Real World: DC - Video and stills

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Real World: DC - Video and stills
[CENTER] [URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [SIZE=3] [B]See all the videos at [URL=""]YouTube - vevmovideo's Channel[/URL][/B] [/SIZE][/CENTER] [URL=""]YouTube - Establishing shot RW DC house[/URL] [URL=""]YouTube - 20th Street view RW DC House[/URL] [URL=""]YouTube - 20th Street view RW DC House[/URL] [URL=""]YouTube - Alley Commercial Access RW House[/URL] [CENTER] There is definitely no back yard. This is a commercial building.[/CENTER]
Anonymous's picture
Thanks V! :)
[CENTER][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] Front S Street entrance [url=][img][/img][/url] View from right side of front of house [/CENTER]
Anonymous's picture
Thanks V.
Pretty house. It has kind of a medieval look to it.
Hi V1Man! Was great spending some time chatting and scouting the RW location with you this afternoon! The images and vids came out great. After you left a guy with a HD Camcorder (or maybe a DVC) showed up and shot some footage. He told me he was an intern... So funny seeing more of the same "vigilante journalism" we experienced earlier today. Buzz - great for DC...
[CENTER][url=][img][/img][/url] Satellite receiver/transmitter on top of house. S and 20th St signs and Dupont Circle DC Historic District sign in foreground. [url=][img][/img][/url] View from the rear of the building with commercial service alleys to the left and right. TD Bank is on the left and a cleaner is on the right. Contrary to one view... there is no backyard for a hot tub. If fact, there is no back yard. Nary a weed nor blade of grass. [/CENTER]
Can somebody please PM me with info on how to upload the pics I took - they files are huge and I'm not having any success! Thanks!
Anonymous's picture
Vevmo now has a video channel..haha.
The pictures and videos are amazing. Great job!
WOW that is some great footage, thanks guys! I really like the structure of the outside of the house...I am anxious to see inside the round rooms, I have always been fascinated by them, LOL.
This is legal right?
[CENTER][url=][img][/img][/url] This is where the cast can open a bank account to deposit those really big stipend checks from BMP. (Sense the dripping sarcasm). Actually this is posted specifically for "Cannottellyou." Who knew, my friend, that "work" could have been sooo close by the house... Literally not even 50 yards from the front door. [url=][img][/img][/url] Looking East from Conn Ave, TD Bank, a passing neighbor who never heard of The Real World, and the RW DC house. [/CENTER]
Thanks V1, I appreciate you taking the time out for us.
[CENTER]Today was a very sunny day in DC. It's difficult to get a clear image from inside the house that does not turn out totally dark. Here is one -- inside the door on the ground floor just to the right of and below the main entrance. Thanks to a little photoshop magic you can see new drywall that has recently gone up. [url=][img][/img][/url] [URL=""][/URL] The building is definitely showing its age in places. [/CENTER]
[QUOTE=Zachary;81913]This is legal right?[/QUOTE] Is what legal? Could you be specific?
[quote=V1man;81952]Is what legal? Could you be specific?[/quote] Yessum. What I mean us posting pictures of the house and everything before the series begins legal. I remember we did this on [URL=""][/URL] and our posts were deleted.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Zachary;82013]Yessum. What I mean us posting pictures of the house and everything before the series begins legal. I remember we did this on [URL=""][/URL] and our posts were deleted.[/quote] V1Man is a lawyer as well as a resident of the DC area, I'm sure he knows the limits. ;)
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;82014]V1Man is a lawyer as well as a resident of the DC area, I'm sure he knows the limits. ;)[/quote] ....besides, the first amendment (among other rights that we as americans have) is absolute in this regard. BMP may be irrate (doubtful) that this info is getting out, but ultimately, it's 188% legal to publicize this.... it would be different if any of us were to [I]work for them... [/I][SIZE=1]*ahem....* and they could prove that it was a specific employee bound by a confidentiality clause..... [/SIZE][SIZE=3]Need I say more?? [/SIZE]
[QUOTE=Zachary;82013]Yessum. What I mean us posting pictures of the house and everything before the series begins legal. I remember we did this on [URL=""][/URL] and our posts were deleted.[/QUOTE] 1) The pictures all were taken while on public property, from property not under the control of BMP, or with the approval of property owners. 2) There is no invasion of privacy. The permits issued by the government of the District of Columbia are public documents and must be displayed for public inspection. 3) acts to publish news. We broke the story of TRW coming to DC. The moderators of the site are part of the vevmo editorial staff. We are the journalists of this new electronic age. A reminder... [QUOTE]First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[/QUOTE] In an analysis of the 2000 Federal District Court case, Green vs. CBS Broadcasting Corp., First Amendment attorney, David L. Hudson Jr., wrote the following to describe the Court's view: [QUOTE]A private-facts plaintiff must also show that the “private” information disclosed is not of “legitimate concern” to the public. Many courts have applied a “newsworthy” privilege, especially when dealing with media defendants. The question becomes whether the released “private” information was newsworthy.[/QUOTE] In the instance of MTV, control of the means of transmission is regulated under Federal Law by the FCC. Thus, the Real World is a legitimate public interest matter. The Real World house location is one of the hottest blog topics in the DC area. The mood of most bloggers is very negative, with a quickly growing twitter assemblage ready to undertake guerrilla tactics to disrupt show filming. Vevmo is the largest internet site with a decidedly pro-RW editorial policy. Franks, MTV and BMP should be actively cooperating with us to disseminate the facts.
