The Island: Episode 5 - Discussion

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Sadly, I missed this episode. And what an episode to miss! Does anyone have a clip of Ev's speech to tide me over until uploads the episode?
[quote=JoshiK;32924]Sadly, I missed this episode. And what an episode to miss! Does anyone have a clip of Ev's speech to tide me over until uploads the episode?[/quote] Its the first video at [URL=""]Challenge dailies[/URL]
Why, thank you kindly!
[quote=V1man;32922]Derrick is, for all his wonderful ability to compete and his unparalleled drive to win, hamstrung by his constant desire to stay close to whomever is in power. It's a strategy, and even perhaps a smart one. I'm not sure that it is entirely 100% honorable, however, if you are one who prefers not to separate how one plays the game from how one lives one's life. As power shifts in the game,[B] look for Derrick to adjust his loyalty, and perhaps divide it. [/B] You will notice that Evelyn didn't name Derrick during her speech last nigh as part of "The Alliance." I believe that was intentional on her part -- an effort to allow Dan, Robin and Derrick (an unspoken mini-alliance) to distance themselves from Johnny/Paula/Kenny/Johanna/Dunbar/Colie. She already secured Jenn's support and allegiance early in the day when outing Johnny's willingness to sacrifice Jenn for the well being of their core alliance.[/quote] I sure hope to see Derrick do the right thing, if he sticks with the ***** alliance I will sadly view him differently! I think what Evelyn did last night, was give a voice to the rest of the people not in the alliance. She stood up for what she believes in and that took a lot of heart. I hope to see her win this challenge.
[quote=TDMEL52;32911]question from the prievews who do you guys think was in the face off. It says three guys. I wonder. TJ LAVIN IS MY HERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/quote] Smart money says Johnny vs Colhutta vs (Derrick or Dan)
[QUOTE=V1man;32922]Derrick is, for all his wonderful ability to compete and his unparalleled drive to win, hamstrung by his constant desire to stay close to whomever is in power. It's a strategy, and even perhaps a smart one. I'm not sure that it is entirely 100% honorable, however, if you are one who prefers not to separate how one plays the game from how one lives one's life. As power shifts in the game, look for Derrick to adjust his loyalty, and perhaps divide it. You will notice that Evelyn didn't name Derrick during her speech last nigh as part of "The Alliance." I believe that was intentional on her part -- an effort to allow Dan, Robin and Derrick (an unspoken mini-alliance) to distance themselves from Johnny/Paula/Kenny/Johanna/Dunbar/Colie. She already secured Jenn's support and allegiance early in the day when outing Johnny's willingness to sacrifice Jenn for the well being of their core alliance.[/QUOTE] thanks V1! I kinda figured Dan and Robin were drifting away from "The Alliance". I hope Derrick allies with Jenn and Ev later on that would be a good alliance.
[QUOTE=iamnemesis666;32921]You would be thrown and tossed around two if you were up against a gorilla (Tyrie) and a pitbull (Derrick) come on now lets give him a break...and lets not forget who won the challenge[/QUOTE] I know you didn't mean anything by it. However, it would be a lot more PC to think of another name besides gorilla to call Tyrie.
[QUOTE=roundables;32931]I know you didn't mean anything by it. However, it would be a lot more PC to think of another name besides gorilla to call Tyrie.[/QUOTE] LMAO...yeah I guess if yu put it like that then it could be offending, but in all honestly Tyrie is guerilla-esque regardless of his skin color.
[quote=dplayer18;32929]thanks V1! I kinda figured Dan and Robin were drifting away from "The Alliance". I hope Derrick allies with Jenn and Ev later on that would be a good alliance.[/quote] I kinda figure that Dan and Robin will drift away from each other as well ...... perhaps well enough for Dan to take robin's key down the road. Ep 5 was good esp when Johnny was groveling to Ev, and then she still took his key ............ perfect!
[QUOTE=Darock1713;32939]I kinda figure that Dan and Robin will drift away from each other as well ...... perhaps well enough for Dan to take robin's key down the road. Ep 5 was good esp when Johnny was groveling to Ev, and then she still took his key ............ perfect![/QUOTE] That would be funny to watch if Dan took Robin's key! Ev made it clear to johnny and kenny that she's not scared of them when she took his key
God, after Ev's speech, I am hoping she is one of the winners.She was awesome!
