Real World DC: Ep. 7 - Discussion

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[QUOTE=Buck05;155482]No, it doesn't excuse it. But does it mean it can't ever be forgiven? [dangit I swore I'd stop posting about this subject][/QUOTE] I never said it didn't, but the way people keep marginalizing it is sickening. A lot of the excuses that keep being posted use her so-called depression as a way to justify her behavior, but is it even certain that she actually had depression? Erika obviously doesn't have the best track record when it comes to telling the truth.
There will always be those that judge, those that forgive, those that hold a grudge, and those that forget. That's all I have left to say as I make my exit.
[QUOTE=Zereaux;155485]I never said it didn't, but the way people keep marginalizing it is sickening. A lot of the excuses that keep being posted use her so-called depression as a way to justify her behavior, [B]but is it even certain that she actually had depression? Erika obviously doesn't have the best track record when it comes to telling the truth.[/B][/QUOTE] I've never said that what she did was not terrible. I think it was a very awful thing to do. But I honestly have no anger towards her. I can tell she was in a rough place. When someone is very unstable and sick (lets say alcoholism for example), that person tends to say and do things they would NOT do if they were in their right mind. I don't think it's fair to judge that person for the rest of their lives if they show regret and attempt to move forward from that and be a stronger person. I can only respect that. I think when someone goes [I]that[/I] far for attention there has to be something unstable upstairs. I don't think she could make that up.
[QUOTE=Buck05;155490] I don't think it's fair to judge that person for the rest of their lives if they show regret and attempt to move forward from that and be a stronger person. I can only respect that. [/QUOTE] I doubt anyone here is going to judge her for the rest of her life. I'll probably completely forget about her in about 6 months. Yes, it's an incident that occurred 2 years or so ago...but when she signed up for this show, she should have known that it was probably, in one way or another, going to be brought up again. When the issue of her having cancer was first brought up, it was in the limelight for a while, then slowly died away. Now that it's been shown on television that she lied to get attention, it brings the issue back up to the forefront. It'll go away eventually. But I'm sure there are some people who know her personally who will never forgive or forget what she did.
[QUOTE=molds13;155492]I doubt anyone here is going to judge her for the rest of her life. I'll probably completely forget about her in about 6 months. Yes, it's an incident that occurred 2 years or so ago...but when she signed up for this show, she should have known that it was probably, in one way or another, going to be brought up again. When the issue of her having cancer was first brought up, it was in the limelight for a while, then slowly died away. Now that it's been shown on television that she lied to get attention, it brings the issue back up to the forefront. It'll go away eventually. But I'm sure there are some people who know her personally who will never forgive or forget what she did.[/QUOTE] That's a fair argument.
[QUOTE=Buck05;155495]That's a fair argument.[/QUOTE] Thanks, I like to end things on a good note :)
Atleast the new topic is building up the pages of this thread to make the show look better !!
[QUOTE=molds13;155498]Thanks, I like to end things on a good note :)[/QUOTE] Me too :)
[QUOTE=Buck05;155490]I think when someone goes [I]that[/I] far for attention there has to be something unstable upstairs. I don't think she could make that up.[/QUOTE] I do think there is something wrong with her, but I don't know if she is being honest about having depression and being treated for it. On tonight's episode, she did not act like any healthy, sane person I've seen before, and it could very well be that saying she had depression was just another way for her to get sympathy and attention without admitting that she is bat**** crazy.
I can't wait to see what happens to Andrew. I think Ty pushes him off the ledge. LMAO. I know that shouldn't be funny, but it is. Andrew is such a joke.
Pretending to have cancer certainly is a character flaw, but I can forgive it esp. during someones high school years. I am assuming she didn't fully understand the ramifications for what she was doing. Frankly, I'd rather forgive someone for faking cancer in highschool than spending four years terrorizing smaller weaker kids. So in my book, she's above a bully. Maybe that makes no sense but I think it needs to be looked at in the scope of all things highschool. For me, Callie is the only female on the show I like. I think Ashley and Erica are both truly oversensitive, annoying and immature. Emily just completely rubs me the wrong way. She has a smugness I can't stand. There is a rigid little attitude like "if I can walk this line, you should too" However, I think when we finally peel the layers of Andrew, we're going to see more complex drama than any of the girls can bring.
