Big Brother 11: Season Finale

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Asking ALL THREE QUESTIONS is just stupid....The way this played out sucks. The jury is put in a position where they are attempting to formulate a decision based on an incomplete data set.
Okay, this is why I can't stand Jeff anymore. Lydia is right--he was Jordan's backbone. Bottom line. Jeff needs to close his damn mouth.
[QUOTE=jjlucash;121007]Okay, this is why I can't stand Jeff anymore.[/QUOTE] He is more palatable than Jessie... Anyway, Jordan doesn't stand a chance just listening to the jury.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;121005]Asking ALL THREE QUESTIONS is just stupid....The way this played out sucks. [B]The jury is put in a position where they are attempting to formulate a decision based on an incomplete data set.[/B][/QUOTE] I agree. I don't think anyone can make a final decision with the different scenarios available. We know Lydia will always vote for Kevin, and we know Jeff will always vote for Jordan. But what if they aren't in the finals? Both will vote for the opposite as they seem to both be set on not voting for Natalie. Having this conversation is pretty pointless at this point in time.
Half these conversations don't matter as we don't know who the final two options are yet.... Clearly CBS has decided to keep Jordan around as long as possible. they did not have the standard question and answer. Maybe they are saving that for the final 2. I need to do less typing I guess and try to follow along. ;)
"Jeff for President?" Give me a break. Okay, when does the ~reunion~ come in? I need some more material for my YouTube **** mash-up.
Unfortunetly Kevin will win the final HOH and win 500k. ugh!
Kevin just looks super nervous. Jordan looks like she's having problems breathing. Maybe she can't pay attention and focus on "breathe in, breathe out" at the same time :D Good call S&V on the HOH comp!!
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;121015]Unfortunetly Kevin will win the final HOH and win 500k. ugh![/QUOTE] I've been wanting that since I first saw him on the cast/press release day. I'm getting what I wanted. lol Plus Natalie won't win, so that's an added bonus. ETA: Kevin, you've got to win this for me!
Yes! Jordan is leading!
They've been different every time!! Of course it comes down to the last question... Noooooo...please not a tie.
Oh God...c'mon, Kev. C'mon, Kev.
Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! :(
WOW. My first thought was that she was WAY too low.
Yes! Jordan makes it to final 2!
OMG!!! YAY! I hope she takes Natalie!
Whoa. How did that happen.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;121026]MG!!! YAY! I hope she takes Natalie![/QUOTE] Me too. That is her only chance and even then she will still probably lose.
Anonymous's picture
YES!!!!!! I want Jordin to win SO BAD!!!!
[QUOTE=Bacchus;121028]Me too. That is her only chance and even then she will still probably lose.[/QUOTE] Well if that's the case, I hope she takes Kevin.
Jordan will only win 50,000 but I am cool with that.
Jordan, be stupid and take Kevin so that he can win. I want my pseudo-bf to win.
I think Jordan knew who she was taking the whole time.
Jordan, you intelligent fool! :'(
Good move Jordan...although when Natalie wins I just might cry.
Poor Kevin. He just lost $500,000 on that split second decision. Maybe he should have been nicer to Jordan, eh? :D
Jordan just enjoy 50,000 2nd prize you will do great things with it! You made the right decision.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;121036]Good move Jordan...although when Natalie wins I just might cry.[/QUOTE] Such negative thinking dear... I dunno, I agree with what Natalie says. Jordan definitely has Jeff and Michelle, and I think Nat has Jessie and Kevin. Russell and Lydia will be the swing votes. It's a tossup as far as I'm concerned...
Can't really say I care who wins anymore.
