The Island: Episode 5 - Discussion

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Anonymous's picture
[quote=Bacchus;32835]I was happy for Ev too. Fight the power![/quote] Interesting to see who's key she takes? I love Tyree...I wish he would win something for once.
Anonymous's picture
I am so sick of Johnny and Kenny. This is not the godfather.
[quote=lionheart;32838]Thank God Evelyn won, and she got a pizza! That was so awesome.[/quote] I haven't even watched yet and now I am so excited to see! Is she in the face off with Johnny and Tyree?
Tye and Dan
Anonymous's picture
basically, if we agree with it or not, if she takes johnny or kenny's key... she's screwed. Sure, she can take one key... but she can't take ALL of their keys. She would have to go into every single faceoff the rest of the game to keep her key safe.
Anonymous's picture
Is anyone sick of the truth and its contrived commercials like I am?
Anonymous's picture
I freakin love Danimal! omg
Insider, I agree 100%. I hate to say it and I was saying the whole episode that Ev is for sure taking Johnny's it's probly the toughest situation I've seen on any of the challenges. Ev's kinda stubborn and independent, but she's also smart, so it's gonna be a surprise either way to everybody I think.
OHHH V1 I GOT IT NOW!!! lol sorry, now I realized why they're standing next to each other lol. Thanks. It'll happen right about now...
Anonymous's picture
This is officially my favorite episode. Ever. Thanks Ev.
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
BALLS! Hell yes. This makes the game more interesting.
Anonymous's picture
[B]OH SNAP![/B] That was some level 1 ownage right there.
Anonymous's picture
Uh oh... looks like Robin and Dan break up. This challenge is FINALLY getting good. BTW, I'm not convinced Ev blew up anything. She just finally added to the entertainment factor.
The way I see it, next week I bet the alliance will try one of two things: 1. Putting Johnny in against two weak players (Colie and Ryan anyone?) to pretty much guarentee his win and Ev's key. or 2. Putting Johnny in with another member of the alliance (Kenny?) and a weak player they don't want there, the alliance member lets Johnny win, guarenteeing him Ev's key. Then the alliance just votes (Kenny?) back onto the island.
Quite possibly the best challenge episode I've EVER seen... this was EPIC and BEAUTIFUL. I have the upmost RESPECT and ADMIRATION in EVELYN. You ROCK GIRL!!!!!!!!
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Morris1721;32856]The way I see it, next week I bet the alliance will try one of two things: 1. Putting Johnny in against two weak players (Colie and Ryan anyone?) to pretty much guarentee his win and Ev's key. or 2. Putting Johnny in with another member of the alliance (Kenny?) and a weak player they don't want there, the alliance member lets Johnny win, guarenteeing him Ev's key. Then the alliance just votes (Kenny?) back onto the island.[/quote] #2 is a def possibility.. however.. I dont see them sacraficing Kenny. Perhaps Paula/Johanna/Dunbar.
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple]this might be my favorite episode from all the challenges. ev is awesome![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
Dan flips out on Robin because she tells everybody that Dan was drunk and had a limp *** The fight doesnt seem to serious to me by the way everybody is acting and chanting. I also love Johanna being the dictator of the situation haha.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Insider;32855]Uh oh... looks like Robin and Dan break up. This challenge is FINALLY getting good. BTW, I'm not convinced Ev blew up anything. She just finally added to the entertainment factor.[/quote] I'm saying she called them out.
thats a pretty shitty thing to say about someone who seems to be quite kind and loyal to you. Drinking is her enemy and it only seems to bring her sadness. Robin I wish you freedom from the booze.
I find it interesting the Johanna does not want Dan to say anything derogatory about Robin, but she doesn't seem to mind Johnny calling any of the girls dumb******* or any number of things. Johnny is hella more offensive.
Great Episode, huh? [B]Peace Tyrie! [/B]He never seems to gel with more of the dominant people on these challenges. What sucks about Tyrie going home is he was ready to start breaking down the alliance, and he could of contributed to any such effort. None of the alliance dudes were willing to mess with him or get away with their bullying ways with Tyrie. Tension was high. (coughdunbarcough) [B]Alliances of asses[/B] It never fails to amuse me with Kenny and Banana Boys openness in their heavy handing of the game. Hate to see that they are openly admitting to "bullying" other contestants in to doing their so desires, and them being able to get away with it. [B]The challenge[/B] Tyrie didn't throw the challenge. long challenge. If he had won, Dunbars key was gone. Ev made a valid point about Dunbar not "living up to the hype" in the challenges so far. The ball challenge from last week, he got himself thrown, bounced and tossed around. There's one gruesome clip in last weeks episode of him getting punked. One highlight of a looong challenge that saw him being pushed around. [B]The Speech, The Show, The outcome[/B] It was a great speech from someone who has some of the most guts and character on that Island. Ev knew it was a ballsy situation, and in the end, went with her own heart no matter the repercussions. This is reality tv, yes, heavy editing goes in but in the end these shows have to write themselves. Johnny was a ***** the whole course of it so far, was very open in front of the characters of being degrading and down right mean spirited to Ev. he made himself the Antagonist to Ev's pro, So when she had to choose to get even or "a free ride to the end" it was an intense decision between money or character. Ev summed it all up in the speech and gave a public ***k you to each one of the alliance and a public drawing of the lines. Great TV. I wonder if her castmates listened...
Ev, I love you, marry me. I loved how she called out that pathetic alliance and took Johnny's key. One of my favorite challenge moments ever. However, I'm afraid what will happen to her, taking Johnny's key could lead to her downfall. I hope she'll be able to hold her own against the alliance, since they are gunning for her now more than ever.
[QUOTE=Morris1721;32848]OHHH V1 I GOT IT NOW!!! lol sorry, now I realized why they're standing next to each other lol. Thanks. It'll happen right about now...[/QUOTE] Ha. I mentioned it only because it is VINDICATION!!!! Yes, I'm shouting at all you doubters who kept telling us that you let BMP think for you and you totally bought into the trailer. (Sorry for the gloating, well not actually ;) )
[quote=V1man;32867]Ha. I mentioned it only because it is VINDICATION!!!! Yes, I'm shouting at all you doubters who kept telling us that you let BMP think for you and you totally bought into the trailer. (Sorry for the gloating, well not actually ;) )[/quote] Good editing is good editing.
I think Bacchus should add "Johnny got owned" in the tags. ;)
[quote=cystic;32869]I think Bacchus should add "Johnny got owned" in the tags. [/quote] You should be able to add tags. ;)
