The Island: Episode 4 - Discussion

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this isn't the first time that TJ got into it with the cast. Rember when he started yelling at Syrus because he called him a mother ***ker. I think it is uneccessary to have a host yell at the contestants. The host isn't in the show, and they shouldn't add their two cents. Finally, I love it when Dan says, "why should she quit when you will just berade her like you did Dave." Priceless.
how was the pay that Beth paid you. Also, other than Beth do you have other clients.
V1 - we know that the cast doesn't get paid when they just outright quit like Dave did vs. the way Abram basically "quit". If Ashlii would've "quit" because of her injury would she still have gotten paid? Either way TJ is still coming off like a ******. As far as him and all the quitter speeches and him being big on competitiveness - isn't it a little easy for him to say? He shows up for the pre face off announcement, the face off and the voting and then its back to wherever he's staying (is this a hotel most of the time V1?) I am not saying the cast have it rough but certainly a lot rougher than him. They're out there in the element (for lack of a better term) the entire time, Mr. Competitor is not. I can see how things like being away from home, around all the drunken drama, etc can be physically, mentally and emotionally draining. Meanwhile monotoned Mr. Competitor is back in his hotel room kicking back watching tv, eating a burger, etc.
Anonymous's picture
Maybe TJ just needs to stick to, BMX riding, er whatever it is he "does".
[QUOTE=TDMEL52;31818]how was the pay that Beth paid you. Also, other than Beth do you have other clients.[/QUOTE] First, Beth long ago ceased being my client. I am now a partner in her production company. She is represented by a couple of very good Hollywood agencies. Compensation is always privacy issue... Vision 1 represents a number of people, but we are not bookers or agents. Most people perfer to have their relationships with us private, but those from the RW/RR family who have publicly said they have worked with us include Beth, Trishelle, Tonya, Adam Larson, and Derrick. Privately we work with a number of others including several on The Island. We negotiate contracts and put together deals for people, among other things. Information on what we do is available at our website, but I would be spamming if I went further.
Whats Trishelle up to? Last time I saw her was that Dr. Steve-O show. Is she done with challenges by her choice, BMP's choice, both?
[quote=El Rey;31825]Whats Trishelle up to? Last time I saw her was that Dr. Steve-O show. Is she done with challenges by her choice, BMP's choice, both?[/quote] I use to love Trishelle but it seems to me that she has totally changed...she's not the sweet sexy girl we met back in Vegas. Now she acts like a Sharon Stone-type A-List celebrity when she is D-list at best. It sucks because before the Vegas Reunion I had hoped she would come back and do another Challenge...but now I know that stuff is "beneath" her.
[quote=V1man;31816]I could go on, but he does not deserve this much of my time.[/quote]'re right...what a d-bag! I like Beth and I think a lot of people (fans) do, so that makes him look like a *******. Thanks for the 411 V1
[QUOTE=El Rey;31825]Whats Trishelle up to? Last time I saw her was that Dr. Steve-O show. Is she done with challenges by her choice, BMP's choice, both?[/QUOTE] She is finished by her choice. She has a new show that begins on Oct 18th on CMT. Here are two links: [url=]CMT : Hulk Hogan Celebrity Wrestling : Main : Dennis Rodman, Danny Bonaduce, Todd Bridges, Tiffany, Frank Stallone & More[/url] [url=]CMT : Videos : Hulk Hogan Celebrity Championship Wrestling Supertrailer[/url] I talked to her several times while she was in training for the show. It should be interesting.
I knew about the Hogan CMT show but I wasn't aware she was in it. I'll try and check it out, hopefully its not too terrible. Everytime I see the name Frank Stallone I have Norm Macdonald Weekend Update flashbacks - classic, along with the German/Hasselhoff bits.
what does everyone think is gonna happen with ev
[QUOTE=boogaya;31895]what does everyone think is gonna happen with ev[/QUOTE] You might try the challenge speculation thread. The discussion is located there, among other places. This thread is for discussion of the most recent episode. We've been a little sidetracked here in the past few posts and should refocus our attention.