[quote=iamnemesis666;32921]You would be thrown and tossed around two if you were up against a gorilla (Tyrie) and a pitbull (Derrick) come on now lets give him a break...and lets not forget who won the challenge[/quote] Im not so sure that I would be thrown around.. but thats neither here nor there. And dont you realise Dunbar/Tyrie are the same build. With Tyrie having him by just a few pounds and yes, Derrick is a pitbull, but still was heavily outweighed by Dunbar. That challenge lasted a long time, Dunbar took some "paula-esque" plunges if not more than Paula herself.
[quote=StonedWorld;32954] And dont you realise Dunbar/Tyrie are the same build. With Tyrie having him by just a few pounds and yes, Derrick is a pitbull, but still was heavily outweighed by Dunbar. That challenge lasted a long time, Dunbar took some "paula-esque" plunges if not more than Paula herself.[/quote] In all honesty it would not surprise me at all if Dunbar took those falls to prove the point that he is just not getting enough protein...whawhawha..he's a big baby.
Having watched the ep online, I have to commend Ev for being straight with KA and even Jenn and telling them what the Family was plotting. Even if it hurt KA's feelings, she probably appreciated being told than to have the Family try to work it against her and Ev later in the game. Actually, that was just smart by Ev all around because the Family would've tried to sew discord later if she wasn't up front with them. The lady has cajones, because as cheesy and lame as Johnny and Kenny sound, they will target her. And I'm not going to place my money on the fact that the rest of the group will break off from them. But it's a nice reversal from her portrayal as "anything for money" in G3.
[quote=V1man;32922]You will notice that Evelyn didn't name Derrick during her speech last nigh as part of "The Alliance." I believe that was intentional on her part -- an effort to allow Dan, Robin and Derrick (an unspoken mini-alliance) to distance themselves from Johnny/Paula/Kenny/Johanna/Dunbar/Colie. She already secured Jenn's support and allegiance early in the day when outing Johnny's willingness to sacrifice Jenn for the well being of their core alliance.[/quote] Ahh... See these sorts of strategical nuances are exactly why I found last night's show so refreshing. Finally there is a game underway, complete with a real power struggle, [I]thinking[/I] player(s), and dynamic alliance loyalties. I mean... drunken drama and bullying only gets you so far; it's nice to finally see this thing turn into a competition rather than the Kenny and Johnny show (with supporting cast). V1, please do thank Ev for breathing some life into the challenge, lol [quote=LilysMom;32958]In all honesty it would not surprise me at all if Dunbar took those falls to prove the point that he is just not getting enough protein...whawhawha..he's a big baby.[/quote] hahahahhaha! :laugh2: for real.
I dont think Derrick needs to be set in stone in an alliance. He's liked by everybody on this challenge (actually after Inferno II I'd say every castmember who we've seen since has extreme respect and a likeness for him) so he really doesn't need to walk around puttign himself in situations that could hurt him later. He's friends with Kenny and Johnny so they're gonna be close, and he's also friends with Robin and Jenn, so I'd say he's sitting the prettiest in these games becasue: 1. He's like a "father figure" to the other challengers (somebody said this on a reunion or aftershow, can't remember who though) 2. He doesn't get caught up in drama so his slate stays clean 3.He's a powerhouse and puts 110% into everything he does
[quote=StonedWorld;32954]Im not so sure that I would be thrown around.. but thats neither here nor there. And dont you realise Dunbar/Tyrie are the same build. With Tyrie having him by just a few pounds and yes, Derrick is a pitbull, but still was heavily outweighed by Dunbar. That challenge lasted a long time, Dunbar took some "paula-esque" plunges if not more than Paula herself.[/quote] I always said Dunbar was not that strong imo. He has a key simply on rep, and if it comes down to a scramble to get to the boats, I don't see him being in the top 7 or 8
My opinion of Ev has changed dramatically from G3 to The Island. I have mad respect for her now, and I'm started to believe V1 when he said she got a really bad edit on G3. Here's something funny, I did not notice until this face-off that Ev has a fantastic body! I always perceived her as too boyish, but she is hot!!! One last thing...Cohutta go home!! Gawd I don't know how much more of that accent I can take!!!
