Big Brother 15: Spoilers

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[QUOTE=RMD1;356120]I know the first 2 things were taken out of context. And her and Andy are close. Maybe it was a joke. It just doesn't seem malicious like Arryns comments were.[/QUOTE] I never saw where Aaryn was malicious, it just seemed like she would be ignorant and people would attack her for it. But I don't know how people can still say Aayrn is a terrible person without including the majority of the cast.
[QUOTE=Esquire;356121]I never saw where Aaryn was malicious, it just seemed like she would be ignorant and people would attack her for it. But I don't know how people can still say Aayrn is a terrible person without including the majority of the cast.[/QUOTE] Agreed Aaryn was never malicious...just ignorant
Amanda is the third nominee as picked by America.
[QUOTE=Esquire;356151]Amanda is the third nominee as picked by America.[/QUOTE] America the Beautiful Stupid Mindless Ignorant reality TV watchers…
It isn't a surprise that Amanda is on the block. She is far worse than Aaryn but has gotten a much better edit and nowhere near the bad publicity that Aaryn has gotten.
Plus Amanda's extremely abrasive. Calm down, girl. So, yeah, I'm fine with this.
Spencer won POV so we'll unfortunately lose one of the few remaining competitive threats this week...Howard or Amanda. Sounds like Candice will go up to try to ensure Howard leaves.
Ugh, worst possible scenario. I was hoping Spencer would stay on the block.
The way the season is shaping up, I predict the most bitter jury ever. Right now you have a huge alliance and everyone has promised everyone else the world, but someone has to go each week, and it is going to get ugly.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;356145]Agreed Aaryn was never malicious...just ignorant[/QUOTE] When you're in a fight with a black person and you talk like a "black girl" supposedly talks you're being malicious and know exactly what you're doing.
[QUOTE=RMD1;356167]When you're in a fight with a black person and you talk like a "black girl" supposedly talks you're being malicious and know exactly what you're doing.[/QUOTE] Or, that is the way your cultural upbringing has taught you to deal with that situation. She is clearly "Texas."
[QUOTE=V1man;356168]Or, that is the way your cultural upbringing has taught you to deal with that situation. She is clearly "Texas."[/QUOTE] So since she is from Texas she must have been raised racist? I wholeheartedly disagree with that. There could be any number of reasons she says what she does but to narrow it down to what state she lives in ridiculous.
[QUOTE=Esquire;356170]So since she is from Texas she must have been raised racist? I wholeheartedly disagree with that. There could be any number of reasons she says what she does but to narrow it down to what state she lives in ridiculous.[/QUOTE] Esquire...It's a joke. Everything is bigger in Texas. Focus of the "culture" part, not the state.
[QUOTE=V1man;356176]Esquire...It's a joke. Everything is bigger in Texas. Focus of the "culture" part, not the state.[/QUOTE] My problem was you said Aaryn was "texas", so that tells me you view texans in a certain way. I know you aren't a terrible person , I'm mostly playing devils advocate, and protecting Texas' reputation.
[QUOTE=V1man;356168]Or, that is the way your cultural upbringing has taught you to deal with that situation. She is clearly "Texas."[/QUOTE] She said it to **** her off and be malicious. Everyone blames things on how people are raised. I don't give a **** about how you were raised or where you are from, treat people with respect. No excuse for her behavior. Ignorance is shown by people who are uneducated. She is a racist bottom line
[QUOTE=RMD1;356179]She said it to **** her off and be malicious. Everyone blames things on how people are raised. I don't give a **** about how you were raised or where you are from, treat people with respect. No excuse for her behavior. Ignorance is shown by people who are uneducated. She is a racist bottom line[/QUOTE] It depends on which definition you use for racism. [URL=]Here[/url] are the listings of racism in the dictionary. 1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others. Does Aaryn believe that white people are superior, I do not know, but I would say it is unlikely that she does. Which leads us to the other listed definition: 2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race. Aaryn would fall under this definition, but it is a very vague defintion that would include a lot of people. I prefer to reserve the word racist for the first definition so that it doesn't lose its meaning. I would call Aaryn stupid and offensive.
Yeah I understand all of that. I'm just sick of people getting away with hatred because they are "stupid" and "ignorant" or it's because of their upbringing. No excuses. She is a privileged white girl who thinks she can get away with hurting people. And I'm white so I can say white girl lol.
It would be useful for some people to understand the difference between an explanation and an excuse. It is largely a didactic process.
Am I the only one who feels like this season is a mirror of season 6? First it had the lowest rated premiere since season 10, and season 6 premiered to really low numbers at the time as well. Aaryn reminds me of April(the Texas blonde who talks before she thinks) but I don't think she's racist, just sheltered, ignorant, and oblivious. GinaMarie reminds me of Ivette(the loud mouth obsessed over a stranger's eviction ala Ivette/Cappy) and generally irritating. Kaitlin seemed like Maggie, because she had the most discretion out of her alliance of mean girls, but she's gone now. Amanda & McCrae are a reverse James & Sarah, with aMANda being the dominant James, and McCrae being the feeble Sarah. Elissa looked like Ashlea to me, but since the first eviction I think she's going to have the "Janelle" role. Howard reminds me of Kaysar, as someone who is very spiritual but boring to watch, with horrendous gameplay, and unlikely to make the jury, despite being generally likeable. But I have to say that this is one of the only recent sesason where I'm satisfied with the cast,to a certain extent, and excited to watch because of the house dynamic, as opposed to every season since season 8 where I only watched out of routine and admiration for the continuity of the series. The only character I'll actually root for at this point is Jessie because she just reminds me of Danielle from last season.
