass looks like because I live 2 towns away from Ct and I'll tell you, there's nothing to write home about.. Ugh sorry for the ranting but the constant speculation and lies about Diem after her passing have been so pathetic. Prayers to the Brown family always and forever.
I have been lurking on this website for years and finally decided to create an account. It's been great to read the generally positive posts in here.
I would like to encourage people not to focus their energy on what others say about Diem and CT's relationship. People are entitled to their own versions of "truth" --no matter how different it may be from ours. There must be a good reason she didn't want us fans to know about the status of her relationship. I am yet to see any of her friends or family talking about her relationship. Perhaps, Diem wanted us to remember her for something else (medgift, ovarian cancer).
Let's remember her for the brave and uplifting person she was, and pray for her family and friends who have to deal with the pain of her loss everyday.
I have been lurking on this website for years and finally decided to create an account. It's been great to read the generally positive posts in here.
I would like to encourage people not to focus their energy on what others say about Diem and CT's relationship. People are entitled to their own versions of "truth" --no matter how different it may be from ours. There must be a good reason she didn't want us fans to know about the status of her relationship. I am yet to see any of her friends or family talking about her relationship. Perhaps, Diem wanted us to remember her for something else (medgift, ovarian cancer).
Let's remember her for the brave and uplifting person she was, and pray for her family and friends who have to deal with the pain of her loss everyday.
@v_cakes: But I hope you all know that Diem & CT were not together and Diem actually had an amazing man in her life. #MTV #TheChallenge
I posted this yesterday but deleted it after because some were upset by it. And I totally get it. It ticked me off that she felt the need to tweet this on the night that she did and especially when there are so many reports to the contrary.
And I just have to say how classy CT's family has been throughout. It would be hard for me not to defend my child or brother. Just goes to show how much respect they have for their relationship with Diem! Seems as though they were both surrounded by amazing people.
That episode was tough to watch. It's still so surreal. But I guess I felt better knowing that Diem was surrounded by the love of her family and friends in her last months. She loved and was loved. The ending was sad but hopeful. No, Diem is no longer in the physical world but the kind of spirit she had just doesn't fade away because of death.
And as far as Veronica? Oh please. That girl doesn't know a damn thing. Diem was surrounded by a number of incredible people in her final months and she wasn't one of them so BYE! I really don't understand those people who don't belive that prior to Diem's hospitalization she. Was. With. CT. I mean, what more proof do you really need? A picture of them in bed? Seriously? People need to stop playing DUMB because it's really annoying at this point and it's so disrespectful to keep bringing it up. If you have your own idea then fine. But go somewhere with it because Diem fans are not here for your conspiracy theories and speculation. Who do you know hangs out with there ex almost every weekend for a year? Goes to the gym with them? Dinner? Movies? Why would Diem be in some random Massachusetts suburb all the time if not for CT? Do ya'll know what this part of Mass looks like because I live 2 towns away from Ct and I'll tell you, there's nothing to write home about.. Ugh sorry for the ranting but the constant speculation and lies about Diem after her passing have been so pathetic. Prayers to the Brown family always and forever.
It was tough to watch. I have to say it was nice to see that CT got some support too - Johnny was a star!
xoxoxoxo I don't understand why anyone is giving any credence to Veronica - she needs to crawl back under whatever rock she came out from and why is anyone here repeating her nonsense?? Thank you for being a voice of reason <3
Veronica is annoying in the first place with all her annoying tweets about The Challenge being completely different when she hasn't been on in YEARS. She has the nerve to call Are You the One irrelevant but she's not even on the show with less than 10k followers? And if they do call her and she declines, why does she act like she still cares so much about it if she's moved on? Hmm #Overrated #Annoying #KeepItMoving
Most people don't care about AYTO being on the show though. And Veronica was VERY relevant every time she made an appearance on the show. She doesn't do the challenges NOW so of course she wouldn't have as many followers than the cast that are actually on TV. She can still tweet about the show, she has done her time. 8 CHALLENGES. She can have an opinion, she gave us enough entertainment for years so she is entitled to have an opinion on the current state of the show.
Anyway, Diem was heartbreaking on last night's episode but I LOVED her last confessional about love and not to keep pushing it away cause you never know what can happen. ;(
Veronica can do what she likes, Twitter is designed for uninformed, uneducated, poorly timed comments by everyone.....if she was positive of her conviction she would not have taken the tweet down.
