Major League Baseball: 2012

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Tim McCarver is such an idiot. I am so disappointed when I find out a baseball game is going to be on Fox. The worst part about being a Red Sox fan, is a lot of games are on Fox. He literally said that Lowrie should have gone 1st to 3rd on a shallow up the middle grounder that snuck past the 2nd base bag. Yes, and he would have been out by 10 feet...
Adrian Gonzalez is on a "little" tear right about now...
Josh Beckett is playing unbelievably well right now. I don't think anyone, including you biased Red Sox fans (Bacchus) could have seen this coming. Very, very promising sign for the Red Sox.
[url=]Boston Red Sox Fans Help Autistic Man Sing National Anthem In Touching Display - From Our Editors -[/url]
[QUOTE=molds13;247034][url=]Boston Red Sox Fans Help Autistic Man Sing National Anthem In Touching Display - From Our Editors -[/url][/QUOTE] Always refreshing to read stories like this when all we hear about are the poor decisions made by players, coaches, and even fans (i.e. Giants-Dodgers opening day fiasco).
The first Adrian Gonzalez walk off. The first of many...
This is the fantasy "bonus" question of the week: [INDENT][url=][img][/img][/url] [/INDENT] Which current MLB player was the center of a conversation which included the above conversation?
Jose Bautista.
[QUOTE=MF41590;247312]Jose Bautista.[/QUOTE] Too easy, huh? I wonder how many years from now it will be before we find out about the masking agent he is using? You don't go from journeyman utility infielder power numbers to Babe Ruth numbers in a year by "changing your swing a little" and this year is just a continuation of some very "odd" numbers.
The Sox lost Lackey and Dice-K in consecutive days to the DL. Let's celebrate! [QUOTE] Daisuke Matsuzaka will be placed on the 15-day disabled list [U]with a sprained elbow[/U] tomorrow [B]according to Terry Fracona.[/B] [/QUOTE] e.g. The Red Sox organization is going to give Dice-K a break after his miserable performance and this is the pride saving excuse. As an expert in said "sprains" I have a feeling the "rehab" period might be extensive...
[QUOTE=Bacchus;247321]Too easy, huh? I wonder how many years from now it will be before we find out about the masking agent he is using? You don't go from journeyman utility infielder power numbers to Babe Ruth numbers in a year by "changing your swing a little" and this year is just a continuation of some very "odd" numbers.[/QUOTE] Completely agree. It would be one thing if he was hitting like 27-30 homers then hit 54, or even if he were like 23 years old and came out of nowhere with 54, but he is 30 years old and had never even hit more than 16 homers in a season before his 54 homer campaign. That just does not happen.
Paplebon only seems to perform when he is in the process of giving me a heart attack.
If Boston doesn't close this out.... Atta boy Crawford.
I don't care what Crawford is batting. He is my hero! (again) :D
[QUOTE=Bacchus;247934]I don't care what Crawford is batting. He is my hero! (again) :D[/QUOTE] He has had a very good May. I think he is hitting above .300 so far this month.
[QUOTE=MF41590;247936]He has had a very good May. I think he is hitting above .300 so far this month.[/QUOTE] Yes, he has been playing much better. Even bigger, is his play in the clutch. Three walk offs at Fenway. Three wins on his back. That is huge. The Sox are only 1 1/2 out of first. Who would have thought it? :wink2:
Considering the size of his contract, I know everyone wants to see Crawford be in the top half of the order, but maybe keeping him 7th or 8th isn't such a bad idea. The obvious benefits are more fastballs and more people to bat in, but with him at 8, it gives Ellsbury and Pedroia more rbi opportunities as well.
