The Challenge: Battle of the Exes 2 - Informed Speculation (Spoilers)

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[QUOTE=PinkRose;428946]I don't mind Thomas, but I can't stand Jamie she is so thirsty and would do anything for TV time. As of right now, Hailey getting cast over Jamie. BTW I am not putting names out there, but a lot cast members think that break up is FAKE just a desperate attempt to get a call. We will see in the next couple of days if it's true or not.[/QUOTE] If she gets caught, she'll prbably say they reconciled.
[QUOTE=Debut Album;428872] **** that. I don't want to see Backpack nor Camilla. Backpack just won his 5TH ******* challenge and in addition to that I'm TIRED of seeing him. and Camilla..She's not a cast member and I'm tired of seeing her *** too. Neither one of them need to be on this show. They both need to be dropped.[/QUOTE] You mad that all these other challengers are weak as hell and can't compare to the King? Don't hate the player, hate all these other weak ****s that can't hold a candle to King Bananas, our king, our leader. In order to be the best you have to beat the best. I wouldn't mind seeing Bananas win and come back every season because it just shows how unstoppable he is.
[QUOTE=JayTee;429008]You mad that all these other challengers are weak as hell and can't compare to the King? Don't hate the player, hate all these other weak ****s that can't hold a candle to King Bananas, our king, our leader. [B]In order to be the best you have to beat the best.[/B] I wouldn't mind seeing Bananas win and come back every season because it just shows how unstoppable he is.[/QUOTE] Some of this is over-the-top but the bold is true. Unfortunately we haven't seen many get a chance to beat the best to be the best. I do agree that I have no problem with the same people winning...someone needs to step up and beat them
Good to see Nia will be back on the next Challenge, if she didn't quit on Free Agents she would've done very well for herself. By virtue of being one of the bigger girls, she already has an advantage. She might become the second coming of Beth on the Challenges, in terms of possibly being someone so hated that all the girls want to get her out the house -- but none of them has the power to really do it.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;429013]Some of this is over-the-top but the bold is true. Unfortunately we haven't seen many get a chance to beat the best to be the best. I do agree that I have no problem with the same people winning...someone needs to step up and beat them[/QUOTE] Exactly. Our leader has a huge fanbase and is basically the All Star of the Challenges. I would love to see somebody beat our king, but unfortunately all we've had is a rodent (Jordan) actually try to call him out.
[QUOTE=Meelz;429014]Good to see Nia will be back on the next Challenge, if she didn't quit on Free Agents she would've done very well for herself. By virtue of being one of the bigger girls, she already has an advantage. She might become the second coming of Beth on the Challenges, in terms of possibly being someone so hated that all the girls want to get her out the house -- but none of them has the power to really do it.[/QUOTE] I'm praying they cast Nia because Averey will be there and to see their dynamics. I'm worried that Averey won't do this one, every challenge she isn't on lowers her chances of doing ones, since there are still a lot of people from Ex-Plosion, plus on season 27 we'll have the rookies from the Chicago season.
[QUOTE=JayTee;429021]Exactly. Our leader has a huge fanbase and is basically the All Star of the Challenges. I would love to see somebody beat our king, but unfortunately all we've had is a rodent (Jordan) actually try to call him out.[/QUOTE] At least he tried, lol.
[QUOTE=nevidcm;429030]At least he tried, lol.[/QUOTE] Is Jordan coming back next season?
[QUOTE=nevidcm;429030]At least he tried, lol.[/QUOTE] I don't know why people act as though this is unheard of. Davis, Nehemiah, Isaac & Derek all tried that on The'd that go? If you're safe stay least during The Duel 2 it made some sense If Jordan comes back, I'm praying he never does, then hopefully he learned many valuable lessons though I doubt it.
[QUOTE=JayTee;429033]Is Jordan coming back next season?[/QUOTE] I hope not, but if Nia is really cast I hope she is his partner, they will be tv gold.
[QUOTE=JayTee;429021]Exactly. Our leader has a huge fanbase and is basically the All Star of the Challenges. I would love to see somebody beat our king, but unfortunately all we've had is a rodent (Jordan) actually try to call him out.[/QUOTE] Our leader? What the hell.