Maybe she was drinking wine and remembering Diems former boyfriend, maybe she is angry with CT, maybe she is looking for attention.......but if CT and Diem were not involved in a relationship the past year then that is one incredible job done by friends, familes, internet blogs, TV shows, memorial video and Diems own commentatary on the last episode (about having a partner like CT and ready to share her life with)......damn Veronica, your right, they got over on us, were such fools...LOL
I was wondering about that comment Diem made about CT being a great partner. I think it was carefully edited by MTV to look like she said it meaning that he was going to be her "white picket fence", but we know she would not have said that because she was so private. It could be interpreted that way, especially if it's how most people want to interpret it.
I was wondering about that comment Diem made about CT being a great partner. I think it was carefully edited by MTV to look like she said it meaning that he was going to be her "white picket fence", but we know she would not have said that because she was so private. It could be interpreted that way, especially if it's how most people want to interpret it.
I noticed that too that they let out partner "in the game" and went with just partner. Although i have never heard diem mention white picket fence without mentioning ct and her's future. She did on Duel 1, Duel 2, Exes, Rivals2, and here. THat was the dream they had together from the duel 1 on. I think the guy in that version of her future was always CT .
She could have married someoene else if it didn't work out before they reunited after Rivals 2, but it woudln't have been her white picket fence dream it woudl have been a different version of it if that makes sense. I think she held on to the CT would mature and we would have our white picket fence dream since the first time she met him and that's kind of what has been alluded to by people who know her that it was always CT. The white picket fence /kids scenario and CT are connected like there is no white picket fence if no CT type of thing. It's hard to explain...
But in the end his instagram posts that some felt were over the top(questioning his motives) , i think him breaking down and losing it over diem's health scare on the show shows that his feelings were completely geniune. Not that anyone here doubted it, but i think it was nice to see that what actually happened, backs his feelings he tried to share on IG. He was deeply in love with her. He was trying to be a better man for her...it's just sad we never got to those future plans happen.
But in the end his instagram posts that some felt were over the top(questioning his motives) , i think him breaking down and losing it over diem's health scare on the show shows that his feelings were completely geniune. Not that anyone here doubted it, but i think it was nice to see that what actually happened, backs his feelings he tried to share on IG. He was deeply in love with her. He was trying to be a better man for her...it's just sad we never got to those future plans happen.
One thought I had when watching her departure from Panama......CT and Diem were together and in control of the relationship until she departed to NY. Lets keep in mind once she went to the hospital back in the US her family and friends basically took control of the situation I would suspect CT felt a bit abandoned with no true way to help. Questioning his motives to me is a bunch of nonsense (correct term is BS), those same friends and family members were all over People Magazine, E!, US Mag, MTV......alot of folks were in the tabloids and CT was not talking other than Instagram which I do not fell was over the top......and he is still not talking today......think those same tabloids ae not offering him money for interviews? They would love to get him to discuss their relationship.......and he is radio silent.
But in the end his instagram posts that some felt were over the top(questioning his motives) , i think him breaking down and losing it over diem's health scare on the show shows that his feelings were completely geniune. Not that anyone here doubted it, but i think it was nice to see that what actually happened, backs his feelings he tried to share on IG. He was deeply in love with her. He was trying to be a better man for her...it's just sad we never got to those future plans happen.
One thought I had when watching her departure from Panama......CT and Diem were together and in control of the relationship until she departed to NY. Lets keep in mind once she went to the hospital back in the US her family and friends basically took control of the situation I would suspect CT felt a bit abandoned with no true way to help. Questioning his motives to me is a bunch of nonsense (correct term is BS), those same friends and family members were all over People Magazine, E!, US Mag, MTV......alot of folks were in the tabloids and CT was not talking other than Instagram which I do not fell was over the top......and he is still not talking today......think those same tabloids ae not offering him money for interviews? They would love to get him to discuss their relationship.......and he is radio silent.
I agree. and for the record i never questioned his motives in case you took it as me questioning them...But yea it had to be awkward back in the US with everyone and her 100's of freinds wanting to see her/spend tiem with her, her ex bf there, and still try to get time for them too. I mean she was very loved, so she probably had a packed hosptial everyday full of people wanting to support her. That's not a bad thing in anyway, but he may have felt a bit like an outsider at times, but he also knew what he had wiht her. Most of her friends were quite fond of him as well.
