Big Brother 11: Season Finale

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Oh, also is AS2 confirmed? Or just speculation?
YAY!!!! Jordan won!!:) And they are already looking for a new cast for BB 12, so I doubt there will be an all stars next year. It will be the year after next or for sure the following year!
If it isn't next season then probably BB13 will be the most likely season. I can imagine them doing it sooner rather than later. Either way the finale being at two hours worked well and there was more for fans than just waiting around for two people to win. Jordan really didn't just roll over and die once Jeff exited. She did very well in the final HoH and earned that win.
Great season finale! go Jordan. I was amused reading through the thread and seeing people have no hope for Jordan. She had a good chance of winning against Natalie, although I did feel bad Jesse didn't vote for her. I wonder why he didn't? Jordan won the final HOH! That was clutch and picking Natalie was the way to go, even though everyone in the house thought she had so many jury friends. Super happy Jordan won. She didn't play the best game but her and Jeff were my favorite players this season. I am still in shock she won the final HOH. Why did everyone doubt she would win? It clearly showed people didnt like Nat in the jury house!
I don't think people doubted she would win against Nat, I think they felt like she had no shot winning the final HOH, and if she didn't Kevin would have won BB11
For me, the end feels anticlimactic. Which is a shame, since it was in this season that i really started to get into the show. I turned off the TV when Kevin got evicted since he was the only one left i was rooting for to win, so why bother watching further if there's no one left to root for. I was a bit suspicious that Kevin was gonna get the boot due to the camera immediately showing Kevin's parents after commercial break before Jordan made the decision to evict him. That to me brings about the suspicion i was trying so hard to deny that the show is fixed. Obviously, no one in America wants Natalie to win which i understand; i wouldn't want her to win either; but what could possibly be so bad about Kevin winning? I now believe that the producers have been fixing it so that Jordan would win, whom really fits the "dumb blonde" stereotype annoyingly well. I'm just glad that Kevin did not vote for Jordan. I think he and Russell were the only two smart ones on the jury vote. I'm not including America in that remark cause if i rip on the decision a great country took in ensuring a win for a girl with less intelligence than Yogi Bear, i could face deportation.
[QUOTE=RMD1;121240]I don't think people doubted she would win against Nat, I think they felt like she had no shot winning the final HOH, and if she didn't Kevin would have won BB11[/QUOTE] Exactly. It was a 500,000 to 1 shot that she would beat Kevin for HOH.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;121242]Exactly. It was a 500,000 to 1 shot that she would beat Kevin for HOH.[/QUOTE] To be honest I was not expecting Jordan to win but she did and even better she won the whole thing. Funny though America's vote didn't really factor into the win....she would have won either way. Probably because she was up against Nat.
Why did Jesse vote against Nat? I must say I did feel bad for her. But I am happy she won. Hopefully she doesn't have to share a bedroom with her family!
[QUOTE=CrazyRealityGuy;121263][B]Why did Jesse vote against Nat?[/B] I must say i did feel bad for her. But I am happy she won. Hopefully she doesnt have to share a bedroom with her family![/QUOTE] Cause his brains are in his biceps?
I'm not surprised Jordan won at all. Natalie should have though
Natalie should not have won. She sucked, Jordan won more comps. Based on game play Jordan should have won against Nat. In the final 4 there is still a lot of game to play. Nat did not play, Jordan did. That gave her the win.
An interesting thing i wanna point out concerning the final 2 and the whole "Cliques" concept. The final 2 consisted of a "Popular" (Jordan) and an "Athlete" (Natalie). What does this say about American society? That even in competitions, those are the cliques that go the furthest, much like how it is in high school. And that the other cliques; the "Off-Beats" (Kevin) and the "Brains" (Michele); are still doomed to get frowned upon by the "better" cliques? In my case, i was most likely a "Brain" since i usually did good in my studies. I was never a "Popular" and even though i had some skills in some sports, i was never a full "Athlete". In the case of "Off-Beat", i don't really know what one has to possess in their personality to earn that title.
