[QUOTE=JL81790;410683]Well then you don't agree with Mark. He basically said that they've accused production of being fishy but then production pulled back the curtain and it was all legit.
Johnny and Laurel would've smashed every one of their potential opponents other than CT...they didn't NEED to rig anything. I'd buy them setting it up such that CT does the draw first so he has the highest odds of not getting the card though.[/QUOTE]
The order that they draw has no affect on the chance that they will pull the kill card, everybody in the draw has an equal chance assuming there is one kill card and the rest are blank.
[QUOTE=Abstract;410695]If Johnny could've beat any potential opponents like the other dude said then it didn't matter who he got as long as Johnny could beat them & stay in the game.
With this cast its quite obvious Laurel is the clear front runner & they are obviously ready to give her a win so if anything it would be set up for her to not have any type of competition in the final. With the men its more of "who do most of the fans watch the show for".
As much as I like Nia, she really didn't give them anything on the show so she was expendable. As far as Dustin who knows but i'm sure nobody really cared about his storyline.
Even with Frank, they saw he turned a new leaf this season...so he was expendable. Why send him home making up a lie about him being contagious when he obviously wasn't + he said himself he was in good enough condition to stay?[/QUOTE]
I'm confused, what is it you're trying to say? Why would they send home Frank for no reason? They had a reason (although a stupid one), the doctor said he couldn't compete. Are you trying to make a case that the entire show is completely rigged or something?
[QUOTE=JL81790;410691]CT did it first. But someone has to. Johnny would've easily beaten Preston and would've likely beaten Cohutta so long as he could get his hands on him (and I like Cohutta...just being realistic). Johnny was going to win that elimination 3/4 times...the odds were in his favor. If they really wanted Johnny around why give Camila and Preston bogus DQs on that challenge and put Johnny in a position to potentially go home to begin with?[/QUOTE]
Like you said, Johnny would've beaten anybody (except CT so of course have him go first, with the best chances of drawing a blank), so it didn't matter if he was in the position to go home, he wouldn't have.
[QUOTE=Abstract;410699]Like you said, Johnny would've beaten anybody (except CT so of course have him go first, with the best chances of drawing a blank), so it didn't matter if he was in the position to go home, he wouldn't have.[/QUOTE]
LOL--your hatred of Johnny is just funny at this point
[QUOTE=thisismyuser;410698]I'm confused, what is it you're trying to say? Why would they send home Frank for no reason? They had a reason (although a stupid one), the doctor said he couldn't compete. Are you trying to make a case that the entire show is completely rigged or something?[/QUOTE]
[B] "Not to say every single aspect of it is scripted but this is a "reality" show above anything else. If they want certain outcomes, they'll try their hardest to get certain outcomes." [/B]
Hell, you tell me why they sent Frank home. He obviously wasn't THAT contagious (seemed like none of the others knew or cared) and he said himself that he would've & could've kept going.
[QUOTE=Debut Album;410660]You really think any of that matters? They still could've rigged all of those shows for him to win./or at make it far I mean yeah sometimes it backfires but for the most part it works.
Infact I'm Willing to bet they planned Isaac drawing the kill card so they can give Backpack the easy win. So he could stay longer.[/QUOTE]
Your hate for Johnny is clouding your judgement. The only way that would have worked would be if everyone in the draw was in on it. In which case this show would be 100 percent fake.
[QUOTE=Abstract;410704][B]Hell, you tell me why they sent Frank home. He obviously wasn't THAT contagious (seemed like none of the others knew or cared) and he said himself that he would've & could've kept going.[/QUOTE]
I love this
[QUOTE=kvm1977;410701]LOL--you're hatred of Johnny is just funny at this point[/QUOTE]
Oh ok LMAO! Don't see where I said I hated Johnny anywhere on this topic but i'm sleep.
I don't just take things at face value like most sheeple. Yall seriously defending the producers & the show like they're not in the game to make the show as "entertaining" as they possibly can, whether they have to lie or manipulate to do it.
[QUOTE=Abstract;410699]Like you said, Johnny would've beaten anybody (except CT so of course have him go first, with the best chances of drawing a blank), so it didn't matter if he was in the position to go home, he wouldn't have.[/QUOTE]
Again, order that they draw doesn't affect the chance of drawing the kill card.
