I'm not understanding why that matters. Their truth is their truth, whether together or not. Relationships are complicated; has CT issued a statement that confirms "yes, 100% we were together."or a statement saying "no, we weren't together." We all know he's not going to say either way. And again, why does it matter. What matters is, she had a smile on her face and she certainly looked happy- together or not.
Personally, I felt like after she passed, I wanted them to be together even if that wasn't true and had some gulit with that because that's the selfish teenage fangirl in me. After some time, I had some questions about some things, but those things don't matter and I know that now. Whatever their truth is, bless 'em! And if they were a committed couple, kudos to them for keeping it quiet and they obviously didn't want folks like me and you sitting here wondering about it, either way.
Jesus, this woman lost her life. That's it, that's all she got and this is the crap we're discussing. Mocking the "doubters" because we wanna be right? If that isn't what Diem would have wanted, I don't know what is.
I'm expecting a commission check to come in this next week, so I'm making another donation and I hope that many of you out there will do the same. That's what matters. To carry on her light and not dwelling on something she obvioulsy wanted to keep private amidst all of the challenges she shared publicly. For whatever reason, she didn't want to share the nature of their relationship and hey, bless her heart for it.
This woman endured so much and this is the *** we're talking about and mocking one another in the process over things we aren't even sure about.
retiredIrker & hmpnap you are 100% right eveything would have changed this year. There is no question that they would have just eased into allowing themselves as being seen as 'together' over the course of the challenge... then people would say they reuinited during this challenge
Another little note for the doubters (obviously neither of you) you don't go from "Oh no not again" one night straight to "Yeah baby, You did it!!" the very next morning
I see your point but I think you're looking at this a bit too agressively. I've been avoiding this thread like the plague because I'm just tired as hell of talking about CT and Diem and ect. And I think some of their fans are a little (okay, a lot) territorial about them but that's just because of the blatant lies that have been written. CT had his name dragged through the mud after her passing so I can see why his fans are on the defense. That being said, it's not their place to defend or prove. Living in Boston, knowing some people close to CT, and seen proof with my own two eyes, including pictures that are not on the internet... I can say I don't even care to speculate or mention anything about their relationship.
As far as Medgift, I hope everyone who can donate will. I have a serious problem with people here acting as if the only way to honor Diem is donating to medgift and if you aren't somehow you need to have a seat. I made several donations and believe me even though I love Diem it wasn't easy to give the money because I'm a broke college student and these bills don't pay themselves lol! But I keep in mind that even still I have waaay more than others do. A good way to honor Diem is just educating yourself on ovarian cancer and cancer in young people in general. Spreading the word, doing a walk for reasearch, and even just cherishing your health are great ways to support Diem.
I will just say that I have no clue about their relationship..............but I cannot imagine swapping my boxer shorts for her G-String unless we were REALLY good friends....LOL
I smiled a lot lastnight. D looked beyond radiant. Her hair was amazing and Nia said it grew out all layered like that after cancer, Diem never cut it. Loved seeing her talking to Averey, she always tries to pep talk rookies but we don't always see it. Even when CT kinda played Anastasia, it was D who spent hours talking to her when she was ready to quit.
Loved the playful bantering between CT/D ... he was so over dramatic with his faking it that she kept hitting him or making faces. Very cute.
I would like BMP to retire black jerseys for all future Challenges.... forever!!
I was not expecting those clips either... I went from smiley and happy to out of breath in the matter of secs.... def. shows we're going to be seeing it, so mentally prepare or don't watch. I was hoping they would not show any D scenes like that at all but I had said awhile ago we are prob going to see CT in a panic or flipping out that he needs to go home, especially if they were keeping her from him. Remember he flew home the day after her surgery. These clips are going to be raw and you are going to see how in love he is with her.
I just looked at the clips again. D is on the sofa crying. It is going to be in the same scene we saw weeks ago of CT by the sofa looking very very sad then carrying her off.
I smiled a lot lastnight. D looked beyond radiant. Her hair was amazing and Nia said it grew out all layered like that after cancer, Diem never cut it. Loved seeing her talking to Averey, she always tries to pep talk rookies but we don't always see it. Even when CT kinda played Anastasia, it was D who spent hours talking to her when she was ready to quit.