[QUOTE=RMD1;356183]Yeah I understand all of that. I'm just sick of people getting away with hatred because they are "stupid" and "ignorant" or it's because of their upbringing. No excuses. She is a privileged white girl who thinks she can get away with hurting people. And I'm white so I can say white girl lol.[/QUOTE] No one is excusing her behavior...they're simply explaining it. Upbringing does impact how people handle things and their beliefs--that's reality.
[QUOTE=entrepreneur;356206]Am I the only one who feels like this season is a mirror of season 6? First it had the lowest rated premiere since season 10, and season 6 premiered to really low numbers at the time as well. Aaryn reminds me of April(the Texas blonde who talks before she thinks) but I don't think she's racist, just sheltered, ignorant, and oblivious. GinaMarie reminds me of Ivette(the loud mouth obsessed over a stranger's eviction ala Ivette/Cappy) and generally irritating. Kaitlin seemed like Maggie, because she had the most discretion out of her alliance of mean girls, but she's gone now. Amanda & McCrae are a reverse James & Sarah, with aMANda being the dominant James, and McCrae being the feeble Sarah. Elissa looked like Ashlea to me, but since the first eviction I think she's going to have the "Janelle" role. Howard reminds me of Kaysar, as someone who is very spiritual but boring to watch, with horrendous gameplay, and unlikely to make the jury, despite being generally likeable. But I have to say that this is one of the only recent sesason where I'm satisfied with the cast,to a certain extent, and excited to watch because of the house dynamic, as opposed to every season since season 8 where I only watched out of routine and admiration for the continuity of the series. The only character I'll actually root for at this point is Jessie because she just reminds me of Danielle from last season.[/QUOTE] I don't buy into any of this--especially Gina Marie being anything like Ivette. And, honestly, Janelle was the meanest person in season 6. Also, the key to season 6 was the house was split--it isn't this year
I feel like the house is somewhat split with how everyone seemed to alienate the Mean Girls and Jeremy, but I think it's just not noticeable at this point because the alliance got picked off very early. I just never noticed Janelle do anything, but maybe the episodes gave her a good edit. I just never understood why the whole house seemed to hate her. GinaMarie just seemed way too emotional over somebody she didn't know leaving the second week, and I saw Ivette break down over how Cappy deserved to stay because he was a good person and how he motivated her in the Morph-picture veto, SAME ONE WHERE GINAMARIE WAS INSPIRED BY NICK this season, and GM basically seems like the same character for the new generation of Big Brother, IMO. What previous season would you compare it to?
[QUOTE=V1man;356190]It would be useful for some people to understand the difference between an explanation and an excuse. It is largely a didactic process.[/QUOTE] You can feel free to quote me instead of saying "some people." I think your explaination as to why Arryn is racist is a bunch of bull ****.
[QUOTE=RMD1;356231]You can feel free to quote me instead of saying "some people." I think your explaination as to why Arryn is racist is a bunch of bull ****.[/QUOTE] Why would I quote you? You seem to have a well formed and intelligent opinion. I was speaking of/to the great unwashed masses. BTW, you are having a dialogue with someone who has not watched one minutes of any episode or feed this season. I'm only commenting based upon the public comments offered by the occasionally intelligent but more often stupid people who say they do watch. The latest example I can offer are those who actually tweeted threats to Kaitlin after her eviction. Yep, those are the real Americans, for sure. (We need a gag reflex avatar) My BB addiction is cured.
[QUOTE=V1man;356264]Why would I quote you? You seem to have a well formed and intelligent opinion. I was speaking of/to the great unwashed masses. BTW, you are having a dialogue with someone who has not watched one minutes of any episode or feed this season. I'm only commenting based upon the public comments offered by the occasionally intelligent but more often stupid people who say they do watch. The latest example I can offer are those who actually tweeted threats to Kaitlin after her eviction. Yep, those are the real Americans, for sure. (We need a gag reflex avatar) My BB addiction is cured.[/QUOTE] It just seemed like you were referring to me. People who send threats to anyone on this show are crazy. With that being said I'm not sure if I will feel to bad for Aaryn when she gets backlash. Hopefully they will be empty threats and she won't get hurt.
[QUOTE=RMD1;356266]It just seemed like you were referring to me. People who send threats to anyone on this show are crazy. With that being said [U][I][B]I'm not sure if I will feel to bad for Aaryn when she gets backlash.[/B][/I][/U] Hopefully they will be empty threats and she won't get hurt.[/QUOTE] I feel much better about our other discussion now.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;356268]I feel much better about our other discussion now.[/QUOTE] Not really sure what you're trying to say. Feel free to PM me so we don't go off topic.
BTW: Do you guys also feel like since everybody expect Howard to have a special power to save him that the producer will eventually give him one espacially since Candice and Howard are the only HGs that are not viewed as bad players and people. They need to have more good people to stay in the house.
I think production could do something to save Howard and Candice. Without them, the game is just a bunch of floaters.
I would be really surprised if Howard didn't leave this week. It's a dumb move to leave him in the game, but there are some stupid people in that house.
