The Challenge: Generic Thread

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Can't wait to see who it is!
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;281908]What to make of this? [/QUOTE] It's about Eric.. [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]
I'm listening to a Derrick interview on A Shot of Yager. He mentions how he thought the Rivals was a great new concept for the show and goes on to say there had been another looming idea for the next show that will ensure drama. Looks like we might possibly see another new format on the next challenge. Here's the interview: [url=]A Shot of Yager: Podcast w/ Returning Guest MTV’s Derrick Kosinski | The Campus Socialite - Campus Lifestyle for College Students by College Students[/url]
[QUOTE=JEK & Wes;281926]I'm listening to a Derrick interview on A Shot of Yager. He mentions how he thought the Rivals was a great new concept for the show and goes on to say there had been another looming idea for the next show that will ensure drama. [B]Looks like we might possibly see another new format on the next challenge.[/B] Here's the interview: [url=]A Shot of Yager: Podcast w/ Returning Guest MTV’s Derrick Kosinski | The Campus Socialite - Campus Lifestyle for College Students by College Students[/url][/QUOTE] Definitely a possibility. If the rumors I've heard are true, it will absolutely ensure drama.
Anonymous's picture
I'd make it so unless you are a finalist you are forever banned from the series--that way people who show up will fight from the beginning and not roll over for the same old crew every season and would have motivation to knock out the super vets early as possible.
[QUOTE=FishHooks;281932]I'd make it so unless you are a finalist you are forever banned from the series--that way people who show up will fight from the beginning and not roll over for the same old crew every season and would have motivation to knock out the super vets early as possible.[/QUOTE] I'm sorry, but it sounds like a very bad idea. BMP just wouldn't ban those people who would bring them the most ratings and money.
[QUOTE=FishHooks;281932]I'd make it so unless you are a finalist you are forever banned from the series--that way people who show up will fight from the beginning and not roll over for the same old crew every season and would have motivation to knock out the super vets early as possible.[/QUOTE] That's an interesting format. It would almost guarantee that Jenn would be on that show and I don't know how many more challenges with her I can watch. She used to be one of my favorites until she showed she has a superiority complex. I'm open to a new format, though. I've enjoyed most if not all of the formats so far. My only complaint is I wish The Duel/The Duel 2 had more individual challenges and less partner challenges.
What kind of format are they talking about? Since I can't listen to the podcast right now.
[QUOTE=molds13;281927]Definitely a possibility. If the rumors I've heard are true, it will absolutely ensure drama.[/QUOTE] I know I shouldn't ask many, if any questions about this, but all I'm wondering is if this rumored format or theme has been something suggested on here in the past, possibly during Rivals rumors or if it's something no one's really thought of before?
[QUOTE=Nightwolf;281937]I know I shouldn't ask many, if any questions about this, but all I'm wondering is if this rumored format or theme has been something suggested on here in the past, possibly during Rivals rumors or if it's something no one's really thought of before?[/QUOTE] Lots of things have been suggested here in the past. I have no idea if this particular format has been discussed before.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=raskkii;281934]I'm sorry, but it sounds like a very bad idea. BMP just wouldn't ban those people who would bring them the most ratings and money.[/QUOTE] It's not like they would really ever make it forever. They could then follow that with a couple seasons where the banned players--sort of like bad guys--would have to compete to get back into the series like a redemption round every now and then as a periodic twist to future challenges.
[QUOTE=TSPKM2;281907]Yeah I dont see Evan coming back to challenges anytime soon.[/QUOTE] Yeah Hopefully he never returns.
[QUOTE=Debut Album;281947]Yeah Hopefully he never returns.[/QUOTE] Of course YOU don't want him back, because he's been on more than one season. God forbid somebody competes in multiple challenges.
[QUOTE=FishHooks;281941]It's not like they would really ever make it forever. They could then follow that with a couple seasons where the banned players--sort of like bad guys--would have to compete to get back into the series like a redemption round every now and then as a periodic twist to future challenges.[/QUOTE] I think it'd be a nice twist if the eliminated/banned players are then the members for 1 of the 2 teams in the next challenge
Does anyone know when is the cast of the next challenge are leaving?