Loved the playful bantering between CT/D ... he was so over dramatic with his faking it that she kept hitting him or making faces. Very cute.
I would like BMP to retire black jerseys for all future Challenges.... forever!!
I was not expecting those clips either... I went from smiley and happy to out of breath in the matter of secs.... def. shows we're going to be seeing it, so mentally prepare or don't watch. I was hoping they would not show any D scenes like that at all but I had said awhile ago we are prob going to see CT in a panic or flipping out that he needs to go home, especially if they were keeping her from him. Remember he flew home the day after her surgery. These clips are going to be raw and you are going to see how in love he is with her.
I still have a lot going through my mind about all of this. Can't add much other than to say that I had many of the same thoughts. Diem has such an amazing light about her on this episode. I so loved the part before the challenge where CT and Diem were talking over one another and she said they both like to talk and neither one likes to listen much, heehee. I know the next episode is going to be really tough to watch so I'm going to not think about it for now.
I just looked at the clips again. D is on the sofa crying. It is going to be in the same scene we saw weeks ago of CT by the sofa looking very very sad then carrying her off.
I have a bad feeling the dreaded episode is next week. It was stated that Diem would appear in 3 episodes. But 3 episodes does not necessarily mean 3 challenges. I have watched previews over and over again and I have only spotted CT and DIem in 2 challenges; the tight rope one and the obstacle course where they have to transfer something from their mouths/spin those knobs/and do something with peanut butter, (All of those appear to be part of one challenge)
I really hoped MTV would have more respect but I am not surprised that they dont. I think that we will see her compete in the Peanut Butter/Obstacle course next week. After the challenge, I think we will see DIem began to feel ill and the episode will end with a, "To be Continued" I think MTV is going to use DIem's illness in order to create suspense and ensure that viewers will tune into the following episode.
In her thrid and final episode, I think they will show DIem leaving then CT leaving and the aftermath from cast. I really hope this is not the case but I have spoken with a friend who is part of an independent film crew and she believes that somethig like this may happen.
It really upsets me because they should not try to capatilize off of her illness. That is downright wrong and sad. It would be completely using her situation to their benefit and it makes me feel as if they cared more about their shot than helping DIem...And what happened was devestating enough.
I have a bad feeling the dreaded episode is next week. It was stated that Diem would appear in 3 episodes. But 3 episodes does not necessarily mean 3 challenges. I have watched previews over and over again and I have only spotted CT and DIem in 2 challenges; the tight rope one and the obstacle course where they have to transfer something from their mouths/spin those knobs/and do something with peanut butter, (All of those appear to be part of one challenge)
I really hoped MTV would have more respect but I am not surprised that they dont. I think that we will see her compete in the Peanut Butter/Obstacle course next week. After the challenge, I think we will see DIem began to feel ill and the episode will end with a, "To be Continued" I think MTV is going to use DIem's illness in order to create suspense and ensure that viewers will tune into the following episode.
In her thrid and final episode, I think they will show DIem leaving then CT leaving and the aftermath from cast. I really hope this is not the case but I have spoken with a friend who is part of an independent film crew and she believes that somethig like this may happen.
It really upsets me because they should not try to capatilize off of her illness. That is downright wrong and sad. It would be completely using her situation to their benefit and it makes me feel as if they cared more about their shot than helping DIem...And what happened was devestating enough.
I hope this predeiction is false...
This sounds pretty on the mark to me sadly. I agree MTV should not do this but they probably will.
I think they should just put up a warning before the episode airs so people will know what they're about to see. She's not dying in the scene, but I do understand how it can be insensitive to some viewers. From a TV producer's perspective I see why they have to show it to complete her story so the viewers understand what happened and why it happened, but at the same time I can see why people would be upset about what is shown. To me it all comes down to what her family would allow, if they're fine with it, i'm fine with it.