Is it possible they willl begin filming next month?
I think it would be possible. If they are behind schedule on the house renovations and such, than probably not.
Since the construction crews are working on weekends, there is no reason to think they will not meet their shooting start date. Of course, no one actually knows what that date is. The last job notice we saw mentioned a hire date of June 21. You don't begin shooting on the crew hire date with something this complicated. The pick up crews have too much to learn. It was the DC bloggers who first mentioned June 21 as a start date. These people, of course, have no clue about have TV production works. They are simply casual bystanders, fans or haters, which does not make them informed.
[QUOTE=V1man;82108]Since the construction crews are working on weekends, there is no reason to think they will not meet their shooting start date. Of course, no one actually knows what that date is. The last job notice we saw mentioned a hire date of June 21. You don't begin shooting on the crew hire date with something this complicated. The pick up crews have too much to learn. It was the DC bloggers who first mentioned June 21 as a start date. These people, of course, have no clue about have TV production works. They are simply casual bystanders, fans or haters, which does not make them informed.[/QUOTE] That would probably be the best start date ever :D
Anonymous's picture
[quote=molds13;82121]That would probably be the best start date ever [/quote] Why's that? Summer solstice? Or is it your B-day? ;)
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;82131]Why's that? Summer solstice? Or is it your B-day? ;)[/QUOTE] BOTH! Longest day of the year on my could it get any better? But would they really start filming on a Sunday?
[quote=salt&vinegar;82102]Is it possible they willl begin filming next month?[/quote] S&V: Production begins on or about June 20/21.
[quote=V1man;82108]Since the construction crews are working on weekends, there is no reason to think they will not meet their shooting start date. Of course, no one actually knows what that date is. The last job notice we saw mentioned a hire date of June 21. You don't begin shooting on the crew hire date with something this complicated. The pick up crews have too much to learn. It was the DC bloggers who first mentioned June 21 as a start date. These people, of course, have no clue about have TV production works. They are simply casual bystanders, fans or haters, which does not make them informed.[/quote] On the heels of that, I wanted to clarify my last posting to S&V: by "production begins on or about June 20/21", that does not mean they actually move in and begin filming the season on that day. There's plenty of work for them to do in pre-production and in getting cranes and/or helicopters, etc. set up to do b-roll shots of the city and its purported destinations and of course the house.
[quote=wiggyndc;82207]On the heels of that, I wanted to clarify my last posting to S&V: by "production begins on or about June 20/21", that does not mean they actually move in and begin filming the season on that day. [/quote] There were also [URL=""]job listings for camera & sound guys[/URL] with a start date of the 27th so maybe that is a bit closer to the actual "go" date for the cast to move into the house. Hopefully they should be up and fulling running by the first week of July if all goes as planned. Don't forget, with the Brooklyn season all sorts of scheduling changes had to be made because of unforeseen circumstances.
[quote=V1man;82056]1) The pictures all were taken while on public property, from property not under the control of BMP, or with the approval of property owners. 2) There is no invasion of privacy. The permits issued by the government of the District of Columbia are public documents and must be displayed for public inspection. 3) acts to publish news. We broke the story of TRW coming to DC. The moderators of the site are part of the vevmo editorial staff. We are the journalists of this new electronic age. A reminder... In an analysis of the 2000 Federal District Court case, Green vs. CBS Broadcasting Corp., First Amendment attorney, David L. Hudson Jr., wrote the following to describe the Court's view: In the instance of MTV, control of the means of transmission is regulated under Federal Law by the FCC. Thus, the Real World is a legitimate public interest matter. The Real World house location is one of the hottest blog topics in the DC area. The mood of most bloggers is very negative, with a quickly growing twitter assemblage ready to undertake guerrilla tactics to disrupt show filming. Vevmo is the largest internet site with a decidedly pro-RW editorial policy. Franks, MTV and BMP should be actively cooperating with us to disseminate the facts.[/quote] This is why I love you guys.
