Big Brother 11: Season Finale

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Julie's dictionary <333
Ouch should have lied!
Man, I knew I should've done other stuff and turned this on with 10 minutes left. I hate it when they string these things along for 90 minutes too long.
Laura and Casey <33333 Laura, Casey, Russell and Michelle for All-Stars 2 plz
Jeff's sickening *** is going to win the "favorite HouseGuest" prize. It should be Laura, Casey, Kevin or Michele.
What was that you were saying S&V? Congratulations Jordan!!
*tear(s) roll(s) down my eye(s). America-duh! Jessie-Yay! Lydia-AHHHH! Russel-yikes! Jeff-Good won over evil!
Yes! The good side won! I can sleep restfully tonight.
Wow, *** at Jessie's vote?
Yay!! Cograts to my girl Jordan!!
Molds you're a godess:D Did Natlie get lost? I hope so!
Woooo! Will they say who Kevin and Michelle voted for?
Oh great now Jeff wins America's choice to complete the Jeff/Jordan saga.
First female winner since Maggot on BB6! Predictable, but yay!
Jordan's brother looks like Memphis. I knew Jeff's bitter *** would win.
Wow....who would have thought...
*shocked and appauled that won AC!
I was so trying to rig for Michelle...:(
I wasn't surprised that Jeff won America's favorite player. He deserves it!
Anonymous's picture
I could sleep happy now :-)
:) YAY Jordan!!
I'm so glad it turned out this way!!!! I wouldn't have been horribly upset if Kev won, but I def didn't want Nat to win. It's funny that both the BB america and UK had cute blonde chicks winning this year....hmmmmm :)
With Jordo winning, I'm no longer upset about Kevo losing. BB11 has been a wild ride, and I hope this 9-month wait for BB12 goes as fast as our last wait. Time to make my BB11 YouTube ****!
[QUOTE=ssseeeaaann;121086]Wow, *** at Jessie's vote?[/QUOTE] I know!! And Natalie was so sure she had Jessie's vote!!! Jessie would never stab her in the back they had a great alliance.....yea right, he showed you Natalie, that you were not as close as you thought you were.
Hopefully Jordan's victory means she takes Daniele Donato's spot on AS2. Unless they wanna cast all 4 blondes in Janelle, Jordan, Daniele and Keesha...
VICTORY! Now I can selectively remember only the good parts such as this haha Way to go Jordan! Who would have thought after her clique was steamrolled and she lost her main partner in the game. Haha I loved when they said it wasn't even close with the vote...congrats to Jeff as well with that.
I thought for sure Jordan was digging herself in a hole when she said, she won HOH on her own. The first time she won, Jeff basically ask her did she want to be HOH, and gave it to her. I am glad she won it over Natalie, because she was so sure she had Jessie's vote. Either way, I think she would have beat Kevin too.
I'm so glad Jordan won! I felt bad for Natalie tho. I can't believe Jessie didn't even give her his vote. Lydia prolly filled his head with abunch of B/S. I hate Lydia. I was hoping BB would announce the winner at the end of the first hour, then do a reunion with everyone like Survivor does. I wanted to hear from Natalie lol.
JORDAN WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! So happy. Everyone thought Jordo would blow it and she ended up winning HoH and the game. NICE! I'm incredibly happy about this!! Lydia is an IDIOT. Everytime she opens her mouth I dislike her more and more. I really thought she'd be one of my faves during week 1. Natalie is stupid. But she's got 50gs so that's not terrible. This thread was really fun to read through guys. You were all basically counting Jordan out throughout the entire 6 pages hahaha (and I also agree that Laura totally got robbed...would've liked to see more of her)
LOL...I bet Jordan, wished she would have wore a different outfit. She kept tugging at those shorts, pulling them down. It was a cute outfit, but she appeared to uncomfortable in it.
