Big Brother 15: Spoilers

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[QUOTE=Dash_Vegas!;355003]America chose GinaMarie as the replacement nom![/QUOTE] Great! I want GM to go this week since Aaryn and Kaitlin are actually trying to play the game.
I am officially on the I hate Elissa train. She just told Helen that Kaitilin had an abortion right before she entered the house. True or untrue that's disgusting to spread.
[QUOTE=gamer73;355008]Great! I want GM to go this week since Aaryn and Kaitlin are actually trying to play the game.[/QUOTE] Not going to happen. Kaitilin will be evicted, if they were smart. Amanda, Mccrea, Aaryn, or Andy need to win HOH next week if they want to win this game. Why is everyone letting Howard stay? He is building an army and is going to come hard at the other side of the house,
[QUOTE=RMD1;355019][B]Not going to happen. Kaitilin will be evicted, if they were smart.[/B] Amanda, Mccrea, Aaryn, or Andy need to win HOH next week if they want to win this game. Why is everyone letting Howard stay? He is building an army and is going to come hard at the other side of the house,[/QUOTE] Well, not so sure this will happen. Next weeks HOH will be the most important of the season. How/Spenc/Can/Jessie/Kait/GM(?) want Amanda out and Amanda/McC/Eli/Helen/Aar/Andy want Howard out and Judd is in an alliance with both parties, but he seems to listen to Jessie more than to anyone else.
[QUOTE=RMD1;355018]I am officially on the I hate Elissa train. She just told Helen that Kaitilin had an abortion right before she entered the house. True or untrue that's disgusting to spread.[/QUOTE] Elissa's a horrible human being. I'm guessing Aaryn leaves this week but who really know--Kaitlyn should if they're smart but....
The reasons I think Kaitilin will go is because Amanda, Mccrea, And Andy want her gone. With those 3 plus Ellen (who basically controls Elissa, Candice, and Jessie) she will be gone. I think Spencer and Howard want her to leave as well. I know Judd wants her gone.
Kaitlin or Aaryn will go, GM won't receive any votes. That's disappointing to hear from Elissa since this is the first negative thing we've really hear her say all season. I'd still say half of this cast is worse though.
[QUOTE=RMD1;355018]I am officially on the I hate Elissa train. She just told Helen that Kaitilin had an abortion right before she entered the house. True or untrue that's disgusting to spread.[/QUOTE] This does not surprise me. It's the Elissa I met several years ago in Vegas. Arrogant and entitled. Mistress of low blows...
[QUOTE=V1man;355097]This does not surprise me. It's the Elissa I met several years ago in Vegas. Arrogant and entitled. Mistress of low blows...[/QUOTE] I just didn't see that coming. I watch the live feeds and she seems like a nice person. It's hard to put on an act 24/7 in the house.
I hope Aaryn gets the boot this week and Elissa gets evicted next week I've never liked her from the beginning just something about her rubbed me the wrong way from the start and her spreading the rumor that Kaitlin had an abortion right before they started filming just makes me dislike her more.
Besides being a racist *****, I actually like Arryn.
[QUOTE=RMD1;355281]Besides being a racist *****, I actually like Arryn.[/QUOTE] Aaryn has flaws (obviously) but she's not as bad as she's been made out to be--I think she'll learn a lot from this
People are scrambling right now. It will be interesting to see who leaves tomorrow. My money is still on that Kaitilin will leave. Tomorrow is a crapshoot HOH competition.
They were given this to practice. [ATTACH]2380[/ATTACH]
Does anyone else think that Andy is in the perfect position to win this game?
Any thoughts about this? [ATTACH]2382[/ATTACH] Would not surprise me if this is true.
I came across this. It's a load of ****. Sure, production has favorites, but it would NEVER go this far. If you know anyone in production I don't think your allowed on the show.
Kaitlin will be leaving tomorrow unless something major changes. With that Arryn will now be on jury.
Smart money would have Aaryn sitting next to you as one of the final two, a guarantee for $500,000
[QUOTE=V1man;355608]Smart money would have Aaryn sitting next to you as one of the final two, a guarantee for $500,000[/QUOTE] I've been saying this since week 2. If I were Helen or Andy I would've already made that deal.
[QUOTE=V1man;355608]Smart money would have Aaryn sitting next to you as one of the final two, a guarantee for $500,000[/QUOTE] Not sure though if production wants "one of the most evil person in reality tv history" in a final that would be a huge let down and rating killer. I'm sure they created this America being MVP do get her nominated and probably evicted as it was supposed to be 2/3 days ago.
[QUOTE=GDInstall;355669]Not sure though if production wants "one of the most evil person in reality tv history" in a final that would be a huge let down and rating killer. I'm sure they created this America being MVP do get her nominated and probably evicted as it was supposed to be 2/3 days ago.[/QUOTE] Aaryn is actually really good for ratings. People either need someone to root for or someone to root against, and Aaryn is a great person to have the fans root against.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;355670]Aaryn is actually really good for ratings. People either need someone to root for or someone to root against, and Aaryn is a great person to have the fans root against.[/QUOTE] But that can only work if her counterpart draws equally attention like her but in the positive way meaning people that will fully root for the person and the person wasn't involve in a bad controversy/ didn't had a crazy opinion about something/ didn't said something offensive to somebody or even race/religion or lied to much. Besides Judd and to an extent Jessie, I can't see anybody that did not one of these things already. Every HG is either too dumb to see the truth/reality (leaning towards arrogant), too arrogant, not loyal, HOHtitis and simple bad player.
Nothing official as of yet but looks like Aaryn is putting up Spencer & Howard
[QUOTE=kvm1977;356092]Nothing official as of yet but looks like Aaryn is putting up Spencer & Howard[/QUOTE] It's official now, Howard and Spencer are on the block.
Amanda is really giving Aaryn a race for the most "racist" cast member this year.
[QUOTE=Esquire;356109]Amanda is really giving Aaryn a race for the most "racist" cast member this year.[/QUOTE] What has she been saying?
[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;356112]What has she been saying?[/QUOTE] She has talked about Candice's "nappy hair"; said Howard would taste like watermelon and cocoa butter, Helen would taste like wonton soup and egg rolls. And she said they should play a game they played in high school, punch the gay guy, at which point she chased andy around trying to punch him.
[QUOTE=Esquire;356115]She has talked about Candice's "nappy hair"; said Howard would taste like watermelon and cocoa butter, Helen would taste like wonton soup and egg rolls. And she said they should play a game they played in high school, punch the gay guy, at which point she chased andy around trying to punch him.[/QUOTE] This kind of shocks me because I thought that because Amanda had enough sense to warn Aaryn about how she'd look on TV, she herself would avoid the same fate. If it's as bad as it sounds, I wonder if it'll be featured on the show. Also I'm ecstatic that Spencer and Howard are nominated. Something about Spencer grosses me and he's just boring. Howard gives annoying interviews.
[QUOTE=Esquire;356115]She has talked about Candice's "nappy hair"; said Howard would taste like watermelon and cocoa butter, Helen would taste like wonton soup and egg rolls. And she said they should play a game they played in high school, punch the gay guy, at which point she chased andy around trying to punch him.[/QUOTE] I know the first 2 things were taken out of context. And her and Andy are close. Maybe it was a joke. It just doesn't seem malicious like Arryns comments were.