I have been a lurker on this forum off and on for a few years. I was recently reintroduceed to this foum after Diem's passin' when I found this thread. At work yesterday a co-worker and I were talkin' about the newest challenge episode etc. and how we didn't appreciate the sneak peak with Diem cryin' and CT in a panic. I was tellin' her how I commented on the FB page my disapproval and many agreed until another co-worker came over and goes, "y'all are still on that? You do know others have died since her? Heck, we had eartquakes. We gotta get y'all off that" I mean I understand where she was comin' from but it also ticked me off.
So, I just wanted to say thank you for this thread and the chance people have had to express how they are feelin'. It has helped me feel less sad about her passing and a little comforted to know others felt like they loos someone close after watchin' her on TV for so many years.
I will just say that I have no clue about their relationship..............but I cannot imagine swapping my boxer shorts for her G-String unless we were REALLY good friends....LOL
Aww no more tears silly especially not for dancing - this Diem at her happiest!! Smile! I love how many shot have Chris dancing with her but even when dancing with the other girls or on her own...her theory was if there is music....MOVE! That shot of her when you open the page is simply radiant, she glows... I love that girl!
Aww no more tears silly especially not for dancing - this Diem at her happiest!! Smile! I love how many shot have Chris dancing with her but even when dancing with the other girls or on her own...her theory was if there is music....MOVE! That shot of her when you open the page is simply radiant, she glows... I love that girl!
Grateful for your good health? Care to honor Diem? Don't forget to keep her passion alive https://www.medgift.com/diemstrong# pay it forward if you can! No it isn't the only way but if you can aid in helping others in a way that meant so much to her... that would be awesome! Oh and please don't think it has to be a big amount... every little bit helps someone with something and if we each give just a little it becomes a lot before you know it!!
Aww Jamie been thinking about you xoxo about time for a chat yeah?
So, I was hesititating to write some of this - just because I felt a little uneasy as if I was betraying someone for the sake of gossip. Esp for a lot of info that you have already heard from various sources. But Hammer's post was interesting so I thought I'd just share what I heard bc i think its almost reaffirmation for some and will make some of you feel better. But I actually know some of the same people that Diem did. At the time of her death -I wasn't in NY. So beyond expressing my sympathy to people, I didn't want to ask questions of them from far away while they were mourning. But I was just home for the holiday and in conversation I heard a bit more details about her passing and life.
Overall, what I gathered (without trying to be gossipy) was that it really was a huge shock for them all that she was actually going to pass. They all just believed that she could live and could beat it again, so it really hit all her friends so hard. To a point where my friend said that "maybe we were all, including Diem, just in such denial". It was all - also very well known amoungst her friends that she would end up with CT. They all know him. And they all like him. She said "no one really ever took anyone else she dated seriously for her". And in fact, she started the conversation with telling me that they weren't official but were planning on getting married next summer. When I asked about the magazine they said the EXACT thing MrChunkyExpress did - which was "they have to sell magazines". Otherwise, the only other about CT was that he held it together much better at the funeral/memorial than anyone expected. And you could tell that they all really like him. Which was nice to hear after the doubt that has been cast. Again, most things they said we'd already heard. But they were just still so sad . The only thing different i heard was that they did say she knew she'd had the cancer from the beginning of the summer. To the point, in hindsight they were pissed she went on the challenge. But i think they are just mad she's gone (which makes sense).
Anyway - thought I'd reaffirm what we have already heard. She was loved.
not sure how I missed this post, but thank you. Also, Hammer thanks for your insight.
Last nights episode really screwed with me. I have had axiety for months and have been mentally preparing that this is the last time we are going to see Diem on TV, that we are going to see her in pain, CT upset etc. I am filled with mixed emotions of cherishing the final episodes we got of her but dreading how this all ends. Then BM throws this curve ball lastnight. We are starting to see Diem in pain which will ultimately go into her leaving next episode, but they start throwing in numerous clips that come across as CT is in love with Diem but Diem is shutting him down type stuff. It was like they were buidling a storyline for the season which will ultimately lead to them making out in episode 6 or 7.... which is not the case. Way to screw with me. They leave me analyzing their relationship while coping with her illness/death at the same time. Awkward.