[QUOTE=iamnemesis666;33046]My opinion of Ev has changed dramatically from G3 to The Island. I have mad respect for her now, and I'm started to believe V1 when he said she got a really bad edit on G3. Here's something funny, I did not notice until this face-off that Ev has a fantastic body! I always perceived her as too boyish, but she is hot!!! One last thing...Cohutta go home!! Gawd I don't know how much more of that accent I can take!!![/QUOTE] During G3, I was on the phone with cast members on a daily basis. I know what they told me was doing on and I know how the show was edited. While I could be moved by your comment that you've 'started to believe V1 when he said she got a really bad edit on G3," if is a fact that she got a bad edit. Part of the reason is that she intentionally avoided talking to production. She gave BMP very little to work with. This time, she was cooperative, persuasive, and the only viable counterpoint to The Alliance the was taking to show nowhere. The loud berating of women only works for a couple of minutes on TV then it helps if it is for South Park, Family Guy, or The Simpsons.
This so far, was my favorite episode of the Island. I have been waiting for weeks for Eve to tell the alliance off. I was worried she was going to take KA's key at first but I was glad when she stuck to her guns and took Johnny's. That was one awesome speech.
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I have to agree that this was the best episode so far. I'm happy to see Ev finally doing something this time around. :)
Just something random, but V1 didn't you say earlier that KellyAnne had problems with Robin during the challenge, and that she hated her or something along those lines? Now I'm not complaining or anything, I just want to clarify, cause to me, it looks like the two are actually becoming close friends. And I was watching the dailies, and Robin was talking [joking?] about 'p***ing along her bandanna' to KellyAnne. Also are we ever going to see the, "I wanna kick her ***" from KellyAnne, in upcoming episodes? Or was it just a clip for the trailer?
[QUOTE=LivesToRun;33170]Just something random, but V1 didn't you say earlier that KellyAnne had problems with Robin during the challenge, and that she hated her or something along those lines? Now I'm not complaining or anything, I just want to clarify, cause to me, it looks like the two are actually becoming close friends. And I was watching the dailies, and Robin was talking [joking?] about 'p***ing along her bandanna' to KellyAnne. Also are we ever going to see the, "I wanna kick her ***" from KellyAnne, in upcoming episodes? Or was it just a clip for the trailer?[/QUOTE] Robin talked to anyone who would listen on the challenge. Kelly Anne listened politely to a drunk Robin. There was no where to go to escape her, and nothing else to do. Kelly Anne should speak for herself about the absence of a friendship with Robin. I do not believe there is one.
[quote=V1man;33171]Robin talked to anyone who would listen on the challenge. Kelly Anne listened politely to a drunk Robin. There was no where to go to escape her, and nothing else to do. Kelly Anne should speak for herself about the absence of a friendship with Robin. I do not believe there is one.[/quote] Aww, I would have liked to see a friendship there, but oh well I guess.
[quote][INDENT]Robin talked to anyone who would listen on the challenge. Kelly Anne listened politely to a drunk Robin. There was no where to go to escape her, and nothing else to do. Kelly Anne should speak for herself about the absence of a friendship with Robin. I do not believe there is one. [/INDENT][/quote]V1man, were any of the castmembers genuinely concerned about Robin or Dan? Also, was production at all concerned at the anger and outright scary behavior by Johnny and Dunbar? I mean, maybe Ev was over the top with the telescope, but I'm sure it was out of frustration and blind rage over how insane Johnny has been acting. :( It did make me sad to see how defeated Ev looked at the end of that exchange. It was as if she sadly realized no matter what there would be no reasoning with that *******, and nothing she did, be it act like an angry "*****" or a genuine person wanting to resolve their conflict, was going to make him change his behavior.
[QUOTE]V1man, were any of the castmembers genuinely concerned about Robin or Dan? [/QUOTE] Yes [QUOTE]Also, was production at all concerned at the anger and outright scary behavior by Johnny and Dunbar? [/QUOTE] They were very aware of it, but you need to remember that behind the camera lens through which you are seeing the action, there may be 3-5 crew members at any one time within a few feet of the cast. They think they have the ability to respond any any unanticipated situation. But, better than we, they known which cast member are talk and no action. They know the ******* and punks far, far better than we do.
Johnny and Dunbar are angry in the first place but throw them into a situation like this and well the inner *** in them comes out full force. Have to admit on previous challenges I liked Johnny and going into this one I had hoped he would win but...I just haven't liked him as much on this challenge as past ones. Still pulling for Derrick though.
My favorite episode so far. Ev made a good speech. I'm still not sure if I am liking this format for a challenge but it does makes things interesting.
Johnny was being a bit of a baby when he dropped his key on the ground instead of handing it to Ev.
[QUOTE=tjboston;33422]Johnny was being a bit of a baby when he dropped his key on the ground instead of handing it to Ev.[/QUOTE] I totally agree... The least he could have done is man-up and give her his key. He knows he got screwed.
