Real World: New Orleans - Episode 4

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Honestly, this **** with Ryan and Preston has gotten so out of hand. I do have to say though, I'm surprised so many people are defending Preston as if his actions are comparably better to Ryan's. In my opinion, they are equally wrong. My main issue with Preston is that hes breaking the one rule I feel very strongly about: It is never your place to judge a persons' sexuality. If they say they are straight, who the hell are you to say they are gay or bi? YOU don't know that for a fact. You may think you have fantastic gay-dar and are the best psycho-analyst going, but you are not in that persons head and don't know **** about what their sexuality may be. Even if Ryan was bringing home guys, Preston STILL would have no right to call him gay or bi because what you do sexually with someone doesnt necessarily determine their sexuality. People define their own sexuality. The second Preston set eyes on Ryan, he was hoping in his mind that he was gay, because he was attracted to him. I kinda feel like Preston was a little peeved that his gay-dar was off on Ryan, and thus he started throwing around the 'Oh well I don't think youre straight!' bull****. And even if its clever editing, it seems like there has been far too many occasions where Ryan is being accused of being gay, and I honestly do not blame him at all for being upset/angry/offended by any of it. I don't think Ryan handles his battles well at all, and I do think Ryan is wrong to be throwing the f word around like, in such a vicious manner. But I down-right do not like Preston, because in my eyes, hes an antagonistic individual who thinks he knows a bit more than he does. He is causing equal amounts of drama in that house as Ryan with the way he provokes arguments, and I think its really silly that so many people are siding with him when we should be looking at this as both parties are extremely wrong (and being extremely childish).
[QUOTE=T0714;193205]Is it true that if you get stung by a jellyfish, it's best to have someone pee on it to relieve the pain or w/e? And I totally remember that incident on BB2. That dirty broad Shannon cleaned the inside of the toilet w/ that sexy ********* Hardy's toothbrush :p[/QUOTE] Peeing on a jellyfish sting is a myth. But, because we THINK it's true, the brain plays tricks and tells the body it's true. Believing in something is 50% the cure.
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[QUOTE=CrazyRealityGuy;193225]Peeing on a jellyfish sting is a myth. But, because we THINK it's true, the brain plays tricks and tells the body it's true. [B]Believing in something is 50% the cure.[/B][/QUOTE] How interesting is that? Very interesting, IMO :p I want to know more ;)
[QUOTE=T0714;193239]How interesting is that? Very interesting, IMO :p I want to know more ;)[/QUOTE] It has to do with the mind. In college I took a lot of courses, scientific and not, which discusses this. I guess you could call it a phenominon. Just like pain or stegnth, the mind wills it and you can feel no pain, or if a child gets stuck under a car a mother can pick it up. All these things are factual.
I think it's funny that everyone is dogging on Preston for all these things we've NEVER actually saw him do. I'm not saying he didn't do it either but dang! Ryan is so gullible you could tell him anything and he'd believe it and take it farther than it ever needed to go. If Ryan would just ignore Preston half the time, Preston would probably stop giving him so much ***!
[QUOTE=MissSassy;193303] If Ryan would just ignore Preston half the time, Preston would probably stop giving him so much sh*t![/QUOTE] In that staircase fight, Ryan was essentially ignoring Preston and he kept going on, and on and on, because he was annoyed he wasn't getting a rise out of him. Yeah, Ryan did eventually fall for it, but how much more mature is Preston acting when hes deliberately looking for a fight?
[QUOTE=Cristina;193864]In that staircase fight, Ryan was essentially ignoring Preston and he kept going on, and on and on, because he was annoyed he wasn't getting a rise out of him. [B]Yeah, Ryan did eventually fall for it, but how much more mature is Preston acting when hes deliberately looking for a fight?[/B][/QUOTE] It seemed to me that Preston was attempting to ask Ryan if he ever planned on doing the dishes after Mckenzie asked him and he responded in a rather immature way. However, I will say that after Ryan and Preston walked away the first time, Preston should not have gone back up the stairs to further it with Ryan. Oh well. For all we know something could have happened in between that break that wasn't shown.
[QUOTE=Cristina;193213]Honestly, this **** with Ryan and Preston has gotten so out of hand. I do have to say though, I'm surprised so many people are defending Preston as if his actions are comparably better to Ryan's. In my opinion, they are equally wrong. My main issue with Preston is that hes breaking the one rule I feel very strongly about: It is never your place to judge a persons' sexuality. If they say they are straight, who the hell are you to say they are gay or bi? YOU don't know that for a fact. You may think you have fantastic gay-dar and are the best psycho-analyst going, but you are not in that persons head and don't know **** about what their sexuality may be. Even if Ryan was bringing home guys, Preston STILL would have no right to call him gay or bi because what you do sexually with someone doesnt necessarily determine their sexuality. People define their own sexuality. The second Preston set eyes on Ryan, he was hoping in his mind that he was gay, because he was attracted to him. I kinda feel like Preston was a little peeved that his gay-dar was off on Ryan, and thus he started throwing around the 'Oh well I don't think youre straight!' bull****. And even if its clever editing, it seems like there has been far too many occasions where Ryan is being accused of being gay, and I honestly do not blame him at all for being upset/angry/offended by any of it. I don't think Ryan handles his battles well at all, and I do think Ryan is wrong to be throwing the f word around like, in such a vicious manner. But I down-right do not like Preston, because in my eyes, hes an antagonistic individual who thinks he knows a bit more than he does. He is causing equal amounts of drama in that house as Ryan with the way he provokes arguments, and I think its really silly that so many people are siding with him when we should be looking at this as both parties are extremely wrong (and being extremely childish).[/QUOTE] I like Preston...still...but I agree with you.
[QUOTE=andreww.1993;193898]It seemed to me that Preston was attempting to ask Ryan if he ever planned on doing the dishes after Mckenzie asked him and he responded in a rather immature way. However, I will say that after Ryan and Preston walked away the first time, Preston should not have gone back up the stairs to further it with Ryan. Oh well. For all we know something could have happened in between that break that wasn't shown.[/QUOTE] Yeah, I have a feeling that theres some serious editing going on to make this all look so much more ridiculous than it is, haha (but thats MTV and the RW for ya, huh?). The reunion is gonna be interesting, to say the least.
[QUOTE=Cristina;194163]Yeah, I have a feeling that theres some serious editing going on to make this all look so much more ridiculous than it is, haha (but thats MTV and the RW for ya, huh?). The reunion is gonna be interesting, to say the least.[/QUOTE] Yea if they get the right host for the reunion, if not it will definitley be boring.
Has anyone noticed that this episode is missing from the MTV site? Could it be copyright issues with the Superbowl?
If you want to the episode I have it in HD on my computer. PM me and I could find a way to send it to you.
I noticed it disappeared after all the drama came up about the use of the f-word by ryan/preston in the car, but I don't know if that's the reason