Last nights episode really screwed with me. I have had axiety for months and have been mentally preparing that this is the last time we are going to see Diem on TV, that we are going to see her in pain, CT upset etc. I am filled with mixed emotions of cherishing the final episodes we got of her but dreading how this all ends. Then BM throws this curve ball lastnight. We are starting to see Diem in pain which will ultimately go into her leaving next episode, but they start throwing in numerous clips that come across as CT is in love with Diem but Diem is shutting him down type stuff. It was like they were buidling a storyline for the season which will ultimately lead to them making out in episode 6 or 7.... which is not the case. Way to screw with me. They leave me analyzing their relationship while coping with her illness/death at the same time. Awkward.
Same. I keep analyzing everything. Like, who asks for their EX boyfriend when they are sick? You ask for the person who makes you feel better. And CT telling them, "you have no idea what's going on". Makes me think that he knew. I have to quit digging so deep into everything. It's driving me crazy! Still, both hard to watch and good to see her one last time. RIP sweet Diem!
Last nights episode really screwed with me. I have had axiety for months and have been mentally preparing that this is the last time we are going to see Diem on TV, that we are going to see her in pain, CT upset etc. I am filled with mixed emotions of cherishing the final episodes we got of her but dreading how this all ends. Then BM throws this curve ball lastnight. We are starting to see Diem in pain which will ultimately go into her leaving next episode, but they start throwing in numerous clips that come across as CT is in love with Diem but Diem is shutting him down type stuff. It was like they were buidling a storyline for the season which will ultimately lead to them making out in episode 6 or 7.... which is not the case. Way to screw with me. They leave me analyzing their relationship while coping with her illness/death at the same time. Awkward.
Didn't they kissed when CT went to see Diem after she called him? I thought you could hear some kisses in that scene?
I'm pretty sure he knew about the cancer before hand. Even if he didn't want her to go on the challenge, as you heard him say in the episode last night "what Diem wants, she gets." She was determined to go.
What i am struggling with so much - is how good her odds looked to actually pull this win out. When Wes tweeted last week that Diem was smiling because she knew she wasn't going in whichever team won (the #10yearalliance) - I thought about that again immediately last night. They didn't even have to try to win the final, because she also had such a strong alliance with Bananas. This is all so hard to watch, but hard to look away at the same time.
Last nights episode really screwed with me. I have had axiety for months and have been mentally preparing that this is the last time we are going to see Diem on TV, that we are going to see her in pain, CT upset etc. I am filled with mixed emotions of cherishing the final episodes we got of her but dreading how this all ends. Then BM throws this curve ball lastnight. We are starting to see Diem in pain which will ultimately go into her leaving next episode, but they start throwing in numerous clips that come across as CT is in love with Diem but Diem is shutting him down type stuff. It was like they were buidling a storyline for the season which will ultimately lead to them making out in episode 6 or 7.... which is not the case. Way to screw with me. They leave me analyzing their relationship while coping with her illness/death at the same time. Awkward.
Same. I keep analyzing everything. Like, who asks for their EX boyfriend when they are sick? You ask for the person who makes you feel better. And CT telling them, "you have no idea what's going on". Makes me think that he knew. I have to quit digging so deep into everything. It's driving me crazy! Still, both hard to watch and good to see her one last time. RIP sweet Diem!
They are definitely together. I think Diem is rejecting him when the cameras are around because she wants to keep the relationship private because of the crazy fans and she was just a private person.
PR said that castmates told her that they were together and they were holding hands and kissing throughout their time there. I think they just didn't want to be like that around the cameras. Plus they are playing it up for the Exes theme. There is no doubt in my mind they were together and in love.
It was really hard seeing Diem in pain though especially since at the time everyone thought it was a stomach bug when really it ended in a horrible outcome.
It sucks because CT and Diem would have make the finals with no problem no doubt about it, I think they were the best team overall, they were communicating extremely well, no emotional issues, and they stand on a good position politically. They had a extremely good shot on winning this challenge.
I watched episode 2 and I am struck by how mellow and happy CT seems as compared to past Challenges.......not acting at all like the same guy from Rivals 2.
The editing for the show seems sloppy at best and as predicted they seem to be playing out the CT and Diem story for as long as possible for ratings.
