Big Brother 11: Season Finale

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Big Brother 11: Season Finale
The finale is upon us. Who will win Big Brother 11? Jordan? Gnat? Kevin?
About time this was over...
Kev should win but Nats who I want to win.
[QUOTE=molds13;120958]About time this was over...[/QUOTE] I'm actually not happy that it is a two hour finale AND on at 9 PM. Way to burn up my night...
umm....Nat...eww? I am rooting for Jordan!
I won't mind either way who wins. I'd prefer it be Jordan, but Kevin is alright too, and Natalie isn't as bad as most make her out to be.
[QUOTE=Wilderwolf;120967]I won't mind either way who wins. I'd prefer it be Jordan, but Kevin is alright too, and Natalie isn't as bad as most make her out to be.[/QUOTE] The only way I am watching until the end is if Jordan makes it to the final two and I suspect CBS knows that goes for many viewers, so they have probably been ripening up Kevin all weekend in the DR to make sure he takes her...
Natalie IS as bad as we make her out to be.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;120969]Natalie IS as bad as we make her out to be.[/QUOTE] Oh geez, she is [B]much worse[/B] than we make her out to be! I just have to respect the forum rules like everyone else and thus have been holding back exactly how I feel. ;)
I personally think that she is disgusting. She went a whole week without showering! EW! She wore a hoodie that she knows Jessie "cleaned himself with" after doing Lydia without washing it! EW!
Is Julie wearing a Snuggie?
I think she may be. But she is rocking a snuggie like nobodies buisness!:D
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;120977]I think she may be. But she is rocking a snuggie like nobodies buisness!:D[/QUOTE] Absolutely. I think I kind of like Lydia with darker hair. And I still don't like Jessie even with that crap on his face.
See, I [I]knew[/I] make-up would do Natalie a world of wonders!
I think that Julies outfit is supposed to be like high school graduation because of the theme this year.
Tae kwon do champ? How is she [I]that[/I] unathletic?? [QUOTE=salt&vinegar;120980]I think that Julies outfit is supposed to be like high school graduation because of the theme this year.[/QUOTE] That was the last thing that came to my mind...she's just 8 months pregnant and can't really pull off too much stuff.
Gnat's attempt to place nice to Jordan is unsettling my dinner...
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;120980]I think that Julies outfit is supposed to be like high school graduation because of the theme this year.[/QUOTE] Guys (and gals) it is called maternity wear. :D
Why would Michelle vote for Kevin? Didn't he evict her a week ago?
[QUOTE=Bacchus;120983]Guys (and gals) it is called maternity wear. :D[/QUOTE] I would totally tell people it was a Snuggie :) I'm guessing they aren't competing in any physical HOH competition as all 3 of them are dressed pretty nicely...
[QUOTE=jjlucash;120979]See, I [I]knew[/I] make-up would do Natalie a world of wonders![/QUOTE] Haha, I think I read somewhere that Jordan said she would do Natalie's hair and makeup for her :D
[QUOTE=molds13;120987]Haha, I think I read somewhere that Jordan said she would do Natalie's hair and makeup for her :D[/QUOTE] Then Jordan is a lifesaver. Natalie isn't ugly, but you can't be lookin' all rough during the finale of a live game-show.
[QUOTE=molds13;120985]I would totally tell people it was a Snuggie [/quote] She actually looks pretty good for having a due date of October 4th! [QUOTE]I'm guessing they aren't competing in any physical HOH competition as all 3 of them are dressed pretty nicely...[/QUOTE] Sounds good to me. Let's have a random chance game that is weighted heavily toward blondes...
[QUOTE]She actually looks pretty good for having a due date of October 4th![/QUOTE] Ok...I take that back. She looks like a wizard, without the hat, lol.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;120989]She actually looks pretty good for having a due date of October 4th![/QUOTE] Shoot, if I were her I'd be doing the interviews from bed!! [QUOTE]Sounds good to me. Let's have a random chance game that is weighted heavily toward blondes...[/QUOTE] Maybe a similar comp to the one where no skill was necessary and Natalie won HOH?
I think that it will be the competition where the jury members say a sentence and Jordan/Kevin have to guess how they finished the sentence.
Wow, I don't think Natalie stands a chance either way. The jury seems to hate her.
Forgive me but I think Lydia looks hot. I never wanted to say that!
The jury doesn't seem to like Natalie. This is a good thing.
Are we really [I]only[/I] a half hour in?
[QUOTE=molds13;121001]Are we really [I]only[/I] a half hour in?[/QUOTE] This is going to be a long ride....
