The Real World: D.C. (Spoilers)

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Anonymous's picture
elizabethany, Please do not record yourself driving taping a bit for your blog while not looking at the road on a busy highway and laughing off how 'totally' dangerous it is. It is ILLEGAL, dangerous, and you could get yourself and others harmed. Too many people out there are getting injured or killed because others are texting, calling, or now apparently videotaping.
O yea, i saw those videos and was like "is she really driving and video taping herself at the same time??" Really dangerous, takes just a second of not paying attention to get in an accident.
OOOOh, did I mention that part of the conversation we had earlier included her making this case for how she's so much more legit and knowledgeable that I am (or than Vevmo contributors are): - At least she goes to the house and takes pictures and follows them to the bars. I'm not going to cast judgment on that argument. I'll let you do so. And I'll let you decide who has provided the better coverage and the original content regarding Real World DC. :: DISCUSS :: :punish:
Anonymous's picture
She obviously has no clue about Vevmo's history and relationships with cast members. Leave the reality t.v to us. :D
Does she really hang out with them? On twitter she posted how their rooms were really messy but nothing more. I thought she had gotten in the house but then that other guy she hangs with which I think is also a blogger posted something about just being outside the house and being able to look inside the windows and saw how messy it was.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Janette;96359]Does she really hang out with them? On twitter she posted how their rooms were really messy but nothing more. I thought she had gotten in the house but then that other guy she hangs with which I think is also a blogger posted something about just being outside the house and being able to look inside the windows and saw how messy it was.[/quote] If she saw inside their rooms it was because she was climbing a tree to peek or poking out of a hedge somewhere.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=wiggyndc;96356]OOOOh, did I mention that part of the conversation we had earlier included her making this case for how she's so much more legit and knowledgeable that I am (or than Vevmo contributors are): - At least she goes to the house and takes pictures and follows them to the bars. I'm not going to cast judgment on that argument. I'll let you do so. And I'll let you decide who has provided the better coverage and the original content regarding Real World DC. :: DISCUSS :: :punish:[/quote] WTF? Did you tell her you don't have to get your information by stalking them?
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Janette;96359]Does she really hang out with them? On twitter she posted how their rooms were really messy but nothing more. I thought she had gotten in the house but then that other guy she hangs with which I think is also a blogger posted something about just being outside the house and being able to look inside the windows and saw how messy it was.[/quote] That was from the RealWorldDC (not wiggy's a different one) was not originally posted by her.
[quote=wiggyndc;96356] I'm not going to cast judgment on that argument. I'll let you do so. And I'll let you decide who has provided the better coverage and the original content regarding Real World DC.[/quote] I've already passed on my thoughts about her issues with proper citation to the website team at metromix. Most large operators sort this kind of stuff out relatively quickly... Oh and "someone"[URL=""] left a comment[/URL] on that new blog. :wink2:
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;96360]If she saw inside their rooms it was because she was climbing a tree to peek or poking out of a hedge somewhere.[/QUOTE] She and Martin were NOT in the house. AND ROFLMAO (and I can't stop laughing) at your comment OPD! SPOT ON! And I suppose, now being a paid blogger at MetroMixDC, she will never get into the RW house.
Anonymous's picture
LOL at the 8 roommates, because anyone who has been keeping up with THE REAL WORLD knows it has been 8 roommates for the past two seasons. LOL at "copy pasta".
[QUOTE=Bacchus;96363]I've already passed on my thoughts about her issues with proper citation to the website team at metromix. Most large operators sort this kind of stuff out relatively quickly... Oh and "someone"[URL=""] left a comment[/URL] on that new blog. :wink2:[/QUOTE] I have a feeling several people have been in touch with the Metromix folks, especially Stephanie (Producer for MetroMixDC)...
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;96360]If she saw inside their rooms it was because she was climbing a tree to peek or poking out of a hedge somewhere.[/quote] hahaha, I can totally picture it, OPD! Don't forget the video camera- there will most assuredly be a video camera involved with the tree-climbing operation... As for the post at MetroMixDC, I found it to be almost unreadable! I get that it's a blog, so the standard rules of grammar don't always apply, but her comma and excalamation point usage are out of control.
I love the website. So much gossip!!!! Lol*
Hey Bacchus... Time to repost your comment on Metromixdc. It's been deleted. I guess because they intend to continue stealing information and not attributing it. Disgusting.