Hammer - my opinion on that (which was shared with Diem and she agreed) was he is fire & she cool water, they balance one another and bring out the others best self when they are together. He is far more layered than people give him credit for being - they calmed one another.
Lurker - you are so right, it will be brutal... it is hard to believe that there will be no new smiles, or dancing, that the wedding will never happen...
I am grateful, as I am hopeful many are that we at least have the knowledge that these sad, painful images that will be shown this week aren't the last we have. She continued to fight, to smile, to show gratitude (which impressed me to no end) and unending faith. As I write this I feel the weight growing in my heart.
I shouldn't have looked because it caused me to sit and read a couple of years worth of messages and I have been doing so well with keeping the tears at bay for almost a month now - My very last message from her is... "lol that is so cute though " to my mother annoying me by asking questions about her - Even suffering & in pain she was positive and cheerful. It is my sincere hope that people who had no interaction with her at all will stop posting things as if they are facts... making assumptions and carrying on dramatics... She really wasn't a fan of such things. Post things that made you smile, that really happened, that moved or motivated you... but please stop acting as her mouth piece, she doesn't need one. The 2 or 3 people that is intended for... I am pretty sure you know who you are - remember her well but please stop, some of her family look at these boards, as do some of her friends. Rest well sweet girl ~ you are & will be missed always
I'm not understanding why that matters. Their truth is their truth, whether together or not. Relationships are complicated; has CT issued a statement that confirms "yes, 100% we were together."or a statement saying "no, we weren't together." We all know he's not going to say either way. And again, why does it matter. What matters is, she had a smile on her face and she certainly looked happy- together or not.
Personally, I felt like after she passed, I wanted them to be together even if that wasn't true and had some gulit with that because that's the selfish teenage fangirl in me. After some time, I had some questions about some things, but those things don't matter and I know that now. Whatever their truth is, bless 'em! And if they were a committed couple, kudos to them for keeping it quiet and they obviously didn't want folks like me and you sitting here wondering about it, either way.
Jesus, this woman lost her life. That's it, that's all she got and this is the crap we're discussing. Mocking the "doubters" because we wanna be right? If that isn't what Diem would have wanted, I don't know what is.
I'm expecting a commission check to come in this next week, so I'm making another donation and I hope that many of you out there will do the same. That's what matters. To carry on her light and not dwelling on something she obvioulsy wanted to keep private amidst all of the challenges she shared publicly. For whatever reason, she didn't want to share the nature of their relationship and hey, bless her heart for it.
This woman endured so much and this is the *** we're talking about and mocking one another in the process over things we aren't even sure about.
I see your point but I think you're looking at this a bit too agressively. I've been avoiding this thread like the plague because I'm just tired as hell of talking about CT and Diem and ect. And I think some of their fans are a little (okay, a lot) territorial about them but that's just because of the blatant lies that have been written. CT had his name dragged through the mud after her passing so I can see why his fans are on the defense. That being said, it's not their place to defend or prove. Living in Boston, knowing some people close to CT, and seen proof with my own two eyes, including pictures that are not on the internet... I can say I don't even care to speculate or mention anything about their relationship.
As far as Medgift, I hope everyone who can donate will. I have a serious problem with people here acting as if the only way to honor Diem is donating to medgift and if you aren't somehow you need to have a seat. I made several donations and believe me even though I love Diem it wasn't easy to give the money because I'm a broke college student and these bills don't pay themselves lol! But I keep in mind that even still I have waaay more than others do. A good way to honor Diem is just educating yourself on ovarian cancer and cancer in young people in general. Spreading the word, doing a walk for reasearch, and even just cherishing your health are great ways to support Diem.
I will just say that I have no clue about their relationship..............but I cannot imagine swapping my boxer shorts for her G-String unless we were REALLY good friends....LOL
I smiled a lot lastnight. D looked beyond radiant. Her hair was amazing and Nia said it grew out all layered like that after cancer, Diem never cut it. Loved seeing her talking to Averey, she always tries to pep talk rookies but we don't always see it. Even when CT kinda played Anastasia, it was D who spent hours talking to her when she was ready to quit.
Loved the playful bantering between CT/D ... he was so over dramatic with his faking it that she kept hitting him or making faces. Very cute.
