The Challenge: Rivals II - New Girl

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Just listened to the Zach interview. I really enjoyed it. He sounded like a very down to earth, no BS kind of guy and not a jerk. He made some very good points about the CT/Anastasia situation as well. He basically said that CT hooked up with about six different girls but he also said that CT should not be made out to be the bad guy completely because CT can only get away with what these girls allow him to get away with. In other words, no girl was forced into anything. Also he said that I guess after CT had hooked up with a few girls, more girls hooked up with him after that, so they hooked up with him even knowing about the other girls, so then Zach said what does that say about those girls. He also said he felt bad for Anastasia at elimination because it was her first elimination ever and they sat there for hours before it started so Anastasia had plenty of time to get nervous, whereas Zach said when he went into elimination in the last challenge that it was a surprise to him, so no chance to really sit there for hours getting nervous.
[QUOTE=V1man;355041]You are welcome to your belief, but that's all it is... I placed "cordial" in quotes because it is what I was told directly by one of the only two people who would know.[/QUOTE] Okay as long as there are some things that Diem would tell you that you would keep private. If you come directly to a message board and spill everything I am not sure how much of a trusted friend you are to Diem. I hope if she tells you some things in confidence that you do keep that to yourself, even if there are other things that she says it is fine for others to know about. It just seems like you enjoy the fact that you are "in the know" and it makes me think that you would tell things that perhaps you should not be telling, all in the name of being thought of as someone on this message board that knows more than other people, so therefore you can get more attention for yourself.
[QUOTE=stefx23;355045]Okay as long as there are some things that Diem would tell you that you would keep private. If you come directly to a message board and spill everything I am not sure how much of a trusted friend you are to Diem. I hope if she tells you some things in confidence that you do keep that to yourself, even if there are other things that she says it is fine for others to know about. It just seems like you enjoy the fact that you are "in the know" and it makes me think that you would tell things that perhaps you should not be telling, all in the name of being thought of as someone on this message board that knows more than other people, so therefore you can get more attention for yourself.[/QUOTE] I'm pretty much an open book. No interest in popularity; too old, don't care. The Reality TV industry was my business for over a decade. When I have a conversation with reality TV cast members or others associated with reality programming at production companies or the various networks, we always discuss that which may be used at vevmo or elsewhere and those matters which are either embargoed until an event occurs or until a date certain. There are many things I don't share, but [I]often there are things people wanted known.[/I] "Cordial" would be in the latter category. In short, I'm not a fan. My purpose is to educate people about how TV programming is produced, cast, directed and edited. I've done a bit all all of that. I always disclose if I have a personally beneficial relationship with anyone I interview or substantially discuss. I've previously posted that my company is supporting Diem's MedGift organization. I go back some time with vevmo to its infancy. I was the senior moderator until my business life became too hectic, so I do have a long history of being a "content" provider, which is what you read earlier today. In case you are further curious, here is my business CV from somewhere on the Internet: [QUOTE]Owner, Compliance International Consulting, LLC (An International Legal Services consultancy) Executive Producer, Beth Stolarczyk Productions, with **** Clark Productions, DirecTV and CBS "INDemand PPV," Executive Producer, Camera operator, screenwriter, "MidLife Moms" 2014 Former President "Vision 1 Media Group," General Partner, Planet Beth, LLC. Former actor's agent & manager specializing in contract negotiation. Former Director of the Pentagon Press Office. Retired USAF Colonel [/QUOTE]
Zach also said that before the show frank plan was target Johnny and get him eliminated,that change when they found out they were partners. He also said that he and frank are no longer friends bc he throw him under the bus. And that he doesn't see Johnny as a competitor but that he was really Impressed on the way Johnny can manipulate ppl, he also said that Wes was really good on his political game.
Of course CT and Diem are just "cordial" in real life. They are such good actors. Especially Diem according to Nany...