[QUOTE=nevidcm;429028]I'm praying they cast Nia because Averey will be there and to see their dynamics. I'm worried that Averey won't do this one, every challenge she isn't on lowers her chances of doing ones, since there are still a lot of people from Ex-Plosion, plus on season 27 we'll have the rookies from the Chicago season.[/QUOTE] I thought Averey wasn't going to be on this challenge?
[QUOTE=JEKFAN;429073]I thought Averey wasn't going to be on this challenge?[/QUOTE] There was a rumor that she declined, but it was never confirmed. I'm crossing my fingers, I hope that it was all a lie.
[QUOTE=nevidcm;429080]There was a rumor that she declined, but it was never confirmed. I'm crossing my fingers, I hope that it was all a lie.[/QUOTE] Pretty sure it is pretty confirmed
[QUOTE=PinkRose;428836]Most likely after Real World 30 airs[/QUOTE] I would not be surprised at all if this airs first. Reverse the cycle so RW 30 people would be on the Challenge following there season
[QUOTE=Karisa502;429109]I would not be surprised at all if this airs first. Reverse the cycle so RW 30 people would be on the Challenge following there season[/QUOTE] This would be the best decision on MTV's part. It can be debated whether the lack of Ex-Plosion cast members hurt Free Agents ratings. Instead of taking yet another risk, reverse the cycle and see if ratings improve.
This is about 2 pages of legitimate speculation and 126 pages of uninformed or regurgitated speculation or generic content that would be better served in the generic thread as mods such as Youssarian has been asking to prevent the debacle Vevmo had in this thread last season. I just find it frustrating...Rant over :) Now as far as my speculation I read that Susie is pretty much retired from the shows in an interview she did 2 months ago. She was quoted as being Semi-Retired and disgusted with the atmosphere displayed in the houses, so if she did get a first call there is a good chance she turne it down. That's all I got.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;429081]Pretty sure it is pretty confirmed[/QUOTE] I've been told that BMP is trying to work her right now lol
As of right now, about 80% chance Nia Made the final Cut Averey on the other hand is unknown. Camila isnt doinh this one from what i heard . Thats my speculation I could be wrong Departure is in August. So alot can happen at this point
[QUOTE=Livewitpeace;429127]I've been told that BMP is trying to work her right now lol[/QUOTE] In other words, she doesn't want to do it and they're begging her
PinkRose I can't PM you.
If Camila isn't doing this one then who is Bananas going to be paired up with? Nany? With no camera footage or twitter proof?
[QUOTE=JayTee;429135]If Camila isn't doing this one then who is Bananas going to be paired up with? Nany? With no camera footage or twitter proof?[/QUOTE] Does there did to be proof? They just tell their stories
[QUOTE=kvm1977;429138]Does there did to be proof? They just tell their stories[/QUOTE] There should be. At least for Bananas and Frank there was twitter proof. How the hell did they make Dunbar and Tyrie work again? I forgot
[QUOTE=Livewitpeace;429127]I've been told that BMP is trying to work her right now lol[/QUOTE] I hope they succeed, at least there is still hope.
Why does there have to be proof, if they dated of the show and don't anymore they would count as exes. It's not even a stretch. Dustin and Jessica would be a stretch if you ask me.
I can see why they would want Johnny/Camila .... just cause TJ can go ... "our defending Exes champs" blah blah blah
[QUOTE=JayTee;429142]There should be. At least for Bananas and Frank there was twitter proof. How the hell did they make Dunbar and Tyrie work again? I forgot[/QUOTE] Dunbar didn't like him on the Island I mean, there wasn't really proof about Johnny-Camila either They're not going to do a season where they desperately need ratings without Johnny IMO. Casey won't do the show...that limits the options. Nany's well-liked...Johnny's well-liked by casual fans and some diehards. Put them together--they stay for a while--and ratings go up. In theory
[QUOTE=kvm1977;429129]In other words, she doesn't want to do it and they're begging her[/QUOTE] Basically. I believe she wants to do a challenge but not an Exes.
[QUOTE=Livewitpeace;429162]Basically. I believe she wants to do a challenge but not an Exes.[/QUOTE] They aren't going to change the theme just to get her though


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