Yea CT has been completely silent about everything for months now, and he actually has things going on. He's currently on the Kroll show, and yet we hear nothing. I feel for him, i truly do. I highly doubt he has watched any of the season so far.
I was not questioning you....you bring up a great point on once they got back to the States......I never thought about the 100's of friends.....the normalized relatinship was over after Panama, she was fighting for her life and doctors, family friends were involved.....suspect CT was engaged but time with Diem would have been difficult to come by during the last few months. I am like you, I really feel for him....and I respect the fact he is not talking....good for him.
I miss her so much and I only interacted with her a few times (via internet) over the past 9 yrs, but it meant the world to me. I miss her blogs, tweets, instagram posts, etc.
I think these last episodes show the love CT and Diem had for each other. I smiled when CT dropped the food he had in his hand immediately when the producer told him Diem had gone to the hospital. It was also sweet to see how fast Diem was able to calm him.
I love this! I never thought about Diem and CT losing "control" of their relationship until I read your recent posts but you are absolutely right! One of the many things I adored about Diem is that she always tried not to hurt anyone with her comments or her conduct. I can imagine she was very protective of her ex's feelings (he was not over her as evidenced by his Facebook photo gallery) and still considered him a kind and generous friend. They shared many friends in common and I'm sure those friends and perhaps some family members sought to protect what they felt was the best outcome for Diem's future. I commend CT for continuing to honor her memory by his silence. It speaks volumes about his genuine love for her and what they had.
But in the end his instagram posts that some felt were over the top(questioning his motives) , i think him breaking down and losing it over diem's health scare on the show shows that his feelings were completely geniune. Not that anyone here doubted it, but i think it was nice to see that what actually happened, backs his feelings he tried to share on IG. He was deeply in love with her. He was trying to be a better man for her...it's just sad we never got to those future plans happen.
One thought I had when watching her departure from Panama......CT and Diem were together and in control of the relationship until she departed to NY. Lets keep in mind once she went to the hospital back in the US her family and friends basically took control of the situation I would suspect CT felt a bit abandoned with no true way to help. Questioning his motives to me is a bunch of nonsense (correct term is BS), those same friends and family members were all over People Magazine, E!, US Mag, MTV......alot of folks were in the tabloids and CT was not talking other than Instagram which I do not fell was over the top......and he is still not talking today......think those same tabloids ae not offering him money for interviews? They would love to get him to discuss their relationship.......and he is radio silent.
When were his appearances on the Kroll Show filmed? Was that before or after the challenge? I can't really see him filming those after. Doesn't seem like he's been doing much on the showbiz front.
I thought I was the only one who noticed CT throw down his food. That episode . I thought MTV did a very good job of handing the episode. But no matter how what they would've shown it didn't make it easier to watch. It semmed almost wrong to watch her in so much pain.
I noticed the food too. I also hadn't seen CT's eyes pop out like they did this ep, in years.... so sad. One thing I wished we would have seen more of was reaction of some of the others that were close to her. In fact, I was surprised we got so many reaction shots of Jenna or Britanny when someone like Wes or Knight would have been feeling a lot at the time too. I get it was edited to show the couple, but many on the cast were close to her.
I was actually also very touched by Bananas and CT leaning on each other - or maybe even Johnny comforting CT and even hugging his head when they found out. Johnny hasn't made any indication on CT/Diem, but him saying to CT while he was packing "you being there is prob going to help a lot dude" just meant that even he understood their bond. And maybe they were the only two who knew about the cancer, dunno.
Also, did this article get posted? Banana's speaking about Diem and that she found out about the cancer around her birthday. If he knew one would assume that CT did too. And it would make sense that she found out from the time of her cat scan pics on Insta.
The saddest scene for me(just becuase of how it all turned out after the show) was how happy he was to hear her voice on the call, and he's like i'm so happy you are OK!!!!!!!He sounded giddy honestly just to hear her voice and know she was fine... That's the side of CT/Chris i think she always has seen that the viewers don't get to see much, if any, of.
