The Challenge: Battle of the Exes 2 - Informed Speculation (Spoilers)

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I'd actually love to have them do an idea of reigning champs with johnny/camila but MTV definitely would not do that. Hope I'm wrong.
[QUOTE=jojorules;428699]Exes does not work unless there is real conflict much like rivals 1 and exes 1 had more than 2 pairs who legit had conflict. When you have a season of stretches they will put aside 1 fight 5 yrs ago for money it is dumb to watch these fake exes... Exes 1 had blowups between the two two teams and legit awkwardness Marie gets a lot of love here but seriously do you see her not having a devyn like finals performance? Her endurance was horrible and she drinks and smokes a lot[/QUOTE] Seasons was 2 years ago. I cannot confirm, but haven't people said she's gotten in much better shape? At the very least with her job, it is unlikely she is constantly drinking. Especially since she did her first Challenge a few weeks after RW.
If they were to do it, everyone would gun for the "reigning champs" just to prevent them from winning so if they get introduced with that title, they are immediate targets.
[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;428703]Seasons was 2 years ago. I cannot confirm, but haven't people said she's gotten in much better shape? At the very least with her job, it is unlikely she is constantly drinking. Especially since she did her first Challenge a few weeks after RW.[/QUOTE] No havent heard that she is in good shape, but it is harder to work out a lot when working full time if anything... Maybe she drinks less but i dont see her doing well on a final that is my opinion. She def doesnt strike me as someone way into fitness
[QUOTE=jojorules;428699]Exes does not work unless there is real conflict much like rivals 1 and exes 1 had more than 2 pairs who legit had conflict. When you have a season of stretches they will put aside 1 fight 5 yrs ago for money it is dumb to watch these fake exes... Exes 1 had blowups between the two two teams and legit awkwardness Marie gets a lot of love here but seriously do you see her not having a devyn like finals performance? Her endurance was horrible and she drinks and smokes a lot[/QUOTE] Actually there are more Exes speculated on this season that on the first exes ASSUMING that cast is correct...Some of them broke up for real **** up reasons. Real Exes 1. Thomas/Hailey- High school sweethearts she cheated on him lie about her virginity and then took his emotional abuse during explosion making her go spycho at him then deciding to go home. 2. Jay/Jenna- He cheated on her with a bunch of girls, were together for 3 years. Then supposedly he ven hooked up with Jemmye (IDK if that's TRUE) 3. Robb/Marie- Dated broke up with her over text. 4. Trey/Laura- She started as the side chick, then try dating and then broke up couldn't do long distance he went back to chelsea. 5. Zach/Jonna- dated/lived together for 6 months then he cheated on her with Ashlee and by what I heard she did something **** up wasn't cheating. Avoid each other in every challenge. 6. Knight/Jemmye- Dated/Lived together, cheated on her, broke up and have toxic relationship right now. 7. Danny/Melinda dvorce couple Hookups 8. Jordan/Sarah- just hookup 9. Swift/Jasmine- he stopped talking to her after he found out, Isaac had sex with her when then aftershow aired. 10. Leroy/Theresa- Hookup, she send weird crazy text messages after Rivals 2 and she wasn't his biggest fan on Free Agents 11. Dustin/Jessica- Kiss he never told her he had a gf back home, haven't talk since then. She is crazy. 12. CT/Nany- Hooked up after Rivals 2 before he went back to diem. 13. Johnny/Camila- Hooked up in bathroom in Costa rica, were team in exes 1 and she is horrible drunk 14. Aneesa/Dnbar gave him special massages with happy endings on Duel 2 start watching on 2:10 [video=youtube;4XSfj00HX-A][/video] While Exes 1, they only had CT/Diem, TY/Emily and Robin/Mark as real exes. The other teams were stretches, hookups ,barely did anything or were still together. [QUOTE=Fresh Meat;428700]I am confused, the only time I recall any pointless drunken drama was on FA, am I missing something? I agree though, I hope we don't see Camila, Cara, Aneesa, etc. this upcoming season.[/QUOTE] Explain to me other than the rumor Cara spread that camila did drugs in the Bathroom before her freakout on Exes 1...wha
Camila was in no way looking for attention for losing it on Easy or the incredibly insufferable Tori/Brad. Or how about when Bananas kept poking at her on Rivals 2 and of course when she gives him a reaction, she is the one looking obsessed with him. Or when she lashed out at Diem for trying to get her/Jemmye thrown in? On-topic: Any word on KellyAnne accepting/declining? Or Sarah?