[QUOTE=babyjewels;155539]Pretending to have cancer certainly is a character flaw, but I can forgive it esp. during someones high school years. I am assuming she didn't fully understand the ramifications for what she was doing. Frankly, I'd rather forgive someone for faking cancer in highschool than spending four years terrorizing smaller weaker kids. So in my book, she's above a bully. Maybe that makes no sense but I think it needs to be looked at in the scope of all things highschool. For me, Callie is the only female on the show I like. I think Ashley and Erica are both truly oversensitive, annoying and immature. Emily just completely rubs me the wrong way. She has a smugness I can't stand. There is a rigid little attitude like "if I can walk this line, you should too" However, I think when we finally peel the layers of Andrew, we're going to see more complex drama than any of the girls can bring.[/QUOTE] I agree with you about the girls in the house pretty much. Callie is by far my favorite, she is the least dramatic one and she is very pretty. Ashley was my favorite when the season began but i cant stand her now. You were dead on about Emily. I kind of have mixed feelings about Erica right now.
Erica and Ashley both are immature and overtly sensitive. Oh and Loved the Mike Storyline.
This episode was okay, the drama between the two girls to me felt after awhile repetitive and boring. Some observations I had throughout. Why when they played laser tag wasn't andrew featured. This should have been a place he could have been so funny, yet agian I was disappointed. mike storyline was great, i liked how in in his relationship he has someone at home and tells the person not "to hookup" but on the otherhand he is seeing a guy for 3 weeks. That is awesome. I noticed how everyone took Erica's side, which shows me that as their peers in the moment they felt she was right. I just can't believe how much Erica and Ashley are so similar, it's crazy.
I just have to say, I had no idea about Erika lying about cancer and I was still annoyed by her in this episode way more than Ashley. Actually, I completely missed any statement about Erika lying about cancer. I only found out about it by reading this thread. I just could not stand her in this episode. I don't get why everyone thought Ashley saying she was acting like a spoiled brat was so horrible. There are much worse things she could have said, and IMO Ashley was right about her acting like a brat. And as far as my opinion on Erika lying about cancer, being mentally unstable is no excuse. I have to say, as someone who has been in very similar shoes (if not, ****tier ones) as Erika, I have never done anything like lying about cancer for attention. While something like that can be forgiven, there's no excuse for it. Mental instability or not.
[QUOTE=Sister Grimm;155554]Actually, I completely missed any statement about Erika lying about cancer.[/QUOTE] She talked about it at the restaurant, but MTV decided not to show it...
[QUOTE=Bacchus;155556]She talked about it at the restaurant, but MTV decided not to show it...[/QUOTE] At least she's not hiding from it. They should've showed it if she brought it up though! If Ty pushes Andrew off the ledge, that's mad whack yo! [I]Who does that!?[/I]
Anonymous's picture
MTV knows that the general public would probably throw a fit about a Cancer lie. I'm sure they are protecting their best interest by hiding this fact.
[QUOTE=Insider;155561]MTV knows that the general public would probably throw a fit about a Cancer lie. I'm sure they are protecting their best interest by hiding this fact.[/QUOTE] Still, any publicity is better than none at all -- just look at Jersey Shore. I think it's cowardly of MTV to edit out something like that so blatantly when it is part of Erika's storyline and obviously still affecting her. At least when Snooki got punched, you still knew what happened, even if they didn't actually show it in the episode itself (just the fifty million ads of her eating a fist).
Wow, this episode was uneasy for me to watch, as a special interest of mine is mental illness and I am in my graduate program working towards my clinical license. Beyond the fact that I would NEVER advocate someone with a history of serious MH issues to go on a TV show like this...I do have a few thoughts. The cancer thing is horrible, and took away a good deal of the Erika love that I had. I skipped out on spoilers for this season until recently, so I just discovered this fact this week. But if I put on my professional hat, I want to remember that this was a serious cry for help. For whatever reason, she felt that there was no other way to get someone to reach out to her. Depression is a very dark and dibilitating disease, but one does need to take responsibility for their actions, mental illness or not. And...I came out still enjoying both girls on my TV screen. Yeah, Ashley was a ***** at times, but vevmo has educated me well enough to remember that everything we see is an editor's version of those months in the house. If you taped me for four months, I promise you would get enough of those moments to make me a horrible person!