I noticed the food too. I also hadn't seen CT's eyes pop out like they did this ep, in years.... so sad. One thing I wished we would have seen more of was reaction of some of the others that were close to her. In fact, I was surprised we got so many reaction shots of Jenna or Britanny when someone like Wes or Knight would have been feeling a lot at the time too. I get it was edited to show the couple, but many on the cast were close to her.
I was actually also very touched by Bananas and CT leaning on each other - or maybe even Johnny comforting CT and even hugging his head when they found out. Johnny hasn't made any indication on CT/Diem, but him saying to CT while he was packing "you being there is prob going to help a lot dude" just meant that even he understood their bond. And maybe they were the only two who knew about the cancer, dunno.
Also, did this article get posted? Banana's speaking about Diem and that she found out about the cancer around her birthday. If he knew one would assume that CT did too. And it would make sense that she found out from the time of her cat scan pics on Insta.
I think they were the only 2 who knew which makes sense considering she is the closest to them. Also I remember over the summer Bananas was with CT/Diem for her birthday so he probably found out around then. Bananas being there for CT was really sweet and showed a lot about their bond with each other and their love for Diem.
Apparently Bananas visited her a fews days before she passed as well according to another article. So sad
I'm a grown man and I cried watching the first 10 minutes of that last episode. Very tragic.
Here's another article quoting Johnny B, Jordan, LeRoy, Nia, and their thoughts on Diem (see below):
Diem may have passed away over two months ago after loosing a long battle with cancer, but her co-stars on MTV's The Challenge: Battle of the Exes II continue to cherish the time spent with her.
The reality TV star's final episode aired on Tuesday, and her show mates have shared their heartbreak over the loss.
In a recent interview, co-star and longtime friend Johnny "Bananas" Devenanzio had this to say about her passing:
"She maintained such an optimistic, positive outlook in life. That girl fought until her **** last breath."
Meanwhile castmate Jordan Wiseley offered up some words on her resilience:
"She was like, 'I don't want to know what stage I am. I'm gonna **** beat this thing. Just having that optimism when everything looks bleak, dude...It was that mental strength that she had to never give up. She never did, until her last breath... She was a fighter. That's what these shows were for her, [a chance] to go out there and show everybody that it doesn't matter what's wrong -- she's gonna fight. She's gonna compete. And nobody's going to tell her not to."
Leroy Garrett added that were it not for her illness, Demi might have won the whole thing:
"I first met her on Battle of the Exes I, and she and CT [Tamburello] took second place. Had she not been sick...I'm sure they probably would have won it if she were in a healthier state. It definitely sucked."
Leroy's partner, Nia Moore, who had roomed with Diem, said she wants to live her life in a way that honors Diem:
"I felt like she was really an open book. What I admired about her was her poise. She was obviously somebody who battled something she didn't deserve and couldn't avoid. She was just a testament to human strength. She didn't complain. She made no excuse. She took whatever card she was dealt."
In addition, Nia keeps a photo of Diem as a screensaver on her phone:
"The first person I look at in the morning is Diem. Because if I can be half of that woman, I'm straight, you know? She never complained or played the victim...I could never have done what she did. It just makes me strive to be a better woman and not worry about the trivial s-t that's going on in my life."
I debated posting Wed morning and couldn't bring my words together so after DMing with two amazing ladies (you know who you are) I have really been able to pull all my thoughts together. I have had anxiety about these episodes since I started getting rumblings Diem was sick again. I knew something was wrong when one solo person tweeted on August 18th that CT was on a plane to NYC. Three things made me uneasy with that - 1. No way would CT/Diem be out that early. 2. Why would this person not say Diem was on the plane. 3. Why is CT going to NYC not Boston. A week later we knew why - I woke up, saw it in my Twitter feed, starting crying hyterically and said to my husband "Diem has cancer for a 3rd time, she is probably going to die. This isn't fair" Then I apologized for starting his wknd morning to me crying about someone I didn't actually know. Don't get me wrong, I 100% wanted her to pull through and I kept saying to myself over and over the next couple months - "D is a fighter, she is young, she has a huge support system and all the will in the world to want to live. She can do it". I have some real life experience and saw someone close to me die of cancer so I realistically knew the odds were not in her favor. A couple weeks prior to her death when we found out it basically spread everywhere, I still kept hoping some way she would be ok.
