The Challenge: Battle of the Exes 2 - Informed Speculation (Spoilers)

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[QUOTE=PinkRose;428768]If it's real a normal person wouldn't put their break up out there for everyone to see specially on a reality show and when it's so fresh. Hint: Jemmye/Knight that are thirsty decide not to do Exes 1 because they broke up like 2 weeks before departure, it was still fresh. Not even Averey wants to do it and she almost broke up with Johnny R a year ago. I think if she do it, she would proved that she is just doing it to get on another show. By what I heard she would go as far as faking a break up to be on a show, until proven wrong she is desperate in my eyes.[/QUOTE] I pray she wasn't a victim of domestic violence, but if she is that desperate to get on a relaity show, then Thomas should run. And, I am so Thomas/Hailey. More like Team Hailey.
[QUOTE=PinkRose;428768]If it's real a normal person wouldn't put their break up out there for everyone to see specially on a reality show and when it's so fresh. Hint: Jemmye/Knight that are thirsty decide not to do Exes 1 because they broke up like 2 weeks before departure, it was still fresh. Not even Averey wants to do it and she almost broke up with Johnny R a year ago. I think if she do it, she would proved that she is just doing it to get on another show. By what I heard she would go as far as faking a break up to be on a show, until proven wrong she is desperate in my eyes.[/QUOTE] How do you even prove that wrong?
I know this would never happen but if it truly is exes I would love to see Kimberly come back as Dunbar's partner.
[QUOTE=Livewitpeace;428772]How do you even prove that wrong?[/QUOTE] Pink's not saying for us to prove her wrong. She's saying until she's told otherwise from people that actually know what's going on
Kim is never coming back. The Ruins ****ed the chances of ever seeing her again. I really want to see Svetlana and Kelly Anne again.
[QUOTE=Charmqn;428764]You got Bananas/Cara Maria, KellyAnne/Bananas, Wes/Cara Maria, Frank/Nany, Zach/Sam, Laurel/Big Easy, Johnny/Averey, Jordan/Nia, Tyler/Svetlana...any other ones?[/QUOTE] Brad/Camila, Jay/Jamie, Thomas/Jenny, Trey/Marie.
[QUOTE=Livewitpeace;428772]How do you even prove that wrong?[/QUOTE] Like I say if it's real, a person wouldn't go on a reality show to entertain people with their real feelings knowing they would make a fool out of themselves after a break up that is such fresh and that supposedly ended in such circumstances, plus the last thing you want to do is see the person because you want to get over it. Not even Knight/Jemmye did that with Exes 1 and the're the definition of thirsty. Now it has been like 2 years since their break up, they're over it. Not even Averey wants to do it and she broke up with Johnny R almost a year ago lol If it's real it would be entertaining for the viewers, but like I say I don't see someone that doesn't have double intentions putting themselves through that especially when it's fresh just weeks long or a month. Melinda/Danny are doing it because they're over it and it has been years. Either she is faking it or she is just that thirsty and doesn't care.
[QUOTE=Charmqn;428777]Kim is never coming back. The Ruins ****ed the chances of ever seeing her again. I really want to see Svetlana and Kelly Anne again.[/QUOTE] As much as you're right about The Ruins...we have the same chance of seeing Svet as Kim IMO Probably KellyAnne as well after what happened on Seasons
[QUOTE=Livewitpeace;428761]How she is desperate when you don't even know if its fake or not! Lets not be disrespectful please![/QUOTE] Let's put two and two together shall we, Thomas & Hailey get calls, Jamie doesn't, Jamie wants to do a challenge but didn't get a call because she was dating Tom. And they just so happen to break up when calls are going out? That is not a coincidence IMO. If he really hit her then I feel bad but IMO she just faking this. I don't know if she's lying or telling the truth but considering how desperate she was for camera time on explosion I don't doubt it.
If this somehow leads to Jamie being on this challenge and not Hailey, I swear... Better not ruin this for me, Jamie.
