[QUOTE=kvm1977;411184]Two words--SAMPLE SIZE[/QUOTE]
I don't want you to have a heart attack, you're a partner at a law firm you have a big business to take care of, for your sake I will agree with you. Even though this week whoever goes first won't pull the kill card.
[QUOTE=JayTee;411180]How? What if say CT was first and had his hand over the killcard, you think production would do a hand gesture or something without no one from the cast noticing? I'm sure we would have heard something by now if that were the case. I don't think everyone would keep their mouths shut about something like that.[/QUOTE]
To go based off your scenario, Someone could have easily pulled ct aside WELL before the draw and let him know (your picking this card). I'm big on not trusting TV so bare with me and my theories lol
[QUOTE=HeadHancho;411246]Finally watched the episode...
Jordan is real cocky. Bananas is a lucky mutha****a that CT didn't get the kill card.
Isaac is weird as **** and sucks.[/QUOTE]
Correction- Isaac is AWESOME
[QUOTE=JayTee;411111][B]Obviously the chances are equal, but chances are that the 1st person drawing the card will not get the kill card even though there's an equal chance. [/B]Now, once that person draws his card and it's blank we move to the next person who now has less cards to choose from and is more likely to draw the kill card.
If a person draws from 5 cards and then next time draws from 3 in which scenario is he most likely to draw the killcard? Come on now.You can't really tell me that just because mathematically everyone has an "equal" chance you would not try to be the first person to flip a card[B].[/B][/QUOTE]
This is a contradiction if there ever was one.
You don't have a better shot at flipping a blank if you go first. The fact that the first player has yet to flip the Kill Card is simply coincidence or production/editing*. As noted earlier, the Kill Cards have been flipped by the 2nd and last person once and the 3rd person twice. It's nearly an equal spread, and the larger the sample size, the more equal it will look.
*I don't think production is "tipping" anyone off, but I could see them re-shooting the players re-drawing their flips in a different order to create more drama
[QUOTE=JayTee;411113]If you would rather choose to go 3rd or 4th rather than going 1st then you obviously lack basic logic skills.[/QUOTE]
The benefit of going first is that you get it over and done with. You don't have the added anxiety of watching the players ahead of you go.
Going first doesn't give you a better chance of flipping a blank card.
[QUOTE=Debut Album;410392]Does anyone else wish they would focus a little less on the challenge? I mean it's like the show a tiny little segment and then BOOM right into the challenge. I do wish they would show a little bit more of the cast just hanging out or having fun in the beginning in the show. I mean in some cases I feel like it was needed but most of the time it isn't. IMO.[/QUOTE]
I do too. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the competition and the challenges, but I've always enjoyed watching the RW dynamic. I mean, why else would I bother watching if it weren't for the cast members alone? I can watch competitive reality shows anywhere. I watch RW challenges because I want to see how my favorite RW castmates interact with one another. I want the fights, the bickering, the relationships and all the DRAMA. The competition is the bonus.
[QUOTE=dylan76;410402]HA! Is sharing a living space with those two morons, Kenny & Evan supposed to be a privilege? Like some special perk of the job? I don't know if I could stomach having to be around people like that for 6 weeks.[/QUOTE]
6 weeks? I'd jump off a cliff by the second day. I wonder how they manage to fit all their egos under one roof.
[QUOTE=v123;410464]Bananas used to be attractive but he's aging rather poorly. The long hair looks weird on him and makes his head look really small, like a little pea head on a bulky ape's body. Short hair suits him way better.
Johnny Reilly looks like Doug Funny. I think Laurel is pretty but is she rocking a mustache?[/QUOTE]
lol, you made my day with that 90s reference.
As for Laurel, I've been thinking the same thing in the last couple of episodes. She looks great without make-up. A lot of the girls in the house are caking it on, but she seems to be one of the few who rocks it without the make-up. I envy her, because I don't think I could do the same. However, I have been leery of her lip. I couldn't figure out what was wrong, but my bet is that she's bleaching that 'stache. It looks weird, anyhow.
If you go 1st you have lets say a 1/6 chance of pulling the kill card, which is about 16%. If you go second your chances are 1/5 (20%) and so on and so forth. Mathematically it makes sense so technically, its better to go first than fourth because theres more blanks to pull.
[QUOTE=Leafie;411276]The benefit of going first is that you get it over and done with. You don't have the added anxiety of watching the players ahead of you go.
Going first doesn't give you a better chance of flipping a blank card.[/QUOTE]
If you're basing it on (theoretical) probability, the 1st person is least likely to pull the kill card.
If you're basing it on reality, the second you decide which card to flip there is either a 100% chance it's the kill card or a 0% chance it's the kill card. In which case, you are correct.
You would have to have prior knowledge of what's under the cards for the theoretical situations to matter.