Tuesday I went thru and was looking at tweets I sent to Diem over those months. She said more then once in articles that the fans make her want to fight and that tweets from the fans make her happy so in a very small way I felt like I was helping when I tweeted her. I could tell when she was feeling good and when she was having trouble based on whether or not she favorited them. I still have the emails of Twitter notifying me when Diem favorited my tweets and I will never delete them.
On to the Challenge.... With all the BS speculation, articles, etc. over the past few months I really wanted to see something in these 3 episodes to show me that CT and Diem were good. I know in the grand scheme of things it is not important but as such a long time fan of the two of them I wanted to see something good to hold on too. I loved seeing her healthy and kicking butt of the Challenges in Ep 1 and part of 2. It was so overly obvious she kept trying to resist him on cameras and I was thinking - come on BM - show us something. We already knew from others on the show that they'd kiss and cuddle when the cameras weren't on. Tues night gave us raw footage. Everything you saw lastnight should answer any question anyone ever had about CT/Diem. I choose to remember them in those moments. Yes I still have thoughts about all those articles, what is real what isn't, what happen during those final months and other things people have been discussing in this forum but I am done. What we saw Tues night paired perfectly with CT's farewell post to Diem and those final moments are what I am choosing to remember.
A few other thoughts -
I liked seeing intense CT - I didn't notice it the first time through but before he went off on the producer he threw what he was eating down on the ground.
Found it funny that the male producer couldn't handle CT and the women producer took over that night.
I thought it was funny that CT turned the speaker phone off so they couldn't get on camera what Diem said to him after she said "Chris"
We have seen so many times Bananas and CT not getting along. Even when he was drunk and Johnny offered to help him pack he told him to leave him alone. That moment though when they said Diem could no longer compete and Bananas hugged CT was a nice moment. They both loved Diem and that was a common ground they always had. Also thought those moment between the two of them in the closet were very touching. Bananas was very negative about CT/Diem together on Rivals 2 - heck he even trashed their relationship on the We <3 Diem special which bugged me because I thought a lot of the other cast was being genuine in the special and he was a little bit too much in his MTV Persona at times during that special, so when he said to CT in the closet "Just you being there will help her" I loved it because we got a clip of him being real.
And finally .... the heliopter scenes bothered me. I really don't know if I needed to see those. I was actually shaking and couldn't even concentrate on the competition the first time through. Now I know they are there and as painful as they are, I keep replaying it because it is the last clips we have of her.
I am so glad, Hammer62, that you joined this thread. I appreciate your fresh eyes and marvel at how on target your assessments have been regarding their relationship. There are loves and then, if we are lucky, there are great loves in our lives. Theirs was a great love as reflected in the passion and affection we caught a glipmse of while watching the Challenges in which they participated. They both had other relationships (some serious, some silly) over those years between The Duel and Battle of the Exes 2 but they continued to be drawn back to one another like, as Diem said, some weird force. Her Chris gave her comfort and made her feel full. His Diem drew out his sweetness and made him want to be a better man. They were each other's True North.
I look at their story from the context of when they first met in the Duel....if you get a chance go back and watch those old episodes and listen to them talking about one another, they were such kids......now fast forward 9 years to last night......it really is an incredible journey played out on TV for the viewing public......last night highlights to me CT's comments where he stated "they never gave up on one another".
I was also very touched by CT speaking to Diem late that night via cell phone from the hospital, her calling him Chris and calming him down, she returned shortly afterwards and they crawled into the bunkbed.......when you watch this episode you need to really grasp the fact that these are their last fleeting moments together (after a 9 year journey) before she departs for NYC and the world takes over with "sources", "tabloids" and leaked information speaking on their behalf.
CT was absolutely devoted to Diem.....she certainly brought out the best in him.
Can someone please post what Veronica tweeted regarding Diem?
Yesterday was hard to watch, but I thought they edited it well and tastefully. The part that really got me was the scene of diem talking about commitment and marriage. How see had been afraid of commitment, it sort of put into perspective her long term relationship with her ex and also her relationship with CT, that she tended to shut people out sometimes ( I think she also mentioned it in her people blog). At the end of the day all that matters is diem knew she was loved. Prayers to her family, friends and CT
I just looked at her twitter and I didn't see anything...
