Survivor: Generic Thread (No Spoilers)

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If I was to put down a game resume of two players, but without names and one would represent Russell's play and the other Natalie's play and I said this was from season 22 - 100% of people here that are aficionados of the game would say that Russell's resume is the one that "deserved" to win that season. It would be an utter landslide. The problem is that viewers are just as clouded as the jury on Samoa. They don't like Russell and thus "Natalie deserved to win." No real reason, other than they don't like Russell and thus you start hearing creative phrases like Social game, Jury Management and loose renditions of the facts like, "There was that one thing Natalie did on day one for 5 minutes that makes up for her being Russell's lapdog for the other 38.99 days..." Any objective observer knows Russell dominated Samoa. There is no question as these are the facts. The only ambiguity comes from an "excuse system" that attempts to will Natalie into actually being a good player. She was not...
When I heard that Natalie won I had completely forgotten that she was even on the show. Heck I thought of Mick and Jaison before I thought of her.
I don't think I even said anywhere in my post that Russell didn't deserve to win...
[QUOTE=Lamb Chop!!!;228818]I don't think I even said anywhere in my post that Russell didn't deserve to win...[/QUOTE] I don't think I even said anywhere in my post that I was referring directly to you. :D
I think if you lost Survivor you deserved to lose. However if you win Survivor you might have gotten lucky. (Natalie, Bob). Russell deserved to lose by ******* off the jury too much.
[QUOTE=SurferZ;228838]I think if you lost Survivor you deserved to lose. [/QUOTE] I think when people speak in absolutes, they are absolutely wrong...
[QUOTE=Bacchus;228840]I think when people speak in absolutes, they are absolutely wrong...[/QUOTE] Ok...I think that you have the same delusional mentality that Russell had at the S20 finale. That he was right and the game was wrong. He knew what the game was went he went in. You need to get the jury votes to win. He's gotten 2 votes out of a possible 18. The problem is Russell, not Survivor.
[QUOTE=SurferZ;228841]Ok...I think that you have the same delusional mentality that Russell had at the S20 finale.[/QUOTE] No, I was just making an ironic quip poking fun at the fact that your "opinion" takes a multifaceted issue and turns it into one that can only be viewed as black and white. [I]"If X happens Y is always true. There is no need for further discussion." - Sincerely SurferZ.[/I] Let's try out this formula in a hypothetical fashion for a mystery Heroes vs. Villains season 20.5: There are 3 remaining Survivors. They are Russell, Parvati and Sandra. They are walking to the FTC and a lightning strikes causing a tree to fall on Sandra's head, killing her instantly. Jeff says the show must go on... The jury votes and Parvati wins. Did Sandra [I]deserve[/I] to lose (following your logic?)
I understand your comment. You are right that injuries, deaths, emergencies, or foul play causing someone to lose go against my statement. My choice of words were wrong. I stand by my point that Russell deserved to lose.
[QUOTE=SurferZ;228846]I stand by my point that Russell deserved to lose.[/QUOTE] Oh gosh, there must be some sort of wordsmith wrangling technicality I can abuse to manuever you back into this engaging discussion so that you might finally see the light! I would hate for this thread's most lively conversation derivative to end on this somber, terminative note. :wink2:
[QUOTE=Bacchus;228848]Oh gosh, there must be some sort of wordsmith wrangling technicality I can abuse to manuever you back into this engaging discussion so that you might finally see the light! I would hate for this thread's most lively conversation derivative to end on this somber, [B][FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="6"]terminative[/SIZE][/FONT][/B] note. :wink2:[/QUOTE] Language is such a gift... That is a worthy Christmas present. Thanks, B! [CENTER] :laugh3: :laugh3: :laugh3: :laugh3: :laugh3: :laugh3: :laugh3: :laugh3: :laugh3: :laugh3: :laugh3: :laugh3: :laugh3: :laugh3: :laugh3: :laugh3: :laugh3: :laugh3:[/CENTER]
I've always wondered if when Jenna Morasca quit on All Stars did she get to go home or did she have to go on the vacation with the other pre-jury vote offs. Does anyone know?
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;229940]I've always wondered if when Jenna Morasca quit on All Stars did she get to go home or did she have to go on the vacation with the other pre-jury vote offs. Does anyone know?[/QUOTE] I would assume that she got to go home because her mom was battling cancer and at the end of the episode it said her mother died 8 days after she returned home.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;228737]Any objective observer knows Russell dominated Samoa. There is no question as these are the facts.[/QUOTE]But nobody who only watched the show can be an objective observer. He dominated the airtime, sure, but what purpose did season 19 serve other than to be a fourteen week commercial for season 20? Russell was just their perennial cartoon character. The powers that be are way beyond the point of presenting the show in any sort of neutral way and letting the viewers make up their own mind. Now it's dumbed down and far too focused on shoving the way we are "supposed" to feel down our throat. I can agree that the season 19 cast was largely boring and necessitated the Russell-overload we got. I can also agree that Natalie was an underwhelming winner and can't point to anything definingly great she did. But I don't think one can be objective about Russell.
