[quote=Flamen;44821]I find it pathetic that you guys are all protecting the fact that JD made some racist comments about immigrants.[/quote]
I should have probably said more than I did. I still don't agree with what he said, but I am someone who doesn't want to judge someone and is more interested in understanding why they say what they do.
[quote=needsalife;44847]I should have probably said more than I did. I still don't agree with what he said, but I am someone who doesn't want to judge someone and is more interested in understanding why they say what they do.[/quote]
Well yea, thats true. I guess i shouldn't had said that but i mean, again we all make mistakes like JD probably did, I'm guessing he regrets it.
[QUOTE=Insider;44810]I think people should be more tolerant.[/QUOTE]
HAHA Shawn...I can see where you're coming from. On one hand, like Insider said, I think people could be a liiiittle more tolerant.
But Insider - I have some stories for you. Like going to Paris and not knowing a word of French. Or how the Florentines first reacted to us being there when we studied abroad for 5 months. Both situations were not nice...until we learned more Italian and I could speak to them on their own terms. As an American in a foreign country...the French we encountered were HORRIBLE to us.
I agree/fully sympathize where Shawn is coming from.
[QUOTE=V1man;44834]Not a day goes by that I don't complain about native born Americans who can't write a simple declarative sentence to save their *****. We are practically an illiterate society on the way to third world status. I probably spend about 4 hours each week throughout vevmo repairing grammar and syntax in addition to applying the standard rules of capitalization and punctuation.
As for JD, I didn't get the "bad guy" vibe when I met him, so I don't automatically accept the edit we saw of him in Ep. 2. We simply have two juxtaposed character reveals in two separate episodes. It might be wise to wait a week or two to see more of him before one locks in an opinion. I think it is fair to identify what may be troubling from JD in Ep 2, but I don't see the point in sending him to the **** pile just yet. Hell, let's fry a BMP editor first.
As for the rest of you.... Play Nice! I'm heavily medicated tonight and my finger is dangerously close to the delete button.[/QUOTE]
Although I agree that grammar and literacy are important issues in our society....I hardly find it necessary to use proper punctuation and capitalization when discussing such issues as "Rock of Love Bus" and "The Real World" lol Don't waste your time, man!
I once had a professor that required certain assignments by email...not like Word documents, but literally responses in the body of an email. He said he wouldn't grade on grammar/punctuation/etc because e-mail was originally an informal base of communication. I kind of agree and veer towards that way of thinking on forums. haha Sorry if my posts are the ones you're spending time on.
[QUOTE=RockSteadyVybes;44856]Although I agree that grammar and literacy are important issues in our society....I hardly find it necessary to use proper punctuation and capitalization when discussing such issues as "Rock of Love Bus" and "The Real World" lol Don't waste your time, man!
I once had a professor that required certain assignments by email...not like Word documents, but literally responses in the body of an email. He said he wouldn't grade on grammar/punctuation/etc because e-mail was originally an informal base of communication. I kind of agree and veer towards that way of thinking on forums. haha Sorry if my posts are the ones you're spending time on.[/QUOTE]
Personally, I don't think much of your professor's point of view; but, as with many things, I am very "old school" about writing. I prefer Jane Austin to anyone contemporary.
We have standards here at vevmo. I don't fix posts because I enjoy the drudgery. I do it because that comes with the job of moderation. Our view is that capitalization and punctuation, in particular, make easier the act of reading, and it is, therefore, more pleasurable. This site is not along in having certain standards.
My alternative to not wasting my time is simply to delete comments that require at lot of repair work. Trust me, Bacchus does not pay me enough to be anyone's copy editor.
I don't know why so many people are getting so rankled by what J.D. said. I've said some incredibly stupid things while drunk, but in my case, there wasn't a camera five feet away filming it. I commend Chet for standing up to J.D., but he must have been pretty sheltered in SLC if he doesn't realize how futile it is to argue with a drunk person.
[quote=Zereaux;44893]I don't know why so many people are getting so rankled by what J.D. said. I've said some incredibly stupid things while drunk, but in my case, there wasn't a camera five feet away filming it. I commend Chet for standing up to J.D., but he must have been pretty sheltered in SLC if he doesn't realize how futile it is to argue with a drunk person.[/quote]
I agree with your statement Zereaux. What JD was saying was not right, but Chet got way too serious with the whole situation. From my impression, JD was drunk and was just joking around about it.
[quote=dplayer18;44899]I think Chet would have handled the situation differently if he had known JD was drunk.[/quote]
Yeah, I was pretty confused about that. After the argument Chet didn't know JD was intoxicated. But I thought I heard somebody mention that JD was drunk while the argument escalated. I could be wrong though.