That episode was tough to watch. It's still so surreal. But I guess I felt better knowing that Diem was surrounded by the love of her family and friends in her last months. She loved and was loved. The ending was sad but hopeful. No, Diem is no longer in the physical world but the kind of spirit she had just doesn't fade away because of death.
And as far as Veronica? Oh please. That girl doesn't know a damn thing. Diem was surrounded by a number of incredible people in her final months and she wasn't one of them so BYE! I really don't understand those people who don't belive that prior to Diem's hospitalization she. Was. With. CT. I mean, what more proof do you really need? A picture of them in bed? Seriously? People need to stop playing DUMB because it's really annoying at this point and it's so disrespectful to keep bringing it up. If you have your own idea then fine. But go somewhere with it because Diem fans are not here for your conspiracy theories and speculation. Who do you know hangs out with there ex almost every weekend for a year? Goes to the gym with them? Dinner? Movies? Why would Diem be in some random Massachusetts suburb all the time if not for CT? Do ya'll know what this part of Mass looks like because I live 2 towns away from Ct and I'll tell you, there's nothing to write home about.. Ugh sorry for the ranting but the constant speculation and lies about Diem after her passing have been so pathetic. Prayers to the Brown family always and forever.
well for what is worth here is more confirmation from thomas and hailey of ct and diem interaction in the house:
I have been lurking on this website for years and finally decided to create an account. It's been great to read the generally positive posts in here.
I would like to encourage people not to focus their energy on what others say about Diem and CT's relationship. People are entitled to their own versions of "truth" --no matter how different it may be from ours. There must be a good reason she didn't want us fans to know about the status of her relationship. I am yet to see any of her friends or family talking about her relationship. Perhaps, Diem wanted us to remember her for something else (medgift, ovarian cancer).
Let's remember her for the brave and uplifting person she was, and pray for her family and friends who have to deal with the pain of her loss everyday.
Welcome edge! Two thumbs up on the comment!
@v_cakes: But I hope you all know that Diem & CT were not together and Diem actually had an amazing man in her life. #MTV #TheChallenge
I posted this yesterday but deleted it after because some were upset by it. And I totally get it. It ticked me off that she felt the need to tweet this on the night that she did and especially when there are so many reports to the contrary.
And I just have to say how classy CT's family has been throughout. It would be hard for me not to defend my child or brother. Just goes to show how much respect they have for their relationship with Diem! Seems as though they were both surrounded by amazing people.
It was tough to watch. I have to say it was nice to see that CT got some support too - Johnny was a star!
xoxoxoxo I don't understand why anyone is giving any credence to Veronica - she needs to crawl back under whatever rock she came out from and why is anyone here repeating her nonsense?? Thank you for being a voice of reason <3
Coral has x2 more followers
Veronica can do what she likes, Twitter is designed for uninformed, uneducated, poorly timed comments by everyone.....if she was positive of her conviction she would not have taken the tweet down.
Maybe she was drinking wine and remembering Diems former boyfriend, maybe she is angry with CT, maybe she is looking for attention.......but if CT and Diem were not involved in a relationship the past year then that is one incredible job done by friends, familes, internet blogs, TV shows, memorial video and Diems own commentatary on the last episode (about having a partner like CT and ready to share her life with)......damn Veronica, your right, they got over on us, were such fools...LOL
I was wondering about that comment Diem made about CT being a great partner. I think it was carefully edited by MTV to look like she said it meaning that he was going to be her "white picket fence", but we know she would not have said that because she was so private. It could be interpreted that way, especially if it's how most people want to interpret it.
But in the end his instagram posts that some felt were over the top(questioning his motives) , i think him breaking down and losing it over diem's health scare on the show shows that his feelings were completely geniune. Not that anyone here doubted it, but i think it was nice to see that what actually happened, backs his feelings he tried to share on IG. He was deeply in love with her. He was trying to be a better man for her...it's just sad we never got to those future plans happen.
One thought I had when watching her departure from Panama......CT and Diem were together and in control of the relationship until she departed to NY. Lets keep in mind once she went to the hospital back in the US her family and friends basically took control of the situation I would suspect CT felt a bit abandoned with no true way to help. Questioning his motives to me is a bunch of nonsense (correct term is BS), those same friends and family members were all over People Magazine, E!, US Mag, MTV......alot of folks were in the tabloids and CT was not talking other than Instagram which I do not fell was over the top......and he is still not talking today......think those same tabloids ae not offering him money for interviews? They would love to get him to discuss their relationship.......and he is radio silent.