[QUOTE=mph922;428783]If this somehow leads to Jamie being on this challenge and not Hailey, I swear... Better not ruin this for me, Jamie.[/QUOTE] You took the words right out of my mouth!
[QUOTE=Challenge 17;428782]Let's put two and two together shall we, Thomas & Hailey get calls, Jamie doesn't, Jamie wants to do a challenge but didn't get a call because she was dating Tom. And they just so happen to break up when calls are going out? That is not a coincidence IMO. If he really hit her then I feel bad but IMO she just faking this. I don't know if she's lying or telling the truth but considering how desperate she was for camera time on explosion I don't doubt it.[/QUOTE] For all we know this is MTV telling them to stage something so they can be cast. Remember the shows starts filming soon but it won't air for a while. Tons of time for something to be created out of nothing for possible viewers.
[QUOTE=V1man;428757]I can tell you from years of personal experience that it is an urban legend that reality shows are cheaper than scripted shows. For example, while Survivor, The Amazing Race, The Bachelor/Bachelorette and Dancing with the stars are less expensive to produce than the network's hit scripted shows, those reality shows are multitudes of cost greater than reality or scripted shows on cable channels. MTV's costs for the Challenge have gone up over the years, while the costs of RW production has gone done...thanks in part to better cost controls and a shorter shooting schedule for RW. The Challenge and RW costs are higher than other scripted, partially scripted (story boarded), or unscripted shows on MTV. A former senior exec at MTV once called BMP the biggest cost center among MTV's supporting production companies. I don't doubt he was right at the time. MTV was happy with RW Explosion (Ms Daniels) -- both from a ratings perspective and from the buzz it received in the industry. It's safe for a while, if they innovate for the right reasons. Fresh Meat, however, did little to sustain the franchise. BMP is lucky that the next challenge is a byproduct of Explosion -- not that casting the challenge will benefit even .1 rating point from Explosion's added first time viewers.[/QUOTE] Never underestimate the value of V1's experience
[QUOTE=Desertpuma;428786]Never underestimate the value of V1's experience[/QUOTE] Nor his bias
[QUOTE=kvm1977;428785]For all we know this is MTV telling them to stage something so they can be cast. Remember the shows starts filming soon but it won't air for a while. Tons of time for something to be created out of nothing for possible viewers.[/QUOTE] Doubt it! they were or still are all in for Hailey/Thomas over Jamie/Thomas.
[QUOTE=PinkRose;428788]Doubt it! they were or still are all in for Hailey/Thomas over Jamie/Thomas.[/QUOTE] Good to know...just saying nothing would surprise me.
i was watching inferno II and thought to myself, "how in the world did some of these people get cast? they are so mellow and calm and chill" (ie jamie chung). then i realized that back then, they didn't just care about Drama and actually cast likeable people (more or less)
[QUOTE=auldx;428792]i was watching inferno II and thought to myself, "how in the world did some of these people get cast? they are so mellow and calm and chill" (ie jamie chung). then i realized that back then, they didn't just care about Drama and actually cast likeable people (more or less)[/QUOTE] Because competition creates drama...production has forgotten that. Jamie was awesome
[QUOTE=auldx;428792]i was watching inferno II and thought to myself, "how in the world did some of these people get cast? they are so mellow and calm and chill" (ie jamie chung). then i realized that back then, they didn't just care about Drama and actually cast likeable people (more or less)[/QUOTE] I'm watching Gauntlet 2 and I thought the same thing. There needs to be a return to this form of casting.
[QUOTE=V1man;428753]Devyn announced her retirement two days ago, so that calls your list/sources (such as you wish them to be) into question. Futher, at least two others on your list were never contacted or declined. Gathering a cast list is not a job for amateurs.[/QUOTE] I guess we're back to another season of your condescending comments on here. You know so much so by all means please share the information you have on who was asked/wasn't asked rather than criticizing others. I have sources that are entirely reliable. I know yours are superior however and your relationship with Beth trumps everything.
