The Good Morning America Twitter account retweeted a quote said by Stuart Scott (who just died from cancer - I don't follow sports so I'm not really sure who he is; I have to Google to find out more info). Anyway, I thought the quote was nice and kinda added to when you guys were talking about articles that said Diem "lost her battle" to cancer vs. what Cara Maria said about how she didn't "lose." The quote was "When you die it does not mean that you lose to cancer. You beat cancer by how you live, why you live, and the manner in which you live."
I saw that Diem's friend Carrie tweeted that quote but didn't realize where it was from. I really like that quote a lot and it's very true.
Yes! I love this quoe because it is so true. I have lost many people to this horrible disease and to say they "succumbed" "lost the battle" is just not fair. What people tend to overlook when they say things like that, is that there is no cure to cancer, What choice do you have when a doctor tells you that there is nothing more that they can do? No family member or friend that I have lost to cancer ever game up. They gave it all that they had; they fought to the very end. And a persons death never defines them because we all leave the earth someday but what people remember is how you live. Diem LIVED and Ishe lived for every single day she had. There was no losing she just moved on to something greater.
In case anyone is interested in reading more about Stuart Scott, here is his obit from the NYT as well as a nice piece about him. He gave that remarkable speech that the quote came from in 2014 when he received an ESPY for perseverance, an award established in honor of Jimmy Valvano's valiant cancer fight. Jimmy V's terrific speech "Don't give up, don't ever give up" was given at the same awards ceremony many years before. Diem and I tweeted back and forth a lot when Scott won and I know she admired Jimmy V (a basketball coach from NC State) a lot as well. She would be so happy to know that folks were thinking about her in the company of these two champions.
Thought of her too as soon as I heard it. Beautiful sentiment.
A lot has changed in my life since October (positively), so I can't pin it specifically on Diem, but I know over the past couple of months that I have kept her fight and her memory very close to my heart and have been filled with a gratitude that I hadn't done so well at recognizing over the past couple of years when things were bleak... gratitude for the simple things that I get to be here to do and love, because Diem can't now, and fought, and would have continued to fight like hell, to be able to.
I am so looking forward to seeing her appearance on BOTE II, and CT's as well.
So her Challenge friends thought she went on a Challenge to win one, her sister said she went on to show she still had fight in her, and Alicia said to help with medical bills. All 3 of those reasons had been said on here, but D just told you her reason.
She had a uterous still going into it but almost must have been suspecting that may not make it through.
And her and CT .... <shakes head> I can't help but smile anytime they are on screen together.
Are they seriously going to pretend like they weren't together for months at that time ? Or maybe the weren't? And she looks so gorgeous and iluminating tho, such a strong woman.
Are they seriously going to pretend like they weren't together for months at that time ? Or maybe the weren't? And she looks so gorgeous and iluminating tho, such a strong woman.
Honestly, I feel like that's going to annoy me lol. But I'm just going to enjoy seeing Diem happy and smiling and try to ignore the terrible acting. Could CT get any worse lmao??
Are they seriously going to pretend like they weren't together for months at that time ? Or maybe the weren't? And she looks so gorgeous and iluminating tho, such a strong woman.
Honestly, I feel like that's going to annoy me lol. But I'm just going to enjoy seeing Diem happy and smiling and try to ignore the terrible acting. Could CT get any worse lmao??
It's going to be annoying because we know it's an act which is gonna make you focus on the acting and lol CT doesn't even try, I think he's taking the **** a little bit actually, looool. And I reaaaaaaaally hope they edited her into 5 episodes or something. I don't want to believe she's only going to be on my screen for three episodes, that can't be it
Oh my gosh, the previews for upcoming episodes - Diem crying and CT looking for a doctor. I'm in tears. This is going to be harder than I thought to watch.
Oh my gosh, the previews for upcoming episodes - Diem crying and CT looking for a doctor. I'm in tears. This is going to be harder than I thought to watch.
WHY would they show that footage?? I'm actually pretty upset about it. It's pretty horrifying.
Hammer62 -- Agree 100% on all your points. You can see the love in the way they look at each other. I have to say CT seems almost sad though, or maybe he's just worried about Diem and stressed.