Okay so I'll admit Ashli isn't exactly near the top of my favorite list but I was impressed that she went into the face-off with her foot like that. Now that stopped once she gave that speech but other than that she went in and got her hands dirty. Paula having a key puts her alliance in a good position definitely and next week...I can't wait to see what goes down.
Paula takes up space on the planet. What use is she other than as the poster child for stupidity.
[quote=V1man;31908]Paula takes up space on the planet. What use is she other than as the poster child for stupidity.[/quote] Is it just me or do I sense some dislike coming from you there...
Here's what I don't get about Johanna. Why didn't she go in the faceoff last time or this time? If she had went in agaisnt Robin and she lost. She would still get chosen over Rachel or Robin to get back in the game; thus giving her a key. If she had decided to make an actual effort to go into this faceoff, she could have gotten a key like Jenn. If the Family doesn't like Kelly Anne or Johanna getting keys, it's because Johanna hasn't stepped up. Even if she loses miserably, she has the votes to get back in the game.
I agree about Johanna. IMO, by her not going in shows that she really does want to just sit around and be lazy and hope to be handed a key. She should have went in with Ashli or at least volunteered. Theres no way she would be sent home if she lost.
Anonymous's picture
johanna has made it very clear she doesn't like faceoffs (rigged or not). It's not that's she afraid. She just doesn't like them. Am I wrong? Didn't she explain it like that? Sometimes I hear what I want rather than what is being said. LOL [size=1][i]Posted via Mobile Device[/i][/size]
[QUOTE=Insider;31914]johanna has made it very clear she doesn't like faceoffs (rigged or not). It's not that's she afraid. She just doesn't like them. Am I wrong? Didn't she explain it like that? Sometimes I hear what I want rather than what is being said. LOL [size=1][i]Posted via Mobile Device[/i][/size][/QUOTE] It was her strategy to avoid face-offs. She made a pre-alliance plan before finding out just what the rules were, which usually works out ok, but this time it didn't. She does not change horses well in mid-stream. Some people have no problem with being that flexible. I think Johanna does have an inherent problem with it because of her personality. That is neither good nor bad; it just IS. However she explained it was simply a combination of rationalizing the question and not telling anyone her real strategy...
The Sydney girls make for good televison. And, to think they have the two least dramatic ones from that season. However, I don't think Trisha and Shauvon are Island material. Shauvon's plastic body parts would've melted by day two. And, I'm going to guess that all didn't end well with Trisha and Kenny. - Paula is disgusting in every way. I can't believe she's Ryan's offical *** hag. I can't wait for the day where she finds herself too old for the challenge "in crowd" like Coral. She really thrives on this whole thing. I don't think she'll handle it well when she's on the outside looking in. -Johnny what happened? You use to be human. Now it's like watching someone do a very bad impression of Puck. And, now not only is his personality ugly so is he. I don't ever remember thinking he was cute, but he was at one time decent. Now not so much -Cohutta it's like he's not even on the island. Is the lack of camera time due to him actually being normal? -Dunbar, is a narcissist on high. Nothing is dude's fault ever. His attempt to come off as a swell guy is pitiful. You want to be the "nice guy" but you hook up with Johnny and Kenny? And, I don't think Kelly Anne was too far off the mark calling him a closet case. A couple of drinks and I bet he'd be more than willing. -Johanna aspire to find new friends that aren't ******* (ie, Kenny, Johnny, Paula, and Danny) - Kenny, what the hell is suck yeah? Like everything you do it's a stab at being cool that fails epically. You should be scared of the new kids. They're a signal that your reign over Challenges is coming to an end. That fresh meat is starting to look a little dated. -Rachel without Veronica is like fries without ketchup. Nice try MTV but no thanks. -Kelly Anne I almost feel bad for the girl. Then I think back to "Team Trisha." It's almost like karma for her mean girl routine in Sydney. -Evelyn you're too sane and human for these challenges. I'm glad we got to see a clearer picture of who you are though. -Derrick and his Angelina Jolie lips are the best. He's a true competitor in every sense of the word. - Ashli ehhh. Just like Sydney in the grand scheme of things you didn't even matter. -Tyrie do you have a strategy, an alliance, a point to even being there?