[QUOTE=Abstract;410704][B] "Not to say every single aspect of it is scripted but this is a "reality" show above anything else. If they want certain outcomes, they'll try their hardest to get certain outcomes." [/B]
Hell, you tell me why they sent Frank home. He obviously wasn't THAT contagious (seemed like none of the others knew or cared) and he said himself that he would've & could've kept going.[/QUOTE]
Somebody I think Nightwolf made the point that it was obviously because he wasn't in any condition to compete. And that that has happened before.
[QUOTE=Abstract;410708]Oh ok LMAO! Don't see where I said I hated Johnny anywhere on this topic but i'm sleep.
I don't just take things at face value like most sheeple. Yall seriously defending the producers & the show like they're not in the game to make the show as "entertaining" as they possibly can, whether they have to lie or manipulate to do it.[/QUOTE]
You are coming across to me right now as one of those people who talk about lizard people. They call people 'sheeple' as well.
I think there are aspects to the show that are faked or fudged, obviously. For example I think it's highly likely that in the elimination where Frank went home there wasn't a kill card to draw. Lots of things like that. But I don't think there's anything as big as what your'e saying. There is no conspiracy.
Please GTFO with this "hatred of Johnny" thing. I'm still looking for where I said that.
I take it yall never saw any of those reality TV specials (they used to do a lot back in the day) where a lot of ex-contestants & ex-producers of a good number of shows blew the lid off how they do things behind the scenes. Yall can keep believing its all fair & equal if you want to lol
I will say this show hasn't always been like that but something has changed the past couple years.
[QUOTE=Abstract;410715]Please GTFO with this "hatred of Johnny" thing. I'm still looking for where I said that.
I take it yall never saw any of those reality TV specials (they used to do a lot back in the day) where a lot of ex-contestants & ex-producers of a good number of shows blew the lid off how they do things behind the scenes. Yall can keep believing its all fair & equal if you want to lol
I will say this show hasn't always been like that but something has changed the past couple years.[/QUOTE]
I said that to Debut Album not you.....
And I didn't say it's 'all fair and equal' 100 percent of the time but there is no grand conspiracy going on, you're being ridiculous.
[QUOTE=Abstract;410715]Please GTFO with this "hatred of Johnny" thing. I'm still looking for where I said that.
I take it yall never saw any of those reality TV specials (they used to do a lot back in the day) where a lot of ex-contestants & ex-producers of a good number of shows blew the lid off how they do things behind the scenes. Yall can keep believing its all fair & equal if you want to lol
I will say this show hasn't always been like that but something has changed the past couple years.[/QUOTE]
Yeah the hatred of Johnny thing was directed at me.
But I agree with you.
Didn't Camila mention how she went across the ropes, but had to go again and fell? Wouldn't that indicate that they wanted the Yellow Team to fail that had Johnny and Laurel on the teams?
[QUOTE=thisismyuser;410714]You are coming across to me right now as one of those people who talk about lizard people. They call people 'sheeple' as well.
I think there are aspects to the show that are faked or fudged, obviously. For example I think it's highly likely that in the elimination where Frank went home there wasn't a kill card to draw. Lots of things like that. But I don't think there's anything as big as what your'e saying. There is no conspiracy.[/QUOTE]
LOL those "people who talk about lizard people" might be a little off the mark but at least they're [B]thinking[/B]. Turn the TV off & think deeply about life for a while.
I see a good number of yall believe everything you see on the TV so i'll stop it here.
[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;410718]Didn't Camila mention how she went across the ropes, but had to go again and fell? Wouldn't that indicate that they wanted the Yellow Team to fail that had Johnny and Laurel on the teams?[/QUOTE]
Don't you think the people on the yellow team would throw a fit about this, if it were true? That production purposefully made them lose? Unless it's written into their contracts that they have to allow production to do things arbitrarily, in which case they are all in on the show being fake, and are just really good at keeping quiet about it.
And also, point to where I said that everything was a conspiracy on this show?
[B]"Not to say every single aspect of it is scripted but this is a "reality" show above anything else. If they want certain outcomes, they'll try their hardest to get certain outcomes."[/B]
Yall are not reading at all. I don't hate Johnny (could care less about him) but his stans are out in full force right now lol.
[QUOTE=Abstract;410720]LOL those "people who talk about lizard people" might be a little off the mark but at least they're [B]thinking[/B]. Turn the TV off & think deeply about life for a while.
I see a good number of yall believe everything you see on the TV so i'll stop it here.[/QUOTE]
Oh dear god. I see what we have here.
A LITTLE off the mark?
At least they're thinking?!
Just because I don't agree with your conspiracy about this particular TV show, doesn't mean I don't think. It means I do think and I've decided you're wrong. I actually do things other than watch the show and post on this board, as does everybody here. Please get over yourself. You are not the superior thinker you think you are, if you were you would be able to manipulate people in this argument better.
