Major League Baseball: 2012

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It's morning baseball for me, haha! Just checked the score and DANG! 14-0! Go Sox!
"We should send a thank you note to the Indians for hosting our batting practice."
This Phillies game is starting to **** me off. It is the 19th inning.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;248472]I love afternoon baseball...[/QUOTE] I [I]still [/I]love afternoon baseball...
The Giants have been hit with the injuries plague like crazy this year...
Lionsfan, you Rangers fans are brutal!! [url=][img][/img][/url]
And the Red Sox win. There is nothing better than an Arod strikeout to give the Sox the victory in the house that Wall Street built.
[QUOTE=molds13;250677]Lionsfan, you Rangers fans are brutal!![/QUOTE] Hey now not all of us are like that, but that is pretty darn funny.
[CENTER][B][url=][img][/img][/url] [INDENT]"I just want to thank you guys, not all of you, most of you for the stat today of me not getting hit by the Yankees," Ortiz said. "I finally got hit. I hope you mother F***ers are happy."[/INDENT][/B][/Center]
David Ortiz did absolutely nothing wrong when he flipped his bat. Alex Rodriguez has flipped his bat plenty of times after hitting home runs and I don't see Joe Girardi saying anything about that.
[QUOTE=MF41590;243100]Who would of thought Boston would start out 0-4? I know Bacchus surely did not ;)[/QUOTE] Bacchus knew they'd have the best record in baseball by June 11th. Just saying... Now "we" are going to start piling it on. :D
[QUOTE=Bacchus;251742]Bacchus knew they'd have the best record in baseball by June 11th. Just saying... Now "we" are going to start piling it on. :D[/QUOTE] This happened a lot later than I expected. [URL=""][/URL] Next year I should have season tickets to the Rockies, so my decades of Yankee interest may well be toast.
[QUOTE=V1man;251798] Next year I should have season tickets to the Rockies, so my decades of Yankee interest may well be toast.[/QUOTE] The air is clearer there (with the altitude) and the ball travels further. The ballpark is amazing. Get those Rockies season tickets!
Damn you Orlando Cabrera...
Haha, I cheered when he hit because I wanted them to switch back to the Sox game. I only get to watch so many games a year so when they switch to another game I am not very happy.
I have James Shields going as my pitcher tonight (Fantasy.) There is a little devil on my shoulder saying, "The Sox just won 9 in a row. Why not cheer for Shields to get the complete game shutout? We've already lost. The Sox will win the next two..."
[QUOTE=Bacchus;252394]I have James Shields going as my pitcher tonight (Fantasy.) There is a little devil on my shoulder saying, "The Sox just won 9 in a row. Why not cheer for Shields to get the complete game shutout? We've already lost. The Sox will win the next two..."[/QUOTE] Only the 3rd time all year the Red Sox have been shutout.
Anonymous's picture
The Yankees are playing the Cubs in a historic game at Wrigley Field today.... [url=][img][/img][/url]
Keep beating the Yankees!
Anonymous's picture
Hey Chicago! What do ya say? THE CUBS BEAT THE YANKEES TODAY!!! I feel like the Gods are smiling on me these days. :)
[QUOTE=Insider;252970]Hey Chicago! What do ya say? THE CUBS BEAT THE YANKEES TODAY!!! I feel like the Gods are smiling on me these days. :)[/QUOTE] And then the cubbies lost to the Yanks on Saturday... Such is their sorry lot in life.
[url=][img][/img][/url] [QUOTE]It's not every day a fan pays for an overpriced beer at a ballpark and actually gets some added value out of the expensive transaction. Then again, it's not every day that a baseball player fouls a pitch into the stands and it bounces off a railing and into your Solo cup of suds. Yet that's exactly the unexpected souvenir this lucky Boston Red Sox fan received on Tuesday night at Fenway Park after Nick Hundley(notes) of the San Diego Padres deposited a baseball into his drink.[/QUOTE] [url=]via[/url]
Totally random I know, but I found out yesterday that I have been giving tennis lessons to Kevin Youkilis' cousins.
Very pleased with this years line up! [url=]Rosters for the 82nd All-Star Game have be set[/url]
As soon as I saw Jeter's name on the lineup card, I started laughing. This guy shouldn't be starting for THE YANKEES let alone given a starting spot in the All Star Game. He's batting .260 with 2HR and 20 RBIs. What a joke. Especially with home field advantage in the World Series on the line.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;257640]What a joke. Especially with home field advantage in the World Series on the line.[/QUOTE] I have complete faith that the AL will win, and that the Yankees will have their home field advantage ;). We still have a solid 3 months left of baseball and 3 Bos/Yanks series. It's anyones game.
[QUOTE=yankeegurl93;257642]I have complete faith that the AL [/QUOTE] Even as a Yankee fan, I'm sure you agree Jeter even being on the All Star team (let alone a starter) is ridiculous...
[QUOTE=Bacchus;257643]Even as a Yankee fan, I'm sure you agree Jeter even being on the All Star team (let alone a starter) is ridiculous...[/QUOTE] It really doesn't matter. The problem is the system. Overall, fans, whether of TV entertainment or baseball, don't really have a clue. Players, managers and coaches are the only ones who should be voting. I'd have greater faith in their judgment. Jeter selection is only a symptom of what is wrong with the all-star format.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;257643]Even as a Yankee fan, I'm sure you agree Jeter even being on the All Star team (let alone a starter) is ridiculous...[/QUOTE] I do completely agree, he hasn't shown up at all this year, but I'm still gonna support him and the rest of the AL team. I do think that CC was snubbed, but unlike some articles are saying I don't think that Teixeira was deserving to be the the team. Gonzalez has had a great season and belongs on the team.
[QUOTE=V1man;257644] Players, managers and coaches are the only ones who should be voting. I'd have greater faith in their judgment. Jeter selection is only a symptom of what is wrong with the all-star format.[/QUOTE] I agree 100%. That would assure the best teams on the field rather than the most recognizable players on the field.