[quote=V1man;31816]I just posted something in another thread today in response to someone asking about a little relationship that happened between TJ and a cast member after Inferno 3. .[/quote] Anyone got a link for that? [B]Vman?[/B]
[QUOTE=StonedWorld;31926]Anyone got a link for that? [B]Vman?[/B][/QUOTE] Oops, it was earlier in this thread. [URL=""][/URL]
[quote=roundables;31922] - Paula is disgusting in every way. I can't believe she's Ryan's offical *** hag. I can't wait for the day where she finds herself too old for the challenge "in crowd" like Coral. She really thrives on this whole thing. I don't think she'll handle it well when she's on the outside looking in. -Johnny what happened? You use to be human. Now it's like watching someone do a very bad impression of Puck. And, now not only is his personality ugly so is he. I don't ever remember thinking he was cute, but he was at one time decent. Now not so much -Cohutta it's like he's not even on the island. Is the lack of camera time due to him actually being normal? -Dunbar, is a narcissist on high. Nothing is dude's fault ever. His attempt to come off as a swell guy is pitiful. You want to be the "nice guy" but you hook up with Johnny and Kenny? And, I don't think Kelly Anne was too far off the mark calling him a closet case. A couple of drinks and I bet he'd be more than willing. -Johanna aspire to find new friends that aren't ******* (ie, Kenny, Johnny, Paula, and Danny) - Kenny, what the hell is suck yeah? Like everything you do it's a stab at being cool that fails epically. You should be scared of the new kids. They're a signal that your reign over Challenges is coming to an end. That fresh meat is starting to look a little dated. -Rachel without Veronica is like fries without ketchup. Nice try MTV but no thanks. -Kelly Anne I almost feel bad for the girl. Then I think back to "Team Trisha." It's almost like karma for her mean girl routine in Sydney. -Evelyn you're too sane and human for these challenges. I'm glad we got to see a clearer picture of who you are though. -Derrick and his Angelina Jolie lips are the best. He's a true competitor in every sense of the word. - Ashli ehhh. Just like Sydney in the grand scheme of things you didn't even matter. -Tyrie do you have a strategy, an alliance, a point to even being there?[/quote] Well said Roundables....... I couldn't agree more!
[quote=V1man;31788] I've met the guy. He could not possibly go to the bathroom without cue cards. He does pop off on his own occasionally, but normally -- and also in this case -- he is a totally scripted guy. In this instance, he is actually the very words that Evelyn used with production in an interview earlier in the day. When it came Evelyn's turn to vote, she said she had nothing to say since TJ had already made her speech.[/quote] That's pretty funny. Whenever I see models walking around my office searching for the casting office, i often wonder how they even find their way out of their own apartments in the morning. (picture 'good brooklyn' calling casting office: There's a model wandering around on the floor again. Casting office: I'll go fetch her. 'Good Brooklyn': How can you stand working with people so dumb? Casting Office: We don't hire them because they're smart. We hire them because they're pretty. 'Good Brooklyn': Oh, right.) Sounds like TJ is the same.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=good brooklyn;31956]That's pretty funny. Whenever I see models walking around my office searching for the casting office, i often wonder how they even find their way out of their own apartments in the morning. (picture 'good brooklyn' calling casting office: There's a model wandering around on the floor again. Casting office: I'll go fetch her. 'Good Brooklyn': How can you stand working with people so dumb? Casting Office: We don't hire them because they're smart. We hire them because they're pretty. 'Good Brooklyn': Oh, right.) Sounds like TJ is the same.[/quote] LMAO 'we got a wandering model situation'.....
Maybe they could bring in Ryan Sheckler???
Anonymous's picture
Is it a rule that the host has to be a professional extreme sports dude? lmao
[quote=Insider;31961]Is it a rule that the host has to be a professional extreme sports dude? lmao[/quote] Sadly it seems that way, lol.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Bacchus;31963]Sadly it seems that way, lol.[/quote] I don't understand the correlation between the two... If the challenge involved a skateboard or a bike.. I would get it.
It'd be neat to have a first female host on these things. Ya know? >_> Can't really think of any BMX or skater ones. @_@