Its just weird to me, that Diem supposedly tells you things directly- for you to post on a message board but says other things publicly in interviews and such. I hate that CT gets made out to be the bad guy- just cause the girls are loosy Goosies. That's probably why some of them are bitter towards Diem, because they know that CT just used them for Sex and made them look stupid, and Diem was always his alliance. Hmmmm
Bad Guy? Everybody basically has been saying that Ana is stupid and what not. Like, some people are kind of happy at what CT did. I personally could care less, And why were people getting mad with Ana for hooking up with CT, he was single. Only thing I don't condone is her hitting CT. Like be serious it's not like she was hurting him in anyway, he actually took pleasure in her hitting him.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=Fullback12;355067]Bad Guy? Everybody basically has been saying that Ana is stupid and what not. Like, some people are kind of happy at what CT did. I personally could care less, And why were people getting mad with Ana for hooking up with CT, he was single. Only thing I don't condone is her hitting CT. Like be serious it's not like she was hurting him in anyway, he actually took pleasure in her hitting him.[/QUOTE] Did u catch after the first slap he looked directly at the camera to the side and smiled like he thought it was hilarious
Yeah he knew she was just making herself look stupid.
[QUOTE=JEKFAN;355028]Zach said in an interview CT hooked up with about 6 girls this season.[/QUOTE] Ana Nany Cooke Jemmye Jasmine Diem? Maybe Emily? of course maybe Zach's exagerrating
So did CT not hook up with Laurel?
Zach was probably exaggerating but my guess would be Cooke, Nany, Diem and Ana.,
[QUOTE=gbp02;355086]So did CT not hook up with Laurel?[/QUOTE] They basically both admitted it.
[QUOTE=Christy1;355059]Its just weird to me, that Diem supposedly tells you things directly- for you to post on a message board but says other things publicly in interviews and such. I hate that CT gets made out to be the bad guy- just cause the girls are loosy Goosies. That's probably why some of them are bitter towards Diem, because they know that CT just used them for Sex and made them look stupid, and Diem was always his alliance. Hmmmm[/QUOTE] I have to mostly agree with you here. I do think CT takes it too far by using the girls just to get ahead in the game but the girls are not blameless either. They allow it to happen. I have noticed in interviews some shade thrown Diem's way from some of the other ladies and that was my theory as well, that they were bitter because they got used when it came to CT, whereas CT was more genuine with Diem, so perhaps some jealousy going on.
[QUOTE=Christy1;355059]Its just weird to me, that Diem supposedly tells you things directly- for you to post on a message board but says other things publicly in interviews and such. [/QUOTE] I agree. That would be weird, and it's is not what I said. If that were the case, I'd always be using quotes in what I write. I very, very rarely do that. This might be the first instance in several years. You should consider the possibility that I may have a discussion with someone based upon what someone says in a particular interview and come away with a different take on things than would another person who only heard or read the interview. Context is everything.
[QUOTE=V1man;355009]If I gave you a date, some might call it a spoiler. We talk or exchanges messages regularly in a variety of ways. No interview yet. Also, in other news... Confirming again that Diem was single before the challenge began -- related mostly to her move to NYC while her BF stayed in SoCal. They remain close. He does pay attention to the challenges -- and reads vevmo. Diem and Chris are "cool and cordial" with each other. She gave him the "green light" re Ana, because that is what he wanted. It was not because she was being ambivalent about him. The Marlon v. CT fight was real, and not a "non-event" as Marlon has tried to tell people. There was a lot more fighting and violent stuff that could have been shown but wasn't in episode one. No one wants to face Emily in an elimination event. This will manifest itself in some girl v. girl drama in coming weeks. Some people -- especially rookies -- are all about camera time. Look for some future "aftershows." [SPOILER] By about week three, Diem stopped wearing the pink wig. In future episodes look for that wig in any OTF and green screen interviews she does. When you see her in a pink wig in future interviews, they will be completely out of context to the edit, since that interview will have actually taken place at least a week to many weeks before. I'm still taking questions by PM for our interview with DM later in the season. [/SPOILER][/QUOTE] I think it's time for people to really wake up and accept reality. Diem has been with her BF for a very long time. She'll probably be engaged to HIM soon. It may be all romantic for the viewers to see "CT/Diem" love story, but it's not a real life story. They (CT/Diem) have a real life and need to live it. Maybe this is why Nany calls Diem an actress. . .