[QUOTE=hotboih;44900]Yeah, I was pretty confused about that. After the argument Chet didn't know JD was intoxicated. But I thought I heard somebody mention that JD was drunk while the argument escalated. I could be wrong though.[/QUOTE]
This may be something that only JD can clear up for viewers. I know he did talk to someone from a previous season before Ep 2 aired. The impression I was given from talking to that person yesterday was that he did have some regrets about what he said.
I talked about why I was disappointed in what JD said in my last post. I thought it was rude for a number of reasons, and regardless of being drunk or not, rude is rude. I don't consider him a bad person for it, don't think he's evil, don't think he's lacking redeemable qualities, nor do I think it's unforgivable what he said or anything like that. I do think most people have said rude or offensive things before - people who are good and bad, drunk or sober, but it doesn't make people feel good when they hear those things. I do think most people could have a bad moment or two when being filmed on TV as well. But it is a show we are watching and people are going to discuss what what shown. Even when things aren't being filmed and broadcast, if people see someone behaving a certain way, some people will discuss it.
For me personally, the only thing I thought Chet did wrong was stand up to JD and kind of get in his face, since JD thought he was challenging him to a fight or something. It didn't look right. Other than that, I am glad Chet said something. Chet was upset in that moment and made his feelings know, just like JD made his feelings known. It could have been shorter conversation Chet had with him, yeah. But I think after listening to more of the conversation on RW Dailies that there were other underlying issues that spurred the conversation on.
And Chet [B][I]did[/I][/B] have a conversation with JD the next day as well, and he even apologized.
I understand that being drunk lowers your inhibitions and makes it hard for a person to be reasonable. For that reason, I completely understand people saying you should wait until the next day to really have a serious conversation with the drunk (but now sober) person. But I feel if a drunk person is being rude or offensive, you should be allowed to say a little something to them. I guess something I just don't understand is why some people act like the non-drunk person is in the wrong for daring to say anything, even just a little, to a drunk person. I've noticed from reading message boards dealing with reality shows that a lot of people in general (I'm not talking to anyone in particular here or elsewhere) on boards seem to take the non-drunk person to task for saying anything, even a little, to the drunk person at all, even if the drunk person is being horrible or annoying. A huge in-depth conversation I can see being a problem, but if someone is being rude, why can't you tell them they are being rude or their behavior is unacceptable? It seems even saying the smallest of things to a drunk person is very much frowned upon.
[quote=V1man;44901]This may be something that only JD can clear up for viewers. I know he did talk to someone from a previous season before Ep 2 aired. The impression I was given from talking to that person yesterday was that he did have some regrets about what he said.[/quote]
Thanks for that info. I think most people have done or said something they regret. It seems people are split between thinking what he did was bad or not a big deal, from the boards or comments I visit and read. It's got to be tough watching yourself do or say something that wasn't positive on TV - just seeing yourself in that light, and dealing with comments of viewers. I think it may be for the best that it happened earlier on in the season instead of later. I say that because it seems looking negative in the beginning seems to be more forgotten if there are no more negative moments later on (setting the table breaking aside - don't know why it happened). It's like you kind of "redeem" yourself. And on the flip side, it seems people who look good in the first handful of episodes, but start getting a negative portrayal later have to deal with the "recently effect" - last time we saw them they looked bad. At least that's how I see it. Though it is hard to get past a first bad impression...
[quote=V1man]This may be something that only JD can clear up for viewers. I know he did talk to someone from a previous season before Ep 2 aired. The impression I was given from talking to that person yesterday was that he did have some regrets about what he said.[/quote]
The only former castmember I can think of who has been in a similar situation was Ace when he made all those remarks about French people on camera. Ace ended up apologizing for it when it aired I believe.
*edit* I just remembered that Trisha had something similar happen, too, when she was at McDonalds.
[quote=Gifted1;44926]Did an after-show come on after episode 2 like it did with episode 1?[/quote]
No, they're filming more soon I believe. There a thread about it [URL="http://vevmo.com/f56/the-real-world-brooklyn-more-aftershows-2635/"][COLOR=#800080][URL="http://vevmo.com/f56/the-real-world-brooklyn-more-aftershows-2635/"][url]http://vevmo.com/f56/the-real-world-brooklyn-more-aftershows-2635/[/url][/URL][/COLOR][/URL]
[quote=tjboston;44927]No, they're filming more soon I believe. There a thread about it [URL="http://vevmo.com/f56/the-real-world-brooklyn-more-aftershows-2635/"][COLOR=#800080][URL="http://vevmo.com/f56/the-real-world-brooklyn-more-aftershows-2635/"][URL="http://vevmo.com/f56/the-real-world-brooklyn-more-aftershows-2635/"][url]http://vevmo.com/f56/the-real-world-brooklyn-more-aftershows-2635/[/url][/URL][/COLOR][/URL][/URL][/quote]
Ok, thanks!
