The Challenge: Rivals II - New Girl

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Honestly, CT does look like he reeks and it looks like he only brought three shirts and one pair of shorts with him to the challenge.
Haha that made me laugh... Knight said in an interview that the shirt Frank ripped off of CT was actually his and not CT's.
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[QUOTE=Fullback12;354439]Haha that made me laugh... Knight said in an interview that the shirt Frank ripped off of CT was actually his and not CT's.[/QUOTE] Haha what does that say about the girls hooking up with him if he reeks so bad? But derek said ct was a dance machine when they went out and was fun so that and the limited ac im guessin the house smelled horrible as well as ct haha but anyyyway i think ana wouls never have gotten invited back again if not for ct thing but if she really cant not eat for a few hrs without a freakout,is that emotional and smokes a ton she has no chance to ever win... Portland guys have much better staying power ...
[QUOTE=jojorules;354450] but anyyyway i think ana wouls never have gotten invited back again if not for ct thing but if she really cant not eat for a few hrs without a freakout,is that emotional and smokes a ton she has no chance to ever win... Portland guys have much better staying power ...[/QUOTE] Yeah she just cant handle the pressure, too emotional, challenges are def not for her.
Trust me if there is another challenge we will most likely see her again, she definately wants to redeem herself, from an awful debut challenge as a competitor but, more so emotionally.
Seriously, why is it that I always hear about Frank trying to insult someone sexuality? Does he think that is clever or something?
[QUOTE=RealCynic;354480]Seriously, why is it that I always hear about Frank trying to insult someone sexuality? Does he think that is clever or something?[/QUOTE] Ya I know, he kept saying Knight/CT were gay lovers. I dont know if he was joking when he said they hooked up or if he was trying to start rumors, but calling ppl gay shouldnt be an insult, like is that all you got? Same could have been said about his and Zach's old bromance, I think he doesnt like being ganged up on, he says everyone is on CT's side and he's alone, no....I dont think Johnny/Wes/Paula/Emily/Trishelle were on CT's side, Johnny probably wasnt cause he didnt want Frank to crack so early and I dont think Wes approves of CT fighting, so relax it wasnt you against the world, and I had to giggle when he said theres nothing wrong with crying....I may sound like a ****** bag but come on, youre a man, you can cry over something tragic or being heart broken but crying after a fight?? Really? Come on dude, its even more funny how he tried to act so tough on twitter defending himself and acting like he won yet he was crying...Frank really doesnt seem like a bad guy, I dont know why Zach/CT/Knight have such animosity towards him, he's just a big sissy and I dont know if that warrants being called a *** by Zach, a p*ssy/cry baby yea
Frank is the type of guy who doesn't want to look like a punk or ***** by any means. So he try's to act tough in situations he knows it's going to end with himself getting hurt/beat up. The only thing I credit him for is he doesn't pick fights with weak guys he always pick fights with dudes bigger then him and dudes who can fight. Let's see he picked a fight with CT,Zach,Alton, and Dustin... CT is way bigger and he can fight. Zach's way bigger then him. Alton used to fight back in the day, so he knows how to fight. Dustin is known for fighting, so he also knows how to fight
And yeah a grown man should not be crying especially if you just got into a little scuffle with another man. That is the true definition of p*ssyness.
[QUOTE=Fullback12;354498]And yeah a grown man should not be crying especially if you just got into a little scuffle with another man. That is the true definition of p*ssyness.[/QUOTE] That's a bad mentality. It's perfectly okay for a Man to cry. It's an emotion and there's no shame in showing that. However I do think in this instance Frank really had no business crying considering that he started that whole mess with CT for something that didn't concern him.
[QUOTE=Debut Album;354501]That's a bad mentality. It's perfectly okay for a Man to cry. It's an emotion and there's no shame in showing that. However I do think in this instance Frank really had no business crying considering that he started that whole mess with CT for something that didn't concern him.[/QUOTE] Imo a man shouldnt cry over stuff like that, its weak. Theres things to cry about but a fight isnt one of them, for a guy that thinks he's mr tough guy to act so pompous in front of CT then go cry is weak, like wtf is he crying about anyways? CT hurt his feelings? Nothing jugular was said. Lots of guys have gotten in screaming matches but never cried after, even Wes who cried on the duel didnt cry after any of his fights with the men. Eric cried but thats a different story. And whats funny is he says thats how he handles things in real life too, cry right after then move on....ok..haha oh Frank, good to know you're always crying, he should be the new Robin. I think he's trying to make it sound like crying is no big deal cause he just cant defend that
Well, according to Frank, CT is the one who picked the fight and then it naturally turned to the situation with Ana
Editing can be a tricky shrew. Frank could've been crying about something else when the camera caught him. Maybe he just found out no one wants to see him on their television screen.