[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;428717]Camila was in no way looking for attention for losing it on Easy or the incredibly insufferable Tori/Brad. Or how about when Bananas kept poking at her on Rivals 2 and of course when she gives him a reaction, she is the one looking obsessed with him. Or when she lashed out at Diem for trying to get her/Jemmye thrown in? On-topic: Any word on KellyAnne accepting/declining? Or Sarah?[/QUOTE] Sarah got a call...Kellyanne I heard decline but who knows at this point. Easy/Tori/Brad even diem I understand...But other than that is just drunk Camila going crazy again. Maybe she shouldn't drink as much ;)
[QUOTE=PinkRose;428718]Sarah got a call...Kellyanne I heard decline but who knows at this point. Easy/Tori/Brad I understand...But other than that is just drunk Camila going crazy again.[/QUOTE] Ugh, why must the promising females decline? :( We will just agree to disagree then there. :) Edit: And yeah, I agree. On Rivals 2, she didn't even drink until we saw her go crazy on Johnny and she was totally calm.
[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;428719]Ugh, why must the promising females decline? :( We will just agree to disagree then there. :) Edit: And yeah, I agree. On Rivals 2, she didn't even drink until we saw her go crazy on Johnny and she was totally calm.[/QUOTE] That's I heard, don't take me as 100% correct. I am just losing hope with every challenge on seeing Kellyanne again and Averey do her challenge debut. Hopefully one of them do this lol
[QUOTE=PinkRose;428720]That's I heard, don't take me as 100% correct. I am just losing hope with every challenge on seeing Kellyanne again and Averey do her challenge debut. Hopefully one of them do this lol[/QUOTE] Did Avery decline or wss she not even asked?
[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;428721]Did Avery decline or wss she not even asked?[/QUOTE] She has been asked for the challenges , she have been eligible for. She was an alternate last season.
[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;428717]Camila was in no way looking for attention for losing it on Easy or the incredibly insufferable Tori/Brad. Or how about when Bananas kept poking at her on Rivals 2 and of course when she gives him a reaction, she is the one looking obsessed with him. Or when she lashed out at Diem for trying to get her/Jemmye thrown in? On-topic: Any word on KellyAnne accepting/declining? Or Sarah?[/QUOTE] Brad and Tori in the end were right about Camila. They said Johnny was doing it with the girl and didn't trust her because of it. It's been revealed here after the fact that they did in fact hook up on Cutthroat, and you can see how psycho she was over the guy on the first Exes. Hence why when someone who you don't know has that big of an obsession you can't trust. Which is why it wouldn't shock me to see them paired up again
[QUOTE=thomas82393;428704]If they were to do it, everyone would gun for the "reigning champs" just to prevent them from winning so if they get introduced with that title, they are immediate targets.[/QUOTE] And that's the main reason why another Bananas and Camila team would be entertaining as hell to watch. Since they'll be constant targets.
Is there a chance that Susie comes back?! She was really kick as* and we need some smart Vets! I mean seriously. I read some rumord it could be Exes 2. Wouldn't mind at all could be quite nteresting! Could see a Jordan/Sarah pairing and CT/Anastacia! I don't know if all were mentioned here to many pages to go through
[QUOTE=Wannabe90;428746]Is there a chance that Susie comes back?! She was really kick as* and we need some smart Vets! I mean seriously. I read some rumord it could be Exes 2. Wouldn't mind at all could be quite nteresting! Could see a Jordan/Sarah pairing and CT/Anastacia! I don't know if all were mentioned here to many pages to go through[/QUOTE] It's literally 1 page before this. Susie, has said that she won't be coming back.
[QUOTE=VCR14;428691]Don't entirely count out the following just yet: Cory Brian Jenny Johnny R. Nia Averey JD Devyn Cohutta KellyAnne Davis Tyler Ryan K. Eric Wes Abram Darrell Rachel Susie[/QUOTE] Devyn announced her retirement two days ago, so that calls your list/sources (such as you wish them to be) into question. Futher, at least two others on your list were never contacted or declined. Gathering a cast list is not a job for amateurs.
[QUOTE=PinkRose;428686]I don't care about having Bananas back, I Just think having Camila back is pointless. Offer more money to Kelly anne and pair her up with Bananas. I would be a happy camper.[/QUOTE] I would be so torn because I love KellyAnne but can't stand bananas
I wish they'd do a Rivals with guy/girl pairs. Most of this cast would work, but it would give other people a chance to come on. Couldn't they do Jamie & Corey?