[QUOTE=TheCloser;411282]If you go 1st you have lets say a 1/6 chance of pulling the kill card, which is about 16%. If you go second your chances are 1/5 (20%) and so on and so forth. Mathematically it makes sense so technically, its better to go first than fourth because theres more blanks to pull.[/QUOTE]
Someone needs to teach math in public schools.
this is ridiculous...the math is simple. if there are only 4 people in the Draw, the first person has a 25% chance (1/4) of pulling the kill card, if s/he does not, the 2nd person has a 33% chance (1/3) of pulling it, the odds are increasing now I hate to say it but Jaytee is correct.
[QUOTE=IAMNEMESIS;411294]this is ridiculous...the math is simple. if there are only 4 people in the Draw, the first person has a 25% chance (1/4) of pulling the kill card, if s/he does not, the 2nd person has a 33% chance (1/3) of pulling it, the odds are increasing now I hate to say it but Jaytee is correct.[/QUOTE]
LOL--you're ignoring the possibility of them not having to pull a card
[QUOTE=kvm1977;411296]LOL--you're ignoring the possibility of them not having to pull a card[/QUOTE]
there are no other posisbilities, you guys are making this way more difficult then it really is! its simple freaking math.
[QUOTE=IAMNEMESIS;411299]there are no other posisbilities, you guys are making this way more difficult then it really is! its simple freaking math.[/QUOTE]
I can't believe how dumb people are. This is simple math and you don't grasp it. Using your logic the person picking last has 100% chance of going in yet they don't always go in--THINK FOR ONCE
Unbelievable that people are actually denying mathematics as if it's some kind of religion that they can choose to believe or not. Hahaha is this real life?
[QUOTE=kvm1977;411300]I can't believe how dumb people are. This is simple math and you don't grasp it. Using your logic the person picking last has 100% chance of going in yet they don't always go in--THINK FOR ONCE[/QUOTE]
If the person picking third who has a 50/50 chance of picking the kill card does NOT pick it, then person #4 gets the kill card by default (100%) what the hell don't you get about this????
[QUOTE=toenails;411302]Unbelievable that people are actually denying mathematics as if it's some kind of religion that they can choose to believe or not. Hahaha is this real life?[/QUOTE]
As Rachel said "this is why they keep things physical"...we're talking about 5th grade math here and people don't comprehend it. I was under the impression everyone here had to be an adult
[QUOTE=IAMNEMESIS;411303]If the person picking third who has a 50/50 chance of picking the kill card does NOT pick it, then person #4 gets the kill card by default (100%) what the hell don't you get about this????[/QUOTE]
That's not odds--they all have the EXACT same odds. The person picking 3rd doesn't have a 50/50 chance because they may not pick. There's advantage to selecting in any spot. This is 5th grade math. 5th grade. My 3 year old would understand it.
I can't stand stupidity and we're reaching a new low
[QUOTE=kvm1977;411305]That's not odds--they all have the EXACT same odds. The person picking 3rd doesn't have a 50/50 chance because they may not pick. There's advantage to selecting in any spot. This is 5th grade math. 5th grade. My 3 year old would understand it.
[B]I can't stand stupidity and we're reaching a new low[/B][/QUOTE]
enough with the insults or 1. I will have your *** banned or 2. I will hand it to you myself
I will agree to disagree but your rude immature potshots ends now.
[QUOTE=IAMNEMESIS;411306]enough with the insults or 1. I will have your *** banned or 2. I will hand it to you myself
I will agree to disagree but your [B]rude immature potshots[/B] ends now.[/QUOTE]
LOL Welcome to Vevmo. It comes with the territory on this site.
[QUOTE=TheCloser;411282]If you go 1st you have lets say a 1/6 chance of pulling the kill card, which is about 16%. If you go second your chances are 1/5 (20%) and so on and so forth. Mathematically it makes sense so technically, its better to go first than fourth because theres more blanks to pull.[/QUOTE]
Seriously? Was this a joke post or something?
[QUOTE=IAMNEMESIS;411306]enough with the insults or 1. I will have your *** banned or 2. I will hand it to you myself
I will agree to disagree but your rude immature potshots ends now.[/QUOTE]
This is math not an opinion. If you don't understand math that's fine but then listen to those that do.
If you don't grasp this stop making comments about someone else being right that doesn't grasp this
Agree to disagree regarding "facts" not opinion...sigh.
"rude immature potshots" means you know you're wrong but you can't simply own it. You know you were wrong--just own it.
[QUOTE=gbp02;411310]Seriously? Was this a joke post or something?[/QUOTE]
Sadly, I don't think these people are joking at all. We're truly talking about 5th grade math here...5th grade and now people are crying because those that comprehend simple math think they're stupid. If there's something you don't know then don't discuss it. I'm sure as hell not going to discuss Chemistry or Biology for example. I'd listen, learn and ask questions....
[QUOTE=IAMNEMESIS;411306]enough with the insults or 1. I will have your *** banned or 2. I will hand it to you myself
I will agree to disagree but your rude immature potshots ends now.[/QUOTE]
Hahahaha I can't. I just can't.
Okay let's settle this stupid math debate right now and move on:
You have an equal chance of going in, not an equal chance of flipping up the kill card when compared to the last person.