[QUOTE=Abstract;410722]And also, point to where I said that everything was a conspiracy on this show?
[B]"Not to say every single aspect of it is scripted but this is a "reality" show above anything else. If they want certain outcomes, they'll try their hardest to get certain outcomes."[/B]
Yall are not reading at all. I don't hate Johnny (could care less about him) but his stans are out in full force right now lol.[/QUOTE]
No, we are reading, we just don't agree with you.
I said that to Debut Album who openly hates Johnny. And I'm not a Johnny fan.
[QUOTE=thisismyuser;410724]Oh dear god. I see what we have here.
A LITTLE off the mark?
At least they're thinking?!
Just because I don't agree with your conspiracy about this particular TV show, doesn't mean I don't think. It means I do think and I've decided you're wrong. I actually do things other than watch the show and post on this board, as does everybody here. Please get over yourself. You are not the superior thinker you think you are, if you were you would be able to manipulate people in this argument better.[/QUOTE]
LMAO as do I, I don't sit on here all day debating on who's the greatest and who did this & that so what's your point? Yall are the ones defending this show supposed "integrity" to the death. You can get over YOURSELF feeling some kind of way because I never said, implied, or alluded to being such a "superior thinker", clown.
& the KVM dude did say something about me hating Johnny, I just thought you also had something to say about it.
[QUOTE=thisismyuser;410721]Don't you think the people on the yellow team would throw a fit about this, if it were true? That production purposefully made them lose? Unless it's written into their contracts that they have to allow production to do things arbitrarily, in which case they are all in on the show being fake, and are just really good at keeping quiet about it.[/QUOTE]
This is true, but then why would she even mention it? Seems odd and Cohutta even responded to it as well.
[QUOTE=Abstract;410726]LMAO as do I. Yall are the ones defending this show supposed "integrity" to the death. You can get over YOURSELF feeling some kind of way because I never said, implied, or alluded to being such a "superior thinker", clown.[/QUOTE]
I'm not defending anything to the death, I've been here like 30 minutes and I'm procrastinating on a paper so I will probably be here for a while. I said that because you condescendingly told me to turn off the tv and 'think deeply about life for a while' as though you have all the answers. So again, get over yourself. How is that not saying you're a superior thinker? Are you kidding?
[QUOTE=Youssarian;410733]Hey guys! This conversation is obviously not going anywhere. Please take it to PMs if you really want to discuss it.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=thisismyuser;410710]Again, order that they draw doesn't affect the chance of drawing the kill card.[/QUOTE]
Yes it does. If you're drawing from four cards and one is it you have a 25% chance...if you draw from three you have a 33% chance. They aren't reshuffling the locations between picks and there isn't replacement of the already pulled cards and it's not like deal or no deal where your odds of having gotten the right case are the same throughout. You have better odds if you pick first.
[QUOTE=JL81790;410758]Yes it does. If you're drawing from four cards and one is it you have a 25% chance...if you draw from three you have a 33% chance. They aren't reshuffling the locations between picks and there isn't replacement of the already pulled cards and it's not like deal or no deal where your odds of having gotten the right case are the same throughout. You have better odds if you pick first.[/QUOTE]
I believe they do a "pre-draw" to determine the order of picking in the Draw.
[QUOTE=JL81790;410758]Yes it does. If you're drawing from four cards and one is it you have a 25% chance...if you draw from three you have a 33% chance. They aren't reshuffling the locations between picks and there isn't replacement of the already pulled cards and it's not like deal or no deal where your odds of having gotten the right case are the same throughout. You have better odds if you pick first.[/QUOTE]
There's more math involved...you have to consider the percentage that the first person pulls the card when discussing the perecentage of the following people. It only becomes 33% if the first person doesn't pull the card.
[QUOTE=JL81790;410758]Yes it does. If you're drawing from four cards and one is it you have a 25% chance...if you draw from three you have a 33% chance. They aren't reshuffling the locations between picks and there isn't replacement of the already pulled cards and it's not like deal or no deal where your odds of having gotten the right case are the same throughout. You have better odds if you pick first.[/QUOTE]
Okay, I will explain. The first person has a one in four chance. If he selects in then the draw is over. So the second person has a 3/4 chance that he will even have to draw, and a 1/3 chance that he will draw the kill card. 3/4 x 1/3 is 3/12 which is 1/4. They ALL have a 1 in 4 chance.