Anonymous's picture
Here's a fun fact; The survivor theme song "Ancient Voices" is based off of the Russian folk song "I'll Go and Go Out" or "Пойду выйду на улицу" Check it out here: [url=]??????? mp3 ????? ????? ?? ?????. ????????, ??????? ? ????????? ?????????? ?????? ?????? - ????? ????? ?? ?????[/url] Composer RussLandau has two videos on his YouTube account showing the making and translation of the Survivor theme in Kenya and China. Anyone have a favorite opening sequence?
[QUOTE=ssseeeaaann;229992]But nobody who only watched the show can be an objective observer. He dominated the airtime, sure, but what purpose did season 19 serve other than to be a fourteen week commercial for season 20? Russell was just their perennial cartoon character. The powers that be are way beyond the point of presenting the show in any sort of neutral way and letting the viewers make up their own mind. Now it's dumbed down and far too focused on shoving the way we are "supposed" to feel down our throat. I can agree that the season 19 cast was largely boring and necessitated the Russell-overload we got. I can also agree that Natalie was an underwhelming winner and can't point to anything definingly great she did. But I don't think one can be objective about Russell.[/QUOTE] Completely agree. When I first met him after season 19, I realized that I had both a clear perception of him and and a certain expectation as well. What I can be objective about is his behavior when I've seen him and from that I've drawn a clear conclusion for myself. Smarmy exterior and duplicitous to his core. That said, he is fun to be around, especially when Sugar makes fun of him.
[QUOTE=ssseeeaaann;229992]But I don't think one can be objective about Russell.[/QUOTE] What? I am a "journalist!" I am completely objective about Russell. ;)
[QUOTE=Bacchus;230662]What? I am a "journalist!" I am completely objective about Russell. [/QUOTE] You must qualify to work for Fox News!
[QUOTE=V1man;230665]You must qualify to work for Fox News![/QUOTE] I was "in like Flint" at Fox, until they saw my facebook. This is a lesson to all the job seekers out there, don't post what you [I]really[/I] think via social networks - it will come back to bite you.
S22 cast is released on CBS's website.
[QUOTE=SurferZ;231217]S22 cast is released on CBS's website.[/QUOTE] Initial reaction? This cast sucks.
[QUOTE=molds13;231244]Initial reaction? This cast sucks.[/QUOTE] Glad I wasn't the only one thinking that.
[QUOTE=molds13;231244]Initial reaction? This cast sucks.[/QUOTE] I haven't watched their videos yet but it doesn't look good to me either. Ralph might be the only applicant.
I had high expectations for this cast and so far it's looking like I may be disappointed. I'm hoping they can shock me like the fans vs favs cast did...
My concern w/ this cast is this: they had to cast 36 people to be on the show last summer. The season 21 cast had to stand on its own so they probably decided to put those with the strongest potential on season 21 -- and they were mostly duds. And they leave the 16 "leftovers" to season 22 and hope that the "surprise guests" can carry the show. I myself have had more than enough of our mystery castaways, so I'm hoping for something good from the other 16, but I'm not really counting on it.
[QUOTE=molds13;231244]Initial reaction? This cast sucks.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=ssseeeaaann;231253]My concern w/ this cast is this: they had to cast 36 people to be on the show last summer. The season 21 cast had to stand on its own so they probably decided to put those with the strongest potential on season 21 -- and they were mostly duds. And they leave the 16 "leftovers" to season 22 and hope that the "surprise guests" can carry the show. I myself have had more than enough of our mystery castaways, so I'm hoping for something good from the other 16, but I'm not really counting on it.[/QUOTE] As boring as last season was, which I went into with high expectations, I'm going into this season with really low expectations. So hopefully I won't be disappointed, but just from the format I was bummed, so who knows.
So apparently Colby Donaldson (Australian Outback) hosts a show on the History Channel called Top Shot. It returns for season 2 (?) tonight at 10pm. [url=]YouTube - Top Shot: Sneak Peak[/url] [url=][via][/url]
Why couldn't this be the next Survivor Season? [url=]YouTube - Survivor - Ultimate Catastrophe Edition[/url]
I was wondering what some of the fan favorites of the last couple of seasons?
[QUOTE=Npresh24;237142]I was wondering what some of the fan favorites of the last couple of seasons?[/QUOTE] China-James Micronesia-I think it was James again. Gabon-i don't remember Tocantins-JT Samoa-Russel HvV-Supposedly Russel Nicaragua-Jane <3
