Lindsay Lohan

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[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;120934]I feel bad for her because she has no sense of reality. I really want her to get her *** together because it would be heart breaking to see her end up like Anna Nicole. [B]Lindsay is so talented[/B] and I only hope that she can pick herself up. She probibaly doesn't have anyone that will really help her without wanting anything in return. She just needs to have someone love her and get her help because obviously rehab isn't enough. Her problems go deeper than just addiction, she needs psychological help. I wish her the best.[/QUOTE] More like Lindsay [I]was[/I] so talented...I haven't heard anything good from her in a while. Just letting it go to waste...
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;120934]I feel bad for her because she has no sense of reality. I really want her to get her *** together because it would be heart breaking to see her end up like Anna Nicole. Lindsay is so talented and I only hope that she can pick herself up. [B]She probibaly doesn't have anyone that will really help her without wanting anything in return.[/B] She just needs to have someone love her and get her help because obviously rehab isn't enough. Her problems go deeper than just addiction, she needs psychological help. I wish her the best.[/QUOTE] That's one of the saddest things about some of these celebrities. Sometimes even their families are so wrapped up in the life that they don't look out for the best interest for their celebrity family member. Or sometimes the hired help is dividing the family and the star. Or something it's just the celebrity is too stubborn and gets rid of the people who won't let them do what they want to. Her family life was obviously messy from when she was a child. I wonder if there is anyone who cares enough to try to get Lindsay focused on something else - get her into a positive activity. Perhaps working with a charity or something. Just something to get her away from her destructive habits. I know rehab has been tried, and I hope someday she will completely clean up her self. But that doesn't seem to be something she is into right now, and I'm just wondering what else might help her. It will ultimately have to come from within her to want to get herself right, though.
So when will she hit bottom? [url=][img][/img][/url]
About a year ago....
This picture still gets to me... She was going to be such a star. I was such a fan. [url=][img][/img][/url]
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;163542]About a year ago....[/QUOTE] Clearly she is not at bottom yet...
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=Bacchus;163543]This picture still gets to me... [/QUOTE] Gah! The comparison is shocking, and sad.
The comparison picture is depressing. The left she's cute and innocent and on the right it looks like she's playing a witch in a movie; although we know she isn't since no director would take her.
I gotta say I found the dating video hysterical and I'm glad she has a sense of humor about it all. Conversely, she needs people who will deny her certain things and provide structure to her life. Reportedly Dr. Drew offered her a chance for rehab either on TV with his show or not and she turned it down. She has tremendous talent and even Jane Fonda has made the public statement that wants her to correct herself. Unfortunately, Lindsay is hampered by her parents interference and her need to stay in the public eye. You know it is an addiction to being seen when you call the paparazzi ahead of time to tell them where you will be so they can get pictures of you. She has several addictions including publicity, drugs, alcohol, and the need to party. That picture of her is so startling. She actually has hips on the left side of the picture and she seems to have lost them now. While her breasts are real, her skin is stretched so tight from all the weight fluctuations do to drugs. She really needs to just go away for a year, rewire her brain, get 3 square meals a day, work with her hands, rest, and do some performing as a hobby around the house in some state that does not feature heavily into the entertainment business.
Anonymous's picture
I completely forgot how beautiful she used to be. It's a shame that her illness has overshadowed and almost completely erased anything positive she's ever done. I pray that she's not the next young celebrity found dead someplace.
It is a shame ... and her parents, particularly her mother, are to blame for a sizable amount of it.
Anyone been keeping up with Lindsay lately? Gun photo, suspect in Rolex watch theft, going to jail, out all night drinking, etc, etc? [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] I think jail would be the best thing for her at this point. Then she'd be scared straight and forced clean (if the sentence is long enough.)
[url=]YouTube - Lindsay Lohan - Confessions Of A Broken Heart (Daughter To Father)[/url] I absolutely adore this song by her. The first time I heard it and watched the video I was in tears. I can definitely relate to it. Its so sad to see her in the state shes in now. :(
[QUOTE=blanky667;172534] I absolutely adore this song by her. The first time I heard it and watched the video I was in tears. I can definitely relate to it. Its so sad to see her in the state shes in now. :([/QUOTE] That's funny, I'm in tears pretty much every time I hear Lindsay Lohan.