Totally random fact but I wanna be on this show now, I'd do good in the competitions -- I predicted the answers to the last 2 tiebreakers 100% dead on before Julie ever announced the answer. As for AS2, the Donatos are planning their next fake storyline. **** was conducting interviews last night and stated that he and Daniele have not spoken since last December.
AS2 will probably be the summer of 2011. GLAD JORDAN WON. Does anyone know where the wrap party season gag reel is? It's usually posted on Youtube the day after, but isn't on there yet. =/
Who from BB11 do you guys think is All-Star quality? I'd love for Kevin to be in AS2 but considering the fact they tend to pick the best "personalities", i wouldn't be suprised if Natalie gets asked back as well as Lydia. Chima possibly, unless due to her actions is now banned from any future Big Brother projects; i think that's what they gave her since she wasn't even invited to the reunion.
I think they will ask Michelle, Russ, and Jeff back.
There was no wrap this season. They couldn't afford it. I think that Michelle, Jordan, Natalie, Russel, Kevin and Jeff will be AS candidates. Natalie would probibaly be like Ivette and not get picked to go back in. Lydia or Ronnie would probibaly be a back up. Ronnie placed the same as Boogie in season 2 so... CBS will have nothing to do with Chim.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;121302]There was no wrap this season. They couldn't afford it.[/QUOTE] No wrap party? UGHH...that's terrible. They'll hopefully ask back Russell and Jeff. Maybe Jordan and Michele. I'd would've like to see more Laura or Braden.
I don't understand how they couldn't afford a wrap party when they gave out more prizes and cash this season than in any other before.
Ecspecially since this season brought great ratings.
Anonymous's picture
Yesssss! Jordan won even though she kept saying the same answer every question they asked her lol but she really deserved it because staying out of most of the drama paid off and like I said I like rooting for the underdogs. :)
I still can't get over how happy I am that Jordan won! BB Let me down last season but this season ending rocks!
I feel ya Salt. It has been 11 years since I was this happy for a winner. LOL. My favorite always gets to the final 3 then gets booted, but not this year!!!
Wait people acutally LIKE the fact that Jordan won? Unbelievable. She did ABSOLUTLY NOTHING in this game. She doesn't deserve a dime of it. ****** Final 2......****** winner
[QUOTE=Debut Album;121691]Wait people acutally LIKE the fact that Jordan won? Unbelievable. She did ABSOLUTLY NOTHING in this game. She doesn't deserve a dime of it. ****** Final 2......****** winner[/QUOTE] You're such a positive ray of sunlight DA. Has anyone ever told you that?
I LOVE that she won! She deserved it because she may not have played hard or played often but she played well. When it comes down to it she won the last HOH and made the best possible decision by taking Natalie.
I heard Jesse say he did not vote for Natalie because she was not true to the alliance because she did not try her hardest to win competitions, or something like that. This was my least favorite season, however I was happy to see Jordan win. Even though Jordan was not the best player, she did well. Even though when she was answering questions I was begging her to shut up lol. She kept going and going...
I'm very surprised that Russell ended up voting for Natalie. I thought he was against her most of the remainder of the season, after the cliques were broken up. Or maybe I am wrong. ALso, the fact that Natalie lied to basically everyone in the house like 99% of the time.
[QUOTE=DScott;121818]I heard Jesse say he did not vote for Natalie because she was not true to the alliance because she did not try her hardest to win competitions, or something like that. This was my least favorite season, however I was happy to see Jordan win. Even though Jordan was not the best player, she did well. Even though when she was answering questions I was begging her to shut up lol. She kept going and going...[/QUOTE] According to Natalie's interview at [URL=""]Reality TV World[/URL], she said that she thinks that Jessie voted for Jordan because he was very bitter when she revealed her engagement. Also, according to her, Jessie is still bitter about that to the point that he didn't speak to her at all after the finale nor back in the real world. Also, in her interview, she expressed that Jordan is now one of her closest friends and even told her in secret that she knew Jordan would win and that she had virtually no chance.
