The Island: Episode 5 - Discussion

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The Island: Episode 5 - Discussion
Tension flares when Johnny wakes Evelyn from her night's sleep. Evelyn has had enough of Johnny's shenanigans and is about to teach him an Island lesson. This thread is for discussing the current episode (#5) of The Island. If you want to talk about what's currently happening on the show, this is the place to do it. If you want to talk about The Island Dailies, head over [URL="**********************************************************************************;]here[/URL]. Head [URL="******************************************************************;]here[/URL] to discuss spoilers, and [URL="***********************************************************;]here[/URL] for speculation about how the challenge will unfold.
ooooh Ev looks like she is about to kick some *** in that photo!
She looks so cute with that telescope on her shoulder. Like some sort of explorer. :D
Johnny's response is so like an abusive bully's. Explosive, overly self-righteous anger to try and cover up for himself. And Paula spitting while Johhny was ranting at Ev was such a nice touch. You know Johnny must really have it out for her if Jenn is starting to comment and stand against the Family that got her a key about it.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Bacchus;32669]Tension flairs when Johnny wakes Evelyn from her night's sleep. Evelyn has had enough of Johnny's shenanigans and is about to teach him an Island lesson. [/quote] Yea!! Ahhh I can't wait for Ev's revenge! I get [I]p*ssed[/I] big time when someone messes with my sleep!!
[QUOTE=JoshiK;32696]Johnny's response is so like an abusive bully's. Explosive, overly self-righteous anger to try and cover up for himself. And Paula spitting while Johhny was ranting at Ev was such a nice touch. You know Johnny must really have it out for her if Jenn is starting to comment and stand against the Family that got her a key about it.[/QUOTE] I think it probably is far more likely that Jenn is playing the game for herself. The only side she is on is her own, which means she is playing Johnny with every word.
Very good point. She speaks the obvious, but good point.
Anonymous's picture
The photo reminds me on something you would see on the "Lord of the Flies". Go ev!
[CENTER][URL="*******************************************************************;][IMG]************************************************[/IMG][/URL] [B]"It wasn't my fault..."[/B] [/CENTER]
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Bacchus;32794][B]"It wasn't my fault..."[/B][/quote] that might be the best picture i've ever seen.
Ev's a cutie. Still ****** me off she's so set in her sexuality choice..
[QUOTE=StonedWorld;32804]Ev's a cutie. Still ****** me off she's so set in her sexuality choice..[/QUOTE] Set in jello on a warm day perhaps.
heh. :wink2:
LOL Shavaun doesn't look too thrilled to be there.
Shauvon, Frank, Brooke. All possible candidates for the new challenge?! Brooke looked good too! :)
LOVE THE NEW RULE!! Johnny could lose his key!!! GO EV!!!
hahaha @ the new rules!!!! someone better take johnny's key!
Wow I never saw that coming! This game is about to get VERY interesting. It would make my night if Ev won and took Johnny's key!
Anonymous's picture
Johnny really should watch his mouth... and now he knows why. No matter who wins.. he or she is going to try to take Johnny's key.
So, does anyone remember the clip in the trailer of Eve and Johnny standing next to each other? :) :) :)
At least Johnny knows Ev's the strongest girl and admits it. So Ev would take Johnny's key, Tyrie wants Dunbar's, and Dan wants...? So V1 (sorry this isn't in the spoiler thread but I'll use tags!) [SPOILER]I still dont get how they could be together...if it was true that Johnny's a winner and Ev's seen on the boat, why would they be in the elimination? Could you explain or try? Maybe a PM if you dont want to let it out? If you could I'll be sure to keep my lips shut and appreciate it since I'm still kind of lost. I'm probly just thinking too much right now, still pumped about the new rule![/SPOILER]
Anonymous's picture
omg evelyn don't do it!
noooooooooooooooooooo ev!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nooooooooooooooooo!!!!
Anonymous's picture
r u serious? wtf
Anonymous's picture
Hey... Money talks.
Dan and Robin look like quite the dysfunctional couple, lol.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=Bacchus;32830]Dan and Robin look like quite the dysfunctional couple, lol.[/QUOTE] Is dysfunctional the word to define that union? I would say cluster***k trainwreck hot tranny mess :acute:
Anonymous's picture
Robin and Dan are a hot mess together. I AM SO PROUD OF EVELYN!
[quote=tjhallow;32833]Robin and Dan are a hot mess together. I AM SO PROUD OF EVELYN![/quote] I was happy for Ev too. Fight the power!
Lmao, I can't tell if they're all crying because their keys are endangered or they have to sit there and watch them eat pizza. I freakin love this episode.
Thank God Evelyn won, and she got a pizza! That was so awesome.
