Thoughts on "Silly Love Songs?"
Overall, I thought this was one of Glee's better episodes this season. I had my problems with it (Finn/Quinn), but I think there was more good to it than bad.
I think my favorite characters on the show right now are Blaine and Lauren Zizes. They both make me smile.
But... I thought Mr. Schue taught Spanish too... they used to show quick scenes of him doing that... or at least mention it. Oh well..
And one day, they will have Jessalyn Gilsig return as a prominent character. I love her. She was so good on the first season!
Mr. Schue does teach spanish, and I liked this episode but really I'm over Finn/Quinn separate and together. Sam is boring but come on, popular or not Finn is not that great. They could have gotten a better looking guy or made the character smart. He's dumb as hell. I wish Sam, Quinn, and Finn would disappear from my screen forever and Kurt would come back to Mckinley.
There's no way you can convince me that every girl is infatuated with Finn. Puck I can see, he's hott, a "bad boy", and sure he's dumb but he's got some charm to him. Finn is just so freakin ridiculous. I mean seriously, praying to grilled cheesus about rachel and football when his stepfather could possibly be dead? Unbelievable that the writers would make him that shallow. I mean I could go on and on about how dumb he is but I don't want to sound like DA.
That aside, Glee is at its best when there are no guest stars. I missed Sue though.
[QUOTE=tjhallow;236244]Mr. Schue does teach spanish, and I liked this episode but really I'm over Finn/Quinn separate and together. Sam is boring but come on, popular or not Finn is not that great. They could have gotten a better looking guy or made the character smart. [B]He's dumb as hell. I wish Sam, Quinn, and Finn would disappear from my screen forever[/B] and Kurt would come back to Mckinley.
There's no way you can convince me that every girl is infatuated with Finn. Puck I can see, he's hott, a "bad boy", and sure he's dumb but he's got some charm to him. Finn is just so freakin ridiculous. I mean seriously, praying to grilled cheesus about rachel and football when his stepfather could possibly be dead? Unbelievable that the writers would make him that shallow. I mean I could go on and on about how dumb he is but I don't want to sound like DA.
That aside, Glee is at its best when there are no guest stars. I missed Sue though.[/QUOTE]
Thank you!!! Finn annoys me, and I'm happy the old Rachel is back, thinking her career is better than Finn. To me, Quinn and Sam (who looks like he wears too much lipstick) are the most annoying characters on the show.
I really like Sue, but her lines last episode (the superbowl episode) were lame, so I hope she comes back with a bang next episode.
Finn and Quinn don't irritate me (other than their names rhyming), but I could do without Sam.
I didn't really like the episode honestly. I'm still getting used to Artie and Brittany as a couple.
Tonight's episode wasn't the best and the song choices weren't that great so I'm hoping the rest of the season gets better. This is what I think so far of the past few episodes...
[QUOTE=tjhallow;236244]... Sam is boring but come on, popular or not Finn is not that great. They could have gotten a better looking guy or made the character smart. He's dumb as hell. I wish Sam, Quinn, and Finn would disappear from my screen forever and Kurt would come back to Mckinley...[/QUOTE]
I am not a Gleek, so I may be wrong, but wasn't Sam originally supposed to be Kurt's gay lover but when that leaked all over the web, they switched up? They may not know what to do with his character yet.
[QUOTE=SeanDaniel;237690]I am not a Gleek, so I may be wrong, but wasn't Sam originally supposed to be Kurt's gay lover but when that leaked all over the web, they switched up? They may not know what to do with his character yet.[/QUOTE]
I figured Blaine was supposed to be Kurt's boyfriend type character. I never heard the thing about Sam, that's really interesting.
After the first season ended, Ryan Murphy announced that they were casting for three characters: A male version of Mercedes, a new girl that would give Rachel a run for her money (Sunshine Corozan played by Charice), and a football player who would turn out to be gay and later be Kurt's boyfriend.
Sam was originally supposed to be that football player, but after the producers saw the chemistry between Chord Overstreet and Diana Agron they changed it so the two could have an on screen relationship.
I'm pretty sure Blaine was created after that.
It is possible that the Sam character will still turn out to be gay I think. I have only seen maybe 5 episodes, but it seems like they are still leaving that door open with some sort of chemistry between Kurt and Sam (like the shower scene about Sam's blond hair and Sam being seemingly disappointed when Kurt dumped him in the duet)
Glee is definitely starting to get pretty old for me. They didn't even try to have a plot this week and the whole "no one showed up to our fundraiser" was complete bs. Do they have no parents? Why didn't teachers go? High school can't be that different now that the glee kids wouldn't be friends with the theater and band kids who would show up to support. If they can get a freaking gospel choir to back Mercedes up they can get an audience.