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I went back and rewatch the episode a couple times, in the elimination round Cara says that there swing was the one slanging back and forth, but they show the swing and the shorts says Jessica. And then there marlon pointing but he was pointing to Cara and Cooke Becoase the way he was facing and ct was right in back of him, and was routing for Cara. Marlon was saying that Jessica and Ana were doing good too
I finally got the chance to watch the episode. My impressions: -The no hitting clause must be really flexible now. lol. Three fights and noone has gone home. - I feel like the rest of the cast when it comes to Cara being on the challenge. I'm ready to see more fresh faces or someone who hasn't been on one in a hot second. - I have no idea why Wes and Preston would quit this challenge. Personally I would loved to be in the crotch of CT and Knight. lol. Just my opinion tho. - It's already obvious that the teams to beat are trey/zach and paula/emily. 2 for 2. Come one guys, I want to see others win. - Personal thing, I'm proud that nany and jonna have proved themselves as another girl team to beat. I really like them. - I love Cooke even more now. Girlfriend has no shame. OVerall- the episode was really good. It had a good mix of action, drama, and comedy to keep me watching the entire time. This challenge is already becoming one of my faves.
LOL at the person who said crying is a perfectly normal emotion for a man to have. A man only cries when something tragic happens. But when you try and provoke a fight with the meanest dude in the house and then cry about it later it just makes you look like a big p**sy. Frank ain't tough, he's a TV tough guy and a keyboard warrior.
[QUOTE=JayTee;354512][B]LOL at the person who said crying is a perfectly normal emotion for a man to have[/B]. A man only cries when something tragic happens. But when you try and provoke a fight with the meanest dude in the house and then cry about it later it just makes you look like a big p**sy. Frank ain't tough, he's a TV tough guy and a keyboard warrior.[/QUOTE] You are so wrong--and definitely not an English literature major in college. [url=]What Makes Dudes Cry? ? The Good Men Project[/url]
[QUOTE=netkpr21;354508]I went back and rewatch the episode a couple times, in the elimination round Cara says that there swing was the one slanging back and forth, but they show the swing and the shorts says Jessica. And then there marlon pointing but he was pointing to Cara and Cooke Becoase the way he was facing and ct was right in back of him, and was routing for Cara. Marlon was saying that Jessica and Ana were doing good too[/QUOTE] I really have no idea what qualifications it takes to be hired as an editor at BMP. When I see bad editing like that you mention, and so much more, I wonder if it is always 4:20 in the BMP editing bay.
[QUOTE=V1man;354519]I really have no idea what qualifications it takes to be hired as an editor at BMP. When I see bad editing like that you mention, and so much more, I wonder if it is always 4:20 in the BMP editing bay.[/QUOTE] Once I started noticing this, it became impossible to ignore. It was bad during BotE as well - they'd use the same voice clips over and over for all of the challenges. I noticed that when CT and Diem were talking at the end of this episode, he was wearing the shirt that was ripped at the beginning. As much as I dislike Frank, that and other weird moments just reinforce what he said about the timing in the episodes being way off this season.
[QUOTE=skimthrough;354521]Once I started noticing this, it became impossible to ignore. It was bad during BotE as well - they'd use the same voice clips over and over for all of the challenges. I noticed that when CT and Diem were talking at the end of this episode, he was wearing the shirt that was ripped at the beginning. As much as I dislike Frank, that and other weird moments just reinforce what he said about the timing in the episodes being way off this season.[/QUOTE] I distinctly recall that during my first film class decades ago the professor made a point about the critical nature of the continuity function in movies and TV. A few years ago when I asked a friend who worked at BMP about how they managed continuity for RW and the Challenges, he just laughed. Continuity as a part of the art form is at best an afterthought at BMP.
Grown men should cry for other things like a family member dying, or something of that nature not crying for getting into a little scuffle with another man.
Grown men, young men or elder men should cry whenever they want to. Period! Men can cry when they feel like they should cry.
If that's how you feel then you can cry. Like,I was saying Frank had no business crying after he just got done with a fight with CT. Period!!!
[QUOTE=mario21jorge;354535]Grown men, young men or elder men should cry whenever they want to. Period! Men can cry when they feel like they should cry.[/QUOTE] Exactly.
[QUOTE=mario21jorge;354535]Grown men, young men or elder men should cry whenever they want to. Period! Men can cry when they feel like they should cry.[/QUOTE] I usually cry whenever I walk onto the grounds of Arlington National Cemetery and always do so during my regular visits to the Tomb of the Unknowns. I cried when my daughter was born, and I've cried on the battlefield at the death of people for whom I was responsible. Any grown man who won't cry when moved by time and circumstance is a pu***.
Okay now I understand if you don't cry your a ****. That makes no sense. I never said anything was wrong with crying, but a grown man should not feel the need to cry after he just got into a little scuffle with another man. That's ****ness. Men should only cry for certain things and that's not one of them.
It's a very alpha male thing. I'll leave it at that...
[QUOTE=V1man;354564]It's a very alpha male thing. I'll leave it at that...[/QUOTE] True. Trey and Zach have won 2 missions now! They're proving to be quite the power team. And I like that.
[QUOTE=mario21jorge;354535]Grown men, young men or elder men should cry whenever they want to. Period! Men can cry when they feel like they should cry.[/QUOTE] Please, I'd make fun of a girl if they cried in Frank's situation. It isn't about "being a man"--it is about not being a pathetic excuse for a human being.
Thank You