[QUOTE=rdp8203;355108]I think it's time for people to really wake up and accept reality. Diem has been with her BF for a very long time. She'll probably be engaged to HIM soon. It may be all romantic for the viewers to see "CT/Diem" love story, but it's not a real life story. They (CT/Diem) have a real life and need to live it. Maybe this is why Nany calls Diem an actress. . .[/QUOTE] Diem lives in NY. Her former BF lives in SoCal. They are not together physically. romantically or emotionally. She cares for him deeply, but they are on different paths. She is also not with "CT;" neither is she with Chris.
[QUOTE=V1man;355109]Diem lives in NY. Her former BF lives in SoCal. They are not together physically. romantically or emotionally. She cares for him deeply, but they are on different paths. She is also not with "CT;" neither is she with Chris.[/QUOTE] Thanks for clearing that up. Now I'll go eat my words. . .
[QUOTE=rdp8203;355110]Thanks for clearing that up. Now I'll go eat my words. . .[/QUOTE] Hey, we'll have none of that! You're new here and we've been discussing Diem for years.
V1 I seriously want to know what happened with the whole Marlon and CT. And MTV producers like why wouldn't they show more of the fight between CT and Marlon, but yet show a lousy hookup between CT and Ana.
CT is not the only dude in the house so why are all the girls hooking up with him??
Obviously because they like him in some type of way.
[QUOTE=theman23;355121]CT is not the only dude in the house so why are all the girls hooking up with him??[/QUOTE] Maybe they are jealous of Diem seeing as she was dating him and they want a taste...
The girls already know what type of dude CT is and they dont have the RIGHT to get mad if he hook up with other girls.. Im surprise leroy dont get it in with alot of girls
[QUOTE=theman23;355125]The girls already know what type of dude CT is and they dont have the RIGHT to get mad if he hook up with other girls.. Im surprise leroy dont get it in with alot of girls[/QUOTE] I think the have every right to be angry at themselves or anyone else -- it's kind of a fundamental right to look foolish, but a right nonetheless.
[QUOTE=Fullback12;355119]V1 I seriously want to know what happened with the whole Marlon and CT. And MTV producers like why wouldn't they show more of the fight between CT and Marlon, but yet show a lousy hookup between CT and Ana.[/QUOTE] You mean the BMP producers. MTV's sole involvement is a person back in NYC who "oversees" production from the comfort of her office at 1515 Broadway in Manhattan. She is a very nice person whom I credit with keeping RW and the Challenges on MTV against considerable odds. I gave up trying to figure out Justin Booth's (EP, BMP) motivation for about everything back when The Island was produced. I would expect that BMP sees the CT/Ana thing as a big plus especially in the lower part of the demographic -- the pre-thinking/not-yet-worldly-experienced young teens.
[QUOTE=theman23;355121]CT is not the only dude in the house so why are all the girls hooking up with him??[/QUOTE] Probably a combination of these 2 reasons: 1) A lot of the top guys are in committed relationships back home 2) The girls know that hooking up with CT will get them screen time When you remove the guys who are in relationships or are gay from the equation there aren't many options for the ladies to choose from.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;355131]Probably a combination of these 2 reasons: 1) A lot of the top guys are in committed relationships back home 2) The girls know that hooking up with CT will get them screen time When you remove the guys who are in relationships or are gay from the equation there aren't many options for the ladies to choose from.[/QUOTE] Plus, CT rarely ever says no...
Yeah after you take all the guys who are in a relationship back home and who are gay your just left with CT,Ty,Leroy,Marlon,Jordan,Dunbar,Tyrie,Knight.
Knight's in a relationship as well.