I am very upset about the footage shown in the teaser after the episode. I was not expecting to see her like that and I did not want to see her like that. That image was in my head for the rest of the night and I could not sleep. It was truly heartbreaking. I thought they would have more respect for Diem, her family, and freinds and not show that bu,t I guess I was wrong. I know we did not see much so it is hard to judge, but even that was emotional for me. I dont think I will watch that episode. And CT...
CT is in straight boyfriend mode, he seems very happy....he is obviously throwing his lines off for the show....
Diem visualizing children, showed she was not thinking of the battle ahead but the next phase of her life......
People Magazine is just crap
Amen to every word and yes People is a rag and crap
Anyone who can look at them for for 2 seconds and question if they were together wouldn't recognize the nose on thier own face!! Last night made me smile so much me cheeks hurt right up until the previews. Her crying, him pleading for someone to just take him to the doctors... I understand it is the reality, but so harsh a contrast from starry eyed, strong, "oh shut up" as she smacks him playfully and he laughs, that it is physically painful... I found myself thinking about her younger sister last night & to make myself feel like I was doing something other than wallowing (as D did not approve of wallowing) I planned out the rest of my budget for the month made some adjustments and will make another donation to MedGift. You want to make a difference in her the same. I will miss you everyday (!) but as we said sweet girl I have locked up the drama, put on the smile and it is Wednesday so tonight I dance
I am very upset about the footage shown in the teaser after the episode. I was not expecting to see her like that and I did not want to see her like that. That image was in my head for the rest of the night and I could not sleep. It was truly heartbreaking. I thought they would have more respect for Diem, her family, and freinds and not show that bu,t I guess I was wrong. I know we did not see much so it is hard to judge, but even that was emotional for me. I dont think I will watch that episode. And CT...
Poor CT.
Yea i am very surprised they used that as a "teaser" clip too...i mean knowing what that scene led to in the future, it's pretty low class. but BMP ultimately doesnt' care, i think that's the point of it all that we as viewers realize...I never thought they would show a scene of CT in near tears begging to see a doctor or whatever he said...i thought a scene of her feeling bad followed by the couch carrying scene than a transition into hearing her conditioned worsened is what we would get. I am guessing we will get a "preview" involving them before Tuesday so we will see how it goes down before judgement. but i'm with you.
It highlighted to me that ratings are king.....they want to squeeze the last of the CT / Diem relationship.
I feel badly for all involved, these clips really showcase the last vistages of functioning good health prior to the final battle and re-enforce how terrible the last 4 months prior to her passing were for the families and friends. Tough to watch.....
I just question how CT will be able to adjust and if he ever returns to the challenges......
I am very upset about the footage shown in the teaser after the episode. I was not expecting to see her like that and I did not want to see her like that. That image was in my head for the rest of the night and I could not sleep. It was truly heartbreaking. I thought they would have more respect for Diem, her family, and freinds and not show that bu,t I guess I was wrong. I know we did not see much so it is hard to judge, but even that was emotional for me. I dont think I will watch that episode. And CT...
Poor CT.
Yea i am very surprised they used that as a "teaser" clip too...i mean knowing what that scene led to in the future, it's pretty low class. but BMP ultimately doesnt' care, i think that's the point of it all that we as viewers realize...I never thought they would show a scene of CT in near tears begging to see a doctor or whatever he said...i thought a scene of her feeling bad followed by the couch carrying scene than a transition into hearing her conditioned worsened is what we would get. I am guessing we will get a "preview" involving them before Tuesday so we will see how it goes down before judgement. but i'm with you.
I might be the only one but I am interested in watching that footage. Maybe it's a personal thing but I want to see everything from beginning to end. Also, I reckon, since she passed, MTV/BMP needs permission from her family concerning the footage they can/can not show, out of respect. Or maybe they don't since she agreed to it before she passed, maybe she allowed them to show a fraction of it. I don't think it will be that explicit, though. Hopefully, since it's a sensitive issue for a lot of ppl.
I thought the show really did a nice job in showing Diem in her brightest, and I fully expected them to highlight the relationship as (1) it is Ex's an (2) it brings ratings. And - as evidenced by "CT and Diem" and "Diem" both trending nationwide yesterday, it does bring discussion. So while I was initially unsure about the sneak peek clips, I am going to reserve judgement on how they handle it, until I see it. Either way, it's lovely to see her happy on the TV screen.
