The Real World: Back to Las Vegas

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[QUOTE=icubaby;233752]when are we supposed to get a teaser, trailer, official cast release, anything........?[/QUOTE] That was already answered.. [QUOTE=ishot_JT;232648]The official Real World twitter just tweeted this;you will be seeing promo of #RWVegas by Feb. 7th - meaning that this amazing trailer by @BunimMurray will probably be release around then! [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=kw713;230378]Ok everyone wanted to know the premiere date/time of Real World 25: Las Vegas, right? MARCH 9th, 2011 at 10:00PM - mark your calendars! (from the verified account of @RealWorldMTV on twitter)[/QUOTE]
Hopefully they have multiple interesting commercials and advertise the crap out of it.
[QUOTE=gamer73;233758]Hopefully they have multiple interesting commercials and advertise the crap out of it.[/QUOTE] I know, right. They advertised the crap out of Skins and it sank like the Titanic.
Sorry! I'm behind but thanks for catching me up!
[QUOTE=Clarke;233768]I know, right. They advertised the crap out of Skins and it sank like the Titanic.[/QUOTE] And they are doing the same for Life as Liz which is premiering at 11 on a school night when most of the likely viewers will be in bed. They must only promote shows they think blow. I am hopeful there will be a big Spring Break promo of Vegas.
Wednesday, March 9th at 10:00pm only on @[URL=""]MTV[/URL]! RT @[URL=""]Kat_ilenko[/URL]: @[URL=""]realworldMTV[/URL] when is the new season of real world going to air?! [URL=""] 10:19 PM Jan 26th[/URL] via [URL=""]Echofon[/URL] Air date. From their twitter. :o Sounds so soon. Maybe not.
Yes, been announced here multiple times already...
When does the site usually go up?
[QUOTE=icubaby;233825]When does the site usually go up?[/QUOTE] That would be a question to ask BMP, or @RealWorldMTV if you have a Twitter account. Someone mentioned something about a trailer on or around February 7, so I would guess some time in the next week.
[url=][img][/img][/url] Trailer up Thursday!
Wasn't expect get trailer that soon. And... Can't wait for the new season. Hope cast is wild.
If, for some reason you don't have Internet access: [url=][img][/img][/url]
Anonymous's picture
At least [I]he's[/I] calling it "Back to" Las Vegas. Hee!
I am afraid they are going to peak interest too soon starting to run the previews a month out. I would rather they waited an extra week before pushing it out there with maybe 10 days of high rotation promotion leading up to the premiere.
Anonymous's picture
Article about the season...with an official picture of the cast: [url=]MTV’s Real World finds a home in Vegas for the second time | Las Vegas Blogs[/url]
I actually like the looks fo this cast alot.
Sounds like a little bit of an odd question, but has the RW had three non-whites in one season before? Not being critical. It seems to typically have only 1 or 2 ethnic minorities, and I was just wondering if this made it a different season on those grounds.
[QUOTE=SeanDaniel;234383]Sounds like a little bit of an odd question, but has the RW had three non-whites in one season before? Not being critical. It seems to typically have only 1 or 2 ethnic minorities, and I was just wondering if this made it a different season on those grounds.[/QUOTE] Off the top of my head: NOLA had Sahar, Eric, and Preston. Cancun had Derek, Jasmine, and Ayiiia. Hollywood had Will, Nick, Brittini, Brianna, and that one d-bag. Denver had Stephen, Tyrie, and Jenn. The first Vegas had Irulan, Alton, and Arissa.
Okay scratch that one. Other than Dustin's past career choices, I am still trying to gather what is supposed to be so different about this season than other seasons.
[QUOTE=SeanDaniel;234390]Okay scratch that one. Other than Dustin's past career choices, I am still trying to gather what is supposed to be so different about this season than other seasons.[/QUOTE] wait for the trailer and you may be surprised
I'll be uploading the trailer to YouTube in HD quality so no need to go out of your way to see it.
Trailer is up at this site: [url=,,20463549,00.html]Real World Las Vegas Cast :[/url] Not great quality though.
[QUOTE=TheVegas;234549]Trailer is up at this site: [url=,,20463549,00.html]Real World Las Vegas Cast :[/url] Not great quality though.[/QUOTE] Thanks for the heads up but it already has it's own thread [URL=""]here[/URL]. ;)
[QUOTE=tatertots;234550]Thanks for the heads up but it already has it's own thread [URL=""]here[/URL]. ;)[/QUOTE] My bad! I even checked to see if it was up already...right when I posted it and updated Vevmo's homepage, I saw a thread was made for it. Must have gotten that in a few seconds before me.
[QUOTE=TheVegas;234555]My bad! I even checked to see if it was up already...right when I posted it and updated Vevmo's homepage, I saw a thread was made for it. Must have gotten that in a few seconds before me.[/QUOTE] No worries, it happens to the best of us.
[QUOTE=ILoveRW;234508]wait for the trailer and you may be surprised[/QUOTE] I wasn't. I'll still give it a chance, but as I expected, Adam and Dustin seem like the only two unique characters.
[QUOTE=SeanDaniel;234572]I wasn't. I'll still give it a chance, but as I expected, Adam and Dustin seem like the only two unique characters.[/QUOTE] Same with you. I wasn't surprised at all. I just hope this season can increase the ratings
[QUOTE=SPK713;234574]Same with you. I wasn't surprised at all. I just hope this season can increase the ratings[/QUOTE] I suspect that publicity surrounding Dustin around the premiere will increase ratings for at least a few episodes.
[QUOTE=SeanDaniel;234576]I suspect that publicity surrounding Dustin around the premiere will increase ratings for at least a few episodes.[/QUOTE] Didn't that already ware off though? That was a pretty big thing a while ago.
[QUOTE=SPK713;234578]Didn't that already ware off though? That was a pretty big thing a while ago.[/QUOTE] I suspect that the bulk of the viewers do not read spoiler threads or Perez Hilton this far out. I suspect once the media day stuff starts rolling out around the premiere, people will start paying more attention. If MTV is lucky, someone like Bill O'Reilly will go off on this choice and what kind of example is this, etc etc and really get some new viewers in, and the crowd who would support that will respond in support and Real World gets renewed. This is a storyline that I think will get some mainstream media coverage before its over :)
