Real World: New Orleans - Episode 4

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Real World: New Orleans - Episode 4
Preston and Ashlee protect McKenzie from making a huge mistake. The escalation of animosity between Ryan and Preston surprises everyone (but me and my Vevmo friends.) The roommates worry about McKenzie (as do we all.)
Hahahahaha. Great episode description, as always ;)
I have to get this in before it closes but why is teen mom showing during the 8 o clock rerun block? missed out on episode 3 and fear i have to succomb to the Interwebs. Also loving how you have both your synopsis and the Direct Tv one. awesome as always, B.
Oh, posh.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=Old Friend;192508]I have to get this in before it closes but why is teen mom showing during the 8 o clock rerun block? missed out on episode 3 and fear i have to succomb to the Interwebs. Also loving how you have both your synopsis and the Direct Tv one. awesome as always, B.[/QUOTE] Because teen mom gets better ratings than the real world.
Anonymous's picture
She's only excited about The Super Bowl because it's going to be a non stop party? Oh, Jemmye.
I am not going to share my thoughts about Jemmye. Just look into my mind. LOOOOOOOOOOOOK DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP. What do you see? Yes, that is what I think...
Hey MTV. Thanks for showing us Ryan's balls. Repeatedly.
[QUOTE=molds13;192522]Hey MTV. Thanks for showing us Ryan's balls. Repeatedly.[/QUOTE] I will now wait 24 hours before attempting to eat again.
I love how she, "just found a radio station." And, bang! Job! If only it was that easy, without MTV behind you...
Knight made me laugh so hard. lol. Knight is hilarious.
Anonymous's picture
The "Barchus" parade. LMAO!!
If the Barkus parade is the biggest day of your life...
I'm just laughing at Eric playing with the lights in the car during this entire conversation.
Anonymous's picture
Ryan sucks at life.
"I'm just gonna buy vodka for everybody" Hahah, I like Jemmye's way to settle tension.
I am in the minority but I like Ryan even if he is over the top and dramatic. Eric is probably my favorite guy in the house. I don't really like Preston. But I almost always like the opposite of everyone else. :/
Wow Ryan.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=muffins621;192532]I am in the minority but I like Ryan even if he is over the top and dramatic. Eric is probably my favorite guy in the house. I don't really like Preston. But I almost always like the opposite of everyone else. :/[/QUOTE] He just called Preston a ***.
[QUOTE=molds13;192529]I'm just laughing at Eric playing with the lights in the car during this entire conversation.[/QUOTE] Haha, yeah I noticed that too. It was funny.
I hope they weren't arguing that loudly when McKenzie was actually ordering their food at McDonald's. Drive-thru intercoms are already a ***** without everyone in the car yelling.
[QUOTE=muffins621;192532]I am in the minority but I like Ryan even if he is over the top and dramatic. Eric is probably my favorite guy in the house. I don't really like Preston. But I almost always like the opposite of everyone else. :/[/QUOTE] You like Ryan even though he makes disparaging, homophobic comments?
[QUOTE=muffins621;192532]I am in the minority but I like Ryan even if he is over the top and dramatic. Eric is probably my favorite guy in the house. I don't really like Preston. But I almost always like the opposite of everyone else. :/[/QUOTE] Can I ask why you like him. "He is real" is not an acceptable answer.
[QUOTE=Insider;192535]He just called Preston a ***.[/QUOTE] I know, and that isn't cool. But maybe it was out of anger. Who knows? He seems like he has an unstable personality, but something about Preston rubs me the wrong way. I can see Ryan's faults and I don't think he's perfect but I don't dislike him.
[QUOTE=muffins621;192543]I know, and that isn't cool. But maybe it was out of anger. Who knows? He seems like he has an unstable personality, but something about Preston rubs me the wrong way. I can see Ryan's faults and I don't think he's perfect but I don't dislike him.[/QUOTE] I've been angry before too, but have never stooped low enough to call someone those names.
[QUOTE=muffins621;192543]I know, and that isn't cool. But maybe it was out of anger. Who knows? He seems like he has an unstable personality, but something about Preston rubs me the wrong way. I can see Ryan's faults and I don't think he's perfect but I don't dislike him.[/QUOTE] I agree with comment, even tho i probably shouldnt be, I'm a fan of Ryan
Anonymous's picture
Exactly, Preston. Ryan is not comfortable with himself and he goes about expressing it in a way that makes him appear more pathetic than ever.
[QUOTE=morris614;192541]Can I ask why you like him. "He is real" is not an acceptable answer.[/QUOTE] I wouldn't say "he is real" so I don't know why you would assume that. I think he has moments when he can be cool, and maybe its because my cousin is also named Ryan and does hair (although his personality is more like Knight's or Eric's than Ryan's). Also, sometimes it seems like Preston tries to press Ryan's buttons. Preston annoys me more than Ryan does. But hey, that's me and I can see why people wouldn't like Ryan. He is dramatic and over the top, but for some reason I like him. Although, it is rare for me to not like anybody so that could also be it.
Anonymous's picture
LOL this season keeps getting better and better. Ryan is hilariously insecure smh. Can Sahar get some time please :-/.
Anonymous's picture
Why did they kick Preston out?