And I was also intreged by what she said "this challenge will show what type of relationship we have." and I wish we got to see that play out. It sounded happy and optimistic, and solid.
retiredIrker & hmpnap you are 100% right eveything would have changed this year. There is no question that they would have just eased into allowing themselves as being seen as 'together' over the course of the challenge... then people would say they reuinited during this challenge
Another little note for the doubters (obviously neither of you) you don't go from "Oh no not again" one night straight to "Yeah baby, You did it!!" the very next morning
I saw that Diem's friend Carrie tweeted that quote but didn't realize where it was from. I really like that quote a lot and it's very true.
Yes! I love this quoe because it is so true. I have lost many people to this horrible disease and to say they "succumbed" "lost the battle" is just not fair. What people tend to overlook when they say things like that, is that there is no cure to cancer, What choice do you have when a doctor tells you that there is nothing more that they can do? No family member or friend that I have lost to cancer ever game up. They gave it all that they had; they fought to the very end. And a persons death never defines them because we all leave the earth someday but what people remember is how you live. Diem LIVED and Ishe lived for every single day she had. There was no losing she just moved on to something greater.
In case anyone is interested in reading more about Stuart Scott, here is his obit from the NYT as well as a nice piece about him. He gave that remarkable speech that the quote came from in 2014 when he received an ESPY for perseverance, an award established in honor of Jimmy Valvano's valiant cancer fight. Jimmy V's terrific speech "Don't give up, don't ever give up" was given at the same awards ceremony many years before. Diem and I tweeted back and forth a lot when Scott won and I know she admired Jimmy V (a basketball coach from NC State) a lot as well. She would be so happy to know that folks were thinking about her in the company of these two champions.
Thought of her too as soon as I heard it. Beautiful sentiment.
A lot has changed in my life since October (positively), so I can't pin it specifically on Diem, but I know over the past couple of months that I have kept her fight and her memory very close to my heart and have been filled with a gratitude that I hadn't done so well at recognizing over the past couple of years when things were bleak... gratitude for the simple things that I get to be here to do and love, because Diem can't now, and fought, and would have continued to fight like hell, to be able to.
I am so looking forward to seeing her appearance on BOTE II, and CT's as well.
So heartbreaking to see this video / read article about Diem's plans if she won this challenge.
So her Challenge friends thought she went on a Challenge to win one, her sister said she went on to show she still had fight in her, and Alicia said to help with medical bills. All 3 of those reasons had been said on here, but D just told you her reason.
She had a uterous still going into it but almost must have been suspecting that may not make it through.
And her and CT .... <shakes head> I can't help but smile anytime they are on screen together.
This makes me wonder even more what they're gonna do with her eggs. I wonder if CT really will have a child with them. Or maybe her sister. Who knows.
Are they seriously going to pretend like they weren't together for months at that time
? Or maybe the weren't? And she looks so gorgeous and iluminating tho, such a strong woman.
Honestly, I feel like that's going to annoy me lol. But I'm just going to enjoy seeing Diem happy and smiling
and try to ignore the terrible acting. Could CT get any worse lmao??
Ct sounded chocked up when talking about helping her win this one.
It's going to be annoying because we know it's an act which is gonna make you focus on the acting and lol CT doesn't even try, I think he's taking the **** a little bit actually, looool. And I reaaaaaaaally hope they edited her into 5 episodes or something. I don't want to believe she's only going to be on my screen for three episodes, that can't be it
Oh my gosh, the previews for upcoming episodes - Diem crying and CT looking for a doctor. I'm in tears. This is going to be harder than I thought to watch.
WHY would they show that footage?? I'm actually pretty upset about it. It's pretty horrifying.
I don't want to see that at all....
I agree with that sentiment.....there was no need for that clip.
Agreed. This will be upsetting to her family and friends. I can't get it out of my head and I didn't even know her. Very very sad
I don't want to see it either... I'm actually dreading that moment.
Wow, Diem- what can I say? This woman was and is a warrior. Watching her now, I just can't believe it. Sad, beautiful, and tragic to watch.
