Survivor: Generic Thread (No Spoilers)

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[QUOTE=RockSteadyVybes;153134]Yeah...when he was hurting for numbers he should've thrown a challenge, let them vote for him and then had his pick of who to knock off. [/QUOTE]I agree, but if he had used up his idol before the final 4, he would have taken 4th place since he lost that immunity challenge. Granted, he lost it to Aras who he probably would have knocked out with the idol if he had the chance, but it would have exposed him to too much liability. I'm tired of the idol thing too. We had ten seasons without it, and now after HVV, we will have had ten seasons with it. It's time for them to get creative and try something new for the next era of the show.
[QUOTE=molds13;153214][/QUOTE] Awesome! I can't waaaait for new Survivor eps!
Well color me surprised. [url=]2004 Olympic gold-medalists Crystal Cox accepts doping punishment - ESPN[/url]
An article about 'Surviving Survivor', taking place next Thursday: [URL=""]Surviving Survivor relives memorable moments with castaways[/URL] It talks about who's going to appear. I was pretty surprised to see that Elisabeth Hasselbeck is going to be a part of it.
I am so confused on that article, they list 13 people at first, and then list all of them again aside from Colby, Rupert and Elisabeth, and say they will be doing interviews? As for Crystal, no wonder she sucked at challenges.
Okay, here's the CBS press release, which is a little less confusing. [B]RELIVE SOME OF "SURVIVOR'S" MOST MEMORABLE MOMENTS WITH THE CASTAWAYS WHO LIVED THEM ON THE ONE-HOUR SPECIAL, "SURVIVING SURVIVOR," THURSDAY, FEB. 4 [/B][CENTER][B]Richard Hatch, Russell Hantz, Colby Donaldson and Parvati Shallow Are Among the Show's Castaways Breaking Down Every Aspect of the Game [/B][/CENTER] SURVIVING SURVIVOR brings back 10 of the game's most iconic players to talk about the reality juggernaut that defined a genre in this new one-hour special to be broadcast [U]Thursday, Feb. 4[/U] (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Through a series of new interviews, the curtain will be pulled back on one of the decade's most influential shows. Featured in the special are new revelations from SURVIVOR host Jeff Probst, season one winner Richard Hatch (Borneo, All-Stars) and HEROES VS. VILLAINS cast members James Clement (China, Micronesia), Colby Donaldson (Australia, All-Stars), Cirie Fields (Panama, Micronesia), Russell Hantz (Samoa), Stephenie LaGrossa (Palau, Guatemala), Jerri Manthey (Australia, All-Stars), Parvati Shallow (Cook Islands, Micronesia), Benjamin "Coach" Wade (Tocantins) and Tom Westman (Palau). "SURVIVOR changed the nature of television as we know it. For the first time, we were able to witness human behavior responding to stress and extreme conditions on television before our eyes," says executive producer Susan Zirinsky. "Seeing how clever individuals manipulate situations to achieve an outcome they want is really the most incredible social science experiment ever!" The special will also feature updates on some of the show's most beloved castaways, including the touching love story between winners Ethan Zohn (Africa, All-Stars) and Jenna Morasca (Amazon, All-Stars), America's Tribal Council winner Rupert Boneham (Pearl Islands, All-Stars), Cook Islands winner Yul Kwon and "The View" co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck (Australia). SURVIVING SURVIVOR is executive produced by Susan Zirinsky for Eye2 Productions. ------------ I think that since they got both Tom and Stephenie to be on, they will do a Jenn Lyon tribute.
I find it interesting that they have Yul, who's been nowhere near Survivor since his season (except the winners special). I also think it's funny that they don't look at the other love stories...Rob and Amber, Jaime and Erik...I think that's it. Although I guess Jenna and Ethan's is the most "touching".
Rob & Amber can probably included in the look back on moments from the show, since that's where their's actually occurred. Jenna and Ethan's relationship wasn't on the show. I don't know...that's my guess?
[QUOTE=ssseeeaaann;153363]Rob & Amber can probably included in the look back on moments from the show, since that's where their's actually occurred. Jenna and Ethan's relationship wasn't on the show. I don't know...that's my guess?[/QUOTE] Yeah, plus the whole Ethan going through chemo stuff...makes sense.
I'm just surprised they got Elisabeth to co host the whole ordeal. Never thought she would be nere survivor agian.
Here's a promo for Thursday's special... [url=]YouTube - Surviving Survivor Special - PIP Sports Promo[/url]
Why the heck is Russel doing that special he was on the last season what else do we want to hear from him!
Who was the last person they showed? They cut away real quick and I couldn't tell who it was...
[QUOTE=Lamb Chop!!!;153523]Who was the last person they showed? They cut away real quick and I couldn't tell who it was...[/QUOTE] Stephenie.
I just saw one of the previews for this Surviving Survivor thing they've got on tonight... Rich. Steph. Rupert. Cirie. Tom. James. Parvati. Ethan. Amanda. Russell. I get them. I understand how each of them could be, in one way or another, considered the "greatest players ever". But...Coach? How is he on that list? How is he even close to it? I understand that he is one of the most memorable characters, but in my opinion he is far from being considered a great player.
hahah did you hear what Jeff said about coach... He said Everybody hated coach but he did absolutely nothing!" so true, he was just a funny guy and Jeff also said "Can he win...No" hahaha that was just funny. I happened to really like Coach!
The "dragonslayer" is hillarious, if I was one of the contestants he would have to be in the alliance because I would be pretty certain that I could beat him if it was a jury vote.
I really enjoyed the clip about Ethan.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;154372]I really enjoyed the clip about Ethan.[/QUOTE] I did too! It was great to see him doing well.
I still cannot believe that the finale of the first Survivor had 52 [B]million[/B] viewers.
I know this has been discussed, but I still have no idea why Cirie is a hero. I guess they needed to even out the teams or something.... Her entire strategy through two seasons was lying and backstabbing!
[QUOTE=Bacchus;154376]I know this has been discussed, but I still have no idea why Cirie is a hero. I guess they needed to even out the teams or something....[/QUOTE] I have no idea why either. I am hoping that she is an early out!
Ten years and three hundred people available to showcase, and the best we get is a Rupert/Russell/Coach variety hour. I wasn't too impressed with this special.
[QUOTE=ssseeeaaann;154378]Ten years and three hundred people available to showcase, and the best we get is a Rupert/Russell/Coach variety hour. I wasn't too impressed with this special.[/QUOTE] I didn't even make it to the end. When Elizabeth came on, I had to turn the channel and didn't come back. I just have that kind of reaction to her...
That aside, I am still really looking forward to next week!
[QUOTE=molds13;154374]I still cannot believe that the finale of the first Survivor had 52 [B]million[/B] viewers.[/QUOTE] It was a pretty big deal lol. Compare that to the finale's these days its pathetic! Mind you the finale was also in the middle of summer when people do watch less tv.
[QUOTE=asamber1;154381]It was a pretty big deal lol. Compare that to the finale's these days its pathetic! [B]Mind you the finale was also in the middle of summer when people do watch less tv.[/B][/QUOTE] Which makes it all the more impressive... Comparing it to one of the biggest stages worldwide...the Super Bowl in January 2001 only yielded 84 million.
will the specia, be on
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;154399]will the specia, be on[/QUOTE]Either there or youtube, yea.