Anonymous's picture
This is the first episode I ever seen of DC....the show never got me interested. Erica is annoying, and I'm happy there seems to be a real straight up girl in the house. I actually like Ashley.
Anonymous's picture
By the way Ashley reminds me of Johanna...does anybody else see it?
[QUOTE=roxylala;155470]If something is that serious, I don't see the problem is holding it over someone's head.[/QUOTE] Well, let's hope you never make a mistake and have people in your life that feel the same way.
[QUOTE=needsalife;155563]vevmo has educated me well enough to remember that everything we see is an editor's version of those months in the house. If you taped me for four months, I promise you would get enough of those moments to make me a horrible person![/QUOTE] Exactly. I don't think that it would be fair either to give the "edit" pass, but in last night's episode, MTV decided to cut out what was clearly the most pivotal part of the conversation and jumped right to the after effects, which was quite disingenuous and took away the true spirit of the conversation. Example of selective editing... [B]Bacchus:[/B] I love that sweater OtherpplsDrama. [strike]Bacchus: Although I guess it's true what they say about horizontal stripes...[/strike] [B]OtherpplsDrama:[/B] Go f*** yourself Bacchus. [B]Outside observer:[/B] Wow, that OtherpplsDrama sure is a B****! Bacchus complements her on a sweater and she totally flips out. What a psycho!
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=Bacchus;155574] [B]Bacchus:[/B] I love that sweater OtherpplsDrama. [strike]Bacchus: Although I guess it's true what they say about horizontal stripes...[/strike] [B]OtherpplsDrama:[/B] Go f*** yourself Bacchus. [B]Outside observer:[/B] Wow, that OtherpplsDrama sure is a B****! Bacchus complements her on a sweater and she totally flips out. What a psycho![/QUOTE] OMG B vertical stripes are [I]slimming.[/I] It's the horizontal ones you gotta watch out for! Gah....You're SO insensitive to my feelings!!!!!!!
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;155575]OMG B vertical stripes are [I]slimming.[/I] It's the horizontal ones you gotta watch out for! Gah....You're SO insensitive to my feelings!!!!!!![/QUOTE] Haha, whoops! I meant horizontal, lol. You get my point though...right? :D [B]Edit:[/B] fixed.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=Bacchus;155576]Haha, whoops! I meant horizontal, lol. You get my point though...right? [/QUOTE] Indeed.
Anonymous's picture
Lol....Bacchus is awesome.
Apparently I missed the conversation on here about the cancer thing, but was it brought up by her, or did some person who knew her say something about it on here? Just wondering. If it is something that happened in high school, I think it's fine to say, "That was a crappy thing to do." But, I don't think it's okay to judge her current character based on a mistake she matter how disgusting that mistake is. When people are young, they sometimes do really dumb stuff. Teenager's brains are still developing the ability to make good judgments...and, quite frankly, someone doing something like that is usually a cry for help, not just "wanting attention." I mean, geez...I only graduated high school 6 years ago, but there are people from my class who have changed dramatically. One of the douchiest guys from my class is now a missionary.
[QUOTE=BamaBelle;155579]Apparently I missed the conversation on here about the cancer thing, but was it brought up by her, or did some person who knew her say something about it on here? Just wondering.[/QUOTE] It is hard to say how it all went down on the show... What I do know is that an ex-boyfriend approached us here and posted the story about Erika lying to her community about cancer. I originally moderated it as I wasn't going to put something that shocking up that I was not 100% sure about. Soon after, other blogs started reporting on it and another handful of people showed up here confirming the story. As for what happened on during filming, it is tough to say although it is quite possible that Erika became aware of the online buzz about her deceit and decided to tell her roommates. That part did happen in the time span of last night's episode, but was not shown to the viewers.