[QUOTE=lulax3;281951]Does anyone know when is the cast of the next challenge are leaving?[/QUOTE] I don't even think there IS a final cast yet, but if there is then they'll probably leave in like November.
Maybe this season, they'll do some concept where players are able to switch teams. That'd be kinda cool.
I could be way off because I haven't been following much of the thread lately, but I wouldn't be surprised if this challenge wasn't even filmed until the spring. Just sayin...
[QUOTE=BillyBear231;281953]Maybe this season, they'll do some concept where players are able to switch teams. That'd be kinda cool.[/QUOTE] That could be a unique idea. Maybe highest scoring person can choose to switch themselves with someone on the other team or switch one person from their own team with the other.
[QUOTE=Buck05;281954]I could be way off because I haven't been following much of the thread lately, but I wouldn't be surprised if this challenge wasn't even filmed until the spring. Just sayin...[/QUOTE] Considering that the availability calls have gone out, and probably the final calls too, i would say it's probably gonna be a November filming.
I'm praying that it's in a tropical city location! I don't like seeing the cast in dreary cold places (Duel II, Cutthroat, Fresh Meat II). The perfect house and location imo was The Inferno 1 In Acapulco, Mexico. They were right by the city so they could go out often and the beaches were also right there.
[QUOTE=new-girl;281810]During the Duel II, they threw in Landon because he went to go get the cowboy hat, it wasn't because they had a better shot at getting rid of him, it was just so they could avoid the elimination round. They still had the risk of being chosen by Landon, but lucky for them Landon chose Brad. On Fresh Meat II, there was a mission where the log had to be pushed to a direction. Kenny and Pete got paired and Kenny chose Landon to be paired up with Ryan. As we all know Kenny, Pete, and Landon are stronger than Ryan; that was a very cruel move by Kenny, but it was smart. When the mission was taking place, it took Pete and Kenny some time to eliminate Landon and Ryan. By the end of the mission Landon was shaking, he used all his strength and power to try and win, on the other hand Ryan wasn't shaking as much, if I had to guess Landon was almost strong enough to eliminate Kenny and Pete, with a little help of Ryan (sorry let's face it Ryan is arguably one of the weakest male players in this challenge), and finally it's obvious Landon has tremendous endurance and strength (he showed that when he was carrying the logs back and forth like they were nothing). I have nothing against CT, but in strength I'd say it's pretty even between CT and Landon. Other than that, Landon pretty much has the whole package.[/QUOTE] Ryan isn't a powerhouse but he put up a pretty tough fight against Nehemiah in "Ram It Home" on Gauntlet 3. And lets be serious, those logs Landon had to carry on Fresh Meat 2 were nothing...he has jack on CT in the physical strength department. For some reason fans of the show think The Miz is the physically strongest player ever on challenges because he's a pro wrestler, but Tyler is just as heavy as Miz was when he did challenges and I'm told MUCH, MUCH stronger in the weightroom than Miz was and even is today, and he couldn't even budge CT a single inch in the opposite direction when they went against each other on Cutthroat. People who can legitimately squat 500+ pounds and deadlift 600+ pounds raw (without wraps, belts, etc...) are very rare to come by and CT can do both. I don't think a 170 pound person who doesn't even lift weights is going to put up much of a fight against somebody who outweighs them by 40 pounds with those kinds of lifts to their credit in anything dependent upon physical strength.
Wrestlers gain a type of strength that can't be achieved in the weight room, it's from years of grappling. You can lift weights as heavy as you want but you aren't going to stop an elite wrestler from taking you down and imposing their will on you. We saw Landon toss Brad around like a rag doll, we heard Derrick (who takes pride in his wrestling) admit he could not beat Landon in a wrestling match. Landon not only has that incredible strength from grappling, he has incredible endurance, he can keep an output of force at a high level for an extreme amount of time which other people can't match. CT can lift heavier than him, would have an advantage in anything weight-based like reverse tug of war, I will give you that, but when it comes to something with wrestling, Landon has the advantage. Give them both 80 pounds and tell them to race with it and I'm putting my money on Landon all day, every day.
