Big Brother 15: Spoilers

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It may make somewhat entertainment because of how shocking it is, but really? They know they are on national television... or at least they should. Give them formal warnings... you can't let people go on like this insulting others in the house, while also insulting the general public watching... They can address it on the actual show so the ppl not watching the live feeds or reading fb/news know whats going on and they can give them strict warnings with strong consequences. I wish they would address it on the show. CBS just ignoring the fact stating its "not their problem" is just ridiculous. (Edit: Lucky for BBUK, the public gets to evict)
[QUOTE=202mitch;351932]It may make somewhat entertainment because of how shocking it is, but really? They know they are on national television... or at least they should. Give them formal warnings... you can't let people go on like this insulting others in the house, while also insulting the general public watching... They can address it on the actual show so the ppl not watching the live feeds or reading fb/news know whats going on and they can give them strict warnings with strong consequences. I wish they would address it on the show. CBS just ignoring the fact stating its "not their problem" is just ridiculous. (Edit: Lucky for BBUK, the public gets to evict)[/QUOTE] The public voting to evict ruins the game--see The Glass House or Season 1 It honestly amazes me that people think America (or the UK) should vote to evict. This isn't a popularity contest--this is a strategic game. Being "hateful" has nothing to do with it.
Not very strategic if people like Ian, Rachel, and Hayden win... I like the UK because they keep the entertainment in the house (for a while, until the end) because it's fun to watch... but the most likeable and deserving usually wins... Therefore no one is yelling at the screen at how stupid the jury is for sometimes voting the wrong person lol All well, I don't want to get into a completely different debate... They are two very different Big Brother shows. I'm just saying that their offensive and racist remarks should be treated the same... at least show it to the public, but also show them getting warnings.
[QUOTE=202mitch;351934]Not very strategic if people like Ian, Rachel, and Hayden win... I like the UK because they keep the entertainment in the house (for a while, until the end) because it's fun to watch... but the most likeable and deserving usually wins... Therefore no one is yelling at the screen at how stupid the jury is for sometimes voting the wrong person lol All well, I don't want to get into a completely different debate... They are two very different Big Brother shows. I'm just saying that their offensive and racist remarks should be treated the same... at least show it to the public, but also show them getting warnings.[/QUOTE] Hayden & Ian deserved their wins...especially Hayden. Dan caused the jury to hate him--can't do that and win. Rachel got lucky that Shelly voted for her. Either way Rachel earned her way to the final two as did Hayden & Ian--they weren't put there because they were liked. If that was the case Jeff would have 2 wins now despite the fact he's a horrible strategist. Strategy is fun--gameplay is fun. Playing up to the public isn't. But to each their own. The most likable is very rarely the most deserving. To each their own but the public always votes wrong because most don't care about or understand game play. Jeremy & Gina Maria have said they were told about their comments. Not sure what more people want.
So it is pretty clear that Elissa will most likely leave this week? That sucks
[QUOTE=ViewRam90;351936]So it is pretty clear that Elissa will most likely leave this week? That sucks[/QUOTE] Personally I want her to leave because she sucks at the game but... Spencer, Howard, Nick & Jeremy would now like to get rid of Amanda--or so it seems. So they were talking to Helen about it so maybe Elissa puts up Amanda (one of the few that have a clue what they're doing) and she goes home making it a clear run to the finals 6 for The Moving Company. McCrae is also fine with taking out Amanda.
I stopped watching the live feed tweets, but has it been said that there aren't enough votes to evict Kaitlin? About the racist/homophobic comments, apparently some of them have been warned and Howard even take a stand against it sometime yesterday as well.
[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;351940]I stopped watching the live feed tweets, but has it been said that there aren't enough votes to evict Kaitlin? About the racist/homophobic comments, apparently some of them have been warned and Howard even take a stand against it sometime yesterday as well.[/QUOTE] As of now there aren't because the moving company doesn't want her out. Nick was pretending to be Dan and was talking to the camera. The order they want is Elissa, Amanda, Helen, Aaryn then Judd and Andy. That leaves 9 and they believe they can take out Candice, Jessie, Kailyn & Gina Marie in any order...that leaves the 5 guys (Spencer, Howard, Nick, Jeremy & McCrae) battling it out.