Not a day goes by that I don't complain about native born Americans who can't write a simple declarative sentence to save their *****. We are practically an illiterate society on the way to third world status.
Okay - I know this discussion is about grammatical correctedness but I feel I'd rather be "politically" correct and address that small detail here. Let's say it just doesn't sit well because I just see a difference between a country that's literate and neglects to stay on top of it versus a country with no literacy infrastructure and basically doesn't, or really couldn't suck badly enough that our literacy skills could any day stoop to their level. Just my two cents.
[quote=viane;44929]Not a day goes by that I don't complain about native born Americans who can't write a simple declarative sentence to save their *****. We are practically an illiterate society on the way to third world status.
Okay - I know this discussion is about grammatical correctiveness but I feel I'd rather be "politically" correct and address that small detail here. Let's say it just doesn't sit well because I just see a difference between a country that's literate and neglects to stay on top of it versus a country with no literacy infrastructure and basically doesn't, or really couldn't suck badly enough that our literacy skills could any day stoop to their level. Just my two cents.[/quote]
I agree, although I have no concept of any nexus between my statement and yours.
[quote=KatesMom;44545]I really enjoyed tonight's episode. [/quote]
I enjoyed it too.
Welcome to my Real World!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Team Mom's
Since JD made a comment about the cashier asking him if he wanted Marlboros, what do you bet that the cashier just wasn't familiar with the word chapstick and when she asked him to repeat himself, he did a drunken pantomime that was supposed to look like putting chapstick on, but looked to her like smoking? Probably nothing, because that's a ridiculous thing to bet on, but it seems possible. I understand that if you're working in any form of customer service, you should speak English fairly well, but chapstick isn't really a key word in most people's vocabulary. JD usually seems like such a sweet heart, I think he was just having a bad/drunken night.
I really dont understand. People on mtv.com and practically everywhere always post comments saying that " Chet is hiding in the closet" or whatever but I dont know why everyone thinks hes gay. He just has a different style and a different way to express himself! It really bothers me...but I dont know....just a thought.
[quote=KatesMom;44545]I really enjoyed tonight's episode. Especially watching JD run around trying to answer the door.[/quote]I agree. I enjoyed this episode quite alot. Seeing Baya pursue her dreams and dancing career makes me think that The Real World is finally turning back to good! And when I mean good I dont mean drunkenhookups and dumb drama.
Hiya everyone, just joined. I am an old time real worlder and haven't watched consistently probably since Chicago, though I did see parts of Las Vegas and San Diego and I have seen some of the challenges. For the most part I tuned out because I started to feel like I had outgrown MTV around the time they started showing Jacka**. But when I heard about RW Brooklyn I decided to give it a shot and I'm glad I did. I really like this cast and the fact that MTV is showing that young people can be about more than just drinking til they pass out. It's just started but so far I pretty much like everyone.
So based on episode 2, I really like Katelynn, not so much because of her backstory (which is interesting) but more because of how open and honest she seems to be. She and Baya strike me as being free spirits and genuine people. I also like Devyn (though they haven't shown her a lot so I'm operating more off of a sense that I get from her) she's just funny and blunt which I love. Though she seems laid back I can imagine her to be a highly driven person. Ryan is funny to a certain extent but he seems to be the one that I imagine will benefit most from being around a diverse group of people. Chet ultimately I think will prove to be less open and seems to be set in his ways and beliefs. That's not necessarily a bad thing, as I do think it's good to have something you believe in, I just can't see him moving too far beyond his comfort zone. Of course we're only 2 epis in so all my theories could go flying out the window!
Now, JD. I agree with an earlier poster who suggested that his feelings about immigrants (and possibly service workers) stems from his deep seeded issues with his parents. This isn't excusing his behavior, I thought it was pretty tasteless, but when I hear people making those sort of comments I can't help but wonder where it comes from and I think that's a huge part of it. Then again it could just be the power of editing by showing his fight with his dad and then the incident in the same episode. I don't know, he seems to have a lot of anger beneath the surface that he's struggling with but at the same time he doesn't seem to want to acknowledge that maybe he has some issues to work through. I don't dislike him though. . .yet.
Also last thing, I also liked seeing Baya pursue her dancing and I can't wait to see the others pursuing their individual goals. Okay, sorry that went on for so long I'm done now hahaha.
Welcome, Binary Solo!
I'll bet if you posted that thoughtful analysis on iamonmtv.com you would get no so welcoming comments. Not so here. You will fit right in. We don't all agree -- that would be boring -- be we are a respectful bunch, generally.
Thanks for the welcomes, ditto OPD! I've read a lot of the thread today (boss is away so I will play hehehe) and I liked how thoughtful people's comments tended to be on here vs some other sites I've been on, plus a lot of the people on here seem to be over the age of 15 so that's why I upgraded from snarky lurker status. Looking forward to agreeing and disagreeing.