I agree. and for the record i never questioned his motives in case you took it as me questioning them...But yea it had to be awkward back in the US with everyone and her 100's of freinds wanting to see her/spend tiem with her, her ex bf there, and still try to get time for them too. I mean she was very loved, so she probably had a packed hosptial everyday full of people wanting to support her. That's not a bad thing in anyway, but he may have felt a bit like an outsider at times, but he also knew what he had wiht her. Most of her friends were quite fond of him as well.
Yea CT has been completely silent about everything for months now, and he actually has things going on. He's currently on the Kroll show, and yet we hear nothing. I feel for him, i truly do. I highly doubt he has watched any of the season so far.
I was not questioning you....you bring up a great point on once they got back to the States......I never thought about the 100's of friends.....the normalized relatinship was over after Panama, she was fighting for her life and doctors, family friends were involved.....suspect CT was engaged but time with Diem would have been difficult to come by during the last few months. I am like you, I really feel for him....and I respect the fact he is not talking....good for him.
I miss her so much and I only interacted with her a few times (via internet) over the past 9 yrs, but it meant the world to me. I miss her blogs, tweets, instagram posts, etc.
I think these last episodes show the love CT and Diem had for each other. I smiled when CT dropped the food he had in his hand immediately when the producer told him Diem had gone to the hospital. It was also sweet to see how fast Diem was able to calm him.
I can't help but wonder how CT is doing.
I love this! I never thought about Diem and CT losing "control" of their relationship until I read your recent posts but you are absolutely right! One of the many things I adored about Diem is that she always tried not to hurt anyone with her comments or her conduct. I can imagine she was very protective of her ex's feelings (he was not over her as evidenced by his Facebook photo gallery) and still considered him a kind and generous friend. They shared many friends in common and I'm sure those friends and perhaps some family members sought to protect what they felt was the best outcome for Diem's future. I commend CT for continuing to honor her memory by his silence. It speaks volumes about his genuine love for her and what they had.
When were his appearances on the Kroll Show filmed? Was that before or after the challenge? I can't really see him filming those after. Doesn't seem like he's been doing much on the showbiz front.
They were a while ago before diem passed I believe
I thought I was the only one who noticed CT throw down his food. That episode . I thought MTV did a very good job of handing the episode. But no matter how what they would've shown it didn't make it easier to watch. It semmed almost wrong to watch her in so much pain.
I noticed the food too. I also hadn't seen CT's eyes pop out like they did this ep, in years.... so sad. One thing I wished we would have seen more of was reaction of some of the others that were close to her. In fact, I was surprised we got so many reaction shots of Jenna or Britanny when someone like Wes or Knight would have been feeling a lot at the time too. I get it was edited to show the couple, but many on the cast were close to her.
I was actually also very touched by Bananas and CT leaning on each other - or maybe even Johnny comforting CT and even hugging his head when they found out. Johnny hasn't made any indication on CT/Diem, but him saying to CT while he was packing "you being there is prob going to help a lot dude" just meant that even he understood their bond. And maybe they were the only two who knew about the cancer, dunno.
Also, did this article get posted? Banana's speaking about Diem and that she found out about the cancer around her birthday. If he knew one would assume that CT did too. And it would make sense that she found out from the time of her cat scan pics on Insta.
The saddest scene for me(just becuase of how it all turned out after the show) was how happy he was to hear her voice on the call, and he's like i'm so happy you are OK!!!!!!!He sounded giddy honestly just to hear her voice and know she was fine... That's the side of CT/Chris i think she always has seen that the viewers don't get to see much, if any, of.
I think they were the only 2 who knew which makes sense considering she is the closest to them. Also I remember over the summer Bananas was with CT/Diem for her birthday so he probably found out around then. Bananas being there for CT was really sweet and showed a lot about their bond with each other and their love for Diem.
Apparently Bananas visited her a fews days before she passed as well according to another article. So sad
I'm a grown man and I cried watching the first 10 minutes of that last episode. Very tragic.
Here's another article quoting Johnny B, Jordan, LeRoy, Nia, and their thoughts on Diem (see below):
Diem may have passed away over two months ago after loosing a long battle with cancer, but her co-stars on MTV's The Challenge: Battle of the Exes II continue to cherish the time spent with her.