*** cancer.
A parent should never have to bury their child, it's not the natural way of things.
And on a happy note, kudos to Diem for snagging the handsome man that is CT. Diem, he's freakin' gorge!!!!!
Just saw the trailer for the remainder of the season.
Very upsetting. Very sad. Don't think I'll be able to watch anything else like that.
Items I picked up on......
CT is in straight boyfriend mode, he seems very happy....he is obviously throwing his lines off for the show....
Diem visualizing children, showed she was not thinking of the battle ahead but the next phase of her life......
People Magazine is just crap
Hammer62 -- Agree 100% on all your points. You can see the love in the way they look at each other. I have to say CT seems almost sad though, or maybe he's just worried about Diem and stressed.
I am very upset about the footage shown in the teaser after the episode. I was not expecting to see her like that and I did not want to see her like that. That image was in my head for the rest of the night and I could not sleep. It was truly heartbreaking. I thought they would have more respect for Diem, her family, and freinds and not show that bu,t I guess I was wrong. I know we did not see much so it is hard to judge, but even that was emotional for me. I dont think I will watch that episode. And CT...
Poor CT.
Amen to every word and yes People is a rag and crap
Anyone who can look at them for for 2 seconds and question if they were together wouldn't recognize the nose on thier own face!! Last night made me smile so much me cheeks hurt right up until the previews. Her crying, him pleading for someone to just take him to the doctors... I understand it is the reality, but so harsh a contrast from starry eyed, strong, "oh shut up" as she smacks him playfully and he laughs, that it is physically painful...
I found myself thinking about her younger sister last night & to make myself feel like I was doing something other than wallowing (as D did not approve of wallowing) I planned out the rest of my budget for the month made some adjustments and will make another donation to MedGift. You want to make a difference in her the same.
I will miss you everyday (!) but as we said sweet girl I have locked up the drama, put on the smile and it is Wednesday so tonight I dance
Yea i am very surprised they used that as a "teaser" clip too...i mean knowing what that scene led to in the future, it's pretty low class. but BMP ultimately doesnt' care, i think that's the point of it all that we as viewers realize...I never thought they would show a scene of CT in near tears begging to see a doctor or whatever he said...i thought a scene of her feeling bad followed by the couch carrying scene than a transition into hearing her conditioned worsened is what we would get. I am guessing we will get a "preview" involving them before Tuesday so we will see how it goes down before judgement. but i'm with you.
It highlighted to me that ratings are king.....they want to squeeze the last of the CT / Diem relationship.
I feel badly for all involved, these clips really showcase the last vistages of functioning good health prior to the final battle and re-enforce how terrible the last 4 months prior to her passing were for the families and friends. Tough to watch.....
I just question how CT will be able to adjust and if he ever returns to the challenges......
I might be the only one but I am interested in watching that footage. Maybe it's a personal thing but I want to see everything from beginning to end. Also, I reckon, since she passed, MTV/BMP needs permission from her family concerning the footage they can/can not show, out of respect. Or maybe they don't since she agreed to it before she passed, maybe she allowed them to show a fraction of it. I don't think it will be that explicit, though. Hopefully, since it's a sensitive issue for a lot of ppl.
Such a beautiful couple
I thought the show really did a nice job in showing Diem in her brightest, and I fully expected them to highlight the relationship as (1) it is Ex's an (2) it brings ratings. And - as evidenced by "CT and Diem" and "Diem" both trending nationwide yesterday, it does bring discussion. So while I was initially unsure about the sneak peek clips, I am going to reserve judgement on how they handle it, until I see it. Either way, it's lovely to see her happy on the TV screen.
And I was also intreged by what she said "this challenge will show what type of relationship we have." and I wish we got to see that play out. It sounded happy and optimistic, and solid.
retiredlrker -- I was intrigued by that statement also. Makes me think they would have made relationship public at end of Challenge.
retiredIrker & hmpnap you are 100% right eveything would have changed this year. There is no question that they would have just eased into allowing themselves as being seen as 'together' over the course of the challenge... then people would say they reuinited during this challenge
Another little note for the doubters (obviously neither of you) you don't go from "Oh no not again" one night straight to "Yeah baby, You did it!!" the very next morning