The Challenge: Rivals II - New Girl

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I think that was smart of Wes too. It's obvious Trishelle is just not feeling it. She wrote on twitter about production not treating them like talent.
Trishelle may be a weirdo, but her assessment of CT is spot on. The dude is just scummy. Oh & right on cue, more of the boring-*** CT/Diem soap opera! Yay.
I didn't actually expect Jonna/Nany to be working well together.
Come on Anastasia! You should know this by now.
Theresa starting drama.
[QUOTE=dorkyydaniel;354019]I didn't actually expect Jonna/Nany to be working well together.[/QUOTE] Remember--they used to be very tight. And both are athletic.
Somebody needs to straight up throw Birds makeup away.
I just realized the repeat of Emily/Paula and Zach/Trey winning back to back.
You can't pull the vulnerable and I'm young line Ana
[QUOTE=TDMEL52;354021]Theresa starting drama.[/QUOTE] She has a role to play--very important for her to come back again
I feel bad for Anastasia and Diem. Both emotional and CT is playing them.
Would anyone be surprised if Emily & Paula won every single challenge?
How drunk is Bird right now??
[QUOTE=Camille;354027]I feel bad for Anastasia and Diem. Both emotional and CT is playing them.[/QUOTE] sorry but they're adults and know CT's rep. Don't feel bad for either one
LOL! "I will **** you up!"
She's not drunk, just stupid.
These Portland girls love to fight haha.
why does Ana always seem to be without a shirt?
Ana is a psycho. I kinda dig this girl now.
Anonymous's picture
Where was this side of Ana during the real world
[QUOTE=kvm1977;354030]sorry but they're adults and know CT's rep. Don't feel bad for either one[/QUOTE] well Diem has feelings because of their history and Anastasia doesn't seem to know much about CT's history on these shows and with Diem. They are adults and should think smarter, you're right about that. Still feel bad for Diem especially.
Once again what happened to this so called boyfriend Bird??
Anonymous's picture
Ana never seen a challenge before
Oh ****, Frank finally speaking about Knight on Twitter.
Knight is like CT's little sidekick on this challenge. lol. His little bodyguard. Not surprised they would hit it off.
Can someone tell me why Knight is always hovering around C.T?
[QUOTE=Camille;354037]well Diem has feelings because of their history and Anastasia doesn't seem to know much about CT's history on these shows and with Diem. They are adults and should think smarter, you're right about that. Still feel bad for Diem especially.[/QUOTE] I respect Diem because she's a fighter but I don't feel bad for her when it comes to CT.
Preacher Jess time
We all know what Jessica is really thinking.... "Benches be all thirsty and junk!"
[QUOTE=jase1;354032]She's not drunk, just stupid.[/QUOTE] Not stupid, just finally realized what an ***** CT is.