The reality TV star's final episode aired on Tuesday, and her show mates have shared their heartbreak over the loss.
In a recent interview
, co-star and longtime friend Johnny "Bananas" Devenanzio had this to say about her passing:
Meanwhile castmate Jordan Wiseley offered up some words on her resilience:
Leroy Garrett added that were it not for her illness, Demi might have won the whole thing:
Leroy's partner, Nia Moore, who had roomed with Diem, said she wants to live her life in a way that honors Diem:
In addition, Nia keeps a photo of Diem as a screensaver on her phone:
Rest in peace, Diem.
Here's the link:
I debated posting Wed morning and couldn't bring my words together so after DMing with two amazing ladies (you know who you are) I have really been able to pull all my thoughts together. I have had anxiety about these episodes since I started getting rumblings Diem was sick again. I knew something was wrong when one solo person tweeted on August 18th that CT was on a plane to NYC. Three things made me uneasy with that - 1. No way would CT/Diem be out that early. 2. Why would this person not say Diem was on the plane. 3. Why is CT going to NYC not Boston. A week later we knew why - I woke up, saw it in my Twitter feed, starting crying hyterically and said to my husband "Diem has cancer for a 3rd time, she is probably going to die. This isn't fair" Then I apologized for starting his wknd morning to me crying about someone I didn't actually know. Don't get me wrong, I 100% wanted her to pull through and I kept saying to myself over and over the next couple months - "D is a fighter, she is young, she has a huge support system and all the will in the world to want to live. She can do it". I have some real life experience and saw someone close to me die of cancer so I realistically knew the odds were not in her favor. A couple weeks prior to her death when we found out it basically spread everywhere, I still kept hoping some way she would be ok.
Tuesday I went thru and was looking at tweets I sent to Diem over those months. She said more then once in articles that the fans make her want to fight and that tweets from the fans make her happy so in a very small way I felt like I was helping when I tweeted her. I could tell when she was feeling good and when she was having trouble based on whether or not she favorited them. I still have the emails of Twitter notifying me when Diem favorited my tweets and I will never delete them.
On to the Challenge.... With all the BS speculation, articles, etc. over the past few months I really wanted to see something in these 3 episodes to show me that CT and Diem were good. I know in the grand scheme of things it is not important but as such a long time fan of the two of them I wanted to see something good to hold on too. I loved seeing her healthy and kicking butt of the Challenges in Ep 1 and part of 2. It was so overly obvious she kept trying to resist him on cameras and I was thinking - come on BM - show us something. We already knew from others on the show that they'd kiss and cuddle when the cameras weren't on. Tues night gave us raw footage. Everything you saw lastnight should answer any question anyone ever had about CT/Diem. I choose to remember them in those moments. Yes I still have thoughts about all those articles, what is real what isn't, what happen during those final months and other things people have been discussing in this forum but I am done. What we saw Tues night paired perfectly with CT's farewell post to Diem and those final moments are what I am choosing to remember.
A few other thoughts -
I liked seeing intense CT - I didn't notice it the first time through but before he went off on the producer he threw what he was eating down on the ground.
Found it funny that the male producer couldn't handle CT and the women producer took over that night.
I thought it was funny that CT turned the speaker phone off so they couldn't get on camera what Diem said to him after she said "Chris"
We have seen so many times Bananas and CT not getting along. Even when he was drunk and Johnny offered to help him pack he told him to leave him alone. That moment though when they said Diem could no longer compete and Bananas hugged CT was a nice moment. They both loved Diem and that was a common ground they always had. Also thought those moment between the two of them in the closet were very touching. Bananas was very negative about CT/Diem together on Rivals 2 - heck he even trashed their relationship on the We <3 Diem special which bugged me because I thought a lot of the other cast was being genuine in the special and he was a little bit too much in his MTV Persona at times during that special, so when he said to CT in the closet "Just you being there will help her" I loved it because we got a clip of him being real.
And finally .... the heliopter scenes bothered me. I really don't know if I needed to see those. I was actually shaking and couldn't even concentrate on the competition the first time through. Now I know they are there and as painful as they are, I keep replaying it because it is the last clips we have of her.
Hugs to you Karisa. Stay strong. <3