[QUOTE=PinkRose;428670]To be honest no idea...It all come down to ratings and keep [B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]reality shows are cheaper to produce than scripted shows[/SIZE][/FONT][/B].[/QUOTE] I can tell you from years of personal experience that it is an urban legend that reality shows are cheaper than scripted shows. For example, while Survivor, The Amazing Race, The Bachelor/Bachelorette and Dancing with the stars are less expensive to produce than the network's hit scripted shows, those reality shows are multitudes of cost greater than reality or scripted shows on cable channels. MTV's costs for the Challenge have gone up over the years, while the costs of RW production has gone done...thanks in part to better cost controls and a shorter shooting schedule for RW. The Challenge and RW costs are higher than other scripted, partially scripted (story boarded), or unscripted shows on MTV. A former senior exec at MTV once called BMP the biggest cost center among MTV's supporting production companies. I don't doubt he was right at the time. MTV was happy with RW Explosion (Ms Daniels) -- both from a ratings perspective and from the buzz it received in the industry. It's safe for a while, if they innovate for the right reasons. Fresh Meat, however, did little to sustain the franchise. BMP is lucky that the next challenge is a byproduct of Explosion -- not that casting the challenge will benefit even .1 rating point from Explosion's added first time viewers.
I guess Jamie/Thomas just "broke up", she delete some pictures with him and They unfollow each other. I wonder if it's for real or she is faking up in order to be on the challenge since she is so thirsty about it with her it wouldn't surprised me. SInce she is so insecure and camera hungry. If it's true THomas a DBag i he actually hit her: [ATTACH]5694[/ATTACH]
[QUOTE=PinkRose;428758]I guess Jamie/Thomas just broke up, she delete some pictures with him and They unfollow each other. I wonder if it's for real or she is faking up in order to be on the challenge since she is so thirsty about it with her it wouldn't surprised me. SInce she is so insecure and camera hungry: [ATTACH]5694[/ATTACH][/QUOTE] Wow she's desperate,I hope Thomas really dumped her tho that would be great.
[QUOTE=Challenge 17;428760]Wow she's desperate,I hope Thomas really dumped her tho that would be great.[/QUOTE] How she is desperate when you don't even know if its fake or not! Lets not be disrespectful please!
[QUOTE=Challenge 17;428760]Wow she's desperate,I hope Thomas really dumped her tho that would be great.[/QUOTE] I am a fan of Tom's and Jamie's but the timing is def. weird. If they really did break up and violently enough to have to immediatly unfollow each other lets get this changed now because this will be much better TV then Hailey. She had just posted pics of them and that they were together for 10 months so its sad
LOL Jamie, so transparent. She really is the ******* worst. Hailey/Tom FTW.
[QUOTE=TheKorean;428756]I wish they'd do a Rivals with guy/girl pairs. Most of this cast would work, but it would give other people a chance to come on. Couldn't they do Jamie & Corey?[/QUOTE] You got Bananas/Cara Maria, KellyAnne/Bananas, Wes/Cara Maria, Frank/Nany, Zach/Sam, Laurel/Big Easy, Johnny/Averey, Jordan/Nia, Tyler/Svetlana...any other ones?
[QUOTE=Charmqn;428764]You got Bananas/Cara Maria, KellyAnne/Bananas, Wes/Cara Maria, Frank/Nany, Zach/Sam, Laurel/Big Easy, Johnny/Averey, Jordan/Nia, Tyler/Svetlana...any other ones?[/QUOTE] Thats what I wanted all along. Jamie/Jay
[QUOTE=Karisa502;428762]I am a fan of Tom's and Jamie's but the timing is def. weird. If they really did break up and violently enough to have to immediatly unfollow each other lets get this changed now because this will be much better TV then Hailey. She had just posted pics of them and that they were together for 10 months so its sad[/QUOTE] But I could see her being upset about Thomas & Hailey going across the country together and Tom not being considerate about it. He's an *******! So maybe things could have blown up and now there not together.
[QUOTE=Charmqn;428764]You got Bananas/Cara Maria, KellyAnne/Bananas, Wes/Cara Maria, Frank/Nany, Zach/Sam, Laurel/Big Easy, Johnny/Averey, Jordan/Nia, Tyler/Svetlana...any other ones?[/QUOTE] For staters...Laurel won't show up for that Jordan-Nia may as well be Exes It gets really hard to get 14 that even make sense Bananas could have a lot of great partners...Rachel R & Susie in addition to Cara & KellyAnne
[QUOTE=Karisa502;428762]I am a fan of Tom's and Jamie's but the timing is def. weird. If they really did break up and violently enough to have to immediatly unfollow each other lets get this changed now because this will be much better TV then Hailey.[/QUOTE] If it's real a normal person wouldn't put their break up out there for everyone to see specially on a reality show and when it's so fresh. Hint: Jemmye/Knight that are thirsty decide not to do Exes 1 because they broke up like 2 weeks before departure, it was still fresh. Not even Averey wants to do it and she almost broke up with Johnny R a year ago. I think if she do it, she would proved that she is just doing it to get on another show. [QUOTE=Livewitpeace;428761]How she is desperate when you don't even know if its fake or not! Lets not be disrespectful please![/QUOTE] By what I heard she would go as far as faking a break up to be on a show, until proven wrong she is desperate in my eyes.
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