I would hope somebody with wrestling experience would have no trouble imposing their will in something wrestling related against guys like Brad and Derrick...those guys are twerps. Kenny is heavier than Landon and a better wrestler and a very intoxicated CT had no trouble overpowering him when they wrestled each other on Inferno 3. Sure, Kenny's superior grappling ability allowed him to take CT down at will but he couldn't do anything with him once he got him down because CT was simply too strong for him to stay in control of once they got to the ground. I've never made any gripes about CT being better than Landon in anything where long distance endurance comes into play, as I actually believe Landon would beat him head-to-head in a final challenge. But, in the daily challenges and elimination rounds that tend to be much more oriented towards a person's individual athletic prowess, CT is a superior all-around athlete than Landon is.
[QUOTE=townie;281991]I would hope somebody with wrestling experience would have no trouble imposing their will in something wrestling related against guys like Brad and Derrick...those guys are twerps. [B]Kenny is heavier than Landon and a better wrestler and a very intoxicated CT had no trouble overpowering him when they wrestled each other on Inferno 3.[/B] Sure, Kenny's superior grappling ability allowed him to take CT down at will but he couldn't do anything with him once he got him down because CT was simply too strong for him to stay in control of once they got to the ground. I've never made any gripes about CT being better than Landon in anything where long distance endurance comes into play, as I actually believe Landon would beat him head-to-head in a final challenge. But, in the daily challenges and elimination rounds that tend to be much more oriented towards a person's individual athletic prowess, CT is a superior all-around athlete than Landon is.[/QUOTE] I think Landon would outwrestle Kenny all day. And the 2 minute clip of CT and Kenny grappling doesn't provide us with nearly enough information for us to assume that CT was easily overpowering Kenny. By that logic, Frank is on CT's level, because we saw him submit Kenny on the Gauntlet 3.
Okay, so I guess they are leaving the week after next week or Halloween week like the cast from the Duel II did. Btw Molds do you think or do you know if any castmember from Real World: Back to San Diego got a availability call or not since their season is still airing?
[QUOTE=townie;281991]I would hope somebody with wrestling experience would have no trouble imposing their will in something wrestling related against guys like Brad and Derrick...those guys are twerps. Kenny is heavier than Landon and a better wrestler and a very intoxicated CT had no trouble overpowering him when they wrestled each other on Inferno 3. Sure, Kenny's superior grappling ability allowed him to take CT down at will [B]but he couldn't do anything with him once he got him down because CT was simply too strong for him to stay in control of once they got to the ground.[/B][/QUOTE] I am laughing at the bolded statement so hard. You obviously don't know anything about grappling. Everybody is talking about weight differences and grappling so I'll use examples that would make sense. Kenny is, my guess, 190ish lbs, easily a cut down to middleweight (185) and CT is probably light heavyweight (205). A middleweight can submit a light heavyweight even with the size and strength differences. Clearly, we know Kenny has prior training and it doesn't seem like CT does. Another example, BJ Penn, natural lightweight submitted Matt Hughes, a welterweight (1 weight class above). Townie, I agree that CT is physically the strongest on this show but to believe he can out wrestle a trained wrestler is hilarious to me. What next are you going to say? He can step into a professional MMA fight and beat those fighters who have trained for years? I really like CT, but you are making me not like him. It seems like CT would have no problem admitting someone beat him in a wrestling match or it was wrong of him to hit someone or he lost fair and square but it's so hard for you to do that. If CT can see his own shortcomings, I think you should too.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=green123;281995]okay, so i guess they are leaving the week after next week or halloween week like the cast from the duel II did. Btw Molds do you think or do you know if any castmember from real world back to san diego got a availability call or not since their season is still airing?[/QUOTE] I assume that Zach did based on a tweet he posted in the last couple days about getting the best phone call ever or something like that. It is just an assumption on my part, but that is how I read it between the lines. I started to screencap it but that would require, you know, [I]effort[/I] and I am laaaazy.
I know Zach wants to do one, but idk if they are going to cast San Diego roomies this season. [url=][img][/img][/url]
In terms of CT, Kenny and CT both tell different stories of what happened that night and CT seemed more drunk than Kenny was. Doesn't mean Kenny's right, but I'm not gonna just listen to either of these guys since I wasn't there and they'd obviously make themselves look better no matter the situation. I don't know what Abram or anyone else there said though. With Zach, Zach would do one but that's if he's asked. That's all I'll say about that.
