Since the speculation thread has gotten so off-topic and several people complained that it was not being regulated, I have decided to finally step in and set some rules. First, you'll see that any pre-departure chatter has been moved to [url=]another thread[/url]. This thread solely contains post-departure notes on the cast and, once departures start, will contain speculation about a format.
Here are some do's and don'ts to help you facilitate intelligent discussion.
- Use proper grammar, spelling, and capitalization. If you're going to go off on a rant about a particular player, at least spell their name right.
- Attempt to make logical conclusions given the cast ("Austin has three veterans competing; if they are working together, they have great experience.")
- Try to hold back format ideas until we start seeing some people come home or until MTV officially announces the format. Once people start returning to the United States (in groups of four, two, or individually), we may be able to form some type of a format.
- Facilitate discussion in a polite manner
- Talk about why you are happy to see certain people, not just that you're happy to see them ("Frank was so grating on his RW season, but he seems to have made a turnaround since then. I am really interested in seeing how he's going to compete with Zach and Ashley.")
- If you must do rankings, please try to keep in mind that these competitors are not timeless. Two good examples of this are Jonna and Alton. We both saw them competing on our televisions approximately 8 years ago ([I]Endurance[/I] and [I]The Gauntlet II[/I], respectively), and both were great. This does not necessarily mean that both will be at the same athletic standards in 2012.
- Please try not to rank someone just because they "look" (or don't look) athletic. Use specific examples from their seasons. ("Zach and Ashley were always going go the gym during their RW season, but we never really saw Frank or Sam go to the gym. However, Frank was a college athlete so he could probably hold his own. Sam is the X-factor here.") If all else fails, just don't rank them.
- Talk about what could have been ("Why no Paris cast? They could have easily gotten xx, xx, and xx".) [I][SIZE="1"](Note: Paris was never on the radar)[/SIZE][/I]
- Talk about who you wish was there ("Man I wish they would have gotten RoyLee instead of Dustin!") [I][SIZE="1"](Note: they originally had both)[/SIZE][/I]
- Tell people their opinions or rankings are dumb or stupid ("You think RW: Cancun is better than RW: Austin? You are crazy!")
- Post departure spoilers in this thread. if you believe you have information directly related to spoilers, please send me a PM (do not write on my wall) [B]with a screenshot[/B] (do not just copy and paste text). It must be a screenshot or I will not accept it. You will receive credit if you are the first person to send me the information.
The three strikes rule is in effect here. The first off-topic post gets a warning; the second, an infraction; the third, a ban. Please make sure that you are paying attention to your private messages (if you go to your User CP at the top left, you should be able to set up a pop-up that goes off when you have a new PM).
I appreciate your cooperation in advance. We strive to keep these threads easy to read and on-topic.
For a short, official list of cast and confirmed spoilers: [url=]Vevmo Official Spoiler Thread[/url]