Major League Baseball: 2012

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[QUOTE=Bacchus;257640]As soon as I saw Jeter's name on the lineup card, I started laughing. This guy shouldn't be starting for THE YANKEES let alone given a starting spot in the All Star Game. He's batting .260 with 2HR and 20 RBIs. What a joke. Especially with home field advantage in the World Series on the line.[/QUOTE] Especially with the year Asdrubal Cabrera is having! Unbelievable!
[QUOTE=MF41590;257678]Especially with the year Asdrubal Cabrera is having! Unbelievable![/QUOTE] There is no question he should have been the AL SS. If Jeter has any pride, he'll say he has a sore pinky and let Cabrera start the game.
[QUOTE=V1man;257644]It really doesn't matter. The problem is the system. Overall, fans, whether of TV entertainment or baseball, don't really have a clue. Players, managers and coaches are the only ones who should be voting. I'd have greater faith in their judgment. Jeter selection is only a symptom of what is wrong with the all-star format.[/QUOTE] Players, and managers voting led to varitek being selected in 08 which is much worse than this, besides jeter i think the al looks fine. wilson and velarde are not allstars but again that's not the fans fault.
[QUOTE=jbo29j;257934]besides jeter i think the al looks fine.[/QUOTE] That's like saying, besides the minor gash that runs along the hull of the Titanic, everything is great! It comes down to principle. Here are the current CBS Sports fantasy rankings for shortstops season to date w/ second half projections (this doesn't build in defensive prowess, which is lucky for Jeter apologists.) [url=][img][/img][/url] So, the AL is getting the 21st best SS in baseball (which isn't even fair as this only accounts for offense and declining Jeter is probably the worst defensive SS currently in the field.) Sounds like we need a new system if there are players that are starting in the All Star Game who would not be able to get a starting job on the majority of teams in baseball...
[QUOTE=Bacchus;257937]That's like saying, besides the minor gash that runs along the hull of the Titanic, everything is great! It comes down to principle. [/QUOTE] Hanley's currently ranked second? Anyway that wasn't the point the point was the players and managers are capable of the same mistakes. I do feel bad for caberra though. Mccutchen wasnt even added as a reserve, or as a final vote.
[QUOTE=jbo29j;257941]Hanley's currently ranked second?[/quote] You play fantasy baseball. Who'd you rather start after the All Star game - Hanley or Jeter? (Don't answer that. It was rhetorical. Hanley will probably put up a more home runs in a given week than Jeter does during the rest of the season.) [quote]players and managers are capable of the same mistakes.[/QUOTE] Just not as blatant with their mistakes and without the New York bias (which is a numbers game that can't be overcome with the current system.) I'd rather see players that were voted in by peers thinking they were the best player at a given position rather than the fans voting in a guy based on name recognition. p.s. Varitek was hitting .296 with 6 home runs and 18 RBI when selected to the All Star game [I]as a reserve[/I] at the weakest position in baseball.
Anybody catch the "balk-off" in the White Sox-Royals game tonight? Crazy stuff.
DJ3K baby! Big day for the Yankees.
[QUOTE=yankeegurl93;259228]DJ3K baby! Big day for the Yankees.[/QUOTE] Now he can go back to being a sub par MLB shortstop. I almost feel bad for the Yankees and the contract they got forced into with Jeter. Anyway, I'm picking AGonz to win the HR Derby with Big Papi as my alternate. ;)
Bautista is my pick for tonight. Robbie Cano as my 2nd.
[QUOTE=MF41590;259472]Bautista is my pick for tonight. [/QUOTE] Would you like juice with that pick? OJ, Apple, Tomato. You know...juice! :D
I almost posted something after seeing Adrian Gonzalez's first two swings. It is a good thing I didn't. He is crushing the ball now.
[QUOTE=MF41590;259474]I almost posted something after seeing Adrian Gonzalez's first two swings. It is a good thing I didn't. He is crushing the ball now.[/QUOTE] The guy is a pure hitter. It must pain him to only swing for the fence - actually, I could see it on his face as 6 of the 10 outs would have been for extra bases. ;) Good showing though.
Weak performance from Holliday.
[QUOTE=MF41590;259476]Weak performance from Holliday.[/QUOTE] I always feel bad for good hitters when they don't do well in the derby. The even took advantage of the 7 second delay during his at bat - but I can read lips, lol.
Are some of these camera views as annoying to you as they are to me?
[QUOTE=MF41590;259479]Are some of these camera views as annoying to you as they are to me?[/QUOTE] Yes! Especially when I can't tell how the ball was hit because they are showing a closeup of the ball with the roof as a background. Cano is crushing. Maybe too hard. He is swinging out of his shoes!
[QUOTE=Bacchus;259480]Yes! Especially when I can't tell how the ball was hit because they are showing a closeup of the ball with the roof as a background. Cano is crushing. Maybe too hard. He is swinging out of his shoes![/QUOTE] I hate the view that they were doing for a couple of Gonzo's, the upper deck behind the plate view. The ball close up is annoying too. And yeah, Cano is raking right now. We will see if he can keep it up for 3 rounds. 472?!
Looks like Bautista didn't drink his V8.
I just realized that the entire AL team is fluent in Spanish (as their team meeting on the sideline was in Spanish.) Well, it [I]is[/I] Ortiz's team. :D
Gonzo is putting on a clinic!
This one is over!
Great job by Cano. Awesome display by the AL.
Even though Robbie Cano is a Yankee, after the show he put on tonight and last postseason vs my rangers, he might be my favorite player. Best swing in the game by far, so smooth.
[QUOTE=afuNk13;259490]Best swing in the game by far, so smooth.[/QUOTE] I think you are getting him confused with Gonzalez who has the best swing in the game, bar none. It clearly helped Cano that he had his dad pitching to him (Adrian got his pitcher 20 minutes before the derby started.)
[QUOTE=Bacchus;259491] It clearly helped Cano that he had his dad pitching to him [B](Adrian got his pitcher 20 minutes before the derby started.)[/B] [/QUOTE] He could have gotten a pitcher more than 20 minutes before hand if he wanted to. But I do agree, Adrian Gonzalez has the best swing in baseball.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;259491]I think you are getting him confused with Gonzalez who has the best swing in the game, bar none. It clearly helped Cano that he had his dad pitching to him (Adrian got his pitcher 20 minutes before the derby started.)[/QUOTE] Something tells me you're a red sox homer. But maybe I did go a little banana sandwich on that, Gonzo has a great swing.
[QUOTE=afuNk13;259493]Something tells me you're a red sox homer.[/QUOTE] Cano has a good swing, but he was literally coming off his heels hitting those homers. I thought he was going to hurt himself (and I wouldn't be surprised if he did and we hear about it later.) Gonzalez looks the same hitting a short single or a 450ft blast to [I]any[/I] field. That's the difference. As it was stated during the derby, his head never moves and his swing always looks the same. Slow. Easy. On Target. Precise, with power. As far as your accusations about a bias I might literally only have to look at the first post in this thread to have all your questions about my "secret" motives answered... I've done well to hide my feelings, but alas I've been cornered, caught and must come clean. :( p.s. Please ignore the thread tags.
haha yeah, probably should have looked at the first post. But I agree with everything you say, including with the first few homers Cano hit, you could tell he was trying way too hard. The last few that he hit looked smooth as ever. I also wasn't judging swings purely off the derby, people change their swings just for it. You've got me beat in this argument so there isn't a point to continue on much farther, they are both great players and Gonzo is completely wrecking in fenway.
i guess i'll say agon has the better swing, i also dont get why the HR derby ended as soon as cano won, why not let him his four outs.