[quote=wiggyndc;96603]Hey Bacchus... Time to repost your comment on Metromixdc. It's been deleted. I guess because they intend to continue stealing information and not attributing it. Disgusting.[/quote] I'm already on my third comment. Deleting it is not going to make it go away, so she can delete away. I'll just repost as I am only illustrating the reality of the situation. You would think by this point she would be so ashamed of her actions that she'd just do the right thing and give credit where credit was due. However, looking at her primary blog, it is clear she is use to snagging stories from all over the web and taking credit. There is only one fix to this situation and that is to properly attribute the information (i.e. here for some pieces and [URL=""]@RealWorldDCNEWZ[/URL] for the rest.) If she ever wants to be taken seriously as a blogger, she needs to approach the posting of information like any journalist and that means citing sources.
Anonymous's picture
Get em copypasta!
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Bacchus;96607] You would think by this point she would be so ashamed of her actions that she'd just do the right thing and give credit where credit was due. However, [B]looking at her primary blog, it is clear she is use to snagging stories from all over the web and taking credit.[/B] [/quote] I noticed that too. Total HACK!
[URL=""]Look what I found![/URL]
[quote=molds13;96621][URL=""]Look what I found![/URL][/quote] Make sure to sign up and post to help the effort. ;)
[quote=Bacchus;96622]Make sure to sign up and post to help the effort. ;)[/quote] Umm..who do you think started it, silly?
[QUOTE=molds13;96624]Umm..who do you think started it, silly?[/QUOTE] Haha...I guess I know now. I saw it when I complained too, lol.
Wow.... she's really done it now... check out the bottom of the cast page of metromix.. slap in the face.... even worse than not citing=lying... let's teach a lesson. my issue: if you're employed to blog your standards should be higher.... any hobby blogger can repost info.... i'm livid.
[QUOTE][B]Note:[/B] I got 98% of this information when hangin’ with these fine roommates, however the other 2% I got from my fellow “Real World DC” followers @ollignom, @realworlddcnewz, and @molds13.[/QUOTE] I'm curious...what information did she get from me?
[quote=wiggyndc;96630]Wow.... she's really done it now... check out the bottom of the cast page of metromix.. slap in the face.... even worse than not citing=lying... let's teach a lesson. my issue: if you're employed to blog your standards should be higher.... any hobby blogger can repost info.... i'm livid.[/quote] Here is what I got from Stephaine: [QUOTE]Hi, I spoke to our freelance blogger and she stands by her work, however she did make one modification to her “Meet the Cast” blog entry: [B][I]Note:[/I][/B][I] I got 98% of this information when hangin’ with these fine roommates, however the other 2% I got from my fellow “Real World DC” followers @ollignom, @realworlddcnewz, and @molds13.[/I][/QUOTE] I agree, let's be persistent. She is just digging a deeper hole with this continued disinformation. She was not "hanging out" with the roommates when most of this information was already posted here and on the twitter feed, so who does she think she is fooling?
I feel so bad for you guys. After so much hard work it is really disheartening and frustrating to see it not be properly cited and given credit for. Hopefully she comes to her senses soon and everything gets resolved.
Now she has changed the note at the end to include real names: [QUOTE][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Times New Roman][LEFT][COLOR=#333333][FONT=arial][B]Note:[/B] I got 98% of this information when hangin’ with these fine roommates, however the other 2% I got from my fellow “Real World DC” followers -- Christopher Wiggins, Martin Mongillo, and Sarah Mullins.[/FONT][/COLOR][/LEFT][/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] I think this is the most entertaining part: [QUOTE][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Times New Roman][LEFT][COLOR=#333333][FONT=arial][I]As I get more information confirmed, I will be sure to update this! If you have any information on any of the roommates, please contact me! I pinky promise to keep everything confidential! ;)[/I][/FONT][/COLOR][/LEFT][/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] In other words, when she gets the balls to post what has recently been updated here, she will post it and claim she got it from hanging out with her "buddies."
That's not my real name! Erroneous!! Erroneous on all accounts!!
Anonymous's picture
[quote=molds13;96705]That's not my real name! Erroneous!! Erroneous on all accounts!![/quote] Did she have your permission to use that?!
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;96706]Did she have your permission to use that?![/quote] I'm still trying to figure out what information she got from me in the first place...