I would like BMP to retire black jerseys for all future Challenges.... forever!!
I was not expecting those clips either... I went from smiley and happy to out of breath in the matter of secs.... def. shows we're going to be seeing it, so mentally prepare or don't watch. I was hoping they would not show any D scenes like that at all but I had said awhile ago we are prob going to see CT in a panic or flipping out that he needs to go home, especially if they were keeping her from him. Remember he flew home the day after her surgery. These clips are going to be raw and you are going to see how in love he is with her.
I just looked at the clips again. D is on the sofa crying. It is going to be in the same scene we saw weeks ago of CT by the sofa looking very very sad then carrying her off.
I still have a lot going through my mind about all of this. Can't add much other than to say that I had many of the same thoughts. Diem has such an amazing light about her on this episode. I so loved the part before the challenge where CT and Diem were talking over one another and she said they both like to talk and neither one likes to listen much, heehee. I know the next episode is going to be really tough to watch so I'm going to not think about it for now.
I'm dreading watching that.
I have a bad feeling the dreaded episode is next week. It was stated that Diem would appear in 3 episodes. But 3 episodes does not necessarily mean 3 challenges. I have watched previews over and over again and I have only spotted CT and DIem in 2 challenges; the tight rope one and the obstacle course where they have to transfer something from their mouths/spin those knobs/and do something with peanut butter, (All of those appear to be part of one challenge)
I really hoped MTV would have more respect but I am not surprised that they dont. I think that we will see her compete in the Peanut Butter/Obstacle course next week. After the challenge, I think we will see DIem began to feel ill and the episode will end with a, "To be Continued" I think MTV is going to use DIem's illness in order to create suspense and ensure that viewers will tune into the following episode.
In her thrid and final episode, I think they will show DIem leaving then CT leaving and the aftermath from cast. I really hope this is not the case but I have spoken with a friend who is part of an independent film crew and she believes that somethig like this may happen.
It really upsets me because they should not try to capatilize off of her illness. That is downright wrong and sad. It would be completely using her situation to their benefit and it makes me feel as if they cared more about their shot than helping DIem...And what happened was devestating enough.
I hope this predeiction is false...
This sounds pretty on the mark to me sadly. I agree MTV should not do this but they probably will.
I think they should just put up a warning before the episode airs so people will know what they're about to see. She's not dying in the scene, but I do understand how it can be insensitive to some viewers. From a TV producer's perspective I see why they have to show it to complete her story so the viewers understand what happened and why it happened, but at the same time I can see why people would be upset about what is shown. To me it all comes down to what her family would allow, if they're fine with it, i'm fine with it.
I have been a lurker on this forum off and on for a few years. I was recently reintroduceed to this foum after Diem's passin' when I found this thread. At work yesterday a co-worker and I were talkin' about the newest challenge episode etc. and how we didn't appreciate the sneak peak with Diem cryin' and CT in a panic. I was tellin' her how I commented on the FB page my disapproval and many agreed until another co-worker came over and goes, "y'all are still on that? You do know others have died since her? Heck, we had eartquakes. We gotta get y'all off that" I mean I understand where she was comin' from but it also ticked me off.
So, I just wanted to say thank you for this thread and the chance people have had to express how they are feelin'. It has helped me feel less sad about her passing and a little comforted to know others felt like they loos someone close after watchin' her on TV for so many years.
If I could favorite this 100 times I would lol
I think Diem would have liked this article
Me too!
Got me a little teary eyed...
Aww no more tears silly especially not for dancing - this Diem at her happiest!! Smile! I love how many shot have Chris dancing with her but even when dancing with the other girls or on her own...her theory was if there is music....MOVE!
That shot of her when you open the page is simply radiant, she glows... I love that girl!
Grateful for your good health? Care to honor Diem? Don't forget to keep her passion alive https://www.medgift.com/diemstrong# pay it forward if you can! No it isn't the only way but if you can aid in helping others in a way that meant so much to her... that would be awesome! Oh and please don't think it has to be a big amount... every little bit helps someone with something and if we each give just a little it becomes a lot before you know it!!
