Lindsay Lohan

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Lindsay Lohan

Has anyone seen the [URL=""]Lindsay Lohan photo shoot [/URL]where they try to recreate the famous "last sitting" of Marilyn Monroe? It is a valiant attempt but in the end she looks nothing like Marilyn.

I might have rushed a bit on the subject, but with her history I'm not sorry. If I had crashed my car loaded on cocaine and then weeks later gotten a DUI after a high speed race across LA - I promise you I would not have gotten 3 hours in jail with probation. Maybe it was wishful thinking on my part that justice might be served. ;)
[QUOTE=Bacchus;54117]I might have rushed a bit on the subject, but with her history I'm not sorry. If I had crashed my car loaded on cocaine and then weeks later gotten a DUI after a high speed race across LA - I promise you I would not have gotten 3 hours in jail with probation. [B]Maybe it was wishful thinking on my part that justice might be served. ;)[/B][/QUOTE] I am right there with you B, not to mention the fact that she endangered those guys lives in that high spped chase (not that they were stand up citizens or anything, but that doesn't matter).
It's bad that I like this so much isn't it? [url=]Lindsay Lohan's Interactive Bedroom | Liquid Generation[/url] I think I like clicking on the candles the best. Makes me chuckle. Or the drawer under the TV. God, I am going to Hell...
Self deprecation is always funny.
Haha, she is hilarious for that.
Yeah I saw that yesterday, I couldn't help but laugh...I am just not quite sure if I was laughing at her...or with her.
LOL At least she still has some humor left in her so I'll laugh with her for now
That was hilarious.
Her mother Dina claims it was all her idea. That woman is disgusting imo. She is such and enabler to Lindsay's antics...I read that she dropped her off at the club the other night, Way to go mom of the year, dropping your alcoholic drug addict daughter off at a Hollywood hot spot.
[quote=Stacee_Danielle;60470]Her mother Dina claims it was all her idea. That woman is disgusting imo. She is such and enabler to Lindsay's antics...I read that she dropped her off at the club the other night, Way to go mom of the year, dropping your alcoholic drug addict daughter off at a Hollywood hot spot.[/quote] Lynne Spears is no longer the worst mom ever. Dropping your "rehabbed" daughter off at a bar is priceless. Although, this video is the best thing she's been in since rehab.
[quote=Stacee_Danielle;60470]Her mother Dina claims it was all her idea. That woman is disgusting imo. She is such and enabler to Lindsay's antics...I read that she dropped her off at the club the other night, Way to go mom of the year, dropping your alcoholic drug addict daughter off at a Hollywood hot spot.[/quote] Dina loves the attention her daughters get and wants them to be in the spotlight as much as they can. Whatever happens inbetween that is none of her concern.
[QUOTE=GoldenWarrior;60478]Dina loves the attention her daughters get and wants them to be in the spotlight as much as they can. Whatever happens inbetween that is none of her concern.[/QUOTE] Her youngest already resembles a middle aged "Real Desperate housewives of Jersey" so much that it is scary thanks to Dina's styling I am sure.
I actually get a little depressed when I happen to be flipping though the channels and catch Lindsay in Mean Girls (on right now) or Parent trap. What happened to [I]that[/I] girl! I thought she would be a huge star by now, doing cute romantic comedies and dramatic thrillers. I had no inkling that she'd end up just being a punch line. So sad...
Hahaha I was just going to say that I saw Mean Girls (which is AWESOME) on TBS just now. But Chelsea Handler is on Million Dollar Password, so I went with her instead...
She does have so much talent. She is a good singer, dancer, and actress. Potential means nothing unless you reach it!
[quote=molds13;84689]Hahaha I was just going to say that I saw Mean Girls (which is AWESOME) on TBS just now. But Chelsea Handler is on Million Dollar Password, so I went with her instead...[/quote] LOL I'm watching that too. Good choice!!
Anonymous's picture
What happened to Dina's show on E? Are they getting a second season?
[QUOTE=tjhallow;84693]What happened to Dina's show on E? Are they getting a second season?[/QUOTE] The one about Ali the "40 year old pre-teen" I hope not, LOL.
[quote=Stacee_Danielle;84697]The one about Ali the "40 year old pre-teen" I hope not, LOL.[/quote] It would have only been worthwhile had Lindsay been on it. The funny thing is, with her "career" on a continuing downward spiral where producers don't want her for movies (for a variety of reasons including insurance) and the only gigs she can get are Vegas parties - I suspect she'll be on a reality show in the near future. Mark my words, that train wreck will be coming to cable sooner than you think! :D
[QUOTE=Bacchus;84715] Mark my words, that train wreck will be coming to cable sooner than you think! :D[/QUOTE] Yeah she is going to need the money to pay for her bills.
Anyone see the [URL=""]photo[/URL] (provocative) floating around today that Lindsay posted on Twitter? I had a to look at it for a second to realize it was her! Someone needs to get her a happy meal (and a new hair stylist.) person to follow on twitter. I like disaster movies. [URL=""]sevinnyne6126 on Twitter[/URL] [B]Edit: [/B]The saddest thing is that she keeps tweeting Samantha, but Samantha is not following her and never tweets back, lol.
Anonymous's picture
Poor Lindsay :( I think that is from her amazingly awful European jeans campaign she did a while back. I recognize the hair. [url=]YouTube - Lindsay Lohan - Fornarina[/url] I'd say she is looking even worse these days. Her obsession with Marilyn Monroe is becoming creepy. She seems to be leading down a similarly dark path. I hope it gets better for her.
Lindsay, then and now... [url=][img][/img][/url]
It is actually sad to look at that.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;120826]It is actually sad to look at that.[/QUOTE] Agreed. The transformation is striking. She has aged 15 years in 5 and looks like a working girl that you'd see in a rough neighborhood - bad hair coloring, ratty clothing, caked mascara, crack lighter et al. Very sad.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;120829]Agreed. The transformation is striking. She has aged 15 years in 5 and looks like a working girl that you'd see in a rough neighborhood - bad hair coloring, ratty clothing, caked mascara, crack lighter et al. Very sad.[/QUOTE] It is beyond sad beacsue this girl had all the potential in the world...I hate to say it but I blame her parents just as much as I hold her accountable for her own actions. The sad part is that in the first pic she isn't trying to be sexy, she just the second photo she is really trying to exhude an aura of sexiness yet come across as a washed up crack wh*re with no where left to go in life other than rehab...again.
I feel bad for her because she has no sense of reality. I really want her to get her *** together because it would be heart breaking to see her end up like Anna Nicole. Lindsay is so talented and I only hope that she can pick herself up. She probibaly doesn't have anyone that will really help her without wanting anything in return. She just needs to have someone love her and get her help because obviously rehab isn't enough. Her problems go deeper than just addiction, she needs psychological help. I wish her the best.