[QUOTE=auldx;428792]i was watching inferno II and thought to myself, "how in the world did some of these people get cast? they are so mellow and calm and chill" (ie jamie chung). then i realized that back then, they didn't just care about Drama and actually cast likeable people (more or less)[/QUOTE] It is unfortunate that natural unforced drama has been thrown by the wayside.
[QUOTE=auldx;428792]i was watching inferno II and thought to myself, "how in the world did some of these people get cast? they are so mellow and calm and chill" (ie jamie chung). then i realized that back then, they didn't just care about Drama and actually cast likeable people (more or less)[/QUOTE] Yeah, I kind of miss the days when we could see those lowkey people. Now everybody has to have a "thing". It's why people like Callie or DC Mike would never be cast on a challenge now but had they been on the shows back then, I'm sure we'd see them. Well, it also doesn't help that BMP or whoever refuse to do a team challenge and are too concerned with themes that exclude many of their cast members. Then again, most of my favorite people are usually the most normal seeming ones. Aka the people that everybody else thinks are too boring.
[QUOTE=mph922;428799]Then again, most of my favorite people are usually the most normal seeming ones. Aka the people that everybody else thinks are too boring.[/QUOTE] Landon & Darrell for example...although Darrell had a couple moments (Wes & KellyAnne for example)
[QUOTE=kvm1977;428795]Because competition creates drama...production has forgotten that. Jamie was awesome[/QUOTE] In all of inferno 2, i never saw jamie involved in any drama, which i loved. how much drama it create, "oh mike and abe have an alliance?! do they or do they not?" or drama can be created out of a simple statement (ie beth, robin, tonya)
[QUOTE=LurkerNoMore;428796]I'm watching Gauntlet 2 and I thought the same thing. There needs to be a return to this form of casting.[/QUOTE] And then maybe more natural drama will happen edit: oops sorry realized this is prob the wrong thread
Jamie has to be faking a break up considering she posted on instagram yesterday a picture saying happy 10 months with this guy or something. Wow she is so desperate. It is actually pathetic... Team Hailey. Please tell me the Camila/Bananas pairing is a joke....Where is this coming from? They shouldn't repeat pairs especially a team that won. I am over this challenge already.
[QUOTE=auldx;428802]In all of inferno 2, i never saw jamie involved in any drama, which i loved. how much drama it create, "oh mike and abe have an alliance?! do they or do they not?" or drama can be created out of a simple statement (ie beth, robin, tonya)[/QUOTE] The best moment of Inferno II was really the Miz's commentary (and of course getting Jodi to go skinny dipping).
[QUOTE=auldx;428802]In all of inferno 2, i never saw jamie involved in any drama, which i loved. how much drama it create, "oh mike and abe have an alliance?! do they or do they not?" or drama can be created out of a simple statement (ie beth, robin, tonya)[/QUOTE] Well, Beth was elite for creating drama--so was Tonya. Most of the time it was based on something real or semi-real I still remember Jamie & Shavonda screaming to keep Tonya's heart rate up on the last mission and Tonya freaking out because it reminded her of Rachel, Veronica & Tina. That's "legit" drama. It is based on something real. Like Katie-Veronica. I miss those days a lot and I think that's the primary reason for ratings being poor. I still believe the reason Exes was successful was because Mark, Rachel, Aneesa & CT all showed up for the first time since The Duel II and they all stuck around for at least 6 episodes.
[QUOTE=VCR14;428797]I guess we're back to another season of your condescending comments on here. You know so much so by all means please share the information you have on who was asked/wasn't asked rather than criticizing others. I have sources that are entirely reliable. I know yours are superior however and your relationship with Beth trumps everything.[/QUOTE] Post of the day.. Amen! I guess I'm the only one who actually wants to see Jamie on this/a challenge.. Haha
If they end up departing in August, is January a good estimate for when the season might air?


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