[QUOTE=MF41590;247941]Considering the size of his contract, I know everyone wants to see Crawford be in the top half of the order, but maybe keeping him 7th or 8th isn't such a bad idea. The obvious benefits are more fastballs and more people to bat in, but with him at 8, it gives Ellsbury and Pedroia more rbi opportunities as well.[/QUOTE] For what he is getting paid, he should be putting up Gonzo numbers, filling the difference in HRs and RBI's with steals. He clearly is overwhelmed playing in the spotlight of Boston sports. You can see it in his eyes sometimes. There is a difference when the local paper sends out an intern to get after game action (Tampa) vs. having 5-10 local newspaper and tv reporters, ESPN, CNNSI etc, crowding into the locker room with mics and recording devices asking why you are not hitting. I think he will grow into the scene and night's like tonight make it easier for him to do so. I like where he is hitting now. There is no room for a lefty at the top of the order right now and the first slot you might want to put him is filled by Ortiz who is crushing. AGonz needs to hit third and Crawford can't hit leadoff. That limits options in a Francona lineup which is generally LRLRLRL etc.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;247951][B]For what he is getting paid, he should be putting up Gonzo numbers[/B], filling the difference in HRs and RBI's with steals. He clearly is overwhelmed playing in the spotlight of Boston sports. You can see it in his eyes sometimes. There is a difference when the local paper sends out an intern to get after game action (Tampa) vs. having 5-10 local newspaper and tv reporters, ESPN, CNNSI etc, crowding into the locker room with mics and recording devices asking why you are not hitting. I think he will grow into the scene and night's like tonight make it easier for him to do so. I like where he is hitting now. There is no room for a lefty at the top of the order right now and the first slot you might want to put him is filled by Ortiz who is crushing. AGonz needs to hit third and Crawford can't hit leadoff. That limits options in a Francona lineup which is generally LRLRLRL etc.[/QUOTE] Paying a player star money doesn't necessarily mean you receive star production. While I think Crawford is a solid player, I don't think he is as good as his contract would suggest. But, if he can get that kind of money, more power to him. Jayson Werth's ridiculous contract (7yr/126) with the Nats is pretty much the sole reason why Carl Crawford walked away with 7yr/142 mil.
[QUOTE=MF41590;247955]Paying a player star money doesn't necessarily mean you receive star production. [/QUOTE] I agree about the contract and Werth. That said, Crawford is a star and of a caliber above Werth. He has a solid resume and is entering his prime. I'd be happy with 90% of his career numbers right about now (with all that is going on, in his head.) In the end, we have yet to see his best. His best years will be in Boston. Maybe not this year, but soon and his clutch performances in the house that Ruth [strike]built[/strike] won his first world series in, are a good start. :D
[QUOTE=Bacchus;247951]There is no room for a lefty at the top of the order right now and the first slot you might want to put him is filled by Ortiz who is crushing.[/QUOTE] I'm a bit non-plussed by the lack of news on major sports sites giving Papi his due credit. He's surprised the hell out of me so far, and I'm sure reporters would be all over him if his performance fell off, so why not give him the kudos he has earned so far this year. He seems to have moved past his recent struggles.
Cubs-Red Sox game tonight...ouch. This is getting ugly.
Very ugly. All the errors have really killed the Cubs.
Hahahaha can we just rename this the Red Sox thread? I'll admit, I haven't been paying as much attention to the Sox as I normally do (and I can mostly thank the Bruins for that), but after their dismal start, I wasn't worried. I knew mid-April was too early to panic. So they lost their first 6 games...**** happens. I can't believe after taking home 6 championships in a decade, some Boston sports fans are still conditioned to expect the worst. Not this guy. I sat there and I said, "I'm not worried about the Sox, they'll be there at the end of the season." And all of a sudden they're a half game out of first. Adrian Gonzalez looks very comfortable in the spotlight, the guy has been straight RAKING all month...and holy **** can he play an amazing first base. Youk is starting to get hot after that slow start. Just wait until Pedroia gets going. Beckett is back in full force and has re-established himself as the staff ace, and I love every bit of it. I love his competitive fire, and the fact that he doesn't put up with any BS. As long as the Bruins are still chugging along, it's tough to devote my full attention to the Sox, but this looks like it'll be a good summer. Bruins this afternoon on the big screen, then Fenway tonight for the Sox...gotta love Boston.
[QUOTE=AJHill;248107] As long as the Bruins are still chugging along, it's tough to devote my full attention to the Sox, but this looks like it'll be a good summer. Bruins this afternoon on the big screen, then Fenway tonight for the Sox...gotta love Boston.[/QUOTE] And the Celtics....oh wait.... Bacchus, still stand by what you said about the Perkins-Jeff Green deal?
[QUOTE=MF41590;248108]Bacchus, still stand by what you said about the Perkins-Jeff Green deal?[/QUOTE] Off topic. This is the baseball thread, heh. ;) Speaking of baseball, the Red Sox are only half a game out of first and have the 3rd best record in the AL!
[url=]Suspect in beating of Giants fan Bryan Stow in custody[/url]
[QUOTE=molds13;248185][url=]Suspect in beating of Giants fan Bryan Stow in custody[/url][/QUOTE] Such a sad case. It is good that they finally have a suspect in custody.
Went to the Mets/Yankee game today, but unfortunately my team fell apart towards the end of the game :(
I love afternoon baseball...