Just annoying all around. Thank god Paltrow is gone so I don't have to hear her try to sing another Adele song.
[QUOTE=tatertots;244366]Glee is definitely starting to get pretty old for me. They didn't even try to have a plot this week and the whole "no one showed up to our fundraiser" was complete bs. Do they have no parents? Why didn't teachers go? High school can't be that different now that the glee kids wouldn't be friends with the theater and band kids who would show up to support. If they can get a freaking gospel choir to back Mercedes up they can get an audience.
Just annoying all around. Thank god Paltrow is gone so I don't have to hear her try to sing another Adele song.[/QUOTE]
LOL. I am not sure how you suspended your disbelief this long with all the old men and bands that just happened to be in the classroom when the singing starts that aren't there 2 minutes earlier. I am glad that Paltrow is gone but I am sure she will be back eventually. I never like the episodes where they put on a show or at a competition because they tend to be largely plotless, so last nights episode was not uniquely bad to me in that sense.
[QUOTE=tatertots;244366]Glee is definitely starting to get pretty old for me. They didn't even try to have a plot this week and the whole "no one showed up to our fundraiser" was complete bs. Do they have no parents? Why didn't teachers go? High school can't be that different now that the glee kids wouldn't be friends with the theater and band kids who would show up to support. If they can get a freaking gospel choir to back Mercedes up they can get an audience.
Just annoying all around. Thank god Paltrow is gone so I don't have to hear her try to sing another Adele song.[/QUOTE]
I was thinking the same thing. Rachel's gay dads for sure would have been there! Glee is getting old and the plot lines are getting border line ridiculous.
This was the worst episode and it reached Two and a Half Men type status with the lazy writing they threw out this week.
Glee has really been not good for me lately and this might have been my wall to just cut it loose. If it isn't significantly better, either in the character/plot development or in the entertainment factor by next episode I will walk away and not look back. It's turned into a waste of my time and I have plenty of other tv to watch.
Did anyone even laugh once last night? Maybe at the honey badger reference but that was even more of a chuckle then a laugh.
[QUOTE=tatertots;244385]This was the worst episode and it reached Two and a Half Men type status with the lazy writing they threw out this week.
Glee has really been not good for me lately and this might have been my wall to just cut it loose. If it isn't significantly better, either in the character/plot development or in the entertainment factor by next episode I will walk away and not look back. It's turned into a waste of my time and I have plenty of other tv to watch.
Did anyone even laugh once last night? Maybe at the honey badger reference but that was even more of a chuckle then a laugh.[/QUOTE]
I think I laughed maybe 3 times and even then it was just a small chuckle. I laughed at the Santana part when she was going to kick that guys ***. I also giggled when Brittany was acting all "smart" and that even seemed unrealistic for her. That's about it though.
Apparently next week's episode is going to be REALLY amazing being they are doing more Gaga, but if they don't really impress me I'll be disappointed. I'm already over Gaga as it is.
[QUOTE=fabulous788;244386]Apparently next week's episode is going to be REALLY amazing being they are doing more Gaga, but if they don't really impress me I'll be disappointed. I'm already over Gaga as it is.[/QUOTE]
When I realized it was the "Born This Way" episode I automatically tuned out. I've been over Gaga since she came on the scene so she is another thing for me to add to the growing "con" side of the Pro's and Con's list for Glee.
Edit: Ugh. I sound so bitter and angry over this which I shouldn't because it's just Glee and it was never really something to get this emotionally invested in. Lucky for Glee that Tuesdays really have nothing else on or I wouldn't have stuck around this long. It's used mostly as a buffer for Biggest Loser so I can fast forward to the challenges and weigh-ins and skip all the "drama" and product placement.
[QUOTE=fabulous788;244384]I was thinking the same thing. Rachel's gay dads for sure would have been there! Glee is getting old and the plot lines are getting border line ridiculous.[/QUOTE]
IMO, this season didn't get bad until episode 11-ish (the superbowl episode). After that, it became really plain and the sick, dry, sarcastic humor of Sue Sylvester became either non-existent or trying too hard. Also, because of all the talk about the competitions, there is hardly any time left to develop proper story lines about the characters or their relationships with each other.... Basically, they multiplied the singing and performances and divided the plots.
Even the characters' likable personality traits seem to be changed (aka, Mercedes' sassiness, not bossiness, Santana's nonchalant, mean attitude, and well, Kurt's Kurtness).
I personally thought there was a drastic change from episode 10 to the Superbowl episode. And at season 2, it seems rather early for this show to flop. I'd continue watching still though, cuz I hate getting into a new series and trying to play catch up, I'd much prefer to sit it out, so that's the reason I'm still watching.
They have turned Sue into an over-the-top caricature of the former more interesting character. I agree that storylines are not being developed well. Santana finding out about Korofsky was the only plot point this week.