Aww Jamie been thinking about you xoxo about time for a chat yeah?
not sure how I missed this post, but thank you. Also, Hammer thanks for your insight.
Last nights episode really screwed with me. I have had axiety for months and have been mentally preparing that this is the last time we are going to see Diem on TV, that we are going to see her in pain, CT upset etc. I am filled with mixed emotions of cherishing the final episodes we got of her but dreading how this all ends. Then BM throws this curve ball lastnight. We are starting to see Diem in pain which will ultimately go into her leaving next episode, but they start throwing in numerous clips that come across as CT is in love with Diem but Diem is shutting him down type stuff. It was like they were buidling a storyline for the season which will ultimately lead to them making out in episode 6 or 7.... which is not the case. Way to screw with me. They leave me analyzing their relationship while coping with her illness/death at the same time. Awkward.
Same. I keep analyzing everything. Like, who asks for their EX boyfriend when they are sick? You ask for the person who makes you feel better. And CT telling them, "you have no idea what's going on". Makes me think that he knew. I have to quit digging so deep into everything. It's driving me crazy! Still, both hard to watch and good to see her one last time. RIP sweet Diem!
Didn't they kissed when CT went to see Diem after she called him? I thought you could hear some kisses in that scene?
I'm pretty sure he knew about the cancer before hand. Even if he didn't want her to go on the challenge, as you heard him say in the episode last night "what Diem wants, she gets." She was determined to go.
What i am struggling with so much - is how good her odds looked to actually pull this win out. When Wes tweeted last week that Diem was smiling because she knew she wasn't going in whichever team won (the #10yearalliance) - I thought about that again immediately last night. They didn't even have to try to win the final, because she also had such a strong alliance with Bananas. This is all so hard to watch, but hard to look away at the same time.
They are definitely together. I think Diem is rejecting him when the cameras are around because she wants to keep the relationship private because of the crazy fans and she was just a private person.
PR said that castmates told her that they were together and they were holding hands and kissing throughout their time there. I think they just didn't want to be like that around the cameras. Plus they are playing it up for the Exes theme. There is no doubt in my mind they were together and in love.
It was really hard seeing Diem in pain though especially since at the time everyone thought it was a stomach bug when really it ended in a horrible outcome.
It sucks because CT and Diem would have make the finals with no problem no doubt about it, I think they were the best team overall, they were communicating extremely well, no emotional issues, and they stand on a good position politically. They had a extremely good shot on winning this challenge.
"The last time CT and I kissed was Rivals II" - yeah okay sure, Diem!
I watched episode 2 and I am struck by how mellow and happy CT seems as compared to past Challenges.......not acting at all like the same guy from Rivals 2.
The editing for the show seems sloppy at best and as predicted they seem to be playing out the CT and Diem story for as long as possible for ratings.
Today marks two months, but it feels like it was yesterday. Next week is going to be a tough one...
Hammer - my opinion on that (which was shared with Diem and she agreed) was he is fire & she cool water, they balance one another and bring out the others best self when they are together. He is far more layered than people give him credit for being - they calmed one another.
Lurker - you are so right, it will be brutal... it is hard to believe that there will be no new smiles, or dancing, that the wedding will never happen...
I am grateful, as I am hopeful many are that we at least have the knowledge that these sad, painful images that will be shown this week aren't the last we have. She continued to fight, to smile, to show gratitude (which impressed me to no end) and unending faith. As I write this I feel the weight growing in my heart.
I shouldn't have looked because it caused me to sit and read a couple of years worth of messages and I have been doing so well with keeping the tears at bay for almost a month now - My very last message from her is... "lol that is so cute though " to my mother annoying me by asking questions about her - Even suffering & in pain she was positive and cheerful.
It is my sincere hope that people who had no interaction with her at all will stop posting things as if they are facts... making assumptions and carrying on dramatics... She really wasn't a fan of such things. Post things that made you smile, that really happened, that moved or motivated you... but please stop acting as her mouth piece, she doesn't need one. The 2 or 3 people that is intended for... I am pretty sure you know who you are - remember her well but please stop, some of her family look at these boards, as do some of her friends.
Rest well sweet girl ~ you are & will be missed always