[QUOTE=V1man;351914]Isn't in better overall to allow the racism and bigotry to be seen for what it is? I'm delighted that live feed viewers are unhappy and angry with the comments they have witnessed, but I'd be much more impressed if they were being productive within their own communities. I don't doubt for a minute that both Spencer and Aaryn are very specific products of their environment back home. It's certainly unlikely that they developed these views or their manner of speech after having been selected through the casting process. We don't live in a homogeneous society. We've been Balkanized for years, but have refused to look introspectively. We live in a very biased time, but people have learned to keep their biases quiet as political correctness is very much the order of the day in the American workplace. CBS errs, in my view, by not including the cast's crass and insensitive commentary out of the broadcast episodes. In my view, America needs to see these people (and where they come from) for who they really are. We don't need a sugar-coated version of reality. Then BB might actually be performing a useful public service in addition to whatever entertainment value it may still have. (Stepping off my soapbox)[/QUOTE] I really don't think this is the platform for this. It's not the real world where they have certain story lines. On the real world we have a storyline about racism and there are teachable moments and usually the racist or homophobe begins to understand. On Big brother they would just show these racist comments. No lesson taught.nhell, they are being rewarded for their racism by winning the HOH. Way different. CBS did it anyone. Smh.
Anyone has a clue what the next big surprise might be? :)
The one ignorance we were missing is now covered. Jess to Aaron, "Amanda's jewish. I mean, I know that's the stereotype, but what jew do you know that isn't loaded? "
Jeremy saves himself and Nick is nominated by Elissa.
Yup, Elissa is gone.
[QUOTE=gamer73;352063]Yup, Elissa is gone.[/QUOTE] I'm down with this. When she came to Vegas Bash in 2010, she was with her rich boyfriend and Rachel. She was a complete raging ***** at Blue Martini and wanted attention on the Red Carpet that neither Mark Long (the RC host) and I (one of the three pro-photographers working the event) would give her. Didn't like her at all.
[QUOTE=V1man;352075]I'm down with this. When she came to Vegas Bash in 2010, she was with her rich boyfriend and Rachel. She was a complete raging ***** at Blue Martini and wanted attention on the Red Carpet that neither Mark Long (the RC host) and I (one of the three pro-photographers working the event) would give her. Didn't like her at all.[/QUOTE] Odd, considering we barely see her on the feeds, unless she's trying to get votes, lol.
[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;351940]I stopped watching the live feed tweets, but has it been said that there aren't enough votes to evict Kaitlin? About the racist/homophobic comments, apparently some of them have been warned and Howard even take a stand against it sometime yesterday as well.[/QUOTE] I, also, quit watching the live feeds. An hour was all I can stand of some of the housemates so I decided not to waste my money. I've always liked the show. Love the Game, just not the Players as the saying goes. Julie Chen did address the racial/homophobic comments on "The Talk" yesterday or the day before because they have had so many complaints. She said they brought her back to some comments and things that she has encountered in her life. It will be interesting to see when some of those involved get voted out and she has her one on one with them when they exit the house.
I really don't see Julie saying anything to them about it at their quick exit interview. They probably won't have "an audience" when they know Aaryn and Jeremy are leaving.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;352311]I really don't see Julie saying anything to them about it at their quick exit interview. They probably won't have "an audience" when they know Aaryn and Jeremy are leaving.[/QUOTE] I hope they learn a valuable lesson. They both seem so egotistical, self-centered, and mean-spirited. This BB house is the worst of any season I can remember.
It looks like Elissa might actually have the votes to stay. Tomorrow should be an interesting night on the feeds either way it goes.
It's basically guaranteed that Elissa will be STAYING and Nick will be LEAVING. McCrae and Jessie have flipped.
[QUOTE=RMD1;352593]It's basically guaranteed that Elissa will be STAYING and Nick will be LEAVING. McCrae and Jessie have flipped.[/QUOTE] I know Jessie flipped, but McCrae?
[QUOTE=RMD1;352593]It's basically guaranteed that Elissa will be STAYING and Nick will be LEAVING. McCrae and Jessie have flipped.[/QUOTE] I don't know what McCrae is actually doing at this point
Amanda is going IN!! Amanda get it!! She is just annihilating Aryannation.
Gina Marie is stil sobbing. This is getting insane.
GM must have seriously been burned in the past or something of the sort, to be this obsessed with a guy she knew for a few weeks, he didn't even have the same feelings. Also, some more racism towards Candice last night, after she stood her ground to Aaryn who flipped over her mattress.
[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;352901]GM must have seriously been burned in the past or something of the sort, to be this obsessed with a guy she knew for a few weeks, he didn't even have the same feelings. Also, some more racism towards Candice last night, after she stood her ground to Aaryn who flipped over her mattress.[/QUOTE] Just Youtubed this, Jesus Aaryn and GM are vile disgusting people.
[QUOTE=Dash_Vegas!;352902]Just Youtubed this, Jesus Aaryn and GM are vile disgusting people.[/QUOTE] Link?
[QUOTE=gamer73;352903]Link?[/QUOTE] PM'ed it brother!
Amanda ripped Aaryn and her cronies apart, love it!
Amanda is probably my favorite after she destroyed Aaryn. It's always amusing to see how confrontational she is with Candice compared to how submissive she is with Amanda.