[QUOTE=SeanDaniel;245121]This episode sucked[/QUOTE]
I didn't think that it sucked, but it wasn't anywhere near my favorite. I like that Kurt is back with the Glee club, but he should bring Blaine with him!!! Still not a fan of Gaga and I think they could have made the episode an hour instead of the 90 minutes. There was just too much going on I think.
[QUOTE=fabulous788;245123]I didn't think that it sucked, but it wasn't anywhere near my favorite. I like that Kurt is back with the Glee club, but he should bring Blaine with him!!! Still not a fan of Gaga and I think they could have made the episode an hour instead of the 90 minutes. There was just too much going on I think.[/QUOTE]
El Suckiest of the episodes me es eyeballed. No secret I hate Kurt. The way in which he is brought back is so unrealistic that it sort of negates the whole bullying in the first place part of the series. Yes it could have been an hour--take out the mediocre song choices and it could have been 1/2 hour. Episodes like this one make me think the producers are saying, "Hey, summer is coming and we could use some extra cash so let's cram more songs in so we can sell more Glee records and be even richer when we get back from St. Barts."
[QUOTE=SeanDaniel;245125]El Suckiest of the episodes me es eyeballed. No secret I hate Kurt. The way in which he is brought back is so unrealistic that it sort of negates the whole bullying in the first place part of the series. Yes it could have been an hour--take out the mediocre song choices and it could have been 1/2 hour. Episodes like this one make me think the producers are saying, "Hey, summer is coming and we could use some extra cash so let's cram more songs in so we can sell more Glee records and be even richer when we get back from St. Barts."[/QUOTE]
You are definitely right on the way they brought Kurt back. I didn't like it either, I just like that he's back, although he's far from my favorite character and I'd rather here any other person sing. It seems that they are getting more and more unrealistic as the series goes on and that's what I'm starting to really dislike about the show. I'm ready for something that can actually happen in a high school situation and then I'll be happier.
[QUOTE=fabulous788;245128]You are definitely right on the way they brought Kurt back. I didn't like it either, I just like that he's back, although he's far from my favorite character and I'd rather here any other person sing. It seems that they are getting more and more unrealistic as the series goes on and that's what I'm starting to really dislike about the show. I'm ready for something that can actually happen in a high school situation and then I'll be happier.[/QUOTE]
I know it would be far-fetched, but it would be cool if they created like a dailies site and did more online scenes if they are going to keep flooding the episodes with music. To be honest, I am not even sure who is dating, pursuing, or is enemies with whom anymore.
Chord Overstreet needs a haircut.
Other than that, I am glad this episode actually focused on developing a story (or two) instead of forcing songs into the "story line." I could have done without "Barbara Streisand" or "As if we Never Said Goodbye," but that's because the first one wasn't the Glee Clubbers singing and the second one was Kurt singing... and I am just not a fan of Chris Colfer's singing voice. I like his acting, but him singing doesn't do it for me.
Quinn being a former fat girl was a little weird and out of left field, though. But, I love Lauren Zizes, and any story with her in it is one I'll try to enjoy.
I was REALLY glad they finally gave Emma a story to play with. And the reveal of her OCD shirt was good too. Usually they have some scene with a lot of lines and speaking just to get a point across. Now, it could have been time constraints or something, but the fact that they did a non-verbal reveal was a lot more powerful. Wooo Jayma Mays!
Puck's shirt was brilliant.
This week's episode was hands down way better than the Gaga one in my opinion. I felt as if it were a tad bit more realistic because rumors go around high schools like wild fire. Even if the Sue part was a little unrealistic, it was quite hysterical. I'm just looking forward to to Jesse's return next week :D
[QUOTE=fabulous788;246015]This week's episode was hands down way better than the Gaga one in my opinion. I felt as if it were a tad bit more realistic because rumors go around high schools like wild fire. Even if the Sue part was a little unrealistic, it was quite hysterical. I'm just looking forward to to Jesse's return next week :D[/QUOTE]
Me too on the Jesse point. I like him and I'm tired of seeing Rachel pine over Finn. But I did like the songs on last week's episodes better than this week's (although it wasn't bad this week).
I loved the mucracker, lmao. I like when Sue's antics are funny and over the top trying to get people killed (like the brittany going through the cannon). Loved the songs and I can't figure out why Finn is so appealing. I can't stand Quinn or Finn but Finn is just worse both girls can do better. It's annoying because they make him out to be so desirable but he just comes off so unlikeable sometimes. And Finn and Quinn don't even seem to have a real relationship, I mean can we get through one episode without Rachel being involved in their relationship. It's super annoying. Why do they continue to make Rachel so desperate, clingy, and annoying, its pathetic that this point.