It's so sad. She can sing, she can act. Poor girl.
God, she is a ******* mess! Just a bony freckle-faced hag at this point. She needs to go to jail, sever ties with her nutso family, check into rehab, find a surgeon to fix that fifty-year-old methface she's rocking, and salvage what's left of her career. Of course, given her track record of good decisions, she'll probably end up ODing in an alley somewhere within the next five years.
[QUOTE=Zereaux;172564]God, she is a ******* mess! Just a bony freckle-faced hag at this point. She needs to go to jail, sever ties with her nutso family, check into rehab, find a surgeon to fix that fifty-year-old methface she's rocking, and salvage what's left of her career. Of course, given her track record of good decisions, she'll probably end up ODing in an alley somewhere within the next five years.[/QUOTE] Damn thats pretty harsh but sadly it's probably true. She needs to get clean. But i dont think she is going to go to rehab, so a long jail term is the only way it will happen.
[QUOTE=Zereaux;172564]Find a surgeon to fix that fifty-year-old methface she's rocking, and salvage what's left of her career.[/QUOTE] I showed the picture above to my mom and she didn't recognize her from Parent Trap (I think the only Lindsay film she had seen) and I asked her how old she was...and my mom guessed 39. Close to her "real age" I guess. I have said this before in this thread, but it really does sadden me to see a girl with so much talent fall so far and so fast. She could have been an A-list movie star and instead is the female version of Tom Sizemore, except without his track record and ready to die 20 years earlier. BTW: I loved him in Black Hawk Down and Saving Private Ryan. I couldn't see those movies without him. Anyway, Lindsay NEEDS jail and at least 6 months. Hopefully the judge makes her finish her entire probation behind bars. That is her only chance of recovery at this point, as she doesn't think she has a problem and yet has aged 20 years in the last 3...
Tom has been looking good on Sober House. I report surfaced in the past 18 months that Dr. Drew offered to even cover the costs of Lindsey Lohan's rehab at the Pasadena Recovery Center and if she wanted to she could appear on Celeb Rehab. She turned it down.
I'd like to say I'm surprised, but I'm not. [url=]Judge revokes Lohan's probation, issues arrest warrant -[/url]
She'll be like Polanski...stuck in Europe or arrested upon return. She did this entirely to herself.
She's welcome to come hide out at my house :devil2:
[QUOTE]TMZ has learned[B] Lindsay Lohan[/B] will not be arrested, because she has already posted bail and the arrest warrant has been recalled.[LEFT][COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR][/LEFT] Earlier today the judge set the bail at $100,000. We're told Lindsay's people promptly plunked down $10,000 (the standard 10%) to secure the bond and the judge then recalled the warrant -- meaning Lindsay will not be arrested when she returns to the U.S. We're told Lindsay and her lawyer, [B]Shawn Chapman Holley[/B], will be in court on Monday at 8:30 AM. The judge will then set a date for a probation violation hearing. [B]Judge Marsha Revel[/B] said this morning there was probable cause to believe Lindsay has violated the terms of her probation.[/QUOTE] [URL=""][via][/URL] Sooo...forgive me if I'm mistaken, but if one's passport is lost, doesn't it normally take quite a while to get necessary documents for one to get back into their home country? So how is she going to be back in the US by Monday morning? Oh wait. She probably never lost her passport in the first place. What was I was thinking?
She's looking quite healthy at least [url=]Lindsay Lohan faces unhappy judge Monday -[/url]
Wow,it is so sad how this girl has changed over time.
Well, she made it longer than I thought she would. [url=]Attorney: Lohan posts bail -[/url]
[QUOTE=molds13;183966]Well, she made it longer than I thought she would. [/QUOTE] Booo! Hold her without bail! For years! (Seriously, she needs that kind of love.)
Oh Lindsay...when will you learn? This was my favorite and sadly totally true comment about her sparkly pantsuit from the MTV Movie Awards. [QUOTE]Face it. If she didn't have such a recognizable face, wouldn't you assume this was a **** actress at the Adult Video Awards? [/QUOTE] [url=][img][/img][/url]
Well she is playing Linda Lovelace in an upcoming film so the comparison is solid.
